Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Terrellian boxer

A Terrellian boxer

Boxing gloves

A pait of boxing gloves

Boxing trophy

Several boxing trophies

Boxing, or pugilism, was a recreational Earth sport. One who participated in this sport was called a boxer. (TNG: "Brothers")

Boxing consisted of two people in a square ring surrounded by ropes. The object was to defeat the opponent on points or by knock-out. In general, the Marquess of Queensberry Rules were followed. (DS9: "Q-Less")

Boxing was taught at Starfleet Academy. Chakotay learned to box as a cadet and was instructed by Boothby. (VOY: "The Fight") After being injured by a plasma discharge while piloting the Delta Flyer in a graviton ellipse, Chakotay woke up claiming, "It feels like I went ten rounds with an Andorian." Tom Paris corrected him, stating that it was "more like twenty." (VOY: "One Small Step")

In 2369, Q challenged Benjamin Sisko, commander of Deep Space 9, to a boxing contest and lost. Q created a boxing ring in Quark's and referred to fisticuffs and pugilism before he lost this fight. (DS9: "Q-Less")

The script for these scenes included commentaries about the boxer's dresses, ca. 1900 and that Q seemed like Gentleman Jim Corbett, a famous US boxer.

Boxing figured prominently into the writers' second draft script of ENT: "Breaking the Ice", in which Trip Tucker taught T'Pol how to spar.

A 2399 holo-advertisement for the Freecloud Institute of Entertainment Robotics featured a boxing robot. (PIC: "Stardust City Rag")

Known boxers[]

Carlos Palomino, who portrayed Chakotay's holographic Terrellian sparring partner in "The Fight", was the WBA Welterweight champion from 1976 to 1979.

Boxing posters[]

See also[]

External links[]
