Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

A footfall was a measurement of length used by the Vori.

The term footfall was also used on Earth to describe the sound of one's foot step. Data, who was portraying Sherlock Holmes, took note of the sound of two sets of footfalls, from which he could tell that one set was widely spaced, the other was evenly spaced, closer together. Furthermore, he could deduce that their opposition consisted of two men, with one of them carrying the bound and gagged Doctor Katherine Pulaski. This was determined because he could not hear the doctor's footfalls, he assumed that she was being carried, and both sets of footfalls they could hear were heavy and masculine. (TNG: "Elementary, Dear Data")

Comparative units of length[]

  • A distance of 10,000 footfalls was considered "not very near"; this was the distance to the nearest restock unit, which was located through the thick of the trunks. (VOY: "Nemesis")

See also[]
