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Mortal Kombat Wiki

Now I have but one goal: to slay the sorcerer who blinded me.


—Kenshi to Shujinko in Mortal Kombat: Deception

Kenshi Takahashi (Japanese: 高橋剣士 Takahashi Kenshi) is a character in the Mortal Kombat fighting game series. A blind swordsman with the abilities of telekinesis & psychokinesis, he is the father of Takeda Takahashi and a major member of the Special Forces and the OIA.

Kenshi made his playable debut in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance. Kenshi returned in Mortal Kombat (2011) as the second DLC character as part of the Season Pass.

Kenshi returned in Mortal Kombat X as a playable character and as a supporting character in the game's Story Mode.

A new version of Kenshi returns in Mortal Kombat 1 as a playable character, serving as a supporting character in the game's Story Mode.

About Kenshi

Kenshi is a rogue swordsman of Eurasian heritage who possesses psychokinetic powers and nurses a bitter hatred for the evil sorcerer named Shang Tsung, whose deceit had resulted in Kenshi's living. Since debuting in 2002's Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance, he has persistently featured in the series storyline by freeing Ermac from Outworld emperor Shao Kahn's control, joining the Special Forces alongside Jax and Sonya Blade, and seeking to bring down Mavado and his Red Dragon faction, in addition to associating with the likes of Sub-Zero and Johnny Cage.

Kenshi was included in the 2011 Mortal Kombat reboot as a downloadable character, appeared in the 2013 second season of the Mortal Kombat: Legacy web series, and was featured as a playable kombatant in the 2015 game Mortal Kombat X. In Mortal Kombat X, set 25 years after the events of Mortal Kombat (2011), Kenshi had fathered a son named Takeda with a woman named Suchin and after she was murdered by Red Dragon assassins that were targeting Kenshi, he had a restored Hanzo Hasashi watch over and care for Takeda for most of Takeda's life, training him in the ways of the Shirai Ryu. After revealing the truth of Suchin's demise to Takeda, Takeda was hesitant to return with his father, but decided to trust him in finding and defeating those who murdered Takeda's mother while enhancing Takeda's psychokinetic powers even further.

In the new era, the Taira clan were decimated in battle five centuries earlier and changed their name to Takahashi before joining the Bakuto, a predecessor for the Yakuza, for protection. Kenshi vows to free his family from the Yakuza's grasp by retrieving the clan's legendary sword, Sento, from Johnny Cage. After losing to Johnny in a fight, the two are recruited by Fire God Liu Kang as Earthrealm's defenders for the Mortal Kombat tournament alongside Raiden and Kung Lao. In the lab, Kenshi is blinded when protecting Johnny from Mileena, who also has Tarkat disease, before he and the other three are arrested. With help from his allies, they manage to escape and make their way back to Earthrealm. Along the way, Johnny gifts Kenshi Sento as payment for saving his life, and he manages to unleash its power by siphoning some of the souls within Ermac.


In Deadly Alliance, Kenshi wears a black body suit with red accents. He wears a sash across his chest, depicting a dragon, and a black pauldron on his right shoulder. Attached to his belt is a small satchel. He wears red knee pads and black boots. His signature red bandana is worn across his eyes.

For his alternate costume, Kenshi sheds his tactical gear and red blindfold in favor of a traditional karate gi. His gi is white, with many tears and gashes. A black belt is worn across his waist, holding up a satchel. Kenshi is also barefoot.

In Deception and Armageddon, Kenshi wears a high-collared, grey rubber vest, with kanji on it, and armored pants. In addition, he wears white kneepads, red pointed boots, and long, armored gloves. His red blindfold is also worn.

Kenshi's Deception and Armageddon alternate costume is his Deadly Alliance primary. However, the back of his pants are now red instead of black.

In MK 2011, Kenshi dons a refined version of his original outfit, but now featuring glowing panels on the back of his hands and a sharper hair cut.

25 years after the events of MK 2011, in MKX, he now sports a new coat-like version of his outfit. He has also grown full facial hair, with it graying in some areas.

In MK1, Kenshi initially wears formal clothing during his fight with Johnny Cage. He has a Bakuto tattoo which can be seen on his hands. During their infiltration on Outworld, he wears a tactical suit with long coat and a red accent and later dons his trademark blindfold after being blinded by Mileena.

Combat Characteristics

Despite his blindness, Kenshi possesses senses that are heightened beyond their normal ability and can fight on par with any other kombatant. Kenshi wields an ancestral sword called Sento that contains the spirits of warrior kings from his line, and he is in turn guided by these spirits in combat. He can sense an opponent's presence by their energy or by hearing them and thus, can take opponents by surprise. His senses are so acute, he is capable of sensing beings capable of hiding from well-trained assassins such as Sub-Zero and can even sense beings sealed in objects such as Shinnok who was trapped in his own amulet that leads to a dark dimension. His sense of sight is revealed to be spiritual in nature, meaning that he can sense the souls of living beings. Also due to his blindness, he is completely immune to attacks that would target one's sense of sight.

Kenshi is well-trained in telekinesis as well, frequently using it to move objects and people without physically touching them. His telekinetic attacks allow him to push, pull and lift most things using a single hand motion. He is also capable of teleportation and levitation, further increasing his mobility. Mileena and others have described him having other psychic talents on top of his TK abilities. Throughout the years, the blind swordsman has also showcased other skills pertaining to a mentalist. Like telepathy, through which he can project waves of energy from his mind that can paralyze, keeping enemies in place and stopping their movements which leaves them open to attack. Kenshi has demonstrated several abilities using such a power that are useful outside of physical combat, like the transmission of thoughts and reading minds, seeing visions of the future in his dreams, removing mind control effects on others, creating portals with an incantation, and being able to overload one's senses which causes a knockout.

In MK 2011, Kenshi's fighting style has been expanded upon, extensively using his telekinesis to wield his sword, although he still uses his hands to hold it from time to time. He can also employ his telekinesis into a tangible, projection of himself to attack opponents from a distance, similar to Noob Saibot. His sword has the ability to reflect projectiles back to his opponents as well as being able to magically absorb projectiles that will replenish his health.

In MKX, one of Kenshi's variations, Possessed, features a shattered version of the Sento and through these cracks, he is able to summon forth a Demon that wields a large sickle and Kwan Dao that fights for Kenshi on Kenshi's demand.

Signature Moves

  • Telekinetic Slam: Kenshi picks the opponent up with telekinesis and slams them against the ground in front of him. In the original timeline, this move was taught to Kenshi by Ermac. In MKX, this is called Tele-Slam. (MK:DA, MK:D, MK:U, MK:A, MKX - Kenjutsu Variation)
    • The enhanced version is called Tele-Suspend, in which Kenshi does not slam the opponent on the ground but rather suspend them in the air before dropping them in front of himself, stunning the opponent and setting them up for a free hit. The attack deals significantly reduced damage compared to the original version at the expense of the stun effect. Kenshi can only perform Tele-Suspend once during his combo.
  • Telekinetic Toss: Kenshi picks the opponent up with telekinesis and slams them against the ground in the opposite direction. In MK 2011, this attack has been downgraded into his grab. In MKX, this is called Tele-Toss and makes Kenshi telekinetically lift the opponent to move them over his head and slam them on the floor behind him. Additionally in MKX, the attack can miss ducking opponents. (MK:DA, MK:D, MK:U, MK:A, MKX - Kenjutsu Variation)
    • The enhanced version is called Tele-Strike and makes Kenshi telekinetically strike the opponent twice while suspending them before slamming them down in the opposite direction, dealing increased damage.
  • Telekinetic Push: Kenshi holds his hand in front of his opponent and telekinetically pushes them backwards. In MKX, this attack is called Tele-Push can knocks the opponent away full-screen distance. In MK1, this attack is called Force Push, and it can be charged to deal more damage. (MK:DA, MK:D, MK:U, MK:A, MKX - Kenjutsu Variation, MK1)
    • The enhanced version is called Tele-Blast, which has armor and deals increased damage.
    • In MK1, the enhanced version deals more damage.
  • Tele-Flurry: Kenshi performs two punches and a kick to his opponent from a far distance. In MKX, Kenshi summons his telekinetic projection to slice the opponent three times, with the third one knocking them away. Additionally in MKX, the attack can miss ducking opponents. (MK:D, MK:U, MK:A, MK 2011, MKX - Balanced Variation)
    • Both in MK 2011 and MKX, the enhanced version is called Tele-Beatdown. In MK 2011, it adds 2 extra punches. In MKX, Kenshi's projection does an overhead slice to slam the opponent against the floor after the three first strikes. During these strikes, the attack re-stands the opponent, however they are knock down by the final strike of the attack.
  • Mind Warp: Kenshi teleports himself closer to his opponent. Kenshi uses this attack during his X-Ray in MK 2011 but never in the actual game. (MK:D, MK:U, MK:A)
  • Telekinetic Slash: Kenshi telekinetically unsheathes Sento and slices the opponent upward. There are close, medium and far versions of this move. (MK 2011)
    • The enhanced versions are called Telekinetic Blade. They add an overhead slice before the upward one.
  • Rising Karma: Kenshi uppercuts his opponents in the air with Sento in the ethereal form, launching the opponent in the air for a juggle. In MKX, Kenshi performs this attack by creating a projection of himself that launches the opponent in the air for a juggle, while in MK1 he summons his ancestor's spirit to do that. (MK 2011, MKX - Balanced Variation, MK1)
    • Both in MK 2011 and MKX, the enhanced version is called Karma Eruption. In MK 2011, it does more damage. In MKX, Kenshi makes his projection
    • In MK1, the enhanced version deals more damage.
  • Blade Reflect: Kenshi unsheathes his sword and deflects projectiles off Sento's blade, reflecting them and their properties back at the opponent. In MKX, the attack is capable of parrying attacks with the exception of Low attacks and X-Rays. Kenshi can only parry one attack at a time. Additionally in MKX, if Kenshi parries a Low projectile, the attack will not be reflected but rather absorbed by Sento. (MK 2011, MKX)
    • Both in MK 2011 and MKX, the enhanced version is Blade Absorb. Instead of the projectile being reflected back at the opponent, it is instead absorbed by Sento and heals Kenshi for 5% of his health. If Kenshi parries an attack with Blade Absorb, the attack and damage will still be nullified, however Kenshi does not regain health.
  • Spirit Charge: Kenshi telekinetically shoulders the opponent, knocking them away. In MKX, this is called Spirit Push and has create a projection of himself that performs a powerful palm strike that knocks the opponent away, rather than delivering the shoulder charge. In MK1, this is called Soul Charge, and Kenshi summons his ancestor's spirit to ram into the opponent with a shoulder charge. (MK 2011, MKX - Balanced Variation, MK1)
    • In MK 2011, the enhanced version is called Spirit Vengeance and adds a down slice for increased damage.
    • In MKX, the enhanced version is called Spirit Charge, which has armor and has Kenshi add an uppercut with his projection for increased damage. Unlike Spirit Push, the initial hit of this version of the attack re-stands the opponent, however they are knocked away by the uppercut. Kenshi is much more safe if this version is blocked by the opponent.
    • In MK1, the enhanced version grants super armor and deals more damage.
  • Spinning Blade: Kenshi spins Sento in an arc to do an overhead slash on the opponent, slashing them twice and knocking them to the ground. (MKX)
    • The enhanced version is called Blade-Nado and has Kenshi add a third overhead slash, dealing increased damage and bouncing the opponent off the ground for a juggle.
  • Rising Sword: Kenshi uppercuts the opponent with Sento. Kenshi is offered a brief moment for an additional attack; otherwise, the opponent is knocked away. When utilizing this ability in the corner of an arena, this juggle effect is greatly increased. (MKX)
    • The enhanced version is called Sword Dance, which makes Kenshi leap and strike the enemy in the air twice after the uppercut, dealing increased damage and greatly increasing the juggle effect of the attack.
  • Sickle Lift: Kenshi summons a Demon from Sento that stabs the opponent with a large sickle, tossing the opponent in the air and away from Kenshi. (MKX - Possessed Variation)
    • The enhanced version is called Sickle Strike, which has Kenshi command the Demon the throw the sickle at the airborne opponent, where it spins in a helicopter-like fashion, dealing increased damage. Kenshi is offered a brief moment of additional attacks; otherwise, the opponent is launched away by the sickle. When utilizing this ability in the corner of an arena, this juggle effect is greatly increased.
  • Soul Push: Kenshi summons a Demon from Sento that charges at the opponent, knocking them away with the handle of a large Kwan Dao. (MKX - Possessed Variation)
    • The enhanced version is called Soul Charge, which has armor and has the Demon slam the Kwan Dao over the opponent's head, dealing increased damage and knocking the opponent down.
  • Demon Assault: Kenshi summons a Demon from Sento to appear right in front of his opponent where it stabs the opponent twice in the chest before impaling them through the top of their head with its sickle, causing the opponent to fall down. Kenshi recovers faster than the opponent, which can leave the opponent vulnerable in some instances. (MKX - Possessed Variation)
    • The enhanced version Demon Fury makes the Demon stab the opponent's abdomen after the combo and throw them away in the opposite direction. Depending on where Kenshi is at when Demon Fury is used, the Demon will either send the opponent in the opposite direction full-screen distance, half way across the arena or right next to Kenshi.
  • Demon Slam: Kenshi summons a Demon from Sento that slams its fist on the ground, knocking the opponent off their feet. The attack can be used at different ranges, called Close/Far Demon Slam, respectively. Kenshi is vulnerable in some instances when summoning the Demon. In MK1, instead of a demon Kenshi summons his ancestor's spirit to drop down with an overhead sword swing. (MKX - Possessed Variation, MK1)
    • The enhanced version is called Demon Drop, which deals increased damage and launches the opponent in the air for a juggle. Kenshi can use Demon Drop as many times he wants during a combo. Like the original, the attack can be used at different ranges, called Close/Far Demon Drop, respectively.
    • In MK1, the enhanced version makes the opponent bounce off the ground for a juggle.
  • Demonic Strike: Kenshi summons a Demon from Sento that slashes the opponent over their head with its sickle, causing the opponent to stumble. If used on an airborne opponent, the opponent bounces off the ground, however there is no juggle effect. (MKX - Possessed Variation)
    • The enhanced version is called Demonic Slice, which has armor, increased damage and has the Demon strike the opponent overhead with its Kwan Dao, knocking the opponent to the ground. Due to using the Kwan Dao, the attack's range is greatly increased and the overall hitbox of the attack is also increase, causing the Kwan Dao to strike airborne opponents much easier than Demonic Strike.
  • Demon Beam: Much like Mind Warp, Kenshi teleports to get right in front of his opponent, but does this with a red demon energy that leaves him in the air. Kenshi is vulnerable when teleporting, which in turn can prevent the teleportation entirely. Additionally, when timed correctly, Kenshi can be attacked when teleporting above his opponent. This replaces Blade Reflect for the Possessed Variation. (MKX - Possessed Variation)
    • The enhanced version is called Demon Port and grants Kenshi armor when teleporting.
  • Ancestral Guard: Kenshi draws his blade and runs towards the opponent, swinging his sword at them. This running animation can be extended by holding the button down or cancelled, with Kenshi sheathing the sword. (MK1)
  • Sento Stance: Kenshi draws his blade, summoning his ancestor's spirit to fight alongside him. This completely changes his basic attacks, granting them new properties. (MK1)
    • Summon Ancestor: Kenshi summons his ancestor to fight alongside him. The spirit drains the Kameo gauge and is dismissed when it reaches 0.
    • Banish Ancestor: Kenshi sheathes his blade, dismissing his ancestor's spirit and allowing the Kameo gauge to recover.
    • Spiritual Alignment: Kenshi summons his ancestor's spirit back to his position.
      • The enhanced version grants super armor while summoning.
    • Soaring Sento: Kenshi uppercuts his opponent with Sento.
      • The enhanced version allows Kenshi to follow up with aerial kombos.
    • Teamwork: Kenshi slashes his opponent, then passes through them with another slash and cuts them down in tandem with his ancestor's spirit.
      • The enhanced version is called Ancestral Assist and has Kenshi instead toss his sword at the opponent. If it connects, the spirit pulls the katana out of their body and cuts them down with two powerful swings, sending the sword to Kenshi afterwards.

X-Rays/Fatal Blow

  • X-Ray - Soul Blade: Kenshi throws his sword into the opponent's abdomen and Mind Warps in front of them. He then takes out his sword, turns it over, and hits the opponent in the face with the hilt, breaking the whole skull. He then turns it back over and slashes the foe upward, ripping their ribs open and further damaging the skull. (MK 2011)
  • X-Ray - Way of the Blade: Kenshi uses telekinesis to lift both Sento and his opponent and pulls the opponent towards the sword, pushing it through their nose. He then uses his telekinesis to draw the opponent towards him and palms the hilt, crushing their skull and allowing the blade deeper through the nose before pulling it out. Finally, Kenshi stabs the opponent through the stomach, breaking the spine. (MKX)
  • Fatal Blow - Two Heavens Assault: Kenshi hits the opponent with his sword, allowing his Kameo partner to attack them if it makes contact. After the Kameo's blow, Kenshi and his spirit switch places while slicing the opponent and impales their swords in their body before they remove it and they strike the opponent together, allowing Kenshi to go back in his normal place. (MK1)

Other Moves

  • Throw: Kenshi unleashes a barrages of palm strikes before kicking the opponent away. (MKX)
  • Brainpower: Kenshi strikes the opponent then rams them with his shoulder and spins them to the opposite side of Kenshi. This combo re-stands the opponent. This combo has follow-up attacks; (MKX)
    • After spinning the opponent in the opposite side of Kenshi, the combo can be enhanced to allow Kenshi to continue combos after.
    • Concentration: Kenshi ends Brainpower by kicking the opponent away.
  • Absentminded: Kenshi performs a series of palm strikes then slashes the opponent with Sento, launching them in the air for a juggle. This combo is unavailable in the Possessed Variation. (MKX)
  • Sento: While in the Kenjutsu Variation, Kenshi gains unique combos and basic attacks utilizing Sento. Additionally, some of his combos will be altered from their original to incorporate Sento. (MKX - Kenjutsu Variation)
  • Spinning Hell: Kenshi summons his Demon from his shattered blade that knocks the opponent off their feet with a large Kwan Dao. This replaces Roundhouse for the Possessed Variation. (MKX - Possessed Variation)
  • Deep Tissue (Backward Throw): Kenshi tosses his opponent to the ground and uses telekinesis to unsheathe his sword and drive it into their back, summoning the blade back to the sheath afterwards. In Sento Stance, Kenshi instead slices through the opponent and stabs them in the gut. (MK1)


  • Telekinetic Contortion: Kenshi concentrates as he fires mental waves of energy at his opponent, paralyzing. First, the eyes are forcefully pushed out of the head as Kenshi promptly bends the opponent's body in unnatural directions, starting with the arms, legs, and then the head as the last crunch leaves them suspended in the air for a couple of seconds as they crumple onto the floor as a blind, scrambled mess. It should be noted that if a character is wearing something covering the eyes (such as sunglasses), they will not fall out. (MK:DA)
  • Telekinetic Stretch: Kenshi lifts the opponent into the air as his arms slowly spread out, with the victim following suit as their body begins to further stretch and expand outwards until the body snaps in two. (MK:D)
  • Katana Strike: Kenshi takes out his Katana and violently thrusts his katana through the chest/neck. He then waits a second before pulling it out and slicing his opponent twice in the upper torso region. He begins his victory pose as his fallen opponent falls in half behind him squirting massive amounts of blood. (MK:D)
  • Scatterbrained: Kenshi slams the opponent a few times on the camera, with a final smash removing the victim's eyeball from its socket. As the eyeball slides down the screen, Kenshi finishes the opponent off with a clean diagonal slice across the chest with Sento. In the PlayStation Vita version of the game, the cut is changed to a straight vertical down the middle. (MK 2011)
  • Split Ends: Kenshi telekinetically picks up the opponent. He gets out Sento and throws it further down the stage, landing on its tip. He then pushes the opponent head first into Sento, slicing them vertically in half. (MK 2011)
  • Tele-Copter: Kenshi telekinetically unsheathes Sento, spinning it in a helicopter-like fashion in the air, where he lifts the dazed opponent and slowly moves them into the spinning blade, slicing them to tiny pieces before nothing is left. Kenshi then retrieves Sento and wipes the blade clean afterwards. (MKX)
  • My Puppet: Kenshi telekinetically rips the opponent's spine and ribcage out from their back with their tendons attached. As the opponent screams in agony, Kenshi slowly lifts them into the air before telekinetically unsheathing Sento and severing the opponent's tendons with the blade, causing them to fall to the ground dead as Kenshi returns Sento and respectfully bows to his deceased opponent. (MKX)
  • Blended: Kenshi telekinetically breaks the opponent's neck, making them face upwards. He then unsheathes Sento, sends it to the opponent, and drills it into the opponent's mouth while simultaneously telekinetically holding them in place. He then flips the opponent upside down into the air and summons a spirit to wield Sento and slice the opponent clean in half while in the air, making the opponent’s halves fall to the ground. (MK1)
  • Gyro-Nope: Kenshi telekinetically controls Sento and throws it directly to the opponent's abdomen, piercing them. He then telekinetically slashes the opponent's abdomen, limb, and neck with Sento. He then raises Sento vertically above the opponent's head before driving it through, which causes the opponent hitting the ground and removing their limbs. He then retrieves Sento, causing the opponents head, and upper and lower body to fall in the ground. (MK1)


Mortal Kombat X

  • Used Up: Kenshi performs his Throw, only this time, the final kick severs the opponent's legs from their body as they are knocked away by the final kick. (MKX)
    • A button must be held.
  • Brutal Kick: Kenshi performs his Concentration combo with the final kick destroying the opponent's abdominal area. (MKX
  • Leg Up: Kenshi performs a Tele-Flurry where the final slash obliterates the opponent's shins. (MKX - Balanced Variation)
    • Must get the first hit of the match.
    • Cannot be performed on a juggled or airborne opponent.
  • Demon Slice: Kenshi performs a Sickle Lift or a Sickle Strike, only this time, the Demon's sickle cuts the opponent vertically in half from the waist up. (MKX - Possessed Variation)
    • A button must be held.
  • Instant Karma: Kenshi performs a Tele-Push or a Tele-Blast that pushes the opponent's skeleton out of their body. As the skeleton kneels down, the opponent's flesh deflates like a balloon. (MKX - Kenjutsu Variation)
    • A number of Tele-Pushes must connect during the match.
    • Must be a certain distance from the opponent.
    • Cannot be performed on a juggled or airborne opponent.
  • Return to Sender: Kenshi performs a Blade Reflect, reflecting the opponent's projectile back at them. If the projectile follows the properties of a Brutality, it will mimic the Brutality back at the opponent. (MKX - Secret)
    • The requirements of the reflected projectile Brutality must still be followed in order to perform.

Mortal Kombat 1

  • The Klassic: Kenshi performs an uppercut, decapitating the opponent with a rising uppercut with their spine still attached. This Brutality is shared with every character. (MK1)
    • A button must be held.
  • Where You Going?: Kenshi performs his Deep Tissue throw, but the sword lands right between the opponent's legs. As they attempt to crawl away, Kenshi uses telekinesis to drag the blade forward, splitting the opponent from groin to sternum before making the sword pierce the back of their head. (MK1)
    • A button must be held.
  • Out of Sight: Kenshi performs his Deep Tissue throw in Sento Stance and cuts the opponent's body, head and arms in half in a single slice, making them fall apart as he sheathes his sword. (MK1)
    • A button must be held.
  • Did You See That?: Kenshi performs Ancestral Assist and has the spirit decapitate the opponent, who then bows and drops to their knees as their head falls off. (MK1)
    • A button must be pressed repeatedly.
  • See Ya Later: Kenshi performs Soul Charge and obliterates the opponent's body with the spirit's shoulder charge. (MK1)
    • A button must be held.
  • Nothing to See Here: Kenshi performs Teamwork and slices the opponent vertically in half alongside the spirit. (MK1)
    • A button must be held.

Other Finishers

  • Hara-Kiri - Seppuku: Kenshi kneels down and uses his sword to cut half of his abdomen. Before falling down, he neatly puts the sword at his side. This is the only traditional Hara-Kiri. (MK:D)
  • Babality: Kenshi lifts Sento up into the air via telekinesis, but accidentally slams it against his head three times. Kenshi then begins crying. (MK:2011)

Appearances in Other Media

Mortal Kombat: Legacy

Kenshi appears in season two of Mortal Kombat Legacy played by Dan Southworth.

Kenshi's history is mostly kept intact, but he no longer has a rivalry with the sorcerer Shang Tsung and was instead blinded by Ermac when he went to claim the Sento sword, which is also not an heirloom blade of his line in this series.

Kenshi was once a wandering ronin in ancient Japan when he came across three bandits robbing an old man. Kenshi calls their actions dishonorable, but the bandits only respond by cursing at him. When the bandits demand he pay a toll to keep his life, Kenshi throws a half-eaten apple at them, telling them that's their toll. Infuriated, the bandits charge at him with their swords drawn. With little effort, Kenshi responds with blinding speed in drawing his own sword, killing all three bandits with a single blow for each.

Later that night, Kenshi is eating dinner with the old man he saved, and offers to pay him in return for feeding him, but the old man insists that because Kenshi saved his life, he is indebted to him. The old man reveals he is a mystic and offers to tell Kenshi of something that may be of benefit to him. The old man tells Kenshi of the sword of Sento, a sword that is said to be able to cut down any enemy. Revealing the blade was created by Shao Kahn and sealed in a mountain cave to be guarded by the demon Ermac, who consumes the souls of any warrior who tries to claim the blade.

Kenshi is initially amused by the story, calling it a fairy tale like the ones his grandfather use to tell him, but when the old man reveals he knows Kenshi's name without the warrior ever having told him, Kenshi begins to believe him and asks the location of the sword.

The next morning, Kenshi travels to the mountain where the sword is said to be, and finds several long rotten skeletons outside the cave. Venturing into the cave, Kenshi finds more bodies but also sees the sword imbedded into a cave wall. As he approaches the sword, he hears a demonic voice call out to him, taunting him, declaring 'they' have been waiting for a worthy opponent and that no one has ever left the cave alive. The demon Ermac calls itself many while Kenshi is but one, Kenshi retorts, "But you are not me." He whirls around, sword drawn as Ermac attacks.

Though the battle is not seen, the cave explodes and as Kenshi staggers out, his eyes are shown to be filled with blood and the ronin is horrified to discover he has been blinded. Though he lost his sight, Kenshi claimed the Sento sword for himself that day.

Between the main events of the series, Kenshi is contacted by Raiden and agrees to fight for Earthrealm in the Mortal Kombat Tournament.

Several years later, Kenshi is summoned by Raiden to the island hosting the Mortal Kombat tournament, with Kenshi being the last to teleport onto the island.

That night, Kenshi notes the island "Sounds like death" and Raiden reveals that the island once hosted a long dead civilization and serves as a reminder of what is at stake. Raiden also reveals that whatever innate supernatural abilities each of them possess will be amplified on the island, and points out that Kenshi's honed senses will become superhuman.

When the tournament begins, Kenshi ventures further into the island, and after a brief meditation, arrives in a clearing. Ermac's voice once more calls out to him, proclaiming it will retake the Sento blade from Kenshi and taunts that it has learned much since 'they' took his eyes. Kenshi darkly growls that he has as well and engages Ermac in a fierce duel.

Kenshi and Ermac are roughly evenly matched throughout the battle, and though Kenshi loses the Sento, he is able to overpower Ermac with his hand-to-hand skills before discovering his telekinetic abilities similar to Ermac's. Ermac seemingly gains the upperhand when he telekinetically chokes Kenshi and then binds him with scaled tentacles, strangling him further, but Kenshi is able to draw Sento back to his hand with his telekinesis and frees himself, throwing the blade and impaling Ermac through his heart. With one final telekinetic pulse, Kenshi slays Ermac, claiming the first victory of the tournament for Earthrealm.


Mortal Kombat X

  • "The world has changed. For the worse if we do not expel Shinnok from Raiden's temple. He means to poison Earthrealm's life force, the Jinsei."
  • "We fared better than the men..." (to Johnny Cage about losing their squad)
  • "Nightwolf!" (When Revenant Nightwolf appears through a portal behind his team)
  • "Yes, the 'elevator'." (answering to Johnny Cage)
  • "Sento contains the souls of my ancestors. They guide me." (to Johnny Cage)
  • "Anata ga hirakimasu..." (Talking to his spirit ancestors before opening the portal to the Sky Temple)
  • "Quan Chi and the others... They're gone. A surge of power within the chamber overwhelmed my senses--" (to Raiden)
  • "Shinnok's Amulet... and within it..."
  • "The war is not over. Quan Chi has escaped. Why are you smiling?" (asking Johnny Cage)
  • "The portal opened by the docks a few hours ago. Nearly five-thousand in all. Refugees-- from the Outworld civil war." (to Johnny Cage about the Outworld refugees)
  • "After you." (to Kung Jin)
  • "Do not dwell on your encounter with the Lin Kuei, son." (speaking to Takeda telepathically after his team's encounter with Sub-Zero)
  • "Why would he return now?" (conversing with Sonya about Kano returning to Earthrealm)
  • "Are you lost?" (confronting Kano who is disguised as an Outworld woman)
  • "Yes you do. One who's proud of you." (To a shocked Takeda after his training with Hanzo Hasashi)
  • "A Chujin in record time."
  • "I did not abandon you--" (Trying to explain himself to Takeda for leaving him to the Shirai Ryu)
  • "Son, I..." (Trying to explain himself to Takeda before he attacks him)
  • "That is the story I told Master Hasashi to tell you." (Revealing the truth about the demise of Takeda's mother)
  • "But in truth, your mother was killed by Red Dragon assassins. I was the target, Suchin was the victim."
  • "You would have gone after you mother's killers unprepared. I couldn't risk that." (Giving his reason why he left Takeda with the Shirai Ryu)
  • "Master Hasashi has perfected your fighting skills. Now it is time to complete your training." (Talking to Takeda verbally before talking to him telepathically)
  • "We are telepaths. A family gift."
  • "Through training, we will determine your full abilities. And then we will hunt down the Red Dragon. Together." (Talking to Takeda telepathically before talking to him verbally about Takeda's future training)
  • "Have you been able to determine where D'Vorah was headed?" (Conversing with Cassie's team after they escape Outworld)
  • "Feeling better? Or worse?" (To Jax that he now knows Jacqui is safe)
  • *Chuckles*"They'll be fine."
  • "We have good crossfire position. But why is it Quan Chi travels by conventional means?" (To Jax about their teams ambush point and to Sareena)
  • "I realize you agreed to observe and guide. But you are welcome to assume any role you wish." (To Jax regarding his assistance in the Netherrealm)
  • "Now!" (Giving the order to open fire on Quan Chi and his Revenants)
  • "We've lost many. The rest are wounded." (To Jax after their ambush on the Revenants)
  • "I'm fine..." (To Jax about whether or not he can still fight)
  • "Alone?" (To Jax about him going to confront Quan Chi himself)
  • "Excellent work." (After Jax reveals he has successfully captured Quan Chi)
  • "Sit." (to Quan Chi)
  • "General, we have a visitor." (To Sonya about Scorpion appearing in the Refugee Kamp)
  • "Call off your men, Hanzo!" (to Hanzo Hasashi after restraining him with Sento)
  • "Hanzo, no! You've earned great trust for the Shirai-Ryu. Do not squander it murdering a withered sorcerer!" (trying to warn Hanzo Hasashi as he goes to kill Quan Chi)

Mortal Kombat 1

  • "Your wife left. She's fine. You will be too, if you cooperate."
  • "Sento."
  • "I know it. It's my family blade."
  • "Not dead. Hiding. With Sento in my hands, I'll lead us out of the shadows."
  • "Give me Sento, and we can end this." (After Johnny Cage lost to him in a round)
  • "Kenshi Takahashi."
  • "You know nothing, Cage."
  • "There were survivors. They hid themselves by shedding the name Taira for Takahashi. They joined the Bakuto for its protection."
  • "I will break us free of the Yakuza's corruption. Reclaim our name and our position. But my clan won't follow me unless I prove that I can lead. That's why I need Sento."
  • "Who are these people?"
  • "That's why you're here?"
  • "So selfless."
  • "Ready for your close-up?"
  • "You have skills, Raiden, but you're inexperienced."
  • "It's nerve, not heart, that wins fights."
  • "I should know, I've been in hundreds of them."
  • "I shouldn't have taken you lightly. I won't do it again." (After Raiden defeated him in a round)
  • "Make it interesting. Bet me Sento."
  • "You haven't stopped him. You've just made him angry." (After defeating Baraka in a round)
  • "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend."
  • "Stay away from her!"
  • "The monks never trained me for this." (After losing to Rain in a round)
  • "Your plot ends here, Umgadi." (After defeating Tanya in a round)
  • "Your plot is over." (After defeating Tanya)
  • "Step away from the table."
  • "We've heard about how you lie. Excuse us if we're skeptical."
  • "Cover him."
  • "Princess, please. We're trying to help you!" (After losing to Mileena in a round)
  • "Johnny! Kung Lao!" (After defeating Mileena)
  • "Help hold her down!"
  • "It's now or never, Shang Tsung!"
  • "You've been at that for hours."
  • "Excruciating."
  • "We're beneath where we were before. This is a false front."
  • "What's wrong?"
  • "Leave me. I'll just slow you down."
  • "Look at me, Cage! I'm useless. Don't risk your lives to save me."
  • "The manticore battle?"
  • "I can picture it exactly."
  • "Why not?"
  • "(sniffing) What is that?" (After he smelled the Tarkatan hybrid's severed head)
  • "The monks covered that with us. Did you sleep through every lesson?"
  • "You're sure Quan Chi is here."
  • "We have a job to do. Quan Chi could lead us to Shang Tsung."
  • "You heard her! Millions could die."
  • "Why?"
  • "What?! I can't. Not when you're—"
  • "I can't let them die."
  • "What?! Who is that?"
  • "It siphoned his souls. It now has his power!"
  • "You're telling me. Shall we finish this?"
  • "What's wrong with him?"
  • "What was that?"
  • "No, Ashrah!"
  • "Liu Kang needs to question him. He knows Shang Tsung's plans."
  • "The legends never mentioned mystical powers. The souls of my ancestors live within it... They intend to guide me."
  • "I won't, Cage. Now let's get him to Earthrealm."
  • "I still don't know about this. Carrying him around will attract unwanted attention."
  • "They're after you too, Syzoth."
  • "Syzoth!"
  • "She took my sight. But Sento, in its own way, restored it."
  • "This time?"
  • "I assume you'll be the star?"
  • "(chuckling) I would love to... But my work to revive the Taira is starting to pay off. I can't let up now."
  • "Off to Outworld? To advise the Empress?"
  • "Thick enough. But seems to me our hosts are on the hook. They did invite us."

Dark Kenshi

  • "Make no mistake. You will die along with this timeline." (After Shang Tsung lost to him in a round)

Armageddon Kenshi

  • "Prepared to be cut down?"
  • "Sento won't spare you."
  • "I will not yield."
  • "You won't get through me."
  • "The Taira don't waver."
  • "Thanks, Kitana." (Thanking Titan Kitana)
  • "You honor me, Liu Kang. May I end this?"
  • "This can't be good."

Chaos Kenshi

  • "Everyone who fought today, did so fiercely."
  • "Yes, Lord Havik. It's unfortunate it all ended so fast."

Mortal Kombat Legends: Snow Blind

  • "Why wait? I came with a sword, w-where is it?"
  • "How did you-?"
  • "No, this is my fight."
  • "Where's Kano?"
  • "Now that Kano is gone, the wasteland can be free. You and I can route out the Revenants and we can-"
  • "No?"
  • "Then work with me to help the people of the wasteland."
  • "What... promise? What are you talking about? We can start over. We can recreate the Lin Kuei and we can-"
  • "I don't understand. The Lin Kuei. Your legacy..."



  • Kenshi is usually transcribed into "剣士" in Japanese, meaning "swordsman".
    • The Konquest mode of Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance mentioned that he is also referred to as "the Sword Saint", which is also pronounced kensei (剣聖) in Japanese.
      • During initial character production, the alternate name of "Kenchi" (検知 "detection") were also proposed, but dropped when the sword became a focal point for the character.
      • In early concepts, Kenshi's original name was "Blind Gi" and he was renamed "Blind Kenshi" as his character developed; the adjective was dropped for his final form.
  • His early weapon (before the Katana) in MK:DA was the Straight Sword.
  • If you select Kenshi in Mortal Kombat: Deception, you will see that Kenshi's fighting styles are Tai Chi, Judo and Katana. This indicates that Kenshi did not train in a specific style in Japanese swordsmanship.
    • If you choose Scorpion in the same game, you will see that his styles are Hapkido, Moi Fah and Mugai Ryu. Mugai Ryu is a style of swordsmanship in which Scorpion has trained in, compared to Kenshi, who did not formally train in any particular style of the Katana.
  • He is immune to Sonya's and Kira's Kiss of Death moves, which aim for the eyes. However, he is affected like every other combatant in MK 2011 by the move, as well as Stryker's Busted X-Ray Move and Kratos' Head of Helios; it is merely a gameplay mechanic.
  • During Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance's Konquest mode, Kenshi was revealed to be of Eurasian descent.
    • It also clearly states that Ermac had taught Kenshi the Telekinetic Slam, not the telekinesis itself.
  • Kenshi, Bo' Rai Cho, Frost, Nitara and Li Mei are the only characters to debut in Deadly Alliance to make appearances post-Armageddon.
    • Kenshi, Frost, Bo' Rai Cho, Nitara, Li Mei are the only ones to make playable appearances.
  • One of the game over messages in Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks says, "Who is Kenshi? Why is he blind?".
  • In a Top 10 list hosted by, Kenshi's Telekinetic Contortion Fatality was listed as #7 for the Worst Fatalities due to its drawn out nature.
  • The name of Kenshi's katana is Sentō presumably a play on word based on the Japanese word for combat(戦闘), where "戦" sen, which translates to "fight" or "battle"、 is replaced with the kanji for knife (刀), as "戦刀" is not an orthographically correct Japanese term.
  • In previous games, Kenshi's katana briefly flashes red. However, in MK 2011, it flashes blue. In MKX, Kenshi's blade only flashes red when using his Possessed Variation.
  • In both timelines, Kenshi has freed a ninja character from evil and gained them as an ally for Earthrealm's forces; Ermac in the original and Scorpion in the alternate one.

Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance

  • Despite being blind, Kenshi still takes part in the "Test Your Sight" challenge in Deadly Alliance. He uses his hearing to determine his choice.
  • When Kenshi performs his Telekinetic Contortion Fatality in Deadly Alliance, the exact result depends on who his opponent is. Whilst he usually knocks out both the opponent's eyes, this will not happen if they are wearing something that prevents them coming out - for example, the sunglasses Jax and Johnny Cage wear. In Kano's case, only his real eye comes out. Interestingly, Drahmin, despite wearing a mask, loses both of his eyes.
  • Along with Frost, Quan Chi, and Kitana, he is one of the few characters in Deadly Alliance to be seen performing a kata. His kata can be seen during the end credits in Deadly Alliance. If you play as a character in their primary costume, Kenshi will do his kata in his primary costume. However, if you play as a character in their alternate costume, Kenshi will do his kata in his alternate costume.
  • In Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance, his alternate costume does not have a blindfold. This is believed what Kenshi looked like before Shang Tsung blinded him.
  • Kenshi is involved with a humorous ad for the Kenshi Signature Glass Eyes.

Mortal Kombat: Deception

  • If you select Kenshi in Mortal Kombat: Deception, you will see that Kenshi's fighting styles are "Tai Chi", "Judo" and "Katana". This indicates that Kenshi did not train in a specific style in Japanese swordsmanship.
    • If you choose Scorpion in the same game, you will see that his styles are "Hapkido", "Moi Fah" and "Mugai Ryu". Mugai Ryu is a style of swordsmanship in which Scorpion has trained in, compared to Kenshi, who did not formally train in any particular style of the Katana.
  • According to Mortal Kombat: Deception's Konquest Mode, Kenshi learned Tai Chi during his childhood and Judo when he was an adolescent.
  • Kenshi is the only character in Mortal Kombat: Deception who literally executes a Hara-Kiri, by slashing open his own abdomen.

Mortal Kombat: Armageddon

  • Kenshi was the first of the Armageddon characters to get his bio on the official Armageddon website.
  • In the opening cinematic of Armageddon, Ermac and Nightwolf were almost choked to death by Sheeva. Thanks to Kenshi, the choke was unsuccessful. He then plunged his sword into Sheeva's abdomen, and had a sword fight with Quan Chi, which almost killed him. Before Quan Chi could deliver the last stroke, Ermac (who is truly Shang Tsung) threw Quan Chi with telekinesis. Shang Tsung shapeshifts to his real appearance and kills Kenshi.
  • Kenshi's pre-fight versus screen shows him in his alternate costume rather than his primary costume.

Mortal Kombat (2011)

  • Kenshi can be seen fighting Daegon, Reiko, Sareena or Frost in the Pit II stage of MK 2011.
  • In the MK 2011 Story Mode, Shang Tsung mentions Kenshi as being the next to fight in the tournament after Sub-Zero is taken away to be automated, despite not being apart of the main cast of characters in the game, only coming into the game by DLC.[1]
  • Kenshi's Scatterbrained Fatality is the only one that breaks the fourth wall.
    • Kenshi is, so far, the third character in the Mortal Kombat series that breaks the fourth wall during a finishing move, the first being Kabal in Mortal Kombat 3 with his Freaky Face Fatality, the second being Havik in Deception with his Hara-Kiri, and the fourth being Freddy Krueger with his Babality.
      • However, if an opponent is defeated without a finishing move while playing as Cyrax, Mileena, Reptile or Sub-Zero, they will break the fourth wall. Cyrax's animation cracks the screen with his Bomb, Mileena will jump on and growl at the screen, Reptile will pull the camera towards himself with his tongue, and Sub-Zero freezes the screen with his Ice Beam.
        • And in Deadly Alliance, Deception and Armageddon, several characters interact with the camera in their winning poses.
  • When his Scatterbrained Fatality is performed on anybody whose eye can fall out, their eye color is always red, and not their correct eye color. This happens even with characters with pupil-less eyes, such as Raiden and Sindel.
  • If the Scatterbrained Fatality is performed on Sektor, Cyrax, Cyber Sub-Zero, Kano, Ermac, Johnny Cage, and Kenshi himself, no eyeball appears. However, if performed on Kano on the right side of the screen, an eyeball will appear.
  • In his MK 2011 ending, there is an ironic twist where Kenshi leaves Shang Tsung to die.
  • Kenshi, along with all other DLC characters did not have an alternate costume.

Mortal Kombat X

  • This is the first game in which Kenshi uses a shattered version of Sento during kombat, this being his Possessed Variation.
  • All of Kenshi's outfits appear in the game's Story Mode, with the exception of his Ronin DLC costume.
  • While Kenshi appears in the Story Mode, he is not a playable character in any Chapters but is fightable only once during his entire appearance in the Story Mode, where he fights his son Takeda during Takeda's Chapter.
    • With this, he is the only supporting protagonist of the Story Mode that is not playable at all during the Story Mode.
  • In an interactions with Cassie Cage, he is referred to as Keanu, a direct reference to his close resemblance to real-life actor Keanu Reeves who portrayed Neo in The Matrix film franchise, specifically his appearance in the third movie, where Neo dons a blindfold. However it is notable that Kenshi was in production as a character before the third Matrix movie was filmed.
  • Kenshi's My Puppet Fatality is possibly a reference to Freddy Krueger and a scene from A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors where Freddy kills Phillip Anderson by forcing him to jump from the roof of Westin Hills Psychiatric Hospital by controlling Phillip using his tendons in his arms and legs.

Mortal Kombat Mobile

  • Kenshi is one of the few characters to receive an exclusive reskin in the mobile version of Mortal Kombat not featured in game he is playable in.
  • Kenshi's X-Ray is renamed to Tele-Strike.
  • Kenshi is one of the few characters with cards affiliated with multiple classes.
  • Kenshi's Silver Card is the only Silver Card with two classes.
  • Kenshi's Elder God Card is the only Elder God class card that is not an actual Elder God from the series.
  • Kenshi's Elder God Card is one of the few character cards that grants an immunity bonus to an entire class of character, this being immunity to Critical Hits for all Elder God cards.
  • Kenshi's Sento Blade Equipment Card is one of three character exclusive Equipment Cards that grants a damage bonus in Faction Wars at Tier X. The others are Kano's Combat Knife and Freddy Krueger's Freddy's Glove.
    • Freddy's Glove grants the highest damage bonus in Faction Wars at 20%.

Mortal Kombat 11

  • Despite being a major character in Mortal Kombat X, Kenshi is absent from Mortal Kombat 11 with the exception of minor cameos.
  • Kenshi cameos as one of the many non-physical tower modifiers in the Towers of Time.

Mortal Kombat 1

  • Kenshi's virtue is presented as "Revival".
  • Mortal Kombat 1 marks the first game to feature Kenshi as a playable character before losing his sight, though he lacks his trademark special abilities prior to doing so.
  • Similar to the first two timelines, Kenshi ultimately loses his sight. Unlike the first two timelines however, Kenshi physically loses his eyes after they are gouged out by a crazed Mileena, rather than merely losing his ability to see with them after being exposed to a well of souls by Shang Tsung.
  • In this new timeline, Kenshi's hands are visibly covered in numerous tattoos, a common practice by the Yakuza, as this version of Kenshi was once a member of the criminal organization.
    • Strangely, Kenshi's hand tattoos are missing entirely in his Arcade mode ending.
  • Kenshi receives his telekinetic powers after Sento absorbs a number of souls from the recently-created Ermac. This references their time spent together in the original timeline.
  • One of Kenshi's victory quotes is "Where's your motivation?", one of Vergil's taunts from the Devil May Cry series. Coincidentally, aside from being a samurai possessed of a magic katana, Kenshi's fighting style in MK1 involves the use of a katana-wielding spirit the requires resource to use, similar to Vergil's Doppelganger technique in DMCV.
    • This can also be seen as a double reference as Daniel Southworth portrayed both characters, having done so for the former in Mortal Kombat Legacy.


  • Though Kenshi is officially 6'1" in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance, a glitch in the game sometimes doubles the "1", making his listed height 6'11".
  • In MKX, when Kenshi performs his My Puppet Fatality on Goro, Goro's lower arms perform the same actions as his lower arms despite the tendons only coming from his upper arms.
  • In MKX, during Scorpion's Chapter, after the Shirai Ryu capture and restrain Kenshi, Johnny and Sonya, Kenshi is seen on the far right of the trio, however after Scorpion's fight with Quan Chi, he randomly changes to the far left.
  • In MK Mobile, Elder God Kenshi's Passive of generating Power when he defeats opponents has a chance to not activate. This seems to happen if Kenshi is the last fighter on his team.



Ashrah | Baraka | Blaze | Bo' Rai Cho | Cassie Cage | Cetrion | Chameleon | Cyrax | D'Vorah | Daegon | Dairou | Darrius | Drahmin | Ermac | Erron Black | Ferra/Torr | Frost | Fujin | General Shao | Geras | Goro | Hanzo Hasashi | Havik | Hotaru | Hsu Hao | Jacqui Briggs | Jade | Jarek | Jax Briggs | Johnny Cage | Kabal | Kai | Kano | Kenshi | Khameleon | Kintaro | Kira | Kitana | Kobra | Kollector | Kotal Kahn | Kronika | Kung Jin | Kung Lao | Li Mei | Liu Kang | Mavado | Meat | Mileena | Mokap | Moloch | Motaro | Nightwolf | Nitara | Onaga | Quan Chi | Raiden | Rain | Reiko | Reptile | Sareena | Scorpion | Sektor | Shang Tsung | Sheeva | Shinnok | Shujinko | Sindel | Skarlet | Smoke | Sonya Blade | Stryker | Sub-Zero | Takeda | Tanya | Taven | Tremor | Triborg

Freddy Krueger | Homelander | Jason Voorhees | The Joker | Kratos | Leatherface | Omni-Man | Peacemaker | The Predator | RoboCop | Rambo | Spawn | The Terminator | The Xenomorph
Batman | Captain Marvel | Catwoman | Dark Kahn | Darkseid | Deathstroke | The Flash | Green Lantern | The Joker | Lex Luthor | Superman | Wonder Woman

This page uses content from the English Wikipedia. The original content was at Kenshi. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with the Mortal Kombat Wiki, the content of Wikipedia is available under the GNU Free Documentation License.

External links

Blade of Vengeance - Kenshi Fansite
