Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Monsieur le Sinistre Picard

I'm not the type of person that enjoys talking about themselves. But just so there's something on this page, here is a list of pages I created. By the time you read this, the list will probably be slightly out of date. And a handful of these might have been renamed or even deleted, a fact which I haven't accounted for in the list. Also, note that a few pages weren't so much technically created new as much as being redirects turned in articles.

Library computer - Extinction-level event - Crypt - Fishing line - High Cleric - Bisabuela - Quaternary star systems - Mycelial barrier - Psilocybin - Symbiote - Islam - Resistance - Nataraja - The Kiss - Watchful Eye - Pack - Race riot - Cyclic wormhole - Proton weapon - The Long Ago - V'draysh - Manchurian test - Species reassignment protocol - Bounty (disambiguation) - Grande Odalisque - Quotations in Star Trek - Navigation matrix 1711 - House of K'toh-maag - American cuisine - Initiation code - Hatchling - Operation Crossroads - Neuronal link - Lucas Jones - Xenologic classification - Four-dimensional race - Non-atmospheric organism - We Trying to Stay Alive - Mycelium - Matter synthesis - tardigrade - Piezoelectricity - Mycelial network - Mycelium spore - Ordnance - Bloom (biology) - Code (programming) - Bloom failure - Screw (slang) - Species map - Privacy - Legal ward - City cluster - KPMG - Noah's Sacrifice and His Drunkenness - Flood and Waters Subsiding - Gill-man - Second Chinese horse - Trinary language - Arm of Hephaestus - Clash - Clash zone - Neck-strapping - Seventh Defense Contingent - Fuming - Flaming - New light - Footfall - Unnamed vehicles - Menom - Pre-Surak - Reds - Oshare - Coahuila - Borax - 49er - Ole Injun - ABS - Pressure valve - Central desert - New Cooperative - Takashi Kimura - Preparatory report - Mahatma - Hawaiian language - Gestural idiom - Forgive and forget - Manor house - Firepower - Corleone's - Culture - Belief system - Snow globe - Credit card - Frilled-neck lizard - Starfleet Language Conference - Peace symbol - Van Hoorebeke - Assenede - Hewlett Packard Enterprise - Federation archive - Talisman - Marvins Hot Dogs - 30th Street West - Sun of May - Spirit realm - Eastern lights - Holy icon - Ear (fetish) - Memory fragmentation - Fractal pattern - Patroller - Unnamed Alpha and Beta Quadrant sectors - Polka dot - Tuvokian - Eco-recovery - Final ritual - Reformation - Scarecrow - Signal correlation trace - Signal modulation analysis - Double effect principle - Assisted suicide - New era - Mortal - File directory - Astronomical marker - Megaptera novaeangliae - Dasypus novem - Myotis volans - Plethodon dunni - Trabe homeworld - Fire unit - Expression - Chromodynamic energy - Orbital sensor net - The Meeting Place - The Traveler's species - Camillo's - Memory block (computing) - Wings - Chakotay's tribe - Fin (currency) - Hall (location) - Kinsman - Nerve toxin - Biopolymer - Thanatologist - Lethal injection - Shipping lane - Felucca - Fin - Pulmonary organ - Safety monitor - Sand scrub - Interval - Good luck charm - Kennel - Berman & Braga - Missile complex - Montana Lions - Resurrection City - Jonathan Scrimm - Resurrection Protective Force - Dome money - No Zone solution - Kirby (deleted material) - DePaul (deleted material) - Mitchell (deleted material) - Rippert (deleted material) - Cornell - Mirage - Aquanaut - The Slits - Vending machine - Star year - Core behavior - Hadas IV - Automation - Spontaneous combustion - B'nok faction - Fulp - Sun worship - Treaty port - Debtor's prison - Military habitat - Dead star - Lynching - Made man - Visual simulator - Sabre saw - Pasteurization - Cranial massage - Electrical stimulation - Subspecies - Llama - Lama - Tilavan art theft - Crystalline trench - Erickson (disambiguation) - Millipede sauce - Larva - Sundae - Lichen - Null grav suite - Low gravity suite - Wedgewood - Materializer - Federation document locator number - Iran - Ranma Nibunnoichi - Rhea Gall Force - Urusei Yatsura - Yuri (person) - Kei (person) - Rhetorical question - Hugo Award - Startcard - Spock (deleted material) - Hovercraft - Book club - Station chief - USS Defiant (alternate reality) - Planetary security - Starch amyloplast - Paul McCartney - John Lennon - Patron - Sister (title) - Levi's - Slogan - Minister (religion) - Mating ritual - Dry spell (sex) - Granger - Pagan - Cricket - Triangle - Irrigation - Felker Paradox - Pat Nixon - Grubeco - Dutch language - Bensonhurst - Board of trustees of the Starfleet Academy - Moai - Toruń - Chief executive officer - Homeless - Boardwalk - Humanism - Master race - Martini (brand) - Lingerie - Coronation - Tabernacle - Cooling unit - Hotbox - son - Human rights - Bible movie - The Great Beyond - Sound barrier - Viral regression - Keno - Tycho - Tycho crater - Phobos Inn - Bull Run - Prado - Richard Wesley Crusher - Saumur - Bridge (game) - Carousel - Moat - Caterer - Bolian front - Wine tasting - Onizuka Wing - Cardassian Empire - Tret Akleen - Ventani system - Torg'Q system - Hernia - Sinus - Aneurysm - Crystal ball - Mono-form - Hoffarth - Safari - Business safari - Pony - Strafing - Solarium - Eye wash - Forklift - 2 News - Air Defense Team - Nelson's Column - Manhunt - The Princess - Gangland - The Body - The Chapel of Saint-Christophe - P.D. James - Gore Vidal - Driving Force - A Place Called Freedom - Hollywood (book) - Carpool - San Francisco Metropolitan Area - Hitchhiking - Loitering - Spacehab - Electrode - London Eye - St Paul's Cathedral - Weather report - Bay Area Rapid Transit - Bathhouse Building - One Maritime Plaza - Embarcadero Center - 101 California Street - Fort Mason - Sutro Tower - Holiday Inn Chinatown - 580 California Street - 650 California Street - 345 California Center - Bank of America Center - Marina Green - Lay-away - Theater Commander - San Francisco City Hall - City Council - Crown (manufacturer) - M Series Walkie Stacker - Parking - Lay or Bust Poultry Feeds - Gramalkin - BMR - California State Assembly - Valvoline - Seal - E-Z Scrub - Nurses station - Handi-Wrap II - Hyster - Palace of Fine Arts - Lighthouse - Fort Point - SeaWorld - San Diego Zoo - The Queen Mary - Olvera Street - Sentinel Building - Busch Gardens - Universal Studios (studio) - Movieland Wax Museum - L.A. International Airport - calf - Knott's Berry Farm - Magic Mountain - Atlanta Falcons - Princess - Perspective Study of Mazzocchio - Blues - Everybody Wants to Go to Heaven - Rapping - Coconut lotion - Roy Cormier - Corey Turner - Stephanie Ito - Barnard - Finley - Biela's Komet - Faye's Komet - Brooks (astronomer) - 1889 V - Winnecke's Komet - Abstinence - Battle of Caleb IV - Bunker - Olmerak system - Legal guardian - Endora VII - Flo-yo - 1892 III Holmes - De Vico's Komet - D'Arrest - Enke's Komet - 1892 V - Square root - Adarak - Moravian Lane - Wright Field - Scorpius - Virgo - Gantol excavations - Henry (dog) - Oyster toad - Seppus III - Feckle Prime - Bolian system - Richard Wagner - Ring cycle - Gustafson - Bioreplicant - Pedicure - Sedan - Brinda V - Gouge mining - Bracketville Spaceport - Tripdecederine - Hydrocortiline - Talorian - Starfleet Accounting - Didactic Theater - Wolf system - Sect - Baldwin - Pistres - Killarney - Unearthly Stories - Feminist - Clarius system - Gross planetary income - Chromodynamic shield - Luta - Carnat - IKS K'Tanco - Tal Shiar Headquarters - Stolpan - Golar Province - Anabolic supplement - Plaeties system - USS Hawk - USS Hemingway - Macchiato - USS Gage - Spiking - Com booth - True Story - Capitol Cab - Municipal Bus Lines - Mood reef - Mood-o-meter - Panak sector - USS Garuda - Grand jury - Bottle opener - Child labor - Finder's fee - Vintner - Ram Izad homeworld - Protoplanet - Paxan homeworld - Garenor homeworld - Epic poem - Sea level - Eluvian mud - Isolation chamber - Sea ray - Essence of the male - Folklore - Standard astrometric chart - Brae - Goddess Mother - Fekdar - warrior-goddess of Fekdar - Recessive gene - Grover - lava tube - cave dweller - bluff - Bluff (geography) - matron - Patriotism - Prometheus Gifts and Knicknaks - Midwest - World War II (Temporal War) - Dynasty - Sovereign Dynasty of Krios Prime - Sovereign Guard - Civic center - McCoy (surfboard) - Paris Street; Rainy Day - Coffee shop - When I Think of Bobby - The Best Medicine - By the Light of My Father's Smile - Thomas Polsky - Curtains for the Editor - The Monster at the End of This Book - Finch - Tom - Academic circle - Esky - Mascot - Psychopath - Sociopath - Lower Martian plateau - Plenary session - Saran Wrap - Blue Zebra - Concussion ring - Crosley - Spacecraft Operating & Management System - Plastic wrap - Tire iron - Kelp forest - The Wonderful World of Whales - DeSoto Cab - Sanction - Tribal memory - Narcissism - Forced relocation - Offlander - Nomadic acquisition - Moon (unit of time) - 999 - Resource - Cannibalism - Histolytic analysis - Sabbatical - Anhedonic - Year of Kahless - Ruppert - Planet 10 Shipping - Eight-year mission - Sector 39542 - regolith - feldspar - anorthosite - rover - liberator - Spaceport - Floater - Leader Principle - Vermicular lifeform - Avifauna - Outer Rim - Post-Modern Reformism - Ziggurat - Vernal Galaxy - Hill People (Rigel IV) - SATCOM 5 - The Saloon - Captain Video - Cafe Rio - Sanctuary District Police - Alien abduction - Ice cap - L5 Test Station - Navigational control satellite - Bowling - Sakethan - NATO - Stimulant - Aenar compound - Tommy - Rejuvenation - Carbon cycle lifeform - Rejuvenation drug - Unnamed Vulcans (distant past) - Octran fertility contest - Pepsi-Cola - Bio-luminescent lifeform - Flux paradox - Xindi Empire - V-probe - Rigelian parrot - Old Earth calendar - Old World calendar - New Calendar - Advanced Technology Warfare - Languages of the Sub-Sahara - Charles - Subculture - Unnamed humanoids (distant past) - Blue giant - Tropical zone - Working World - Surfing - Mid-Atlantic Ridge - Snowstorm - Neutron flux - Waste transfer barge - Border protection grid - Metropolis - Galactic Computer Network - Luxury liner - Visceral writing - Planet X - Mines of Mercury - HMS - Xendi Kabu system - Kraylor homeworld - Florence Nightingale - Xanthan floating bazaar - Khefka IV - Nuclear winter - Vaadwaur homeworld - Klaestron-Federation Extradition Treaty - Denobulan-Antaran wars - Xenomythology

Human genitals

Also, just to spice things up a bit, here's my proudest accomplishment in image uploading.

Finaly, a sandbox: User:Capricorn/Subpage 1
