Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Wiki
Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Wiki

Daemons悪魔族デーモン, dēmon are a major race of naturally occurring spiritual life-forms similar to angels and elementals. They have an advantage against angels but are disadvantaged against elementals.


Daemons are derived from the Great Holy Spirit of Darkness with primordial daemons being the shadow of Seven Angels of Origin.

Daemons spontaneously come into being within the Daemon Realm as lesser daemons, where they endlessly fight each other. At times they might be summoned into the Central World, where they require a material body to remain permanently or they will get ejected back into the Daemon Realm by the rejection force of the world.

Daemons have an innately strong resistance to magic, and while without a body, they can use a temporary medium made out of magicules known as a "magic body" to interact with the material plane. This magic body makes physical attacks borderline useless against them, as even if damaged, they can simply revert it back to its original shape. Once a daemon is incarnated into a physical vessel, their energy sublimates inside of it and begins transforming into something truly their own. Their body, however, does not retain the same benefits as a purely magical corpus as physical attacks are able to harm them. In particular, purely natural effects — such as those produced by elementals — are especially effective against them, as their resistance towards magic is rendered meaningless.


Daemons, as spiritual life-forms, possess appearances that are determined entirely by their self-image. Despite this, it is somewhat easy to estimate a daemon's evolutionary stage and age purely on their appearance. Typically, the more human the daemon in question appears, the stronger its ego is, with fully human daemons, excluding those possessing a human body, being either greater daemons of immense age or fearsome archdaemons. Lesser daemons and younger greater daemons, on the other hand, possess more animalistic and distorted appearances, resembling something more like a hybrid between a human and a horrific monster. Despite the extreme variety in their appearance, all daemons possess claws, horns, and wings although older daemons can hide them at their discretion.

Most daemons above the lesser daemon stage belong to a specific color lineage, with their color being apparent in their appearance. The color of a daemon's sclera will usually match their lineage and, although not always, other parts of their body match this color as well. Examples include, but are not limited to, hair color, iris color, and skin color. The color of their clothing usually also reflects the color of their lineage.


With the use of Summoning magic, it is possible to summon daemons to the material plane. Daemons summoned this way, assuming their master and task are fair, are fiercely loyal and honor their contracts absolutely. During the duration of their summoning, assuming they aren't provided a material body, their magical corpus is sustained directly by the summoners magic power. It is also possible for daemons to breakdown the corpses of material beings to reinforce their magical corpus for a period of time. One adult human corpse is enough to sustain a greater daemon for three days or an arch daemon for a day and a half.

The act of summoning daemons, while not entirely forbidden, is restricted information. Only high ranking adventurers such as Thegis or special individuals such as nobles who have access to royal libraries have the opportunity to learn this brand of summoning magic. Summoning lesser and greater daemons in the first place requires a summoner with a large amount of magical power. Even summoning a lesser daemon is enough to completely tire an A-ranked adventurer such as in the case of Thegis.

The summoning of archdaemons is a completely heretical and forbidden act. The knowledge is only kept and passed down verbally by select master wizards and royal families, and the act itself is so foolish and dangerous that one would have to be utterly insane to even attempt it. Archdaemons possess extremely strong wills and forms that teeter closer to humans in appearance. They're unpredictable and have enough power to easily break the contract that binds them to their summoner. Unless the summoner appeals to the daemons whims or is otherwise strong enough to force them into submission, they are likely to be slaughtered on the spot.

Social class and strength[]

Daemons grow more powerful the longer they live. However, there is a limit how much energy a disembodied daemon can amass. This limit is reached when they become archdaemons, making them numerically equivalent in terms of raw power. At this stage knowledge and experience is what matters most. If they are able to break through this limit, they are easily able to reach higher levels of power.

Daemons have social classes mostly based on strength. The stronger a daemon is and the longer they can go without being defeated, the higher their social standing is.[1] Since older daemons are usually more powerful, it is possible to estimate their standing based on their age.

Social Class Expected Age Traits
Chevalier Late Modern Species
(0 ~ 30 Years)
Most likely to be summoned, they can operate up to the Archdaemon stage. At best they can barely reach a Special A ranking based on Free Guild evaluation.
Baronet Modern Species
(30 ~ 100 Years)
Baron Early Modern Species
(100 ~ 400 Years)
Considered Special A, but possess far more strength than Chevaliers and Baronets.
Viscount Medieval Species
400 ~ 1000 Years
A genuine Calamity-Class. Despite having the same ranking as the younger Daemons, Viscounts are far superior to the Barons.
Count Ancient Species
(Above 1000 Years)
Able to disguise their strength.
Marquis Pre-historic Species
(Above 3000 Years)
Arch Duke
Primordials Born during the dawn of time before the creation of heaven and earth.[2] Apex of Daemons, standing above the Class-System entirely.

Evolutionary stages[]

Daemons have their own evolutionary stages, which, unlike their social class, is much more prone to external factors within the material world such as the quality of the contractual compensation, the magicule supply of the summoner, the presence or lack of a name, and other similar elements.

Naming leads to an immediate strength and/or skill gain and in case of a particularly strong namer, an evolution to the next stage might occur.

Color lineage[]

Daemons are assigned to a color lineage after becoming greater daemons. Their color matches one of the primordials' based on their personality. All daemons of a certain color share the basic personality traits of their progenitor, however, they might express these traits in different ways.

Depending on what color lineage a daemon belongs to, their willingness to cooperate is different. There are three major dispositions that are based on their primordials:

  • Negotiable: Can be negotiated with and are probably the best bet when it comes to contracting with a daemon while keeping the risks at a minimum.
  • Non-negotiable: It is unlikely for any contract to be formed. At worst, the summoner might even be tricked into a wicked contract that they end up regretting, which is why it's strongly discouraged to summon any daemons from this type of lineage. The only practical use for them would be to trick someone into summoning a daemon of this kind within an enemy nation.
  • Whimsical: The result of summoning daemons of these lineages can vary and the chances of success for establishing a contract are random. These daemons can be reckless and are subject to mood swings. Their eccentric nature makes them more likely to possess proficiency in areas that other lineages do not possess. There is a risk associated with summoning them, but it is still safer than summoning non-negotiable ones.
Color Lineage Primordial Stance
Red Rouge Non-negotiable
White Blanc Negotiable
Black Noir Whimsical
Green Vert Negotiable
Yellow Jaune Non-negotiable
Purple Violet Whimsical
Blue Bleu Negotiable


Daemons possess a natural affinity for magic, especially elemental and Dark magic.


Intrinsic skills[]


  • Daemons are honor-bound to their contracts, so it's up to them if they wish to take the prize they were offered.
    • Testarossa refused to claim the soul of her friend.
    • Ultima revived Towa as an apology for Lacua violating the contract she established.
  • The negotiable variety are colors of nature, reflecting the verdant earth along with the sky and clouds. The non-negotiable variety are colors of destructive flames, reflecting their unwillingness to do anything but use others. The whimsical variety are unnatural colors, reflecting darkness and mystery.


