Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Nezu power relay

Nezu power relay, with its pressure valve on the left

A pressure valve was a safety device that allowed pressurized substances to escape.

Properly calibrated pressure valves were important for the correct functioning of the power relays in the Nezu orbital tethers. (VOY: "Rise")

In 2374, Vorik suggested that by rearranging the coolant assembly in USS Voyager's engineering section, they would be able to manage pressure valve emissions better. B'Elanna Torres agreed, and said they would do so first thing tomorrow. Vorik felt they ought not to wait, but Torres vetoed him. Neelix later used the term colloquially, offering to be a "pressure valve" for Torres, a means for her to blow off steam rather than keep her temper bottled in. Torres told him that it was the nicest offer she'd had in a long time, but that she was not sure she could do that to him. (VOY: "Day of Honor")
