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Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Wiki

Jura-Tempest Federationジュラ・テンペスト連邦国, jura tenpesuto renpōkoku, commonly referred to as Tempest魔国連邦テンペスト, tenpesuto, lit. "Monster Federation"」, is the country founded by Rimuru Tempest in the Jura Forest.


Initially founded near the Sealed Cave after abandoning an old goblin village, the nation started off as a new Goblin village built by dwarven craftsmen. This village then joined with the lizardmen, emancipated orcs (now High orcs), surrounding Goblins (now hobgoblins) as well as the dryads and treants to create The Jura Forest Alliance which, several months later, evolved into the Jura-Tempest Federation, kicking off the founding of the nation with a magical treaty with the Armed Nation of Dwargon.


The Monarch and active Head of State of the Jura-Tempest Federation is Demon Lord Rimuru.

The Cabinet[]

Prime Minister Rigurd heads the cabinet and holds the highest authority for internal affairs outside wartime after Rimuru. The cabinet consists of several ministries.

Ministry of Internal Affairs[]

This ministry is responsible for the large majority of civil affairs inside Tempest but primarily Citizenship and the Supervision of local governments (such as the lizardmen village or the various orc villages). Its minister is Rogurd.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs[]

This ministry is responsible for the management of foreign affairs in and out of Tempest, such as the welcoming of nobles and sending Tempest representatives to other nations. Its minister is Testarossa.

Ministry of Legislation[]

This ministry is responsible for overseeing Legislation in Tempest from the House of Representatives and the Senate. Its minister is Regurd.

Ministry of Justice[]

This ministry is responsible for overseeing the administration of justice from the Supreme Court and Prosecutions Office. Its minister is Rugurd with Carrera and Ultima working directly under him as Chief Justice and Chief Public Prosecutor respectively.

Ministry of Defense[]

Benimaru is the Minister of Defense. He holds the highest authority for all matters during wartime but can be vetoed by Rimuru if necessary. Hakurou is the Chief Instructor.

Ministry of Intelligence[]

This ministry is responsible for spying and intelligence gathering on matters both domestic and foreign. Its Minister is Souei.

Ministry of Treasury/Finances[]

This ministry is responsible for handling the financial affairs of Tempest, including it's trading with foreign merchants and management of the national treasury. Its minister is Gard Mjöllmile.

Ministry of Infrastructure[]

This ministry is responsible for construction works and urban planning of Tempest. Its minister is Geld Junior.

Ministry of Agriculture[]

This ministry is responsible for overseeing the production of crops and livestock within tempest. Its minister is Lilina.

Ministry of Science[]

This ministry is responsible for technological advancements and its applications. Its minister is Vesta with Kaijin, Garm, Dord, Myrd, Gabiru, and Kurobe working under him.

Military Strength[]

Beginning as a humble goblin village, Tempest expanded rapidly with more and more allies joining the nation, while facing increasingly powerful enemies. As of Volume 12, Tempest has already amassed a formidable military force in preparation against the Eastern Empire's invasion.


The Dungeon is managed by Ramiris and Veldora, with it being considered jointly sovereigned by Ramiris and Rimuru. Floors 91-93 are reserved for industrial purposes while floor 94 contains the city of Labyrinth as well as a secret research facility with experts from several allied nations working together.

Foreign Relations[]

Armed Nation of Dwargon[]

The Armed Nation of Dwargon was the first to recognize the then called Jura-Tempest Alliance as its own sovereign nation, causing the Jura-Tempest Federation to be officially formed. They entered a treaty with the newly formed Jura-Tempest Federation that included the following:

  1. A Non-aggression treaty.
  2. A promise of assistance, in the event either nation, is endangered.
  3. The building of a road to Dwargon, in exchange for their backing.
  4. Guaranteed safety for Dwarves within the Forest of Jura.
  5. Promises of sharing technology between Tempest and Dwargon.

There are a few other details in this treaty that haven't been brought up since. Since the signing of this treaty Dwargon has sent several researchers, including Vesta, and helped Tempest in repelling Charybdis. Dwargon was also the first country to receive Rimuru as a state guest. The two countries enjoy close ties with each other.

Kingdom of Blumund[]

The Kingdom of Blumund was the first human nation to recognize the Jura-Tempest Federation as a sovereign nation. They feared Tempest as a nation of monsters because they were incapable of defending thsemlves if Tempest were to attack, leaving them no choice but to engage in politics. Eventually, they signed a joint-security and freedom of travel treaty, and the relationship between the two has been increasingly positive since. Rimuru never expected Blumund to actually help Tempest and intentionally left loopholes within the treaty for them to deny aid if they were being attacked, but much to Rimuru's surprise, Blumund fulfilled their end of the treaty when Falmuth marched against Tempest.

Sorcerous Dynasty of Sarion[]

The Sorcerous Dynasty of Sarion decided to openly recognize Tempest as a sovereign state in addition to pursuing diplomacy with them. Tempest is now building a road towards Sarion and Sarion has sent their researchers over for joint technological exchanges. Emperor Elmesia even bought a house in Tempest with a teleportation circle installed, so that she could visit as she pleases in secret.

Kingdom of Farmenas[]

The Kingdom of Farmenas (previously known to be the Kingdom of Falmuth) was the first nation to publicly antagonize and attack Tempest, with the help of the Western Holy Church. After the massacre of their main unit by Rimuru, King Edmaris, Chief Sorcerer Razen, and Archbishop of the Western Holy Church Reyhiem were taken into custody as POWs and were released, shortly after they became Diablo's subordinates.

After Diablo had explained the demands of Rimuru (or in this case Diablo himself) to most of the nobles present in a meeting, the King decided to step down and pay war reparations, passing the throne to his brother Edward. This led to civil war for the crown which ends in Edward ceding the crown to Youm, which was Rimuru's plan from the beginning. With Youm now the King, whose name changes to Farmenas along with the kingdom's name, Rimuru pardoned the war reparations and established official diplomatic ties with Farmenas, making them a good ally that provides Tempest with a large amount of food imports.

Holy Empire of Lubelius[]

The current (as of Volume 9) relationship between Tempest and the Lubelius Empire is neutral at best, Rimuru and Luminous Valentine agreed on a non-intervention pact between each other and simultaneously their respective nations lasting 100 years. Underneath the surface, they have technological and cultural exchanges.

Demon Lord Milim's Domain[]

Demon Lord Milim's Domain, formally consisting the newly acquired Puppet Nation of Jistav, as well the Beast Kingdom of Eurazania, Harpy Queendom of Fulbrosia and the City of the Forgotten Dragon. Milim's Domain doesn't seem to have any written alliance with the Jura-Tempest Federation, and the relationship between the two seems to be entirely dictated by the friendship between Rimuru and Milim Nava and the whims of the latter. Before Carrion stepped down as Demon Lord, Beast Kingdom of Eurazania and Tempest signed a non-aggression treaty and pursued trade relations. After Milim destroyed the capital of Eurazania, Tempest has sheltered the refugee beastmen and helped with the construction of a new capital city.

Council of the West[]

To be added.

Eastern Empire[]

To be added.


Octagram Territories Map

Geological Location of Tempest as the center of various Kingdoms and Nations

Due to its geographically central location, sound military security, extensive infrastructure and road systems, Tempest is an economic hub where many nations trade or pass through while trading with other nations. As such, Rimuru City is home to a large variety of shops, species, cultures and infrastructure.

Tempest's chief exports are mainly high-quality manufactured good. Namely, the nation is well known for its large quantity of potent healing potions. Other exported goods include alcohol in the form of Brandy, Wine and Whiskey; silk among other fine fabric clothing, and top-tier dwarven/ogre crafted weapons, armor, and accessories. Production of goods in Tempest is overseen by "Goblin Lord" Lilina.

Among it's known imports are fruits from the Beast Kingdom of Eurazania which are used in the making of alcohol.

While money from all over the world enters its borders, monster residents refuse to be paid with it (wanting to give everything to their leader or hoard it as a gift given to them by their lord which would stagnate the economy), causing the Demon Lord Rimuru to pass the payment and salary issue to Mjöllmile to solve. By law, the residents of Tempest are provided every basic necessity (water, food, housing, clothing, training, etc.) however there is also a law that Rimuru established saying "Those that don't work don't eat." People who refuse to work while living in Tempest will find themselves starving. As such any monster resident from Tempest doesn't have a need for money as simply by working they get anything they want.

Since Rimuru still wanted to pay his citizens a solution was reached by Mjöllmile, Rigurd and Diablo. After many trials and errors, a system of Effort Points was established. This consists on the accumulation of points by each individual as they work, gaining more points by a good performance or less by a poor one. Expensive products such as gourmet food, magisteel armor/weapons, finer clothing, VIP services, etc. all cost Effort Points. Citizens still have free access to necessities, so the Effort Points are a good incentive to work harder to try the best their country has to offer.

Buildings of Interest[]

Rimuru's Hut[]

A small single room hut designed in a traditional Japanese manor with a beautiful yard and pond. As Rimuru has no needs to do with sleep or digestion, it's understandably lacking in typical rooms. Rimuru hosts parties at his hut.

Government Building[]

Contrary to other Demon Lord domains, the largest building is not the primary residence of the ruler. Instead it is solely the place of where politics and city planning is held. A meeting room is inside where Rimuru hosts important meetings with his subordinates.


  • According to Rimuru, it takes over 30 days to travel across the Great Jura Forest by horse-drawn carriages' means of travel (taking out of the equation any trouble encountered like monster attacks).
  • Since the founding of the Jura-Tempest Federation, Rimuru is hoping to transform the federation into more of a meritocratic form of government; wanting to employ intelligent monsters that either have the physical strength or not and get them involved with politics.

