

Doza Tower
"My friends are always welcome here— all of you."
Torra Doza, SWResistanceLogo Star Wars Resistance — "The Doza Dilemma"
This Wookieepedian is an administrator of the site. Any complaints, problems, or queries should be posted either on this user's talk page, or in the Senate Hall.
Aleena family

I gotta get out of here!

This user is taking a Wookieevacation Need some time.

They may still contribute, but not as much as they usually do. In addition, they may not respond to talk page messages as quickly.

Descriptive information




General information

LEGO, Star Wars, pets

WP This user is a member of the WookieeProject Resistance.
ECvote This user is a member of the Wookieepedia EduCorps.
Discord-Logo This user frequents the Wookieepedia Discord server as NBDani.
Username: nbdani
"I hate Star Wars Resistance."
―Dani, absolutely not quoted out of context[1]

I'll be bringing attention to various Star Wars Resistance related articles for WookieeProject: Resistance. If you'd like a particular subject from Resistance to have their sources compiled and then indexed, please feel free to ask. <3

Hit me up on Discord if you'd like to help :)

Links to help me find stuff faster[]

Status Articles | Topps Fandom | Precedents | Recent Changes | Watchlist

Want to help the Wook but not in the mood to edit?[]

Files missing Subjects | Files missing Licenses | Missing Categories | Obsolete Quotes | Convert these to https://swdestinydb.com link + Keep empty | Fix Image Attack and add templates to Forum:WPWeb:StarWars.com_indexing/repository

Categories that need combed[]

Anyone has my permission to add to this list.


Files with spaces in filenames[]

Number of articles = 500

Status article redirects[]

Number of articles = 19

Stuff I accomplished in 2022[]

  • I began reading THR era content
  • Launch of personal project Kill count
  • I began leading WP:Resistance
  • I got the discord emoji for WP:Resistance changed to TeamFireballLogo-Collider
  • I (and many other WP leaders) got channels for every WookieeProject on the discord. #resistance

Quizes and fun stuff[]

References and notes[]
