Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Spock one

Spock One

For Spock's giant duplicate, please see Spock Two.

Spock One was a holographic recreation of Ambassador Spock created by the Romulan Sela in 2368. She obtained his image for use in the program during meetings between the real Spock and Proconsul Neral. The program was not interactive and was unable to respond to questions.

Sela created it to be used in the event that Spock refused to read a statement encouraging the Vulcans to welcome a peace envoy from Romulus, which was actually a plot to send the Vulcan ships, full of Romulan troops, to conquer Vulcan. The hologram was not used, however, due to the intervention of Spock, Lieutenant Commander Data, and Captain Jean-Luc Picard. (TNG: "Unification II")

Like the real Spock, this hologram was played by Leonard Nimoy.
