

For other uses, see Nal.

"I'm not picking up any signs of civilization whatsoever, which makes sense as this land appears to have been razed and left uninhabitable."

Skara Nal was a planet located in the Kaldar Trinary system in the galaxy. Between 19 BBY and 18 BBY, pirate Phee Genoa, MEL-221, and members of the Bad Batch went to the planet in search of treasure. They instead found an ancient walker superweapon. Genoa activated the walker and revealed its true nature when she removed the Heart of the Mountain crystal keeping it deactivated. The walker went on a brief rampage before Genoa was persuaded to return the crystal to its original position so the weapon could not destroy the Bad Batch's starship and leave them all stranded. Replacing the crystal halted the walker, but also destroyed it and the crystal.


Skara Nal was a planet situated in the Kaldar Trinary system. Terrestrial with an atmosphere breathable to humans, it was orbited by at least one moon and itself revolved around a trinary star. Much of the planet's surface was razed and uninhabitable, with dead forests, mountains, and valleys.[1] The surface also consisted of fossilized rock and dull stone outcroppings. There were no cities or any sign of civilization anywhere on the planet.[2] A species of creature lived on the planet.[1]


A pirate folk tale[]

The Ancients, a group predating the Jedi Order, built an ancient walker prior to the formation of the Galactic Republic[1] in approximately 25,000 BBY.[3] The walker was set loose on the planet at one point, with its primary weapon carving deep gouges into the planet and rendering much of the area inhospitable to life. The walker was eventually stopped and buried inside a mountain. A crystal known as the Heart of the Mountain plugged into a socket in the walker's control room kept it inert, while a series of booby traps protected the chamber. Over the millennia, the walker became a pirate legend, mythologized as a city containing a crystal of immense power that held enormous value.[1]

Imperial Era[]

Between 19 BBY and 18 BBY,[4] during the early Imperial Era, a compass designed to lead the way and allow entrance to the walker was discovered in a junkyard[1] on the Mid Rim[5] planet Ord Mantell by Omega, a member of the Bad Batch, a group of rogue clone mercenaries[1] in hiding from the Galactic Empire.[6] Omega had taken to collecting pieces of potentially-valuable junk to show to Phee Genoa, a pirate and treasure hunter with which the team had recently become acquainted.[1]

On her return with Wrecker to Cid's Parlor, the cantina they were based out of, Omega showed her findings to Genoa. The pirate noticed the compass had coordinate markings and had her droid MEL-221 scan it, placing the coordinates in the Kaldar Trinary system. Intrigued, Genoa persuaded the rest of the team to accompany her on a treasure hunt there. The group ventured to the planet in the Bad Batch's starship, the Marauder.[1]

Afterwards, the group landed on the planet and saw the desolate landscape of the planet. While the group were discussing the planets landscape, Echo realized that the compass activated and was pointing south from their position. Excited, Omega snatched the compass from Echo and headed to where the compass was pointing at. After reaching the location that the compass was pointing at, the group found themselves at a dead end. Assuming that there was a secret entrance, Phee asked Wrecker to move some rocks. After moving some rocks, a secret entrance to the walker was revealed and the Bad Batch entered it.[1]

While exploring the walker, the group solved many puzzles and challenges that were presented to them. Eventually, the group reached a chamber that housed the Heart of the Mountain. Phee immediately took the Heart of the Mountain which consequently activated the walker. The ancient droid walker then proceeded to annihilate everything on the planet. To stop the droid walker from destroying their ship, the group managed to place the Heart of the Mountain back to where it was previously thereby deactivating and later destroying the droid walker. The Marauder then left the planet.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Skara Nal appeared in the Star Wars: The Bad Batch second season episode "Entombed,"[1] released on January 25, 2023.[7]



Notes and references[]

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Entombed"
  2. StarWars-DatabankII Skara Nal in the Databank (backup link)
  3. The Star Wars Book dates the formation of the Galactic Republic to around 25,000 years before the events of Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, which corresponds to approximately 25,000 BBY in the dating system used by Star Wars: Galactic Atlas.
  4. Per the reasoning here, the seventh and eighth episodes of The Bad Batch Season 2, "The Clone Conspiracy" and "Truth and Consequences," can be placed in 18 BBY. Therefore, all Season 2 episodes proceeding "The Clone Conspiracy" occur between 19 BBY, which features the end of The Bad Batch Season 1 according to Star Wars: Timelines, and 18 BBY. The Galactic Empire, the formation of which Star Wars: Timelines dates to 19 BBY, sent Mayday's squad to Barton IV over a year prior to the events of the twelfth episode, "The Outpost." As it occurs over a year into the Imperial Era and is set shortly after the events of "Truth and Consequences," the events of "The Outpost" occur around 18 BBY. Following that logic, the ninth through eleventh episodes ("The Crossing" through "Metamorphosis") are also set around 18 BBY because they occur between the events of "Truth and Consequences" and "The Outpost." Finally, all season 2 episodes set after "The Outpost" occur shortly after its events, thereby placing those episodes around 18 BBY as well.
  5. Ultimate Star Wars
  6. TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Spoils of War"
  7. StarWars Clone Force 99 Is Back in New Star Wars: The Bad Batch Season 2 Trailer on StarWars.com (backup link)
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