Mortal Kombat Wiki
Mortal Kombat Wiki
Having liberated the Hourglass and become Keeper of Time, my next task was to restart history. Not beholden to past events, I was free to craft a new era. It was with humility and restraint that I approached this blank canvas. After careful preparation, I began work. Painting over the darkness. After eons passed, I sketched out the realms. After eons more, I brushed them in with life. In my new era, all beings will have opportunity to find peace. Whether or not they do, will be their responsibility. For my power only permits me to begin this endeavor. It is the duty of mortals to finish it.

—Liu Kang's narration in the intro

The Story Mode of Mortal Kombat 1 contains 15 chapters in total, divided into four acts, telling a story that takes place in a new era created by Fire God Liu Kang after he took control of the Hourglass at the end of the previous game. Each chapter focuses on a single character from the series and contains a combination of fights and extended cut-scenes. In the final chapter, player has an option to choose a character. Some chapters also include a Test Your Might minigame.


Below is a list that shows the chapters in order:

  1. A New Era (Kung Lao)
  2. Mr. A-List (Johnny Cage)
  3. Chosen One (Raiden)
  4. Secrets and Lies (Kenshi)
  5. Weird Science (Baraka)
  6. Upward Climb (Ashrah)
  7. Narrow Escape (Reptile)
  8. Band of Brothers (Sub-Zero)
  9. Civil War (Scorpion)
  10. Protect and Serve (Li Mei)
  11. For the Empire (Sindel)
  12. Queen's Gambit (Mileena)
  13. Deadly Alliance (Shang Tsung)
  14. Time of Death (Liu Kang)
  15. Armageddon

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.



The opening initially picks up after Fire God Liu Kang's ending in Mortal Kombat 11. With the power of the Hourglass, Liu Kang restarts time, beginning at the dawn of the universe and spends eons creating the universe. After eons more, he divides the universes into those realms, and then spends yet more eons filling those realms with life. He designs his New Era around the opportunity to find peace, but it will be up to each mortal whether or not it can be done.

The Story begins with Shang Tsung, disguising himself as an elderly merchant, selling snake oil in Outworld, claiming it can cure anything — even Tarkat. However, an angry customer approaches and states that despite having bought Shang Tsung's elixir, his daughter still died. Shang Tsung attempts to argue back, but the angry man further reveals he took the elixir to an imperial mage, who told him it's only borjang tea. Shang Tsung's excuses fall on deaf ears as the crowd beats him up. That rainy night, a dejected Shang Tsung sits outside of his cart. Suddenly, a mysterious woman appears, offering to turn Shang Tsung into a powerful sorcerer, which he accepts while smiling devilishly.

Chapter 1: A New Era (Kung Lao)

The chapter begins focusing on Kung Lao and Raiden, who are simple farmhands and martial artists living in a remote village in Fengjian Province. Within this village is Madam Bo, whose teahouse the pair like to visit frequently. During this visit, however, Madame Bo is assailed by the Lin Kuei, who are looking to extort her. After Smoke defeats Madame Bo and knocks her out, Lao and Raiden come to her aid. Defeating most of the Lin Kuei, the pair are then challenged by Sub-Zero and Scorpion. Lao becomes inspired by the use of his hat and a throwing blade as a weapon, and he and Raiden ultimately defeat the Lin Kuei warriors. Afterwards, Lord Liu Kang, God of Fire and Protector of Earthrealm, appears and introduces himself, revealing that the Lin Kuei were working for him, and that this was actually a test of their abilities. He invites them to join the Wu Shi Academy and, after some initial reluctance, the two agree, although Liu Kang reveals that there are others he must gather as well.


Playable: Kung Lao
Fight Opponent Player's Kameo Fighter Opponent's Kameo Fighter Stage
1 Raiden N/A N/A Fengjian Teahouse (Day)
2 Smoke Raiden Fengjian Teahouse (Night)
3 Scorpion Sub-Zero
4 Sub-Zero Scorpion


  • As Kung Lao lacks his bladed hat for the entirety of this chapter, a large portion of his moveset is unavailable and Fatal Blows cannot be performed.
  • Unlike other playable characters, Sub-Zero uses the exact same moveset as his Kameo counterpart when acting as Scorpion's Kameo Fighter, including his Fatal Blow.

Defeat Quotes

Fight 1: Humbled, Kung Lao congratulated his best friend. Clearly Raiden had been practicing Madam Bo's techniques more diligently.

Fight 2: Kung Lao watched helplessly as the teahouse was ransacked. He was ashamed to have disappointed Madam Bo so greatly.

Fight 3: As Scorpion departed the plundered teahouse, Kung Lao could only marvel at his skill. Kung Lao realized that Madam Bo was right: he had much to learn.

Fight 4: After losing soundly to Sub-Zero, Kung Lao wondered whether he would ever achieve his dreams of glory. Clearly, he was not yet a warrior.

Chapter 2: Mr. A List (Johnny Cage)

Johnny Cage is exploring an ancient temple with his friend Adam (in an obvious homage to Indiana Jones and Raiders of the Lost Ark). Avoiding most of the traps, Cage and Adam are assailed by multiple monsters called Kalima. After taking them down, Adam blows down a bridge that leads to the throne of the undead guardian of the temple, Katara Vala. As Johnny pulls Katara Vala's shield off of him, he wakes up, scaring Adam and causing him to fall into liquid mercury, killing him. After Cage defeats the final guardian, it is revealed that this was a movie set, and Johnny is hoping that this film will be able to get his failing career back on track, although his director Steven (a nod to director Steven Spielberg) seems doubtful and says he cannot make any further films with Johnny, as he only did this one as a favor to the struggling actor.

Johnny's wife Cristina tries to tell him the reality of his failed career, and the fact that they are financially struggling due to Johnny's extravagant purchases, such as their lavish Malibu home and various antique stuff, including the katana Sento, which Johnny purchased for $3,000,000. Johnny refuses to listen, and merely drinks, while explaining to his wife that in order to be successful, they must first project it or else "Johnny Cage" is done. Cris retorts that she married John Carlton, not "Johnny Cage", and said she would do anything to have him back before leaving — seemingly for good.

As soon as Cris leaves, Johnny's home is invaded by Kenshi Takahashi, a gangster who claims to be a descendant of the long-dead Taira clan and wants to take Sento back. When Johnny refuses to let him have it, the two fight and Cage comes up victorious. Tying up and interrogating Kenshi, Johnny learns that Kenshi is indeed a descendant of the Taira and that the clan went into hiding centuries ago after they were supposedly slaughtered, shedding their old name for "Takahashi" and joining the Bakuto, the Yakuza's predecessors, for its protection. Johnny, however, does not believe Kenshi's story and is simply buying time for the police, whom he believes has arrived when the doorbell rings. Outside, however, he finds Liu Kang, Sub-Zero and Scorpion and believes that this is a prank set up by his wife.

Lord Liu Kang asks Sub-Zero to free Kenshi, and Johnny (still believing it all to be a prank) grabs Bi-Han's arm to "demand" he stop. An enraged Bi-Han slams Cage into his expensive Hichuli artifact, breaking it and angering Johnny enough that he begins to fight seriously, no longer caring if it is a prank or not. Cage is victorious again, but Liu Kang proves his identity as the God of Fire by encasing his body in flames hot enough to activate Johnny's fire alarm. Now believing Liu Kang's words, Johnny questions why he has been chosen by a god, and Lord Liu answers that he believes he will rise to the challenge and change the arc of his life.


Playable: Johnny Cage
Fight Opponent Player's Kameo Fighter Opponent's Kameo Fighter Stage
1 Kalima Adam Kalima Temple of Katara Vala (Movie Set)
2 Katara Vala N/A
3 Kenshi N/A Cage Mansion (Sunset)
4 Sub-Zero Scorpion Cage Mansion (Night)


  • The Kalima use Nitara's moveset.
  • Adam, as a Kameo Fighter, uses a simplified version of Reiko's moves.
  • Katara Vala uses Havik's moveset.
  • Fatal Blows cannot be performed for the entirety of this chapter.

Defeat Quotes

Fights 1/2: Katara Vala and his minions had claimed their latest victim. No one had ever intruded upon their temple and survived.

Fight 3: In one evening, Johnny had lost his beloved wife and his most prized possession. Never had he felt more alone.

Fight 4: When he woke up, Johnny was sure the fight with the masked strangers had been a dream. But then he noticed his cuts and bruises; and that his one-of-a-kind Hichuli had been smashed to pieces.

Chapter 3: Chosen One (Raiden)

Months later, at the Wu Shi Academy, Raiden, Kung Lao, Johnny Cage and Kenshi have all trained with the Shaolin monks diligently in preparation for the next Mortal Kombat tournament with Outworld. In the meantime, Johnny's ex-wife has divorced him and Lao has perfected his bladed hat weapon. The day has finally come for the four of them to fight to see which of them will represent Earthrealm in the tournament. Liu Kang explains that the tournament is intended to foster peace between the two realms, although there are many belligerents within Outworld that wish for open warfare with Earthrealm. The tournament is intended to stifle these efforts by proving Earthrealm does not lack for strength.

The first match pits Raiden against Johnny, and when Raiden is victorious, he then faces Kenshi, where he is again the victor. Lord Liu Kang declares a pause in the proceedings until the evening, where the final match will take place between Raiden and Kung Lao. Despite Lao's boasts that Raiden has never beaten him before, Raiden believes there is a first time for everything and proves it by defeating his friend and becoming crowned Earthrealm's champion. Having exceeded all of Liu Kang's expectations, the God of Fire rewards Raiden with an amulet forged by the Elder Gods, which grants Raiden lightning powers equivalent to the abilities of a Thunder God, as in Raiden the God of Thunder in all known previous timelines.

Immediately after, Lord Liu Kang opens a portal to Outworld which brings all of his warriors and students of the Academy to the city of Sun Do, where they are greeted by the Umgadi and the twin princesses of Outworld, Mileena (the heir apparent) and Kitana. The Earthrealmers are impressed by the fantastical beings and sights of Outworld, and in particular struck by the beauty of the princesses. They take part in a parade thrown by the Outworlders, which is interrupted as Sun Do's local authority, led by First Constable Li Mei, are clearing Tarkatans from the city. Mileena is incensed by the interruption of the festivities, despite Li Mei's fears that Tarkatans would spread their infection through the city. Mileena then insults Li Mei, and Liu Kang explains that the hostility is due to Li Mei once being the Umgadi who was on duty the day that Mileena's father, King Jerrod, was assassinated.

Finally reaching the palace, the Earthrealmers meet General Shao, who scoffs at Earthrealm's champion being "scrawnier than usual". Kung Lao attempts to defend his friend, but Lord Liu Kang states that the champion will prove himself soon enough within the tournament. Shao questions Liu Kang for not telling most Earthrealmers the truth of the existence of Outworld and other realms, believing this to be proof of Earthrealmers' frailty, which Kang denies.

At last, Empress Sindel (alongside her daughters) enters and takes the throne, welcoming Liu Kang and the Earthrealmers to Outworld. She states that Raiden feels nervous, and he agrees, as he is a stranger in an unfamiliar land. Sindel cautions him about the difficult path ahead, and introduces the first opponent in the tournament: Li Mei, although she also shows hostility to Mei and says she would not even be present if not for Jerrod's traditions. Despite the constable's eagerness to prove herself, she is defeated by Raiden and exits the palace. General Shao next introduces his second-in-command Reiko, who was orphaned during the Kafallah War and survived, being taken in by Shao, who molded him into the "perfect soldier". Reiko questions in what armies and wars Raiden has served, and when Raiden answers that he has done neither, Reiko mocks him as woefully unprepared. Despite Reiko's bravado, Raiden is victorious and a displeased Shao exits.

Empress Sindel postpones further matches until first light, and invites everyone to a banquet in the evening. There, the Outworlders and Earthrealmers eat and mingle with one-another. During the feast, Mileena becomes unwell, but assures Tanya that things are stable for the moment. Empress Sindel asks everyone to engage in open dialogue to foster friendship between the realms, and Raiden makes a speech stating that he finds more similarities than differences between the realms. General Shao counters that he instead believes they couldn't be more different. Sindel interrupts him and dismisses his presence; sometime later, she later calls Shao to the throne room and berates him for his comments. Asking to speak freely, Shao states his belief that Outworld must act quickly to respond to "the sorcerer's" prophecy that Liu Kang and Earthrealm will soon act to conquer Outworld. Sindel responds that she will not act without seeing evidence of the prophecy's validity, and warns Shao not to forget that his father taught him that war must be the last result and not the first.

Mileena and Kitana enter, and Shao takes his leave. Sindel tells her heir that she witnessed Mileena's illness during the banquet and despite Mileena claiming that she feels fine, Sindel states that they cannot chance it and Kitana will take her place in the tournament. Mileena protests, as she feels many Outworlders already feel Kitana should be the heir and not her, but Kitana tells her sister that their mother is only looking out for Mileena, as if her affliction with Tarkat becomes known, she will be banished to the Wastes. Outnumbered, an outraged Mileena then storms off.

The tournament continues, and it is revealed that Raiden also defeated Kotal, Motaro and Sheeva. However, there has been a change in the scheduled bouts and Kitana will take the place of Mileena. When Liu Kang protests that Raiden is unprepared, Sindel retorts that Earthrealm's champion should be able to adapt. Raiden agrees to the bout and faces Kitana, where he is again victorious. This now brings him to the final match against General Shao himself, and when he is successful, Sindel declares his victory in the tournament and exits. Raiden attempts to help Shao to his feet, but is brushed aside.


Playable: Raiden
Fight Opponent Player's Kameo Fighter Opponent's Kameo Fighter Stage
1 Johnny Cage N/A N/A Wu Shi Academy (Day)
2 Kenshi
3 Kung Lao Wu Shi Academy (Evening)
4 Li Mei Lightning Elemental The Great Hall (Day)
5 Reiko
6 Kitana Hanging Gardens (Day)
7 General Shao


  • As Raiden does not get the lightning amulet until the end of the third fight, a large portion of his moveset is unavailable for the first three fights.
  • The Lightning Elemental, as a Kameo Fighter, uses Raiden's moves.
  • Fatal Blows cannot be performed for the entirety of this chapter.
  • Rather than the traditional announcer, with the first three fights of the chapter use Liu Kang as an announcer in Wu Shi Academy while the last four use Sindel as an announcer in Outworld.

Defeat Quotes

Fights 1/2: Despite fierce effort and diligent practice, Raiden had come up short. His failure was no defeat, however. It only inspired him to train harder.

Fight 3: Though he had lost, Raiden was still proud of his best friend. As Earthrealm's new champion, Kung Lao was now one giant leap closer to the glory he craved.

Fight 4: Raiden was stunned to have lost his opening match. He couldn't help but wonder whether Liu Kang had erred in making him champion.

Fight 5: Raiden was taken aback by the sneering satisfaction Reiko took in his victory. How could a man he had never met regard him with such disdain?

Fight 6: Raiden realized, too late, that he had underestimated Princess Kitana. He vowed never again to be so beguiled by charm and beauty.

Fight 7: Raiden never felt so low as when General Shao claimed victory. As Liu Kang had predicted, his success emboldened Outworld to act against Earthrealm aggressively.

Chapter 4: Secrets and Lies (Kenshi)

Returning to Earthrealm, Liu Kang is visited by Geras, who reveals that an unknown manipulator has uplifted Shang Tsung from the meaningless life Liu Kang crafted for him and returned him to the path of a villainous sorcerer. Troubled by this news, Liu Kang asks Geras to investigate further and the next day requests Kung Lao, Johnny Cage and Kenshi to infiltrate Outworld and bring back Shang Tsung for questioning.

The trio explore the Wastes, where they find Shang Tsung and his forces invading a Tarkatan encampment and taking Baraka captive. After extracting bone marrow from Baraka's spine, the Tarkatan breaks free and battles Shang, gaining a clear advantage. While Johnny Cage is content to allow Baraka to finish him, Kung Lao and Kenshi intervene as Liu Kang still needs the former conman for questioning. The two stop Baraka, and Shang Tsung escapes by shifting into a Tarkatan, stunning the three Earthrealmers.

An angry Baraka attacks the Earthrealm trio, believing them to be Shang Tsung's minions, but Kenshi defeats him and asks to allow him to explain. After Kenshi tells Baraka of their mission, he attempts to shake Baraka's hand in friendship, but Baraka explains that Tarkatans are mutants afflicted by Tarkat disease and thus do not shake hands. He also explains that he was once a merchant who lived a comfortable life before he contracted the disease and was banished to the Wastes. Kenshi offers to find out why Shang Tsung attacked the Tarkatans, and Baraka accepts, ordering the other Tarkatans to back down. He also offers to lead the Earthrealmers to Shang's lab.

Entering the lab quietly, the group encounters Princess Mileena seemingly captive and strapped down on a table while Tanya, Rain and Shang Tsung discuss injecting her with a serum extracted from pure Tarkatan essence. Believing that they intend to infect the princess with the disease, the group attacks. Likewise, Tanya orders them all to be killed, as they have now seen too much. The Earthrealmers are victorious and surround Shang Tsung, accusing him of trying to harm the princess. Shang Tsung, however, uses this to his advantage to act sheepishly, stating that he was intending to help the princess. Unbelieving, Kenshi attempts to free Mileena, who asks if it's finally over. When Kenshi tells her that they stopped Shang Tsung, a distraught Mileena asks why, as her Tarkat affliction begins to manifest. Shang Tsung again begs them to let him help her before it's too late, but a mutated Mileena breaks free and attacks the group. During the struggle Mileena comes close to biting Johnny Cage before she's pulled away by Kenshi. Still, she quickly grabs her sais and stabs Kenshi in both eyes, blinding him, before Shang Tsung finally subdues her by injecting her with serum.

At that moment, Kitana, General Shao and Goro enter, a distraught Kitana asking what happened. Shang Tsung accuses the Earthrealmers of attempting to stop the treatment so that Mileena's disease would become public, and when Johnny Cage tries to argue, he is quickly knocked out by Goro, with Shao countering that he could not stomach "Earthrealm lies". Shao and Shang Tsung then declare that these events are proof of the prophecy's truth, whereupon it is revealed that the sorcerer who made the prophecy was Quan Chi. Quan Chi further validates that today's events were the final confirmation of the prophecy, and Kitana agrees that the Empress must be informed of the events. When she is gone, Shao asks Shang Tsung what truly happened, and Shang explains that the Earthrealmers had come to capture him for reasons unknown. It's then revealed that Shang Tsung, Shao and Quan Chi are all colluding with the same "benefactor", and it was she who rescued them all from meaningless lives.


Playable: Kenshi
Fight Opponent Player's Kameo Fighter Opponent's Kameo Fighter Stage
1 Baraka Johnny Cage N/A Tarkatan Colony (Night)
2 Rain Tanya Shang Tsung's Lab (Dawn)
3 Tanya Rain
4 Mileena N/A


  • As Kenshi does not yet have Sento, a large portion of his moveset is unavailable and Fatal Blows cannot be performed. His moves are instead based on his "Sento Stance" moveset, albeit without the ancestor.
  • As Mileena lacks her sais when fought in this chapter, a large portion of her moveset is unavailable.

Defeat Quotes

Fight 1: As the snarling Tarkatans surrounded him, Kenshi knew that death was at hand. His quest to save his family had failed miserably.

Fight 2/3: Kenshi, Johnny, and Kung Lao were taken prisoner by Tanya's Umgadi. Quickly convicted as spies, the three Earthrealmers were executed.

Fight 4: Crazed with bloodlust, Mileena fed hungrily on Kenshi's flesh. When she was done, she picked her teeth with his bones.

Chapter 5: Weird Science (Baraka)

The Earthrealmers and Baraka are locked in a dungeon: Shang Tsung's true lab underneath the false front, where he indulges in many horrific and depraved experiments. Kenshi, now permanently blinded, is struggling with both his disability and the agony from his injuries. The captives are visited by Syzoth, their jailor, who gives Johnny medicine to relieve Kenshi's pain and reveals that he is only helping Shang Tsung because his family is being held captive. He also reveals that he is a Zaterran, and the only one of his kind that can change his shape, which Shang Tsung used to learn how to do so as well. Shang Tsung visits their prison and declares he will use their bodies for fatal experimentation, leaving no traces or evidence of them that will allow Liu Kang to retaliate. As he leaves, Syzoth unleases a wave of ravenous Tarkatans on the prisoners, opening both cages to allow the prisoners to be devoured. During the battle, Johnny Cage and Kenshi are placed in electrified cages, but Baraka and Kung Lao are able to fight back and free them. Syzoth makes one last attempt to prevent their escape, but Baraka defeats him. Syzoth demands to be killed so that Shang Tsung may spare his family, but Baraka spares him. Shang Tsung returns and interrupts the escape and reveals to Syzoth that his family was killed long ago. Before Syzoth can retaliate, however, Shang escapes and fills the room with poisonous gas. Unable to open the door, Baraka breaks it and the group escapes into the wilderness.

Escaping into the Living Forest, Johnny Cage marvels at the scenery while Baraka explains that the trees hold the souls of their ancestors, save for Syzoth's, as Zaterrans are not welcomed by "warm-bloods". The four listen as Syzoth explains his origins, where he was considered a "freak" by his fellow Zaterrans but found a place as an "oddity" peddled by Shang Tsung during his days as a huckster. After Shang learned real sorcery, however, he demanded to study Syzoth's gift and took his family hostage when he refused.

The group run into a battle between Ashrah and several demons, and she confuses the group as the latter and attacks. After defeating her, they explain that they are not demons but Outworlders and Earthrealmers, causing Ashrah to apologize and explain that she is being pursued by demons sent by Quan Chi, who is also working with Shang Tsung. Seeing that their interests align, the group agree to find Quan Chi and defeat him, to the protest of Johnny Cage, who wants to return Kenshi to Earthrealm to deal with his injuries. The group follow Ashrah, as she explains she is a former demoness that found her magical blade that not only senses evil but allows her to shed her demonic traits with each evil being she kills. When Johnny asks why a demon would want to be less evil, she explains that while the Netherrealm was originally all she knew, upon seeing the beauty of Earthrealm and Outworld, she knew there was a better way to live and could not allow Quan Chi to defile both.


Playable: Baraka
Fight Opponent Player's Kameo Fighter Opponent's Kameo Fighter Stage
1 Tarkatan Klone (x5) Kung Lao N/A Shang Tsung's Flesh Pits (Experiments Off)
2 Super Tarkatan Tarkatan Fighter Shang Tsung's Flesh Pits (Experiments On)
3 Reptile N/A Shang Tsung's Flesh Pits (Experiments Off)
4 Ashrah Reptile Living Forest (Day)


  • The Tarkatan Klones and the Super Tarkatan all use Baraka's moveset.
  • At a point between the third and fourth fights, a "Test Your Might" challenge occurs, which has Baraka attempt to destroy a door while the room is being filled with poisonous gas. If the player fails this challenge, the gas in the room will become thicker, causing Syzoth, Johnny, Kenshi, and Kung Lao to all drop dead, with Baraka suffering the same fate seconds later.

Defeat Quotes

Fights 1/2: As Shang Tsung's hybrids tore at his flesh, Baraka realized the depths of the sorcerer's evil. He died regretting that they had ever crossed paths.

Fight 3: Recaptured by Shang Tsung's minions, Baraka knew that his fate was sealed. He prayed for Argus's mercy as he was thrown into Shang Tsung's vivisection chamber.

Fight 4: As Ashrah's kriss ran through him, Baraka couldn't believe his fate. He thought that Tarkat would be the demon that killed him.

Chapter 6: Upward Climb (Ashrah)

The group come across Quan Chi, alongside his allies Nitara, Havik, Darrius and Sareena powering up a soul stealer. Initially, Havik and Darrius are reluctant to assist, but is compelled by the other three to uphold their end of the deal. A concerned Ashrah tells the rest of the heroes that one soul stealer can end thousands of lives, and if they use multiples of them on Earthrealm, it would cause millions of deaths. They resolve to stop Quan Chi, but before they do, Johnny forces Kenshi to remain behind, but gifts him Sento for saving his life. During the battle, Ashrah defeats Nitara, but Quan Chi uses the soul stealer to take the souls from the Living Forest and combine them into a new minion: Ermac.

Ermac overwhelms the group of heroes, but Ashrah and Syzoth still manage to defeat Havik and Darrius, then Quan Chi and Ermac. However, Kenshi resolves to protect his friends and attacks, being easily knocked aside until he hears Sento calling out for him in the voices of his ancestors. Using the astral vision gained by Sento, Kenshi reengages Ermac and manages to stab him, thus imbuing Sento with a fraction of Ermac's telekinetic power. Ashrah and Kenshi join forces and defeat Ermac, causing the souls within Ermac to go haywire. During the confusion, Ashrah shuts down the soul stealer, and the captive souls attack Quan Chi, rendering him unconscious.

With Quan Chi neutralized, the group parts ways with Baraka, but Johnny offers Syzoth and Ashrah a place in Earthrealm, where they are sure Liu Kang will welcome them. Ashrah happily accepts, never having had a home before. Meanwhile, Shang Tsung convenes with his benefactor, Kronika, whom he tells that the soul stealers are under construction, that the army will obey her every command, and that he has devised a plan to steal the Lin Kuei from Liu Kang. Kronika praises Shang Tsung's efforts, promising that he will soon reap the rewards of what he's sown.


Playable: Ashrah
Fight Opponent Player's Kameo Fighter Opponent's Kameo Fighter Stage
1 Nitara Reptile Havik Living Forest (Day)
2 Havik Darrius Corrupted Forest (Day)
3 Quan Chi Ermac
4 Ermac Kenshi Sareena

Defeat Quotes

Fight 1: Felled by Nitara, Ashrah lay dying. Her quest for absolution would end incomplete.

Fight 2: Of all the evil she'd faced, Ashrah had never faced any as chaotic as Havik's. Her eyes closed for the last time, she feared how it might one day ruin the realm.

Fight 3: Ashrah's failure to defeat Quan Chi put her back under his spell. Once again, she is the most obedient member of his Sisterhood of Shadow.

Fight 4: Ashrah's defeat gave Quan Chi the chance to perfect his diabolical Soul Stealer. Now no one can stop him from subjugating the realms.

Chapter 7: Narrow Escape (Reptile)

Syzoth prowls the rooftops of Sun Do during a large festival being patrolled both by Li Mei's city constables and General Shao's troops. During the festivities, Mileena and Tanya flirt, and Kitana cautions her sister about consorting with Umgadi, given their oaths, having noticed her sister's desires. She tells her sister to wait until she has become Empress to change the laws, but a dissatisfied Mileena simply walks away disgusted. The Earthrealmers and Ashrah disguise themselves in festival attire while Syzoth creates a diversion to help them get away. However, he is spotted by Reiko, who uses a shuriken to injure the Zaterran and allowing the others to chase him down.

Li Mei demands that Syzoth surrender, but he refuses, knowing that General Shao will have him killed in order to silence him. Aided by Kenshi, he defeats Li Mei and then Kitana, lamenting that he has no time to explain the misunderstanding. He then battles against Tanya and Khameleon before being surrounded by General Shao's forces. Johnny, Ashrah and Kung Lao come to their aid, allowing Syzoth to defeat Shao and Goro before he and the others escape through a portal to Earthrealm.

Once there, Lord Liu Kang welcomes them home but is shocked to see that Kenshi has been blinded. While he is happy to know that Kenshi has bonded with Sento, he says he wishes it had been under difference circumstances this time. When Kenshi is confused by the words "this time", Liu Kang claims that he misspoke and tells his friends to recover before they debrief him of their mission. However, upon welcoming Syzoth and Ashrah, and learning that Quan Chi and Shang Tsung have formed a new Deadly Alliance, Liu Kang asks to be debriefed immediately. He later consults once more with Geras, trying to piece together how these events have reoccurred despite Liu Kang's efforts. Geras informs him that an unknown woman has been aiding both sorcerers, as well as General Shao, but her identity is unknown. Liu Kang questions if the woman could be a resurrected Kronika, but Geras states that this is not possible, as Titans can never be reborn once killed. Liu Kang realizes that this means the previous timeline must have another survivor — someone with a vendetta against him in particular.


Playable: Reptile
Fight Opponent Player's Kameo Fighter Opponent's Kameo Fighter Stage
1 Li Mei Kenshi Reiko Sun Do (Night)
2 Kitana Tanya
3 Tanya Khameleon
4 General Shao Goro

Defeat Quotes

Fight 1: After his capture, Syzoth was taken to the Lower Mines. He will spend the rest of his days in forced labor.

Fights 2/3: The Earthrealmers and Syzoth were punished severely for their transgressions. They were forced to live among Tarkatans.

Fight 4: Syzoth and the Earthrealmers were captured by Shao and thrown into Lei Chin prison. They have never been heard from again.

Chapter 8: Band of Brothers (Sub-Zero)

An irritated Bi-Han waits to see Lord Liu Kang, but is told by his younger brother and Smoke that there are many matters that require the Fire God's attention and that their father would wait without protest. Bi-Han asserts that their father is gone and he is now Grandmaster, and that he does not intend to allow tradition to shackle them. When Smoke protests, Bi-Han proclaims that although their father adopted Tomas when he was a child, he will never truly be Lin Kuei by blood. At that moment, Raiden interrupts and explains that Liu Kang can see them. Lord Liu charges the Lin Kuei with finding the soul stealers being constructed on Earth and destroying them, as well as capturing Shang Tsung. Raiden offers to join the mission but is dismissed by Bi-Han, and Liu Kang confirms that he and Kung Lao are needed elsewhere.

Arriving at the site of the soul stealers' construction at a massive fortress, Bi-Han is ecstatic to face a worthy foe, and the two brothers again argue about the Lin Kuei's future. The three ascend the walls of the fortress, but Smoke is attacked by Nitara. The two brothers battle and defeat her, Sareena and Ermac before infiltrating further into the fortress and attempting to capture Quan Chi. However, they are briefly distracted by the vast hordes of wealth found in the fortress, which Bi-Han realizes will be distributed as the spoils of the war. Once they find an opportunity, the Lin Kuei assault the Deadly Alliance duo, and though they are initially successful, they are later ambushed by Shao's forces and taken captive. Rather than execute them, however, Shang Tsung appeals to Bi-Han's ambition, enticing him to turn against Liu Kang, whom he accuses of holding back the clan's growth.

Meanwhile, Geras watches the initial meeting between Shang Tsung and "Kronika", wondering who the woman actually is before suddenly coming to a realization.


Playable: Sub-Zero
Fight Opponent Player's Kameo Fighter Opponent's Kameo Fighter Stage
1 Nitara Scorpion Sareena Ying Fortress (Snow)
2 Ermac Nitara
3 Quan Chi Shang Tsung Treasure Chamber (Smelter On)
4 Shang Tsung Quan Chi


  • At a point between the first and second fights, a "Test Your Might" challenge occurs, which has Sub-Zero attempt to break free of Ermac's telekinetic restraint on his arms. If the player fails this challenge, Ermac will rip off both of Sub-Zero's arms, causing him to bleed out to his death.

Defeat Quotes

Fight 1: Nitara bared her long fangs and plunged them deep into Sub-Zero's neck. After the heat of kombat, his cold blood proved most refreshing.

Fight 2: Ermac grabbed Sub-Zero's helpless body and ripped off each of its limbs. The Lin Kuei's Grandmaster was no more.

Fights 3/4: Sub-Zero's kombat failed to live up to the sorcerers' expectations. They had thought a Lin Kuei would be much harder to kill.

Chapter 9: Civil War (Scorpion)

Shang Tsung and General Shao explain their plans to the Lin Kuei warriors, and Bi-Han shuts down Kuai Liang's attempts to dissuade him. When Bi-Han questions the soundness of their plan, Shang Tsung explains that the soul stealers are not the principle weapons — instead they intend to invade with the invincible Dragon Army of Emperor Ying, powered by souls and directed by the Dragon Crown.

When Bi-Han pledges his allegiance to the Deadly Alliance, he reveals to Kuai Liang that he believes their father was a doddering fool, and that he allowed their father to die so that he could become Grandmaster. Having learned the truth, Kuai Liang turns against his brother, and battles against Shao, Shang Tsung, Rain and Quan Chi to escape. During his escape, he also fights off Havik and Darrius, during which the two attempt to burn him alive in molten metal. In the resulting struggle, Havik has his face permanently disfigured as the flesh around his mouth melts away after Kuai Liang shoves him into molten metal. Kuai Liang later reunites with Smoke, and defeats Bi-Han. After the battle, Kuai Liang and Smoke defect from the Lin Kuei, realizing that Sektor and Cyrax would rather follow their Grandmaster into dishonor, and that they must instead choose a different path.


Playable: Scorpion
Fight Opponent Player's Kameo Fighter Opponent's Kameo Fighter Stage
1 General Shao Fire Elemental Shang Tsung Tomb of the Dragon Army (Dormant)
2 Rain Quan Chi Treasure Chamber (Smelter On)
3 Havik Darrius
4 Sub-Zero Ice Elemental Ying Fortress (Snow)


  • The Fire Elemental, as a Kameo Fighter, uses Kameo Scorpion's moves.
  • The Ice Elemental, as Sub-Zero's Kameo Fighter, uses Kameo Sub-Zero's moves.
  • At a point between the second and third fights, a "Test Your Might" challenge occurs, which has Scorpion attempt to free himself from Darrius and Havik, who attempt to shove his head into molten metal. If the player fails this challenge, Scorpion's face will be dipped in the hot liquid, melting his skull and killing him almost immediately.

Defeat Quotes

Fights 1/2: Captured by General Shao's soldiers, Scorpion knew that he would never leave Ying Fortress. It pained him that he would never see Harumi Shirai again.

Fight 3: His escape thwarted, Scorpion now faced punishment at Havik's hands. He braced himself for the chaos.

Fight 4: As death darkened his vision, Scorpion thought about the Lin Kuei's future under his brother's rule. He was glad he wouldn't be alive to see it.

Chapter 10: Protect and Serve (Li Mei)

At Lord Liu Kang's temple, he watches as the soul stealers are activated, and is visited by Geras, who reveals that the benefactor helping the Deadly Alliance comes from another timeline which runs concurrently with the Fire God's. Liu Kang realizes that the only way to prevent the destruction of both Earthrealm and Outworld is to travel to Outworld himself and entreat with Empress Sindel and reveal to her his prior role as the Keeper of Time. Entering Sun Do, he is stopped by Li Mei and her constables, who warn him to turn back. Liu Kang explains Earthrealm's innocence and implicates General Shao and Shang Tsung as traitors, and that Shang gained favor with the empress by treating Mileena's Tarkat disease. Li Mei believes him and agrees to grant an audience.

Along the way, the two are ambushed by Reiko and Motaro, who attempt to sway Li Mei to their side and eliminate her when she refuses. Fighting them off, the two continue to the palace, where they are ambushed by Tanya and the Umgadi, whom they also defeat. They bring a captive Tanya with them to prove to the empress that they are not hostile, but this attempt backfires when Tanya attacks Li Mei in the throne room, forcing her and Liu Kang to fight her, Kitana and Mileena. When Mileena's Tarkat disease suddenly manifests and she nearly kills Sindel, Li Mei saves the empress' life and neutralizes Mileena until the serum can be administered. Sindel immediately forgives Li Mei and allows Liu Kang to state his claims, demanding proof. Lord Liu states that if what they find in Shang Tsung's laboratory does not convince her, he will surrender Earthrealm without a fight.


Playable: Li Mei
Fight Opponent Player's Kameo Fighter Opponent's Kameo Fighter Stage
1 Reiko Liu Kang Motaro Sun Do (Day)
2 Tanya Khameleon Hanging Gardens (Day)
3 Kitana Tanya The Great Hall (Afternoon)
4 Mileena N/A

Defeat Quotes

Fights 1/2: Once again, Li Mei had fought to defend the royal house. Once again, she had failed. History would not remember her kindly.

Fight 3: Unable to convince Princess Kitana and her family of General Shao's evil intentions, Li Mei was powerless to prevent Empress Sindel from losing her throne.

Fight 4: Mortally wounded, Li Mei could only watch as Princess Mileena was completely overcome by Tarkat disease. Li Mei died heartbroken by the loss.

Chapter 11: For the Empire (Sindel)

A horrified Sindel is disgusted by what she finds in the lab and is further rattled when Lord Liu Kang reveals his prior role as the Keeper of Time and creator of all that exists, summoning Geras to prove his claim and show Sindel her life in the previous timelines. Sindel is awestruck and wonders why Liu Kang gave up his power and does not seek worship. He explains that he knew he would fare no better than Kronika had he kept the power, and that he was only Keeper of Time due to circumstances and is in no way divine. They are interrupted by the arrival of General Shao and his forces, who brandishes the Amulet of Shinnok. Despite Liu Kang's warnings about using the amulet, Shao traps Mileena, Kitana, Tanya and Geras within it before engaging Sindel, Li Mei and Liu Kang in battle. Sindel defeats Nitara, Reiko, Rain and then Shao, allowing Liu Kang to retrieve the amulet and free Geras, Tanya and the princesses. Liu Kang asks for her help to save Earthrealm, and when Sindel asks if this is the command of a creator, he states that is the request of a friend.


Playable: Sindel
Fight Opponent Player's Kameo Fighter Opponent's Kameo Fighter Stage
1 Nitara Li Mei Goro Shang Tsung's Flesh Pits (Experiments Off)
2 Reiko Motaro Shang Tsung's Lab (Overcast)
3 Rain General Shao
4 General Shao Reiko

Defeat Quotes

Fight 1: When Sindel thought of how she might die, she never thought it would be at a Vaeternian's hands. It anguished her that her death would bring such shame to the royal house.

Fights 2/3: Sindel bristled at how the very men she had once trusted had been her downfall. She vowed to repay them for their treachery. If not in this life, then the next.

Fight 4: In the end, Empress Sindel's fight to save her throne proved too futile. The General and his rebels were too numerous, too well-equipped, and too driven.

Chapter 12: Queen's Gambit (Mileena)

The combined Outworld and Earthrealm forces travel to the Deadly Alliance's fortress and work together to neutralize their forces and shut down the soul stealers. Ermac appears and defeats Tanya, breaking her ribs, and Mileena engages and defeats him, causing King Jerrod to gain control of Ermac. Jerrod reunites with his beloved wife and daughters, and once again joins forces with Liu Kang. Mileena offers to act as a diversion for the group, and they infiltrate further into the fortress as Mileena pretends to defect to the Deadly Alliance's side. Once in position, her allies attack the Alliance and their forces, defeating Shang Tsung and demanding to know who his benefactor is. Confidently, the sorcerer introduces his benefactor as "Damashi". However, everyone is stunned when the person that appears is another Shang, which turned out to be the very same one Lord Liu fought for the Hourglass and thought dead.

The alternate Shang, who goes by his Titan moniker, explains that their battle ripped time apart, resulting in twin timelines: one in which Kang was victorious and another where it was his own. Upon learning of the other timeline, Titan Shang Tsung decided to destroy all life within and then merge it with his own. Realizing that they have been pawns, the Deadly Alliance turn against the Titan, who unleashes his own minions, made up of "Dark" doppelgangers from his timeline. Mileena defeats Dark Raiden while several kombatants surround Dark Sindel, only to be soundly defeated by her. Empress Sindel battles her dark counterpart and initially gains the upper hand and disarms her, only for Dark Sindel to reclaim her weapon with her hair and fatally impale the Empress. An enraged Mileena battles the dark version of her mother and is victorious but requires the serum from Tanya to avoid transforming.

A dying Sindel is glad to have had a few more hours with her lost husband and declares Mileena the new Empress of Outworld before passing away. Ermac uses his magic to absorb Sindel's soul into his being, where she and Jerrod will now be together.

As the Dragon Army awakens, Liu Kang declares that his allies must withdraw, and they retreat into the hills surrounding the fortress, watching as the soldiers begins their invasion. They realize that the army will require a nexus of portals to invade the other realms, and they prepare a force to intercept and stop it. Meanwhile, realizing that they are overmatched, Shang Tsung poses the theory that Titan Shang is mistaken about there only being two timelines: if there are two, who says there cannot be more? Geras posits that the theory is plausible, but only a Keeper of Time could attempt a search. When Liu Kang reminds him that he gave up that power, Geras tells him there may be a way to reclaim it. Fearing that the Fire God would need the power of a Titan again, he collected and hid the power rather than allow it to dissipate. Liu Kang questions why Geras never told him this, and Geras says that he did not want Kang's joyous life as the Protector of Earthrealm to be ruined by the temptation of a Titan's power. Liu Kang thanks his friend and says he may have saved them all with his wisdom. In the meantime, Dark Geras reports to Titan Shang Tsung that Liu Kang is even more resilient than anticipated, and Shang Tsung orders him to be found, as he alone is the true threat to their plans.


Playable: Mileena
Fight Opponent Player's Kameo Fighter Opponent's Kameo Fighter Stage
1 Ermac Tanya Sareena Ying Fortress (Dawn)
2 Shang Tsung Quan Chi Tomb of the Dragon Army (Dormant)
3 Dark Raiden Dark Sindel Tomb of the Dragon Army (Active)
4 Dark Sindel Dark Nitara


  • As Mileena is not yet disfigured by the Tarkat infection until the end of the second fight, a large portion of her moveset is unavailable and Fatal Blows cannot be performed for the first two fights.

Defeat Quotes

Fight 1: As her soul was absorbed into Ermac's vast collection, Mileena was overwhelmed by the din of their voices. She didn't know if she would survive among them.

Fight 2: The sorcerers' laughter at her failure rang loudly in Mileena's ears. It would be the last thing she ever heard.

Fight 3: Mileena couldn't believe that she had lost both the battle and her empire. She welcomed death as a release from her misery.

Fight 4: Mileena couldn't believe that she had lost both her mother and her empire. She welcomed death as a release from her misery.

Chapter 13: Deadly Alliance (Shang Tsung)

Johnny Cage uses a drone to survey the Dragon Army to Mileena's astonishment, as Scorpion devises a plan to split their forces: Shang Tsung, Quan Chi and Raiden will close the portals to halt the Army's invasion, Kenshi and Jerrod will destroy as much of the Army as they can, and everyone else will battle their Dark doubles to throw the army into disarray.

The plan commences as Jerrod and Kenshi cause a landslide on the Army's forces and rain down attacks from a vantage point. Then, the sorcerers and Raiden attempt to close the portals, but they are thwarted by Dark Kenshi and Dark Ermac. The Deadly Alliance, angered at being double-crossed, fuel their rage into defeating Titan Shang Tsung's minions and finally destroy the portal. The Deadly Alliance is trapped and ambushed by Dark Rain and Dark Smoke but rescued by Raiden. They reengage their opponents and defeat them before defeating Dark Shao in a concerted effort. Realizing the Dark Shao's life force feeds the portal, the Deadly Alliance attempt to kill him, but are interrupted by Dark Scorpion and Dark Sub Zero.

This time, the Deadly Alliance save Raiden from Dark Shao, and then do battle against him and Dark Reiko, killing both and shutting down the portals. The stranded Army will still fight to the last man, however, so the Alliance and Raiden join with their allies to defeat them.


Playable: Shang Tsung
Fight Opponent Player's Kameo Fighter Opponent's Kameo Fighter Stage
1 Dark Kenshi Quan Chi Dark Ermac The Gateway (Night)
2 Dark Rain Dark Smoke
3 Dark Scorpion Dark Sub-Zero
4 Dark Shao Kahn Dark Reiko

Defeat Quotes

Fight 1: To be bested by a blind swordsman was more humiliation than Shang Tsung could bear. He was glad to be killed quickly.

Fights 2/3: As a huckster in Outworld's hinterlands, Shang Tsung dreamed of wielding great power. Though he held it only a moment, it was worth every sacrifice he had made to get it.

Fight 4: Shang Tsung's defeat made his Titan counterpart's betrayal sting him all the more. He had been outfought and even worse, outwitted. That sin was unforgivable.

Chapter 14: Time of Death (Liu Kang)

Liu Kang reclaims his Titan power and uses it to search for other timelines, eventually discovering a Titan Kitana. While initially wary, the Titan Kitana realizes that the Titan Liu Kang is "her" Liu Kang, and the two kiss and embrace and bemoan the fact that fate seemingly conspires to keep them apart. However, Kitana knows that Liu Kang would not have summoned her if there was no need, so she questions what duty beckons them.

Liu Kang also summons a Titan Kung Lao and Raiden, bringing them up to speed with the current events. They all agree that the Titan Shang Tsung is a danger to all their timelines and must be dealt with, but their meeting is invaded by Titan Shang Tsung and his Dark forces. The Titan Shang Tsung is surprised to find other Titans but realizes that he has been blind and should have realized that other realities could exist. Now knowing that there are other timelines to conquer, and knowing that his Dragon Army is defeated, Shang Tsung decides to simply destroy Liu Kang's Hourglass (and thus him and his entire timeline as well) before leaving to conquer other realities. The four Titans join forces and defeat Shang Tsung's minions, driving him back to his own reality to gain more allies. Realizing that the only way to defeat him for good is to amass an army of Titans to defeat the ones Shang Tsung also summons, the Titans travel to Shang Tsung's dimension and wage a second Battle of Armageddon at the Pyramid of Argus.


Playable: Liu Kang
Fight Opponent Player's Kameo Fighter Opponent's Kameo Fighter Stage
1 Dark Baraka Titan Kitana Dark Reptile The Hourglass (Intact)
2 Dark Li Mei Dark Tanya
3 Dark Liu Kang Dark Kung Lao The Hourglass (Damaged)
4 Dark Kitana Dark Mileena

Defeat Quotes

Fights 1/2: As he lay dying, Liu Kang had to marvel begrudgingly at Titan Shang Tsung's genius. He had indeed crafted his minions into superior warriors.

Fight 3: Thought not the first evil twin Liu Kang had fought, this one would prove his last. Liu Kang would carry the memory of his twisted, malevolent face into the afterlife.

Fight 4: Unable to save his timeline, Liu Kang was forced to witness its destruction. Titan Shang Tsung chortled malevolently as his old enemy was wiped from existence.

Chapter 15: Armageddon

The Light Titans battle the Dark Titans, with Liu Kang and an ally chosen by the player ascending the Pyramid and doing battle with 9 of the aforementioned possible opponents. Upon reaching the top, Liu Kang and his ally battle the Titan Deadly Alliance, but the fire god is defeated and captured, forcing the ally to battle in his place. When the ally succeeds, Kang praises their efforts and takes over to erase both Titans from existence, hopefully never to be seen again. As the timeline seemingly begins to collapse, Kang sends his ally home to their own timeline.


Compared to the other chapters, the final chapter is different: the player is able to choose any of the playable kombatants as Liu Kang's Chosen One, with the chapter depicting them climbing the Pyramid of Argus while fighting nine random opponents: said opponents are either hybrids of two existing fighters, or alternate versions of existing characters. Once all nine are defeated, the player faces Titan Shang Tsung. All fights, including Titan Shang Tsung, are single-round matches rather than best-of-three matches.

Playable: Selected Fighter
Opponent Player's Kameo Fighter Opponent's Kameo Fighter Stage
Random opponent (x9) Liu Kang N/A The Pyramid
Titan Shang Tsung N/A Titan Quan Chi


  • At a point between seventh and eighth fights, a "Test Your Might" Challenge Occurs, which has the player (Liu Kang's Chosen One) attempt to free himself Dark Mileena from Stabbing His/Her eyes with her sais. If the players fails this challenge, Dark Mileena will Stabs Liu Kang's Chosen One's Both Eyes, causing Him/Her to Blind & Bleed out to his/her death.

Defeat Quote

Titan Shang Tsung Fight: With those who opposed him now crushed under his heel, Titan Shang Tsung extended his rule to all realms in all timelines. No one would ever dare challenge him again.

Possible opponents

Hybrid characters

  • Lizard Queen (Sindel x Reptile)
  • Firefly (Li Mei x Scorpion)
  • Screen Demon (Ashrah x Johnny Cage)
  • John Kahner (Johnny Cage x Shao)
  • Quantum-Chi (Geras x Quan Chi)
  • Klockodile (Geras x Reptile)
  • Sento Storm (Kenshi x Rain)
  • Stung Lao (Scorpion x Kung Lao)
  • Scorp Lao (Kung Lao x Scorpion)
  • Barakion (Baraka x Scorpion)
  • Fire Cage (Liu Kang x Johnny Cage)
  • Red Dragon (Liu Kang x Kano)
  • Shock Priestess (Tanya x Raiden)
  • Warlord (Reiko x Raiden)
  • Reiko Starr (Reiko x Johnny Cage)
  • Jawspell (Mileena x Quan Chi)
  • Quan Li (Li Mei x Quan Chi)
  • Kang Quan (Liu Kang x Quan Chi)
  • Shao-Zero (Shao x Sub-Zero)
  • Frostbite (Nitara x Sub-Zero)
  • Guard of Thunder (Li Mei x Raiden)
  • Kitana Kahn (Kitana x Shao)
  • Johnny Savage (Baraka x Johnny Cage)
Exclusive to the Nintendo Switch version
  • Soul Lord (Shang Tsung x Raiden)
  • Khaos Dragon (Havik x Kano)
  • Blinding Haze (Smoke x Kenshi)
  • Soul Smoke (Ermac x Smoke)
  • Ice Lizard (Sub-Zero x Reptile)
  • Kung Xi (Kenshi x Kung Lao)
  • Hanzo Kahn (Scorpion x Shao)
  • Smokestorm (Smoke x Raiden)
  • Killer Kage (Johnny Cage x Kano)
  • Double Trouble (Reiko x Kano)
  • Dark Syzoth (Reptile x Raiden)

Many other hybrids exist in the game's files, but most of these cannot be seen in any version of the final game.

  • Demon Laser (Ashrah x Kano)
  • Smokermac (Smoke x Ermac)
  • Time Freeze (Geras x Sub-Zero)
  • Chaos Dragon (Havik x Kano)
  • Kano Cage (Johnny Cage x Kano)
  • Thunder Aktor (Johnny Cage x Raiden)
  • Ice Cage (Johnny Cage x Sub-Zero)
  • Thunder Sword (Kenshi x Raiden)
  • Blind Shaolin (Kenshi x Kung Lao)
  • Cold Constable (Li Mei x Sub-Zero)
  • Acid Empress (Mileena x Reptile)
  • Ice Princess (Mileena x Sub-Zero)
  • Telephatic Thunder (Raiden x Kenshi)
  • Thunder Cloud (Raiden x Smoke)
  • Double Lightning (Rain x Raiden)
  • Laser Reiko (Reiko x Kano)
  • War Mage (Reiko x Quan Chi)
  • Lightning Zaterran (Reptile x Raiden)
  • Hell Thunder (Scorpion x Raiden)
  • Shaofire (Scorpion x General Shao)
  • Frost Queen (Sindel x Sub-Zero)
  • Smokahn (Smoke x General Shao)
  • Blueberry Ice (Sub-Zero x Johnny Cage)
  • Blizzard (Sub-Zero x Reptile)
  • Frozen General (Sub-Zero x General Shao)

Alternate versions

  • Scorpion (female)
  • Sub-Zero (female)
  • Reptile (female)
  • Ermac (female)
  • LK-7T2 (Cyber Smoke)
  • Janet Cage (female Johnny Cage)
  • Ninja Mime (Johnny Cage)

Other characters

These characters are only seen/fought during cutscenes:


Sometime later, Liu Kang, Johnny Cage, Kenshi and Raiden catch up with current events, as Johnny now has a successful career and is planning to begin directing a Cinematic Universe explaining the events of the game (and slowly getting the public used to the existence of other realms). He offers his friends parts in the film, but they all decline. Raiden and Kung Lao have new initiates to train at the Academy, Kenshi's work to revive the Taira is beginning to pay off, and Liu Kang is assisting Kuai Liang and Smoke in creating a new clan in Japan called the Shirai Ryu. Kang says that when the time comes, he will call on his friends again, and they thank the fire god for "changing the arcs of their lives", as he promised.

Meanwhile at the Pyramid in Titan Shang Tsung's timeline, a Titan called Lord Havik revels in the blood, death and chaos that he had witnessed at the second Battle of Armageddon alongside several companions: a Quan Chi/Sub-Zero, Tanya/Kitana and Kenshi/Kano. When Kenshi/Kano expresses remorse that it ended too fast, Lord Havik sternly replies, "The next time, it won't", also killing an alternate version of Jax before departing.


  • Unless already unlocked via microtransaction, Havik is unlocked by completing Story Mode.
  • Excluding Chapter 15, Geras is the only character who is never fought as an opponent in Story Mode. However, if Dark versions of characters are counted as different characters, then Liu Kang and Sindel share this distinction as well.
    • Barring those three characters, Smoke, Johnny Cage, Kung Lao, Reptile, and Ashrah are fought the least number of times, only being fought once. If Dark counterparts are excluded, then this timeline's versions of Raiden, Scorpion and Baraka also share this distinction.
    • Conversely, General Shao is fought the most times, with five different fights against him, or four if discounting his alternate counterpart.
  • The Fire Temple is the only arena that is never used as such during any Story Mode fights. However, it is seen throughout the Story Mode.
  • Ashrah, Baraka, and Geras are the only playable characters that are never used as Kameo Fighters in Story Mode, either for the player or the opponent. If alternate versions of characters are excluded, then this timeline's versions of Kitana, Mileena, Smoke, and Sindel also share this distinction.
  • Chapter 15 marks the first time in any NetherRealm Studios game where players can freely choose between any playable character, except playable DLC characters.
    • This marks the first time all antagonists in the series have a good counterpart, including Shao Kahn and Shang Tsung.
    • Evil or neutral fighters in Liu Kang's timeline (except for Shang Tsung) are replaced by their Union of Light counterparts from other timelines in this chapter, including Sub-Zero, Shao, Rain, Reiko, Nitara, and Havik. Likewise, Sindel and Liu Kang are replaced by their Union of Light counterparts due to the former's death in Chapter 12 and the latter serving as the player's Kameo Fighter.
    • Havik and Shang Tsung will still need to be unlocked and purchased respectively before they can be playable in this chapter.
    • While Quan Chi and Ermac cannot be used in the final chapter due to being DLC, there are unused voice lines and animations implying that they would have been usable.
  • The main version of Takeda from Liu Kang's timeline is the only original DLC fighter not to appear in the storyline, due to his biography stating to have taken place after the game's main storyline. However, his evil counterpart wearing almost identical clothing as his playable counterpart's (excluding the headband) appears as an NPC cameo in Chapter 15.
  • Excluding Chapter 15, Chapter 3 is the only chapter in Story Mode to have the player fight more than four opponents.
  • Due to not being playable in the base game, Quan Chi and Ermac have rehashed movesets from previous iterations of characters rather than those they use as DLC:
    • Quan Chi's stance and moveset is primarily based on Shang Tsung's from Mortal Kombat 11, while also using aspects of certain characters from this game, such as Kung Lao's back throw.
    • Ermac's stance is similar to that of Sub-Zero's from this game, while using moves based on Noob Saibot and Shang Tsung's from MK11.
    • Khameleon's Kameo also falls under this distinction, as she only uses some of her Kitana and Mileena-inspired moves without using any of the Jade-inspired ones.
    • Even if these characters are purchased, their Story Mode counterparts are not updated to use their playable movesets.
  • With the presence of Titans, being different outcomes of MK11 where different characters defeat Kronika, it is implied that the roster of MK11 additionally resides in their own respective timelines in which they defeated Kronika (likely being similar to their Arcade Endings), thus meaning there exists a different timeline for each character in MK11.
    • Additionally, references to the Original Timeline exist during intro dialogues, implying that all Mortal Kombat: Armageddon endings are canon to their own respective character's universes, similarly to the endings of Mortal Kombat 11.

Callbacks to previous Mortal Kombat games

  • In Chapter 3, when Raiden sees Johnny Cage flirting with Kitana, he asks, "What do you see in him?" to Liu Kang, to which he responds, "He is a hero Raiden, though he may not yet know it." This is a reference to Chapter 1 of Mortal Kombat (2011), where Liu Kang asks Raiden the exact same question and Raiden gives the same answer.
  • In Chapter 9, when Scorpion reunites with Smoke, he says "We may not share blood, but we are brothers." This is a reference to Chapter 14 of Mortal Kombat (2011), where Noob Saibot says "We share blood, but we are not brothers" to Cyber Sub-Zero.
  • In Chapter 12, when everyone is surrounding Dark Sindel, she says, "Come forward, if you dare. I will finish what Raiden could not." This is a reference to Chapter 15 of Mortal Kombat (2011), where she says a similar line, "Come forward, if you dare. I will finish what the Lin Kuei could not," before killing nearly everyone surrounding her.
  • In Chapter 14, Liu Kang confirms to Titan Kitana that he is her Liu Kang by mentioning that he is the same one that fought her in Shang Tsung's courtyard (in Chapter 5 of Mortal Kombat (2011)), and the one that battled alongside her at the Koliseum and beamed with pride when she became Outworld's Kahn (in Chapter 7 of Mortal Kombat 11).
  • During Liu Kang and Titan Kitana's reunion, the former says, "Perhaps in another timeline, they could be ours", referencing a line from Liu Kang's Arcade ending in Mortal Kombat 11.
  • The titles of Chapter 13 & 15 ("Deadly Alliance" and "Armageddon" respectively) are references to the games of the same name. The former game also featured the same pair of characters as the main antagonists that are used as the playable character and Kameo Fighter in the chapter, Shang Tsung and Quan Chi.


  • In Chapter 2, if Johnny loses the fight against Sub-Zero, the defeat quote says that "Johnny was sure that his fight with the masked strangers had been a dream." However, during the actual fight (as well as their entire visit to Johnny's mansion), neither Sub-Zero nor Scorpion wore their masks.
  • In Chapter 4, Kenshi is seen wielding Sento during gameplay instead of his regular Katana, despite the fact that Johnny does not give Sento to him until the end of Chapter 5.
  • In Chapter 11, when Sindel says "Know that it will cost you your life" during her confrontation with Reiko, the subtitle shows "MK12_148_154,11" instead. This was later fixed in Day 1 patch.
  • In Chapter 12 when Mileena is about to fight Shang Tsung, the Dragon Crown mysteriously disappears from the latter's head as the cinematic transitions to gameplay.
  • In Chapter 12 when Mileena fights Dark Raiden, despite using a different voice actor (Travis Willingham), he will still use voice lines by Raiden's current voice actor (Vincent Rodriguez III) when performing certain special attacks.
  • In Chapter 13 when Shang Tsung fights Dark Shao, his name is listed as "Shao Kahn".
    • Furthermore, despite using his Wrath Hammer, some attacks involving the weapon make a slicing or slashing sound as if he was using General Shao's axe.
  • In Chapter 14, Liu Kang brings a Titan version of Kitana to his timeline. He says she is the same one from his timeline that battled in the events of MK11. This statement does not make sense, as the Kitana from his timeline was erased.
  • Despite killing Sindel and Shao Kahn, a Sindel appears with the alternate version of Shang Tsung, it is never revealed what version of Sindel this is, as the revelation of multiple timelines does not appear until the end of the Chapter.
    • Furthermore, it is never stated as to whether Titan Shang Tsung had restored the victims of his timeline and corrupted them as he did Raiden and Fujin, as he himself did not come to this revelation until discovering Liu Kang had amassed Titan allies from other timelines.
  • After defeating the Titan Deadly Alliance, Liu Kang will send his chosen ally back to their respective timeline, stating he wishes to meet them again one day. This however does not make sense with some characters like Johnny Cage, Kenshi, Raiden, and Kung Lao, as right after the game's ending, he is at Madam Bo's with them.