Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Real world article
(written from a production point of view)

Stolpan was a Romulan mentioned in the script, but not the final version, of the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine second season episode "The Wire".

According to the script, he was a member of the kitchen staff of the Federation embassy on Romulus when Benjamin Sisko was stationed there in the early 2360s. Stolpan was arrested by the Tal Shiar for "political improprieties," and Sisko wanted to go to the Tal Shiar Headquarters to convince them to set him free, until talked out of it by Curzon Dax, as he may have ended up in prison as well, which would have done Stolpan no good.

Sisko later recounted to story to Julian Bashir in 2370, explaining that it happened when he was about Bashir's age, and when asked by Bashir if he was able to free Stolpan, Sisko smiled and promised to tell him when he returned from Arawath Colony.
