Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)
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"You are a criminal!"
– James T. Kirk, 2259 (Star Trek Into Darkness)

A criminal, sometimes known as a master criminal, a perpetrator or an offender, was an individual that broke the law and was found guilty of a criminal act. A state criminal was one who was the enemy of a particular state.

According to the Andorian Tarah, following the capture of a number of Vulcan hostages, but in fact explained that "Criminals take hostages. Kidnappers looking for a ransom take hostages. I assume you're referring to the enemy soldiers we captured." (ENT: "Cease Fire")

When Spock was arrested on Tal's flagship for espionage, the Romulan Commander informed him that the "execution of state criminals is both painful and unpleasant. I believe the details are unnecessary. The sentence will be carried out immediately after the charges have been recorded." (TOS: "The Enterprise Incident")

When Miles O'Brien was convicted of a crime by a Cardassian Tribunal in 2370, he pleaded of his innocence to Odo, stating, "No one in my entire life has ever had cause to ask, Miles O'Brien, are you a criminal? I took an oath to defend the Federation and what it stands for. I don't steal from them. I don't lie to them. I'm no angel, but I try to live every day as the best Human being I know how to be. I need my little girl to wake up in the morning and look up at me and see a man she can respect. Until now, she always could." (DS9: "Tribunal")

According to Worf, the Maquis "[we]re terrorists, little more than criminals. And criminals always make mistakes." (DS9: "For the Cause")

See also[]

  • Criminal case
  • Criminal investigation system
  • Criminal investigations
  • Criminal justice system
  • Criminal record

Similar terms[]

External links[]
