


Comprehensive Articles


Swift Return

(Taken to CA by Clone Commander Lee on August 31, 2010)


The Swift Return was a retrofitted Consular-class cruiser in the Republic Navy during the Clone Wars. The Swift Return was destroyed in battle with the Separatist Admiral Trench around 22 BBY. (Read more…)



(Taken to CA by Eyrezer on September 1, 2010)

"Where are we, Master Obi-Wan?"
"The former homeworld of the Shi'kar, obliterated by a comet impact some time past. Its remains have become a lawless region stalked by scavengers, smugglers, and pirates."
―Ahsoka Tano and Obi-Wan Kenobi[src]
The Shi'kar were a sentient species. Their homeworld, located in the Nembus sector of the Outer Rim Territories, was destroyed by a comet impact some time prior to the Clone Wars of 2219 BBY. (Read more…)


Unidentified Kerkoiden commander

(Taken to CA by Clone Commander Lee on September 6, 2010)

This male Kerkoiden commander served the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. Around 22 BBY, the commander participated in the Battle of Christophsis and commanded battle droids from his Armored Assault Tank. During the battle, the Kerkoiden was shot and killed by Clone Captain CT-7567 when the commander came out of his tank and looked to the sky to observe the Confederacy's deflector shield, which had been deactivated. (Read more…)


Toluz Cheq's Padawan

(Taken to CA by QuiGonJinn on September 11, 2010)

"This is Toluz Cheq in the Rial Kroon system. My Padawan is dead, my fleet is destroyed, and I have no means of escape. This is my final report."
―Toluz Cheq[src]
This individual was the Padawan of Jedi Master Toluz Cheq during the Clone Wars. Around 22 BBY, Cheq's fleet of Venator-class Star Destroyers was attacked in the Rial Kroon system by modified Confederate Vulture droid starfighters. The Padawan was killed in the ensuing battle, during which the entire fleet was decimated. Shortly after the Padawan's death, Cheq was killed as well, although he managed to transmit the data on the new enemy starfighters to the Jedi Temple on the galactic capital of Coruscant before his death. (Read more…)


Unidentified Aqualish Jedi

(Taken to CA by QuiGonJinn on September 12, 2010)

"The clone navy has attempted blockades of neutral systems throughout the provinces…but Tofen's Raiders smash them. Many Jedi have tried to stop him…and failed."
Count Dooku, commenting on Tofen Vane's exploits[src]
A member of the Jedi Order, this Aqualish Jedi of the Quara race served the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. After the people of the planet Valahari took the side of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, the Republic established blockades of neutral worlds that supplied military aid to the Separatists. This Jedi was placed in charge of a blockade of one such planet, along with a fleet of Venator-class Star Destroyer and V-19 Torrent starfighters. Around 22 BBY, the Aqualish's forces were attacked by the Valahari ace pilot Tofen Vane and his squadron, Tofen's Raiders. The Jedi flew a Delta-7B Aethersprite-class light interceptor into battle, but was killed by Vane. The entire Republic fleet was also destroyed. The Aqualish was one of the dozen Jedi pilots killed by Vane. (Read more…)


Laser Company

(Taken to CA by Clone Commander Lee on September 12, 2010)

"Checkers, can I ask you how you got here? I mean, how did you get assigned to Torrent Company?"
"I requested the transfer. Used to be in Laser Company, under General Fisto."
Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano and Checkers[1]
Laser Company was a clone trooper company of the Grand Army of the Republic that served under Jedi General Kit Fisto during the Clone Wars. Around the first year of the war, the unit was severely depleted in an encounter on Kessel, with trooper Checkers being the only clone survivor. Although the unit was replenished with new troops, Checkers chose to be transferred to Torrent Company to serve under Clone Captain CT-7567. (Read more…)



(Taken to CA by QuiGonJinn on October 3, 2010)

"Master Tanis, Commander Flybane, stay close."
―Anakin Skywalker[2]
Tanis was a Jedi Master who served the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. Around 21 BBY, Tanis fought against the Confederacy of Independent Systems on the planet of Ryloth alongside Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker. While Skywalker was making a holorecord in which he requested aid from the Republic, he was spotted by a Confederate battle droid. Skywalker attacked the droid, advising Tanis and Commander Flybane to stay close. The battle was eventually won by the Republic. (Read more…)



(Taken to CA by QuiGonJinn on October 3, 2010)

"Master Tanis, Commander Flybane, stay close."
―Anakin Skywalker[2]
Flybane was a commander in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. Around 22 BBY, Flybane aided Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and Jedi Master Tanis during a battle on the planet Ryloth. In the midst of the fight, Skywalker recorded a holographic transmission, requesting aid from the Republic, but he was spotted by a Confederate battle droid in the process. As Skywalker charged to attack the droid, he told Flybane and Master Tanis to keep close. Ultimately, the Republic won the battle. (Read more…)



(Taken to CA by NaruHina on November 30, 2010)

"Have you seen the latest on Senator Herbin?"
Padmé Amidala[src]
Herbin was a male Galactic Senator during the Clone Wars. In 21 BBY, after having been married to a woman for some time, Herbin began cheating on his wife with a holovid actress. The affair was widely publicized over HoloNet News and Entertainment. (Read more…)


Herbin's wife

(Taken to CA by NaruHina on November 30, 2010)

"So what's the scandal? That he's a married man, that he dates a protester, or that he's obviously got lousy taste in holovids?"
―Anakin Skywalker[src]
Galactic Senator Herbin was married to a woman sometime before 21 BBY during the Clone Wars. Around that year, he began cheating on his wife with a holovid actress. The affair was widely publicized over HoloNet News and Entertainment. (Read more…)


Unidentified actress

(Taken to CA by NaruHina on December 1, 2010)

"Have you seen the latest on Senator Herbin? It's all over HNE. Dating that awful holovid actress from Republic Medcenter. The one who protests about the war."
―Padmé Amidala[src]
In 21 BBY, this actress, a protester of the Clone Wars, starred in a holovid entitled Republic Medcenter. Her performance and the film itself were given negative reviews by Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and Senator Padmé Amidala. That year, the actress began dating Galactic Senator|Galactic Senator Herbin, despite his marriage to another woman, resulting in a scandal widely publicized by HoloNet News and Entertainment. (Read more…)


Republic Medcenter

(Taken to CA by NaruHina on December 9, 2010)

"Have you seen the latest on Senator Herbin? It's all over HNE. Dating that awful holovid actress from Republic Medcenter. The one who protests about the war."
―Padmé Amidala[src]
Republic Medcenter was a holovid that had begun circulating by 21 BBY during the Clone Wars. Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and Senator Padmé Amidala were both critical of the production, the latter condemning the performance of a starring actress as "awful." (Read more…)


Peet Sieben

(Taken to CA by NaruHina on December 30, 2010)

"War is a vile thing, and it brings out the worst in beings. But it also brings out their best—courage, sacrifice, resourcefulness, tenacity, comradeship, genius, even humor. Would that we could achieve that enlightened state without shedding blood first."
―Peet Sieben[src]
Mentor Peet Sieben was a philosopher who lived during the Clone Wars in 21 BBY. Sieben was a member of the Jal Shey, an ancient order of the Force-sensitive dedicated to studying the Force as a solely intellectual endeavor. Sieben believed that war was a terrible thing but acknowledged that it brought out great qualities in people. However, Sieben wished conflict did not have to be such a critical catalyst for those traits to emerge. (Read more…)



(Taken to CA by NaruHina on February 15, 2011)


Tenant was a Human male who served as an Admiral in the Republic Navy during the Clone Wars. Around 21 BBY, Tenant and his crew were patrolling space beyond the Outer Rim Territories when they intercepted a message from the Chrelythiumn system that contained a distress code abandoned by the Jedi Order more than 2,000 years prior. Tenant subsequently transmitted the message to Jedi Grand Master Yoda and the Jedi High Council on the planet of Coruscant; the High Council then sent a party to investigate its origins. (Read more…)


Sunchoo's village

(Taken to CA by Bonslywizard on May 10, 2011)

Located on Mid Rim planet Kashyyyk, this village was the home of Sunchoo, a female Wookiee. Sometime around 21 BBY,Sunchoo was kidnapped from this village by Crovan Dane, a bounty hunter, and was sold into slavery.

Later, Sunchoo was freed by youngling Jaylen Kos and Bant Eerin's Padawan, and, after searching for Dane in the Shadowlands of Kashyyyk, returned to the village to celebrate.

(Read more…)


Unidentified Wookiee (Sunchoo's village)

(Taken to CA by Bonslywizard on May 20, 2011)

"Let us celebrate the return of those who were lost and welcome these Jedi into our tribe!"
―This Wookiee[src]
This shaggy-haired individual was a Wookiee who lived in a village on the Mid Rim planet of Kashyyyk, and was a member of the village's tribe. At some point before or during 21 BBY, several residents of the village were kidnapped by the bounty hunter Crovan Dane.

In 21 BBY, Jaylen Kos, a youngling, and Jedi Master Bant Eerin's Padawan rescued the kidnapped inhabitants and returned them to their village. Upon the resident's return, the village hosted a celebration to honor the occasion, and the Wookiee participated in the festivities. During the party, the Wookie offered to accept the Jedi into the village's tribe.

(Read more…)


Plun Kil

(Taken to CA by 501st dogma on January 17, 2012)

Plun kil

Plun Kil was a Besalisk who lived during the reign of the Galactic Republic. Kil became a Jedi Master by the time of the Clone Wars and served as general of the Republic as the Jedi Order fought against the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The Jedi Master had black hair, yellow eyes and beige skin. On at least one occasion, Kil wore a tan shirt and brown pants held up by a belt, and possessed brown sandals. The Jedi Master also carried four lightsabers on occasion, three with blue blades and one with a green blade. (Read more…)



(Taken to CA by Commander Code-8 on January 4, 2013)

"Open Fire!"
―The Trandoshan Garnac before Morgo's death[src]
Morgo was a Selkath who lived during the the galaxy-spanning conflict known as the Clone Wars. Around 21 BBY, Morgo was kidnapped by reptillian Trandoshan hunters to be hunted for sport, and placed in a cell on a slave ship alongside the Togrutan Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano, the Terrelian Jango Jumper Lika, a Snivvian named Katt Mol, and a Sakiyan known as Vadoo. Morgo and the other prisoners were taken to the moon of Wasskah, and after being dropped out of the ship onto an island, the Trandoshans opened fire on the prisoners. Though the Selkath attempted to get away, Morgo was hit by blaster-fire and killed. (Read more…)


Founding Day

(Taken to CA by Tinwe on February 17, 2013)

Founding Day was a holiday on the Core World of Alderaan, prior to the planet's destruction in 0 BBY. It was celebrated in memory of the founding of the House of Organa, Alderaan's Human royal family, which could trace its origins back to the colonization of the planet in 27,500 BBY. During Founding Day, fireworks were exhibited. (Read more…)



(Taken to CA by Cevan on February 15, 2016)

"Nice R3 unit. Trade for a C-14?"
"Not on your life, lizardo."
―Gha Nachkt and Ahsoka Tano, referring to R3-S6[src]
A C-14 was a type of droid. Shortly after losing his R2 series astromech droid, R2-D2, in the Battle of Bothawui during the Clone Wars, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, returned to the site of the battle in search of the missing droid. The two Jedi and Skywalker's replacement astromech, R3-S6, boarded the freighter of the Trandoshan scavenger Gha Nachkt, who was combing through debris from the battle. Nachkt, eyeing Skywalker's R3 unit, offered to trade them a C-14 in exchange for the astromech; however, Tano refused. (Read more…)


The Pilot's Lounge

(Taken to CA by Cwedin on February 15, 2016)

"Live Band Every Night"
―An advertisement for the lounge[3]
The Pilot's Lounge was a destination for pilots in the galaxy. During the Clone Wars, the lounge featured a live band every night and advertised at a Bith-owned fueling station on the planet Orondia. Years later, during the reign of the Galactic Empire, The Pilot's Lounge advertised at Horizon Base, an Imperial outpost. Advertisements for The Pilot's Lounge were written in Aurebesh and featured illustrations of two Bith musicians and beverages. (Read more…)



(Taken to CA by Cevan on January 24, 2017)

Phelbos was a celestial body in the galaxy surrounded by several rings of asteroids. Vizsla Keep 09, a military installation constructed and utilized by the Mandalorian terrorist group Death Watch, was hidden in the rings of Phelbos during the Clone Wars. (Read more…)



(Taken to CA by Cwedin on October 3, 2018)

"My mission to the twelfth moon of Yout has failed."
―KRONOS-327 — (audio) Listen (file info)[4]
Yout was a planet with at least twelve moons. In 22 BBY, the assassin droid KRONOS-327, employee of crime lord Ziro the Hutt, returned to Ziro's Palace on the planet Coruscant after an unsuccessful mission to the twelfth moon of Yout. When KRONOS-327 reported the failure to Ziro, the Hutt sentenced the droid to be scrapped. (Read more…)


Manakron system

(Taken to CA by DwartiiDelver on January 23, 2020)

"Might I remind you, sir, I was once protocol droid to the chief negotiator for the entire Manakron system."
―C-3PO — (audio) Listen (file info)[src]
The Manakron system was a star system in the galaxy. By the year 32 BBY, as well as before being rebuilt by Anakin Skywalker on Tatooine, C-3PO served as a protocol droid for the chief negotiator of the Manakron system, a role he later mentioned as he was tortured by the bounty hunter Cad Bane during the Clone Wars. (Read more…)



(Taken to CA by Cwedin on March 3, 2020)

A grapefruit was a type of handheld-sized fruit. During the Battle of Christophsis in 22 BBY, Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano used grapefruit-sized explosive charges to destroy a shield generator that had defended the Separatist Droid Army from the Clone Army's ranged weaponry. (Read more…)


Unidentified reserve fleet

(Taken to CA by Vitus Infinitus on April 6, 2020)

"It won't take long before the Separatists take Anaxes, compromising our entire reserve fleet."
―Mace Windu, to Anakin Skywalker — (audio) Listen (file info)[5]
By the time of the Battle of Anaxes in 19 BBY, during the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and the Separatist Alliance, a reserve fleet was part of the Republic Navy. During the battle on Anaxes, Jedi General Mace Windu stated to Jedi General Anakin Skywalker that he believed that the Separatists were to soon conquer the planet, speculating that the loss would compromise the entire reserve fleet. (Read more…)



(Taken to CA by DwartiiDelver on September 26, 2020)


Clausito was a male Wookiee major aligned with the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. In 19 BBY, on the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk, Clausito and several Wookiee warriors, accompanied by the Republic's Clone Force 99, were traversing Kashyyyk's forests when they were ambushed by a number of kinrath, poisonous and web–spinning creatures. Despite the unexpected encounter, the Wookiees and clones managed to eliminate the creatures.

Clausito had gray eyes and a black coat of hair, the latter of which was braided four times at his beard. The Wookiee had claw–like weapons attached to his forearms, and whilst encountering the kinrath he wore armor, a belt, and wielded a bowcaster. (Read more…)


Raxian Humanitarian Award

(Taken to CA by DwartiiDelver on October 15, 2020)

"The Confederacy of Independent Systems is honoring Count Dooku with the Raxian Humanitarian Award."
Asajj Ventress to Quinlan Vos[src]
The Raxian Humanitarian Award was an award presented by the Confederacy of Independent Systems to its leader, former Jedi Master Count Dooku. An extravagant gala was held on the Separatist capital planet of Raxus in 19 BBY to commemorate Dooku receiving the award, at which the count gave a speech on the Separatists' ongoing struggle against the Galactic Republic in the Clone Wars, and expressed his gratitude for being honored with the award. (Read more…)


Unidentified Aqualish governor

(Taken to CA by DwartiiDelver on October 15, 2020)

"—ah, Governor, thank you for attending."
"It is such an honor!"
"The honor is all mine."
―Count Dooku and the Aqualish governor[src]
An Aqualish male served as a governor and supported the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. In the year 19 BBY, the governor and his wife attended a gala held on the Separatist capital planet Raxus to celebrate the Confederacy's bestowment of the Raxian Humanitarian Award upon its leader, Count Dooku. As the count spoke with his former apprentice, Asajj Ventress, at the event, he noticed the governor in attendance and thanked him for coming. The governor told Dooku that he was honored, and enthusiastically shook the count's hand. As a member of the Aqualish species, the governor had arachnid-like tusks which, at the gala, appeared white and polished. The governor wore a well-kept uniform while attending the gala, which was weighed down by epaulets and medals. (Read more…)



(Taken to CA by DwartiiDelver on December 31, 2020)


MR-T3 was an R-series astromech droid manufactured by Industrial Automaton that was in service to the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. In 19 BBY, MR-T3 was present at the Republic Center for Military Operations on the galactic capital planet of Coruscant, alongside the protocol droid R-A7. As the two droids strolled down one of the base's hallways, Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano—who was attempting to escape the facility after having been framed for the murder of a prisoner there—ran down the hall toward the pair. Tano leapt over MR-T3, sending the astromech spinning and letting out a series of binary beeps, while R-A7 angrily shook its fist at the Jedi. MR-T3 had black and white plating, as well as a black sensor built into its conical frustum dome. (Read more…)



(Taken to CA by DwartiiDelver on December 31, 2020)

"Time to see who's smart enough to join the hunt. Open fire!"
―Garnac gives the order to fire on Morgo and the other prisoners — (audio) Listen (file info)[src]
Morgo was a gray-skinned Selkath alive during the Clone Wars. Taken captive by a group of Trandoshan hunters, Morgo was held prisoner aboard their slave ship, the Vermin-Thrax, in 20 BBY. The Sakiyan Vadoo, the Snivvian Katt Mol, and the Terrelian Jango Jumper Lika were caged alongside Morgo, all of whom the Trandoshans planned to hunt for sport.

After the Trandoshans kidnapped Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano on the planet Felucia and imprisoned her alongside Morgo and the others, the hunters traveled to the moon of Wasskah, where they released the captives from the Vermin-Thrax onto the beach of an island below. Aboard the slave ship, the Trandoshan leader Garnac gave the order to begin the hunt by firing the vessel's laser cannon upon the prisoners, sending them running. Just as Morgo began to flee, the Selkath was hit and killed by the laserfire. (Read more…)


Yavin Convention

(Taken to CA by DwartiiDelver on January 13, 2021)

"Excuse me, but according to the Yavin Code, all prisoners are required to be blindfolded prior to execution."
"Yavin Code?"
"The Yavin Code, as determined by the Yavin Convention."
―Obi-Wan Kenobi and a battle droid, as Kenobi stalls his captors from executing him[6]
The Yavin Convention was a conference held approximately a millennium prior to 19 BBY at which the Yavin Code was established. The Code stated that prisoners were required to be blindfolded prior to being executed. When he was captured by the Separatists and was on his way to be executed aboard one of their supply ships during a mission to Utapau in 19 BBY, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi cited the Yavin Code and noted its origination at the Yavin Convention in an effort to stall his battle droid escort until Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker came to rescue him. The Convention shared its name with the gas giant Yavin Prime. (Read more…)


Yavin Code

(Taken to CA by DwartiiDelver on February 8, 2021)

"Excuse me, but according to the Yavin Code, all prisoners are required to be blindfolded prior to execution."
―Obi-Wan Kenobi cites the Yavin Code to a group of battle droids, attempting to delay his scheduled execution[6]
The Yavin Code was a protocol established at the Yavin Convention approximately a millennium prior to 19 BBY that dictated prisoners be blindfolded before their execution. The Code shared its name with the gas giant planet Yavin.

According to Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi was known to cite the Yavin Code, which he did prior to his own scheduled execution after being captured aboard a Separatist supply ship while on a mission to Utapau in 19 BBY. As Separatist battle droids escorted him to the ship's execution room, Kenobi noted the Yavin Code's stipulation about blindfolded prisoners—much to the droids' confusion—in order to stall them long enough for Skywalker to come free him. After Skywalker arrived and dispatched the droids, Kenobi stated that no one seemed to recall the Code, which Skywalker believed to be due to its old age. (Read more…)


Military History Monthly

(Taken to CA by CT-1742 on April 1, 2021)


Military History Monthly was a magazine in circulation during the Clone Wars, fought between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The magazine was devoted to military history and featured articles covering both sides of the war.

In 19 BBY, during the Battle of Anaxes and the mission to Skako Minor, the cover of an issue of Military History Monthly was inside the Marauder, the starship of the Republic's Clone Force 99 clone troopers. Written in Aurebesh, the cover showcased an image of a special ops clone trooper's helmet. It featured the article "Geonosis: The Last Battle" and promoted the articles "Assassins of the Republic: Who Were They," "Battlefield Beasts: The Largest Machines of War," and "The Malevolence: Technical Weaknesses." (Read more…)


Separatist droid speeder

(Taken to CA by CT-1742 on April 18, 2021)

Separatist droid speeder

The Separatist droid speeder was a lean and heavily armed military repulsorcraft operated by B1 battle droids against the Galactic Republic's clone trooper army during the Clone Wars between the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Republic. The speeder had eight built-in laser cannons that fired red blaster bolts, and its wings could be folded down for greater maneuverability during combat. It was also equipped with a hatch below its rear that could be opened to release a bomb. The repulsorcraft had a gray and blue paint-scheme with an inverted blue Confederate Roundel on both sides of its nose. During the Clone Wars, a blue-painted B1 battle droid used the Separatist droid speeder on the temperate moon Rugosa. (Read more…)


Republic scout speeder

(Taken to CA by CT-1742 on May 7, 2021)

Republic scout speeder

The Republic scout speeder was a heavily armed repulsorcraft operated by the Republic Clone Army's Advanced Recon Force troopers on reconnaissance missions. It was used during the Clone Wars between the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Republic.

The speeder was equipped with interchangeable weapons, including two laser blasters, two laser cannons, and two light blaster cannons, all of which were metallic in color and fired blue blaster bolts. A gunner station equipped with a targeting computer was located at the speeder's rear, which was surrounded by two turbine engines. Its viewscreen frame could be lifted up to allow for a pilot to sit inside. Furthermore, the repulsorcraft had a red and white color scheme, with a white Galactic Roundel painted on its red viewscreen frame. During the Clone Wars, an Advanced Recon Force trooper adorned with red markings utilized the speeder on the jungle planet Felucia. (Read more…)



(Taken to CA by Editoronthewiki on May 16, 2021)

"You gonna sit in your stink, or are you gonna pass the slime pods? Never would've had to tell that to your brother Ebor, rest his soul."
―Mama, to Ziro[src]
Ebor was a male individual of the Tiure family, being the son of the Hutts Mama and Papa and the brother of Hutt crime lord Ziro Desilijic Tiure. Ebor was more well-mannered than his sibling, which Mama appreciated. Ebor also had another brother, who was the father of Hutt crime lord Jabba Desilijic Tiure.

Ebor had died by the time Ziro was hunted by both the Galactic Republic and Hutt Council in 21 BBY. During the hunt, when Ziro arrived at their mother's house on the planet Nal Hutta at dinnertime, Mama recalled Ebor's manners and hoped that his soul was at rest. (Read more…)



(Taken to CA by Erebus Chronus on June 13, 2021)

"Skywalker, the enemy warship has attacked our convoy of medical transports near Ryndellia."
Admiral Wullf Yularen, to Anakin Skywalker[src]
Ryndellia was located in the Ryndellia system of the Outer Rim Territories. In 22 BBY, during the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, the Subjugator-class heavy cruiser Malevolence, under the command of cyborg Kaleesh Separatist General Grievous, destroyed a Republic medical convoy of Pelta-class frigates and one Venator-class Star Destroyer near Ryndellia. (Read more…)


Zone six

(Taken to CA by [[User:|]])

"Enemy closing to zone six."
―A clone trooper reports the position of Grievous's fleet[src]
Zone six was an expanse of the asteroid field that surrounded the planet Bothawui in the Mid Rim. Zone six was located next to zone five. During the Battle of Bothawui, an engagement of the Clone Wars between the Confederacy of Independent Systems and Galactic Republic, in 22 BBY, General Grievous led his Confederate fleet of Munificent-class star frigates through zone six to reach and attack Jedi General Anakin Skywalker's task force of Venator-class Star Destroyers. Aboard Skywalker's flagship, the Resolute, a clone trooper in Resolute command reported the Separatist fleet's movement while tracking them on a screen. Unknown to Grievous, Skywalker had allowed for the frigates to pass through zone six and beyond, as it meant the starships could be outmaneuvered by a force of All Terrain Tactical Enforcers that was hidden on surrounding asteroids. (Read more…)


Raxulon main port

(Taken to CA by DwartiiDelver on July 11, 2021)

A main port was located in the capital city of Raxulon on Raxus Secundus, an Outer Rim world which served as the Confederacy of Independent Systems' capital. During their mission to assassinate Separatist leader Count Dooku on Raxus in 19 BBY, former Sith apprentice Asajj Ventress and Jedi Master Quinlan Vos set their ship, the Banshee, down at a smaller landing pad in Raxulon rather than the main port. (Read more…)


Great Zilk

(Taken to CA by DwartiiDelver on July 13, 2021)

Great Zilk was the homeworld of Galactic Republic Colonel Meebur Gascon, a member of the Zilkin species. (Read more…)



(Taken to CA by Erebus Chronus on July 8, 2021)

Vassek planet

Vassek was a small blue-and-green planet located in the Wazta sector's Vassek system—to which the planet gave its name—of the Outer Rim Territories, at grid square I-17 on the Standard Galactic Grid. Vassek was situated far enough off the Koda Spur hyperspace route that it did not receive many visitors.

Since the Vassek system's worlds offered no resources that could not commonly be found on other planets with far less effort, it and its planets were noted and named but normally ignored. The planet Vassek was orbited by three moons, one of which, Vassek 3, featured the Kaleesh Separatist Alliance General Grievous's personal castle during the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and the Separatists. The planet's third moon was also the site of an engagement between the forces of Grievous and Jedi General Kit Fisto. (Read more…)


Codia system/Legends

(Taken to CA by Imperators II on September 10, 2021)


The Codia system was located in the freestanding subsectors of the Mid Rim. It contained the terrestrial, moss-covered natural satellite known as the Codian Moon.

Several ranches on the Codian Moon bred reeksmammals native to the Hutt Space planet Ylesia. Initially, the reeks were bred as beasts of burden; by 22 BBY, however, the creatures began to see use in gladiatorial arenas, such as the Petranaki arena on the Outer Rim Territories planet Geonosis.

Shortly after the acquisition of the planet Ukio by the Commerce Guild during the Clone Wars, the Codia system was featured on a galactic map displayed on a viewscreen at a facility run by Passel Argente, the Magistrate of the Corporate Alliance. By 20 BBY, the Codian Moon remained undecided on its affiliation to either of the opposing factions of the conflict, the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The population of the Codia system numbered less than one million around 25 ABY. (Read more…)


Rokarian dirt-fish

(Taken to CA by Editoronthewiki on September 19, 2021)

"Liar, liar! I'm sick and tired of all this whining! Tell us what we want to know right now, or I will gut you like a Rokarian dirt-fish!"
―Ahsoka Tano, to Nute Gunray[src]
Rokarian dirt-fish were a species of fish that existed in the galaxy. Members of the galactic populace were known to "gut" dirt-fish.

In 21 BBY, during the ongoing Clone Wars, Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray, while being held prisoner aboard the Venator-class Star Destroyer Tranquility, was questioned by Jedi Master Luminara Unduli. Reasoning that he needed to be scared, Padawan Ahsoka Tano snapped at Gunray, threatening to gut him like a dirt-fish with her lightsaber if he did not cooperate, although she was not serious. While Tano's outburst made Gunray more cooperative, Unduli quickly responded, reminding the Padawan that the Jedi Order did not use terror. (Read more…)


Number five special

(Taken to CA by YakovChaimTzvi on September 23, 2021)

Number five special
"You want to try a number five special?"
"Exactly what I was thinking. The old escape pod trick."
―Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi[6]
The number five special was a naval tactic employed by the Jedi Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi to escape from a starship about to be destroyed. They used it to board an enemy vessel in the doomed ship's escape pods.

Skywalker and Kenobi utilized the number five special during their Clone Wars mission to the planet Utapau in 19 BBY. During that mission, Separatist General Grievous procured a large kyber crystal on Utapau and sought to escape with it aboard a Dual Hemisphere-Omni Support Vessel. The two Republic Jedi Generals successfully performed the number five special to board Grievous' Support Vessel while setting their hijacked freighter to ram the vessel's hyperdrive. (Read more…)


Battle of Malastare Narrows

(Taken to CA by Erebus Chronus on October 05, 2021)

"If I remember my military history, wasn't he vaporized at the Battle of Malastare Narrows?"
―Anakin Skywalker, on Trench — (audio) Listen (file info)[src]
The Battle of Malastare Narrows was a battle that took place prior to the outbreak of the Clone Wars. A corporate fleet, led by the Harch Admiral Trench, had formed a blockade around the planet Malastare. As a result, a Galactic Republic fleet of starships, with which the human Wullf Yularen served as an officer, attacked Trench's fleet at Malastare Narrows, but lost most of its strength as it was defeated.

Eventually, the matter was resolved when a task force led by Jedi Master Kep-She arrived and moved in on the corporate fleet. With the arrival of the Jedi-led task force, Trench's flagship was destroyed, which led to the Harch's presumed death in the battle. However, Trench was discovered to have survived the battle as he led a Separatist blockade at the Battle of Christophsis during the Clone Wars in 22 BBY. (Read more…)


Caltrop field

(Taken to CA by Erebus Chronus on October 10, 2021)

Caltrop field

A caltrop field was a field of large spikes that protruded from the ground on the planet Geonosis. In 21 BBY, during the Second Battle of Geonosis of the Clone Wars, Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi and the battalion of his Clone Commander, CC-1993, otherwise known as "Jet," were stymied by a massive caltrop field which prevented the movement of their All Terrain Tactical Enforcers to reach the Galactic Republic's rendevzous point for the battle. However, while passing through the caltrop field, Mundi used his lightsaber to cut through several of the spikes, which allowed the walkers to move forward. (Read more…)


Battle between a Republic and Separatist fleet

(Taken to CA by Erebus Chronus on October 15, 2021)

Space Battle Old Friends

During the Outer Rim Sieges of the Clone Wars, a battle broke out in space between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems in 19 BBY. The battle occurred following the outbreak of a massive offense across the Outer Rim Territories by the Kaleesh Separatist Supreme Commander, General Grievous, which led to the sieges.

During the battle, a Separatist fleet of at least six Providence-class Dreadnoughts under Grievous's command engaged a Republic fleet of at least six Venator-class Star Destroyers. As Grievous watched from one of the Providence's bridge, which was crewed by several B1-series battle droids, Separatist droid tri-fighters and Clone Z-95 Headhunters engaged one another in dogfights around the capital ships, while at least two of the dreadnoughts sustained extensive damage to their hulls. (Read more…)


Malastare Narrows

(Taken to CA by Erebus Chronus on December 21, 2021)

"If I remember my military history, wasn't he vaporized at the Battle of Malastare Narrows?"
―Anakin Skywalker, on Trench — (audio) Listen (file info)[src]
Malastare Narrows was a location on the planet Malastare in the Mid Rim Territories. At some point, prior to the outbreak of the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and Confederacy of Independent Systems, a corporate fleet commanded by the Harch Admiral Trench had formed a blockade around Malastare.

In response, a fleet of Republic starships attacked the corporate fleet at Malastare Narrows in an attempt to breach the blockade but lost much of its forces as a result. Afterward, the matters were resolved when a task force led by Jedi Master Kep-She destroyed Trench's flagship. The outcome led to presumptions of the Harch's death, including by Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker. However, Trench was discovered to have survived the battle as he led a Separatist blockade at the Battle of Christophsis during the Clone Wars in 22 BBY. (Read more…)


Annexation of the Qiilura system

(Taken to CA by Editoronthewiki on December 27, 2021)

The annexation of the Qiilura system was an operation launched by the Confederacy of Independent Systems in 20 BBY to take over the Qiilura system during the Clone Wars. To try to block the annexation attempt, the Galactic Republic deployed an Acclamator-class transgalactic military assault ship, which carried forces from the 104th Battalion under the command of Clone Commander CC-3636 "Wolffe."

However, because a series of devestating groundquakes rocked the Mid Rim planet Aleen, the Acclamator, joined by a trio of Pelta-class frigates, and Wolffe's clone troopers—joined by protocol droid C-3PO and astromech droid R2-D2—were redirected to perform a desperately needed relief mission on Aleen. The battalion was under orders to unite with its Jedi General, Plo Koon, once the mission was complete and after rendezvousing with Jedi General Adi Gallia, who was also involved in the mercy mission, aboard her Venator-class Star Destroyer. (Read more…)


Insurrection on Yalbec Prime

(Taken to CA by Erebus Chronus on February 15, 2022)

"Sorry we're late Commander. We were putting down an insurrection on Yalbec Prime when your comm came in. Had a few unforeseen… complications."
―Hunter apologizes to Cody for being late[5]
In 19 BBY, the final year of the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and Separatist Alliance, the Republic's elite clone commando squad Clone Force 99 ended an insurrection on Yalbec Prime. Under the command of Clone Sergeant Hunter, the clone commandos Tech, CT-9904—nicknamed "Crosshair"—and Wrecker killed the Yalbec queen after Wrecker removed its stinger. As a result, several Yalbec males were also killed in their attempts to mate with the clone troopers, who utilized specialized blades to eliminate them.

However, amid Clone Force 99's mission on Yalbec Prime, they received a transmission from Clone Marshal Commander CC-2224, known as "Cody," who ordered them to the planet Anaxes to assist in the Republic's engagements with the Separatist Alliance. Responding to Cody's instructions, the clone commandos traveled to Anaxes, where they expressed their delays due to their complications with the insurrection. (Read more…)


Shilo pin

(Taken to CA by SilverSunbird on April 13, 2022)

"We've got two cracked shilo pins, a damaged power converter, the engines should be fired twice to dump debris, and the backup vents need charging."
―Ahsoka Tano lists Jedi shuttle 634's mechanical problems[7]
Shilo pins were a component used in starships. In 20 BBY, after Jedi shuttle 634 crashed on the Force realm of Mortis during a mission there, Padawan Ahsoka Tano, working to repair the ship, informed Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi that the Eta-class shuttle had sustained two cracked shilo pins among other damage. (Read more…)

Eeth Koth's fleet

(Taken to CA by Erebus Chronus on May 02, 2022)

SteadfastVenator-Grievous Intrigue

During the Clone Wars, a fleet served within the Galactic Republic's naval forces under the command of Jedi General Eeth Koth, who led the fleet aboard his flagship, the Venator-class Star Destroyer Steadfast. In 21 BBY, following an engagement on the planet Geonosis, Koth and his fleet were ordered to locate those responsible for attacks near Outer Rim Territories hyperspace routes.

However, while moving through the Saleucami system, the Steadfast was attacked by the Recusant-class light destroyer of the Separatist Alliance's General Grievous. Thus, Grievous boarded the Star Destroyer, leading to Koth's capture after a brief duel aboard the Steadfast. (Read more…)



(Taken to CA by Editoronthewiki on May 30, 2022)

"I tell you the truth! I swear on my grandma, Venta!"
―Garri swears on his grandmother[8]
A woman named Venta was the grandmother of Garri, a Toydarian who lived in Pau City on the planet Utapau in the Outer Rim Territories. In 19 BBY, during the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Jedi Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi arrived in Pau City to investigate the death of Jedi Master Tu-Anh and eventually made their way into Garri's building upon realizing that the precision laser dart that shot Tu-Anh had been fired from there. Thrown against a wall and threatened by Skywalker after lying about knowing nothing of the matter, Garri swore on Venta's life that he would tell the truth, informing the Jedi of how a IG-100 MagnaGuard droid had bribed him to keep the building open for a meeting. (Read more…)

Ssori Fragments

(Taken to CA by Imperators II on June 24, 2022)


The Ssori Fragments were a celestial body located in the regions known as the Outer Rim Territories and the Slice. They were situated in grid square S-13 of the Standard Galactic Grid and were the homeworld of the Ssori bounty hunter Seripas. (Read more…)



(Taken to CA by Imperators II on July 01, 2022)


Gorobei was a celestial body located in the regions known as the Inner Rim Territories and the Interior. It was situated in grid square M-8 of the Standard Galactic Grid and was the homeworld of the Frenk bounty hunters Rumi Paramita and Twazzi. (Read more…)



(Taken to CA by Imperators II on July 16, 2022)


Halais was a celestial body located in the regions known as the Colonies and the Slice. It was situated in grid square N-10 of the Standard Galactic Grid and was linked to the planets Alderaan and Commenor via the hyperspace route known as the Commenor Run. Halais was the homeworld of the Halaisi Jedi Rig Nema. (Read more…)



(Taken to CA by Imperators II on September 05, 2022)

Gorobei was a planet located in the Inner Rim's Gorobei system. It was the homeworld of the Frenk bounty hunters Rumi Paramita and Twazzi. (Read more…)


Jixuan desert

(Taken to CA by Erebus Chronus on September 07, 2022)

Jixuan desert
"Master Kenobi has taken the Jixuan desert, so the southern hemisphere is ours."
Mace Windu — (audio) Listen (file info)[9]
The Jixuan desert was located in the southern hemisphere of the planet Ryloth. In 21 BBY, during the Galactic Republic's efforts to liberate the planet from the Confederacy of Independent Systems' control in the Clone Wars, the Republic forces of Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi had managed to gain control of the Jixuan desert following their engagements with the Separatist Droid Army in the settlement of Nabat and other villages. With Kenobi's capture of the desert, the Republic was able to claim control over the planet's southern hemisphere. (Read more…)

Ryloth Vent

(Taken to CA by Erebus Chronus on November 02, 2022)

Big name clients
"As I said, the vaults are empty."
―Rush Clovis, after their discovery of the Banking Clan's current state of bankruptcy[10]
The Ryloth Vent was a subsidiary to the InterGalactic Banking Clan, a highly important commerce guild to the galaxy. By 19 BBY, the final year of the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and Separatist Alliance, the company was rendered bankrupt alongside several other Banking Clan subsidiaries.

Sometime later, the Ryloth Vent's state of bankruptcy was discovered by Senator Padmé Amidala of the Republic and Rush Clovis, a member of the Banking Clan, during their mission to the Outer Rim world of Scipio to uncover suspected embezzlement within the Banking Clan. Upon discovery of the state the companies were in, Senator Amidala expressed that Supreme Chancellor of the Republic, Sheev Palpatine, must be informed of the Banking Clan's situation, brought about from the embezzlement. The Ryloth Vent shared its name with the Outer Rim planet Ryloth. (Read more…)


Sector One

(Taken to CA by Erebus Chronus on November 26, 2022)

Anaxes Sector One
"Sector One, alert. Enemy gunship approaching your location. Come in, Sector One."
―A battle droid alerting Separatist forces in Sector One[5]
Sector One was a location on the planet Anaxes, utilized by the Separatist Alliance's droid army during the Clone Wars' Battle of Anaxes in 19 BBY. During the battle, a Galactic Republic Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry gunship traveled near Sector One, carrying Clone Force 99, Clone Commander CC-2224, Clone Captain CT-7567, Advanced Recon Commando CT-5597, and CT-6116.

However, the troopers were spotted by a Separatist battle droid scout that alerted an OOM command battle droid and a droid battalion stationed in Sector One about the incoming Republic vessel. Separatist forces subsequently shot down the gunship in a nearby canyon using DSD1 dwarf spider droids. In the canyon, the clone troopers were briefly engaged by the droid battalion, resulting in the ship's destruction. Afterward, the clone troopers pressed forward on their mission to infiltrate a Separatist Cyber Center despite being shot down. (Read more…)


Dynamic Synergetics Incorporated

(Taken to CA by Erebus Chronus on November 27, 2022)

Big name clients
"As I said, the vaults are empty."
―Rush Clovis, after their discovery of the Banking Clan's current state of bankruptcy[10]
Dynamic Synergetics Incorporated, also known by the abbreviated name Dyn Synerge, was a subsidiary to the highly important InterGalactic Banking Clan commerce guild. By 19 BBY, the conclusive year of the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and Separatist Alliance, a state of embezzlement within the Banking Clan had rendered Dyn Synerge bankrupt alongside several of the company's other subsidiaries.

The bankruptcy was later discovered by Republic Senator Padmé Amidala and Banking Clan member Rush Clovis during their mission to the planet Scipio in the Outer Rim Territories to uncover the commerce guild's suspected embezzlement. Upon their discovery, the Republic senator understood that the Banking Clan's state had to be immediately revealed to Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine, which had been a result of the embezzlement. (Read more…)



(Taken to CA by Imperators II on February 01, 2023)

Vertseth was a celestial body located in the Vertseth system, a part of the Slice portion of the Colonies. The company Vertseth Automata constructed the techno-service droid Todo 360 at Vertseth. (Read more…)


Corellian epoxy

(Taken to CA by Manoof on April 07, 2023)

Corellian epoxy was a type of adhesive with strong bonding power, such that the Spindragon, a YT-1200 medium freighter, was held together with a combination of the epoxy and welds of various soldering mixtures. Around 22 BBY, the clone Advanced Recon Commando A-98 known as "Nate" encountered the Spindragon on the planet Ord Cestus whilst deployed on a mission. He noticed the melded nature of the vessel and its joins, the use of Corellian epoxy, and their apparent ability to weather high-gravity turns, giving his approval. The strength of the joins was later put to the test when the ship's pilot, Sheeka Tull, performed evasive maneuvers to escape the planet's security forces including sharp turns, flips, and rolls. Corellian epoxy shared its name with the Corellian culture, which originated on the planet Corellia. (Read more…)


Battle over an unidentified astronomical object

(Taken to CA by Editoronthewiki on April 09, 2023)

Battle over unidentified planet

In 20 BBY, during the galaxy-wide Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and Confederacy of Independent Systems, a battle erupted in space over an astronomical object. The battle began when a Separatist fleet, consisting of six Recusant-class light destroyers under a Providence-class Dreadnought, emerged from hyperspace near the astronomical object, above which six Republic Venator-class Star Destroyers were present.

As soon as the Confederate fleet emerged from hyperspace, both sides began to exchange fire, resulting in at least one Venator sustaining damage. The Separatist attack occurred amid fears that the Confederacy was preparing for a major offensive. Seeking to decode an intercepted transmission that spurred on those fears, the Republic launched a secret mission to secure a Separatist encryption module with which the Republic could decrypt the message. (Read more…)



(Taken to CA by AmazinglyCool on April 16, 2023)

"Just like that swarm of venom-mites on Draboon, remember?"
"How could I forget? I still have the scar."
"Begging your pardon, Duchess, I distinctly remember carrying you to safety."
"I meant the scar I got after you fell and dropped me."
―Obi-Wan Kenobi to Satine Kryze[11]
Venom-mites were a species of poisonous arthropods. Sometime before the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and Confederacy of Independent Systems, Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi were sent to protect the young Mandalorian duchess Satine Kryze. During their mission, they ended up on the planet Draboon, where Kenobi protected Kryze from a swarm of venom-mites and carried her away to safety. Years later, during the Clone Wars in 21 BBY, when Kenobi and Kryze reconnected aboard the luxury spaceliner Coronet, they were attacked by probe killer assassin droids. After defeating the droids, Kenobi likened the situation to their encounter with the venom-mites. (Read more…)

Punn Rimbaud/Legends

(Taken to CA by AmazinglyCool on June 07, 2023)

Punn Rimbaud
―Punn Rimbaud votes against opening peace negotiations with the Galactic Republic[12]
Punn Rimbaud was an amphibian female senator of the Separatist Parliament alongside several other members of their species during the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and Confederacy of Independent Systems. In 21 BBY, while present on the Separatist capital planet Raxus Secundus, they opposed senator of the planet Onderon Mina Bonteri's initiative for peace between the Confederacy and the Republic. When prompted by the leader of the Confederacy, Count Dooku, Rimbaud voted nay. However, the initiative received a majority vote in its favor and was ultimately passed on to the Republic, who denied the peace treaty. Rimbaud had brown skin and black eyes and wore a white outfit with red accents. (Read more…)


(Taken to CA by Imperators II on July 31, 2023)

Adikaria was a celestial body located in the Core Worlds' Adikaria system. Its surface featured oceans that were at one point inhabited by giant sea creatures. During the early period of exploration of Adikaria, a submersible sank in the oceans. By 3643 BBY, Adikaria had been inhabited for centuries. Around that year, an environmental cleanup operation was carried out on the celestial body, which included the dredging of its oceans.

An individual affiliated with one of the sides in the then-ongoing struggle between the Galactic Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire sent a companion to participate in the latter process in hopes of obtaining valuable finds. The companion discovered large quantities of refuse and the remains of Adikaria's aquatic creatures, as well as the wrecked old underwater exploration vehicle.

By the time of the Clone Wars in 21 BBY, the celestial body had become the point of origin of the Adikarian composition known as Greetings Between Equals. (Read more…)



(Taken to CA by Imperators II on August 05, 2023)

Adana was a celestial body located in the Adana system of the Deep Core. It was the homeworld of the Faust researcher Doctor Nuvo Vindi. (Read more…)



(Taken to CA by Imperators II on August 05, 2023)

Cosia was a celestial body located in the Cosia system of the Deep Core. It was the homeworld of the Cosian Jedi Master Tera Sinube, who utilized a sabercane with a Cosian wood hilt. (Read more…)



(Taken to CA by Imperators II on August 10, 2023)

Terrelia was a celestial body located in the Terrelia system of the Inner Rim. It was the homeworld of the Terrelian Jango Jumper thief Cassie Cryar. (Read more…)


Protocol four

(Taken to CA by Erebus Chronus on September 25, 2023)

"They've split their assault. Recommend protocol four."
―A T-series tactical droid, to Tawni Ames on using protocol four[13]
Protocol four was a military tactic utilized by a Separatist holdout based on the planet Desix which involved deploying droidekas. In 19 BBY, a squad of Galactic Empire clone troopers was dispatched to Desix to eliminate the holdout and free Imperial Governor Grotton from captivity. Upon breaching the city's perimeter and destroying the holdout's air strike team and Armored Assault Tank, the squad split its assault. A T-series tactical droid commander recommended using the protocol, to which holdout leader, Governor Tawni Ames, agreed. The droid battalion then sent droidekas into battle, but they were unable to defeat the clone troopers, leading to the holdout and Ames's defeat and Desix's occupation by the Empire. (Read more…)

Level five lockdown

(Taken to CA by Erebus Chronus on October 05, 2023)

"Level five lockdown remains in effect. Security teams, report to the command center."
―PA announcer, reaffirming a level five lockdown on Kamino[14]
A level five lockdown, or containment level five, was a situational occurrence used by the Galactic Republic. In 19 BBY, after the Clone Wars' end and execution of the Jedi Order with Order 66 by the Republic's clone trooper army, numerous clone divisions were recalled to the planet Kamino. Placing Kamino's Tipoca City under a level five lockdown, the present security teams were ordered to the command center. When the clone commandos of Clone Force 99 arrived in the city, after transmitting their clearance code to two V-wing starfighters in order to land, an announcement across the facility reaffirmed the lockdown was still active and confused the commando squad as they believed it was a protocol drill. (Read more…)

Mephout system

(Taken to CA by Imperators II on January 01, 2024)

Mephout system

The Mephout system was located in the Wild Space sector known as the Mephout Dominion. It was home to the sentient species known as the Mephout.

The area of space surrounding the Mephout system was explored between 1000 BBY and 25 BBY. Shortly after the acquisition of the planet Ukio by the Commerce Guild during the Clone Wars, the Mephout system was featured on a galactic map displayed on a viewscreen at a facility run by Passel Argente, the Magistrate of the Corporate Alliance.

The extragalactic Nagai raiders successfully assaulted the Mephout system in 4 ABY as part of an attack on the government of the Mephout Dominion. The Mephout system's population around 25 ABY numbered between ten million and one hundred million. (Read more…)


Obsidian Sphere/Legends

(Taken to CA by NBDani on January 24, 2024)

"Kiera Swan, two-time winner of the Obsidian Sphere."
―Count Dooku — (audio) Listen (file info)[15]

Kiera Swan, two-time winner of the Obsidian Sphere

The Obsidian Sphere was a competition that the Weequay bounty hunter Kiera Swan won twice by 21 BBY. That year, Count Dooku invited multiple bounty hunters to participate in a tournament he hosted on his homeworld Serenno. Swan was present for the event, and the Count referenced her achievements in the Obsidian Sphere when introducing the bounty hunters to each other. (Read more…)



(Taken to CA by DFaceG on February 28, 2024)


Sharalians were a sentient species of owl. They had light skin with tan feathers, blue eyes, and a beak. They had two digits and thumbs on their hands, and five digits on their feet. Sharalians had pointed ears that were emotive. (Read more…)


Zone four

(Taken to CA by Editoronthewiki on February 29, 2024)

"Enemy closing to zone six. Zone five. Zone four."
―A clone trooper reports the position of Grievous's fleet[16]
Zone four was a portion of the Fervse'dra asteroid belt that surrounded the Mid Rim world Bothawui. Zone four was located between zone five and zone three. During the Clone Wars' Battle of Bothawui in 22 BBY, General Grievous of the Confederacy of Independent Systems ordered his fleet of Munificent-class star frigates to pass through the asteroid field in a push against Jedi General Anakin Skywalker's fleet defending Bothawui for the Galactic Republic. In his push forward, Grievous's fleet passed through zone four. On the bridge of Skywalker's flagship, the Venator-class Star Destroyer Resolute, Resolute command tracked the Separatist fleet's progress through the field via screens, including its movement through zone four and into zone three. That movement was reported aloud by one clone trooper monitoring one such screen. Unknown to Grievous, Skywalker had hidden All Terrain Tactical Enforcers within the asteroids: by passing through, Grievous was outflanked, leaving his fleet to be destroyed. (Read more…)


(Taken to CA by Ayrehead02 on May 07, 2024)

"You really think we can trust that hydrosnake?"
―Echo — (audio) Listen (file info)[17]
Hydrosnakes were a type of snake. Around 18 BBY, the clone Echo called former Imperial Vice Admiral Edmon Rampart a hydrosnake when questioning if he could be trusted. (Read more…)

Andro Prime

(Taken to CA by Ayrehead02 on May 13, 2024)

"Even if it melted your circuits, I'd repair you like I did that time on Andro Prime. And Skara Nal."
―Phee Genoa — (audio) Listen (file info)[18]
Andro Prime was a terrestrial astronomical object where the pirate Phee Genoa at one point repaired the circuits of her power droid, MEL. Around 18 BBY, Genoa reminded the droid of the incident and a similar event on the planet Skara Nal while the pair stopped at a lunar base to get their ship, the Providence, refueled. (Read more…)

Luminescent green ray

(Taken to CA by Ayrehead02 on May 14, 2024)

"What happened? Why'd they go?"
―Omega — (audio) Listen (file info)[19]
Luminescent green rays were a type of bioluminescent ray that dwelt in the oceans of the planet Pabu. They were green in color with flat, disc-shaped bodies and a thin tail.

Around 18 BBY, the Force-sensitive Asajj Ventress took the clone Omega out on Pabu's waters in a Pabu skiff in order to test her m-count. After Omega failed to reach out to the life around her using the Force, Ventress demonstrated the ability by reaching out and summoning a school of luminescent green rays, which began circling the skiff. Omega watched the creatures in amazement until Ventress retracted, after which the rays darted away due to the approach of a predatory vrathean, which surfaced with a mouth dripping with glowing green flesh. (Read more…)


Master of the Hutt Clan

(Taken to CA by Editoronthewiki on June 07, 2024)

"O Ziro the Hutt, Master of the Hutt Clan on seven systems, I am sorry, your highness. It will not happen again."
―KRONOS-327, to Ziro[4]
Master of the Hutt Clan was a title assigned by the Hutt Clan to the individual who oversaw cartel operations within a star system. By 22 BBY, the Hutt crime lord Ziro Desilijic Tiure had acquired the title on seven systems. Despite those positions, his control over a criminal syndicate on the Core Worlds planet Coruscant itself, and his position as a Vigo within the Black Sun syndicate, Ziro still lusted for even greater power and hoped to usurp control over the entire Hutt Clan. In 22 BBY, Ziro's most trusted assassin—the IG-86 sentinel droid KRONOS-327—returned to Ziro's Palace on Coruscant, where he referred to Ziro by his seven Master of the Hutt Clan titles in an apology about a failed mission to the twelfth moon of Yout. The angered Ziro responded to his failure by demanding the droid be reduced to spare parts. (Read more…)

Skua Squad

(Taken to CA by CT-1742 on June 09, 2024)

Skua Squad was a squad of nine clone troopers that served within one of the Grand Army of the Republic's platoons during the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

Commanded by a clone trooper sergeant and a clone trooper corporal who acted as the squad's second-in-command, Skua Squad participated in a mission early in the war that was botched due to the squad's lack of discipline, leaving clone trooper Ganch as its only survivor. Having witnessed what could go wrong when troopers lacked discipline, Ganch developed a hardened attitude and later became the commanding officer of the 612th Attack Battalion. (Read more…)


Skua Squad's botched mission

(Taken to CA by CT-1742 on June 14, 2024)

Around 22 BBY, the Grand Army of the Republic's Skua Squad took part in a botched mission early in the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Due to the squad's lack of discipline, the mission resulted in the deaths of all of the squad's clone troopers except for Ganch, who developed a hardened attitude because of the mission. (Read more…)


Waterfall Company

(Taken to CA by CT-1742 on July 06, 2024)

"Torrent, Cascade, and Waterfall companies are depending on us to sweep the streets for 'em. And we are not going to let them down. Agreed?"
―Anakin Skywalker and the clone pilots of Gold Squadron[1]
Waterfall Company was a company of 144 clone troopers, along with support personnel, that served within one of the Grand Army of the Republic's battalions, during the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Subdivided into four platoons, the company was led by High Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi and Clone Captain Rex during a battle against Separatist forces on the Mid Rim planet Kothlis in 21 BBY.

The company was assigned to fight on the planet's surface alongside the clone troopers of Torrent Company and Cascade Company. Prior to the battle, Jedi General Anakin Skywalker made a speech to the clone trooper pilots of Gold Squadron, in which he mentioned Waterfall Company alongside the other companies. To raise the morale of the pilots, Skywalker reminded them that all three companies were depending on them to clear a path to the planet's surface, and that they were not going to disappoint them. (Read more…)


By Bluss/Legends

(Taken to CA by AmazinglyCool on July 11, 2024)

By Bluss
―By Bluss votes in favor of Mina Bonteri's Confederate-Republic peace initiative[12]
By Bluss was a Leyakian senator who held office in the Separatist Parliament during the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and Confederacy of Independent Systems. In 21 BBY, Bluss was present on the Separatist capital planet Raxus Secundus, where they supported senator of the planet Onderon Mina Bonteri's motion for peace between the Confederacy and the Republic. When prompted by Count Dooku, leader of the Confederacy, Bluss voted aye. Bonteri's initiative received a majority vote in its favor and was passed on to the Republic's Galactic Senate, who denied the peace treaty. Bluss had yellowish-brown skin and yellow eyes. Their Separatist Parliament outfit was white with red and black accents. (Read more…)


(Taken to CA by Janomoogo on July 16, 2024)

"There's no escape now, you piece of rankweed."
―Rex, to Slick[20]
"Rankweed" was a phrase used as an insult. In 22 BBY, the clone trooper Slick was exposed as a spy working for the Confederacy of Independent Systems, after which he tried to escape from the Republic Base on the planet Christophsis. While Clone Captain Rex chased after him, he referred to Slick as a "piece of rankweed." (Read more…)