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Mortal Kombat Wiki

Jason Voorhees is an undead Human serial killer known for his appearances in the cult-classic slasher film series Friday the 13th. A victim of neglect and drowning, Jason's relentless and remorseless nature of the immovable and unstoppable killing machine has made him not only one of the most iconic characters of the slasher genre, but in pop culture as a whole.

Jason made his debut as a playable guest character in Mortal Kombat X as the first character available through DLC as part of the Kombat Pack. Jason later reappears as a playable character in Mortal Kombat Mobile.

Quick Answers

Where does Jason Voorhees reside? toggle section
Jason Voorhees resides in Camp Crystal Lake, New Jersey.
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What is Jason Voorhees' species? toggle section
Jason Voorhees is an immortal revenant, formerly human.
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What game did Jason Voorhees appear in? toggle section
Jason Voorhees appeared as a playable guest character in Mortal Kombat X as part of the Kombat Pack DLC.
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What is Jason Voorhees' preferred weapon? toggle section
Jason Voorhees' preferred weapon is a machete, the same weapon his mother used for her revenge on the camp counselors.
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What is Jason Voorhees' most iconic feature? toggle section
Jason Voorhees' most iconic feature is his hockey mask.
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About Jason Voorhees

Jason Voorhees was born June 13th, 1946 on a Friday to Pamela and Elias Voorhees. As a young boy, he was neglected by the camp counselors, who engaged in sexual intercourse instead of watching over Jason, resulting in him falling into Camp Crystal Lake and supposedly drowning. In retaliation, his mother went on a murderous rampage, killing as many counselors as she could over the loss and grief of her son. However, Jason survived drowning and lived in the woods for years and when Pamela was killed to end her nightmarish onslaught, Jason witnessed his mother's death and decided to continue his mother's work and kills anyone who dares step foot in Camp Crystal Lake.

After being mentioned heavily in the original film and briefly appearing at the ending, Jason serves as the main antagonist of the series at that point on until his death in The Final Chapter. In the fifth film, A New Beginning, Jason appears as a hallucination and is replaced by Roy Burns, a quiet paramedic who goes on a vengeful, murderous rampage similar to Jason's mother in the original film over the death of his son, all while disguised as Jason. In the sixth film, Jason Lives, Jason was resurrected and continued being the main antagonist for the rest of the series. In the crossover film Freddy vs. Jason, Jason serves as the secondary antagonist to the main antagonist Freddy Krueger, who manipulates Jason into helping Freddy return to kill again, only to come into conflict with the Dream Demon later on in the film.

Jason's most iconic feature is his hockey mask, an icon in pop culture. He first obtains the mask in the third film and it remains a key feature for the remainder of his appearances, though the appearance of the mask itself has been very inconsistent. Born with facial deformities and possible retardation, his appearance stays consistent as an older man with these deformities but later gains a zombie-like appearance after accidentally being resurrected by Tommy Jarvis in the sixth film, Jason Lives. He returns to his more human-like appearance in the 2009 reboot. Despite the differences in appearances, his immortality is always present regardless of depictions, being shot, stabbed, having drowned and even blown up, all resulting in Jason returning to kill again. The tenth film, Jason X, reveals that Jason has a regenerative healing factor, however this concept is never mentioned in any other film nor is it ever used again.

Jason's preferred weapon of choice is his machete, the same weapon his beloved mother used to enact her revenge on the camp counselors. Despite this, Jason is known to use just about anything within reach to kill his victims, even using just his bare hands with gruesome effect. His superhuman strength coupled with his undead nature make him a relentless, brutal killing machine.

Jason battled Freddy in their crossover film, however the battle ended in a stalemate, with Jason emerging from Camp Crystal Lake with Freddy's disembodied head, however Freddy winked at the camera, suggesting he is still alive. He has also battled Freddy in the comics along with Michael Myers from the Halloween franchise, Ash Williams from the Evil Dead franchise, and Leatherface from the The Texas Chainsaw Massacre franchise. Jason has never encountered any of these characters in cinema with the exception of Freddy, while this is the first instance of encountering Leatherface since their crossover comic series.


Jason's appearance takes inspiration from his origin franchise. His variations add little to no extra cosmetic change with the exception of a chain around his neck that is taken from the seventh film New Blood and a darker version of his iconic hockey mask which is not seen in any film.

Jason's primary appearance takes inspiration from his appearances in both Freddy vs Jason and the 2009 reboot of a rugged attire with a damaged olive colored jacket with a grey shirt underneath with black pants that are slightly torn with boots. His mask takes on an appearance similar to his Freddy vs Jason mask, including a giant scar across the left cheek and eye hole of the mask.

Jason's alternate appearance is slightly different from his primary appearance. His attire features a now dark blue jacket with a black and white shirt underneath with the same damaged appearance as the jacket from his primary appearance. His pants now appear light grey in color and are covered in blood. A noticeable difference is his mask which takes inspiration directly from fifth film A New Beginning, featuring a lighter color and blue triangle markings instead of the normal red markings, the mask worn by the imposter Jason, Roy Burns.

In Mortal Kombat Mobile, Jason's Nightmare Card received an exclusive reskin that did not appear in Mortal Kombat X. His jacket is now a lighter color of blue and is heavily stained with blood all over. His pants are identical to his alternate appearance with the same blood stains however the color is a darker grey. The card also combines aspects of the appearances of his Unstoppable and Relentless variations, respectively, giving Jason the darker version of his mask from the Relentless however this version lacks the triangle markings and gives him the chain from the Unstoppable variation is secured around his neck. Additionally, Jason is more supernatural, with his machete appearing and disappearing whenever he wants to use it.

Jason cannot be unmasked, even during Fatalities that cause his face to fall off, the mask remains on. Through hacking, it is possible to view Jason without his mask on which reveals that, unlike in his origin franchise, Jason's face is not deformed, as he appears to be a middle aged man with scarring on parts of his face. With the exception of Goro, the Predator, and Tremor, Jason is prominently taller than the other Mortal Kombat X characters.


  • Mortal Kombat X: Death and revenge make up the very core of Jason Voorhees' being. He died as a young boy. His mother killed out of grief and rage. When she was murdered, Jason returned and avenged her. Many times since, the living have tried to send him back to the realm of the dead. He's been stabbed, drowned, electrocuted, hurled into space. But Jason cannot be killed. Cannot be stopped.

Combat Characteristics

Powers and Abilities

Jason is an undead, ruthless killing machine and possesses immense strength. His undead nature renders him completely implacable and nearly unstoppable, being virtually immortal. Even more so, his brute strength allows him to toss his opponents effortlessly and deliver powerful blows with his fists and machete. Despite the supernatural nature of it, Jason's machete returns to him when he throws or loses it and he is able to summon it whenever he chooses, however this is simply a gameplay mechanic.

Signature Moves

  • Killing Machine: Jason raises his arms and a gold aura surrounds his upper body, granting him armor for a short duration at the expense of his ability to jump. While active, Jason is unaffected by any attack and interactable, with the exception of parries, armor breaking attacks and X-Ray attacks, however he is immune to Bo' Rai Cho's X-Ray start-up in its entirety. Additionally, Jason is immune to chip damage, however Jason will still take damage from unblocked attacks. If Jason is attacked before the aura effect occurs, he will not gain the armor bonus. When this effect ends, Jason momentarily falls asleep, leaving him open for attacks. If Jason successfully lands his X-Ray, the effect can end prematurely, but Jason won't fall asleep. While Pursuit is active, it can end the effect prematurely should it be used during Pursuit. The opposite can also occur, if Jason falls asleep from Killing Machine, it can end Pursuit's effect prematurely as well. (MKX)
  • Temple Punch: Jason charges towards his opponent with a high fist and punches them away. This attack can hit opponents at full-screen distance. This attack can miss ducking opponents, leaving Jason vulnerable while he charges. (MKX)
    • The enhanced version is called Temple Slam and has armor. Jason lifts the opponent while they are still on the ground and punches them with a second punch, which knocks them away for increased damage in addition to the initial strike. The attack also has an increased chance to hit the opponent, however its hitbox remains the same as the original, leaving Jason vulnerable should the opponent duck the attack.
  • Choke: Jason lunges forward and snatches the opponent by the throat with one hand and viciously throttles them before flinging them across the arena. This attack is capable of striking airborne opponents, whether this being from a combo or the opponent jumping at Jason. (MKX)
    • The enhanced version is called Choke Slam, which has armor and has Jason squeeze and choke the opponent with much more force until he snaps the opponent's neck while holding them up before tossing them away, dealing increased damage.
  • Back Breaker: Jason quickly grabs his opponent, flips them over and slams them over his knee, breaking their back before tossing them away in the opposite direction. This attack is a High Throw and can miss ducking opponents. (MKX)
    • The enhanced version is called Spine Shatter, which has armor and has Jason slam the opponent over his knee a second time for increased damage. When enhanced, the attack will connect on standing opponents during a combo.
  • Tight Squeeze: Jason reaches forward and pulls his opponent into a crushing bearhug, snapping their back before throwing them in the opposite direction. Unlike other Throw-based special attacks, this attack cannot miss ducking opponents. (MKX)
    • The enhanced version is called Crippler, which has armor, and has Jason snap the opponent's neck after bearhugging them, dealing increased damage. The enhanced version also gives Jason the option to throw them forwards instead of in the opposite direction. Additionally when enhanced, the attack will connect on standing opponents during a combo.
  • Corpse Grab: Jason snatches an airborne opponent out of the air and slams them onto the ground. This attack can only be used on airborne opponents. (MKX)
    • The enhanced version is called Corpse Slam and has Jason slam the opponent on the ground with much more impact, dealing increased damage.
  • Bloodshed: Jason grabs and lifts the opponent by the throat and impales them with his machete twice before kicking them away. Unlike Choke, this attack is a High, where it can miss ducking opponents and Jason does not lunge forward, rather he stands in place when trying to grab the opponent. However, similar to Choke, the attack is capable of striking airborne opponents, whether this being from a combo or the opponent jumping at Jason. Jason is also much less negative if this attack is blocked by the opponent as compared to Choke. This replaces Choke for the Slasher Variation. (MKX - Slasher Variation)
    • The enhanced version is called Bloodlust, which has armor and has Jason push the machete even deeper into the opponent's abdomen two additional times before kicking them away, dealing increased damage.
  • Machete Toss: Jason throws his machete at the opponent by cocking it behind him with both arms then throwing it forward overhead. This projectile has an increased hitbox compared to most projectiles, allowing it to hit ducking opponents. (MKX - Slasher Variation)
    • The enhanced version Machete Throw has armor and deals increased damage. Jason is much less negative when this version of the attack is blocked by the opponent. Additionally, this attack creates small pushback when blocked. When used in the corner of an arena and utilized with juggle effects, Jason is capable of continuing combos, however this window is extremely small.
  • Shoulder Push: Jason shoulder charges his opponent, knocking them to the ground. Unlike Temple Punch, this attack will not reach full-screen distance. However, it produces much more pushback compared to Temple Punch when blocked but can still miss ducking opponents, leaving Jason vulnerable while charging. When used in the corner of an arena and utilized with juggle effects, Jason is capable of continuing combos. This replaces Temple Punch for the Slasher Variation. (MKX - Slasher Variation)
    • The enhanced version is called Shoulder Charge, which has armor, increased damage and knocks the enemy away a farther distance. Jason also recovers faster from knocking the opponent away. The attack’s hitbox remains the same. When used in the corner of an arena and utilized with juggle effects, Jason is capable of continuing combos, however this effect is slightly increased due to the faster recovery of the attack.
  • Psycho Slash: Jason slashes his opponent three times with his machete, with the final slash knocking them to the ground. (MKX - Slasher Variation)
    • The enhanced version Hack 'n' Slash has armor and has Jason slash the opponent three more times, with the final slash lodging the machete into the opponent's shoulder, to the point it is stuck, only for Jason to kick the opponent to separate the machete and the opponent, dealing double the original damage. Additionally, the attack is less negative when blocked by the opponent and creates pushback.
  • Lake Mist: Jason walks backwards and disappears in a thick gray mist cloud and reappears behind his opponent from any spot in the arena. Jason is vulnerable when walking into the mist and should he be attacked before he teleports, he will not appear behind the opponent. Jason is also vulnerable when reappearing. (MKX - Relentless Variation)
    • The enhanced version Blood Mist, which armors Jason while he disappears and has Jason recover from disappearing much quicker. Jason is still vulnerable when appearing behind his opponent.
  • Pursuit: Jason cracks his neck, causing the screen to glow red and points at his opponent. During this time, the opponent's run and dash abilities are disabled, and their controls are reversed with the exception of the their ability to block, their Throw and X-Ray attacks and the use of interactables. This effect ends immediately if Jason takes damage, with the exception of damage-over-time effects. This effect can end prematurely from Killing Machine (See Above). The effect can also end prematurely if Jason successfully connects his X-Ray. Jason is completely vulnerable while he points at the opponent. (MKX - Relentless Variation)
    • The enhanced version is called Dark Pursuit and has Jason only crack his neck to recover from the ability much faster. The difference in recovery is that Jason can attack without having to point at his enemy, however if Jason does not attack or move, he will perform the action like the original.
  • Damned: Jason's overall damage increases based on how low his health is. This is a passive bonus and does not require activation, similar to Johnny Cage's Red Shadow Mode. This damage bonus also benefits the entirety of his X-Ray attack, unlike some damage bonuses. (MKX - Relentless Variation)
    • This passive takes effect once Jason is below 50% health and increases the lower his health is:
      • Below 50% - 10% increase in damage.
      • Below 25% - 25% increase in damage.
      • Below 10% - 45% increase in damage.
      • Below 5% - 75% increase in damage.
  • Punishment: Jason clutches his fist near his chest, gaining a temporary damage buff, which also causes the chain around his neck to glow green. While active, all of Jason's damage dealt is increased by 33% and all of his attacks will break all forms armor, including the armor granted by X-Ray attacks. However, the attack does not affect Tremor’s Krystallization buff. Connecting or being struck by an X-Ray attack ends this effect prematurely, however Jason’s X-Ray receives the damage increase for the entirety of the attack. (MKX - Unstoppable Variation)
    • The enhanced version is called Rampant, which has Jason recover from the attack faster, increases the damage bonus to 50%, increases the duration of the buff, causes the chain around his neck to glow even brighter and retains the same armor breaking properties.
  • Rise: Jason clutches his fist near his chest, causing his hockey mask to glow white from the inside and gains a temporary heal-over-time buff. Additionally, Jason passively generates Super Meter while the effect is active, generating Super Meter without the need of using special attacks, getting attacked or dealing chip damage, however he can still generate Super Meter this way even if the effect is active. Jason recovers 5% of his health for the entirely of the buff. Connecting or being struck by an X-Ray attack ends this effect prematurely. This replaces Killing Machine for the Unstoppable Variation. (MKX - Unstoppable Variation)
    • The enhanced version, Corpse Walk, has Jason recover from the ability faster and heals him for 10% health over a longer period, however the ability no longer passively generates Super Meter, at the expense of the recovery and increase in health returned.
  • Resurrection: When Jason's loses all his health, lightning strikes him and he returns from the dead, regaining a portion of health based on how full his Super Meter is. However, Jason can cancel his Resurrection, allowing him to keep his Super Meter, thus, ending the round. If it is what would be the final round of the match, Jason will be forced to resurrect. Jason can resurrect a total of three times a match. (MKX - Unstoppable Variation)
    • Resurrection Pushback: When Jason's health reaches 0, whether he chooses to resurrect or not, an explosion of energy comes from Jason that separates himself and his opponent.


  • The Horror: Jason walks slowly forward with his hand outstretched, seizing the opponent by the neck. He then plunges the blade of his machete up through the opponent's chin and skull, then forces the handle up, snapping their neck backward. He rips the machete out and stabs the opponent in the abdomen, breaking their spine and several ribs. He retracts the blade after, causing the opponent to fall to the ground. When Jason's hand is outstretched, the attack is capable of grabbing opponents out of the air, whether this being from a combo or the opponent jumping at Jason. When Jason initially starts the attack, it can hit ducking opponents, however once he starts walking, there is a chance it can miss ducking opponents, even if they are blocking. (MKX)

Other Moves

  • Throw: Jason lifts his opponent by the collar, plunges his hand into their stomach and crushes their innards before punching them to the ground. (MKX)
  • Throw (Machete): Jason slashes the opponent across the stomach, making them fall to their knees. After a brief pause, he plunges his machete into their head, then kicks them in the face, knocking them away. (MKX - Slasher Variation)
  • Machete: While in the Slasher Variation, Jason gains unique combos utilizing his machete. Additionally, some of his basic attacks and combos will be altered from their original to incorporate his machete, including gaining a new Throw (See Above). (MKX - Slasher Variation)
  • Awakens: Jason charges forward with a series of punches with the final punch launching the opponent in the air for a juggle. This combo can reach the opponent full-screen distance. (MKX)
  • Skull Slam: Jason performs a bell clap to the opponent's head, leaving them momentarily dazed. If it successfully connects, it will leave the opponent stunned for a brief moment for a free hit. This attack is unavailable in the Slasher Variation. Using this attack twice on a standing opponent will end the current combo unless a special attack is used. It is possible for Jason to use this attack consecutively on airborne or juggled opponents, however they will not be stunned. Jason can follow-up with an additional attack if this is successful: (MKX)
    • Camp Killer: Jason lifts the opponent up, holds them high in the air and then slams them onto the ground in the opposite direction head first. This attack will not connect if two Skull Slams are performed consecutively. Like Skull Slam, this follow-up attack is not available in the Slasher Variation.
  • Knee Strike: Jason strikes his opponent with a quick knee. Jason can perform several follow-up attacks afterwards: (MKX)
    • Haunting: Jason delivers a powerful overhead punch that knocks his opponent to the ground.
    • In The Shadows: Jason delivers a powerful uppercut, knocking the opponent in the air effortlessly, allowing for a juggle.
    • Final Friday: Jason grabs his opponent by the throat with both hands, throttling them violently before throwing them across the arena, full screen distance, in the opposite direction. This grab acts as a High Throw and is unblockable, however it can miss ducking opponents. This combo is unavailable in the Slasher variation.


  • Kill for Mother: Jason brings out his machete. The opponent then looks up in terror, where Jason slashes the opponent to bisect their body diagonally. After three strikes, the upper body is completely severed and falls off as the opponent screams, where Jason watches the body fall to the ground. (MKX)
  • Sleeping Bag Killer: Jason grabs the opponent by the leg with one hand and slams them violently overhead onto the ground, causing an arm to come off as he drags the opponent back for a second slam that rips off the other arm. Jason pulls the opponent in for a third and final overhead slam that dismembers the opponent on impact, with only a leg remaining on their corpse. Jason looks at the other leg, still in his grasp before tossing it at the opponent's now severed limbs and corpse. (MKX)


  • Blunt Trauma: Jason performs either a Temple Slam or a Shoulder Charge that decapitates the opponent with the impact, sending their head flying backwards. (MKX)
  • Go to Hell: Jason performs his X-Ray, but when he retracts his machete from their stomach, he decapitated the opponent with the blade. (MKX)
  • Blood Bath: Jason performs a Bloodlust, twisting his machete and pulling upward to bisect the opponent from the waist up instead of kicking them away. (MKX - Slasher Variation)
  • Head Spin: While Pursuit or Dark Pursuit is active, Jason performs a Crippler, spinning the opponent's head completely around instead of snapping it. (MKX - Relentless Variation)
  • Spinal Tap: After a Resurrection, Jason performs a Back Breaker, slamming the opponent over his knee a second time with so much force it severs their lower body at the waist. (MKX - Unstoppable Variation)
  • Spinal Tap Humiliation: Jason performs his Spinal Tap Brutality, only this time, he turns around and faces away from the camera and the opponent. (MKX - Unstoppable - Secret)
  • Secret Throw Brutality: Jason performs his Throw, chopping the opponent's head clean in half with his machete when he plants it in their head. (MKXL - Slasher Variation - Secret)


  • Mortal Kombat X: "Like Scorpion, Jason Voorhees was a revenant: a vengeful spirit returned to life. Hundreds had fallen victim to his bloodlust. Liu Kang, now ruler of the Netherrealm, took notice. An immortal killer like Jason would be useful in his plan for konquest. He drew Jason into the Netherrealm and offered him an endless bounty of slaughter... in return for his allegiance. Jason's simple reply was to destroy Liu Kang."



  • Jason's default appearance is heavily based off his appearances in Freddy vs. Jason and the 2009 reboot, replicating his attire from the two films. His alternate color is based on Roy Burns' appearance in Friday the 13th: A New Beginning, down to the black clothing and blue hockey mask chevrons.
    • He is also the only character to feature a completely different attire for his alternate color selection.
  • Jason is the second slasher movie villain, and overall the second horror movie guest character to appear in the Mortal Kombat series.
  • Jason is the second guest character in the series to be undead succeeding Freddy Krueger and preceding Spawn.
  • Jason is the first of three characters in the Mortal Kombat series with the ability to resurrect once defeated. The second and third were Geras and D'Vorah, respectively.
    • Jason's ability to resurrect could have also inspired the Character Trait of Hellboy, a guest character featured in NetherRealm Studios' DC fighting game Injustice 2 who's resurrection traits are nearly identical to Jason's.
  • Jason's official announcement teaser trailer was released on a Friday the 13th (March of 2015), matching the title of his origin franchise. If Friday the 13th happens to fall on the current month, Jason's Unstoppable card will be available in the mobile game.
  • Jason's Fatality Sleeping Bag Killer references the movie Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood, in which Jason kills Judy by repeatedly smashing her against a tree while she was in a sleeping bag. In MKX, however, he doesn't put his victim in a sleeping bag and slams them against the ground instead.
  • In the Friday the 13th films, unlike in Mortal Kombat X, unless one counts the Slasher Variation, Jason rarely uses his fists, instead preferring to use his machete or whatever else happens to be handy. On rare occasions does Jason use his bare hands, but this is used to great effect.
  • The chain around Jason's neck in his Unstoppable Variation is a reference to Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood. The lightning-induced resurrection is a reference to a scene from Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives.
  • Jason's Attack Support Card in Mortal Kombat Mobile features him holding a weed wacker, a possible reference to Dr. Crew's death in the 7th film, New Blood.
  • The name of Jason's Final Friday attack is a reference to the tagline for Jason Goes to Hell, the ninth film in the Friday the 13th series which was originally planned to be the final film in the franchise.
  • In the Friday the 13th films, Jason has a misshapen skull, rotting teeth and one of his eyes was lower than the other, but in Mortal Kombat X, every X-Ray shows Jason having a regularly shaped human skull. Hacking the PC version can reveals his face, which merely has several scars on an otherwise middle-aged man. Within the game files, this is actually the default facial model for all male characters in the game. Due to Jason's face never actually being revealed, there was never a need to modify his face, with the exception of the texture of the scars on his face that overlay his character model.
    • Leatherface shares the same facial model as Jason using this same hack, however unlike Jason, Leatherface features a much more detailed face than Jason. Additionally, his nose is missing just like his depiction in his rebooted series.
  • While Jason never shows emotion in his origin franchise when he is stabbed, shot, set on fire, etc., however he shows pain during X-Ray attacks. Removing his mask using the hack stated above and performing a Fatality on him will show Jason in agonizing pain, though this is more than likely just a gameplay mechanic as almost all characters have the same reaction to the same Fatalities
    • Additionally, Jason never makes any noises when being attacked in the movies. However, during certain fatalities, Jason will let out a moan before falling over dead. This is more easily heard during Goro's Peek-A-Boo fatality, when Goro presses Jason's head into his chest, there is a loud moan from inside. This again is more than likely just a game mechanic as all male characters make the same exact noise.
      • However, he will make no noise when the Kove Stage Fatality is done on him.

Mortal Kombat X

  • Jason is the only guest character that does not kill Shinnok in his Arcade ending. Additionally, despite his ending being non-canon, Jason's ending features canonical events from the game's Story Mode.
  • When selected for a match, Jason's name is announced in full, but whenever he wins a match, only his first name is spoken, similar to Freddy in Mortal Kombat (2011).
  • Jason is one of the few characters to have a Brutality that derives from his X-Ray, and not only from special moves, throws, or combos.
  • All fights that pit Jason against Reptile, the Predator, Triborg or Alien will cause the blood from the victim that Jason drags in his intro has the same blood as whoever he's fighting. This is also true for the intro where he removes the combat knife from his neck as the blood around the wound will have the same color blood as his enemy. Why this occurs in unknown.
  • Jason is one of two characters to receive armor for a teleport ability. The other is Kenshi in his Possessed variation.
  • Jason receives the most armor in the game for his teleport, a total of 3 hits, which is the most for any ability, with the exception of his Killing Machine armor buff.
  • Jason is the only character in the game to have specific music play during both of his Fatalities.
  • Jason is one of three characters in MKX with two basic throws, the others being Johnny Cage and Ferra/Torr.
  • Jason was addressed by full name only by Shinnok, but with the release of Mortal Kombat XL, Bo' Rai Cho will also address Jason by his full name. The only other characters that seem to know who Jason is are Raiden, Liu Kang, Goro, and Triborg.
    • Goro and Liu Kang both say "You..." and "YOU!", respectively. Goro's reasoning may just be a coincidence while Liu Kang is more on the line from Jason's Arcade Ending.
    • Raiden will say "Misguided one" referring to Jason as a serial killer and "Back to Hell with you!", showing he knows Jason's undead nature.
    • Triborg will refer to Jason as "Mental defective" referencing Jason being born with birth defects as a child.
  • Jason is one of two characters in MKX who has a Throw in a combo rather than a special move. The second is Bo' Rai Cho, who has two.
  • Interestingly, when Jason performs his X-Ray Brutality while in his Relentless variation, he will assume the Victory Pose of his Slasher Variation since he uses his machete to kill his opponent. Oppositely, Jason assumes his macheteless Victory Pose when performing his Throw Brutality in the Slasher variation.
  • When Jason performs his Spinal Tap Brutality, he will perform the enhanced version of his Back Breaker on his opponent despite not needing to. This makes Jason one of three characters to perform an enhanced special during a Brutality without actually using said enhanced special. The other two are the Alien and Goro.
    • Ironically, when Jason performs his Blunt Trauma Brutality, while not in his Slasher Variation, he will perform the regular Temple Punch instead of the enhanced even though the finisher requires him to use the enhanced version.
  • Jason is one of five characters whose voice will not be mimicked by the Predator, instead, the Predator will do its signature laugh, due to Jason lacking a voice entirely.
  • Jason has the most grab attacks out of any character in MKX, with a total of 4.
  • Jason has the most tick throws out of any character with a total of 24.
  • Jason is one of two characters with a soft stun attack rather than an actual stun attack like Scorpion's Spear or Sub-Zero's Ice Ball. The second is Leatherface although, unlike Jason, he has a regular stun attack as well.
  • Jason and Kotal Kahn are the only characters with anti-air grab abilities. However, unlike Kotal Kahn, Jason cannot combo off his anti-air grab.
  • Jason has the second most damage bonuses in MKX, a damage buff and a passive damage buff. The character with the most is Kotal Kahn with 3.
  • Jason, Kotal Kahn and Ferra/Torr are the only characters that can increase the damage of their damage buffs further than normal.
  • Jason and Johnny Cage are the only characters that that gain a damage boost based on a certain level of remaining health.
  • Jason is the only character that can grant armor for a period of time and, unlike other fighters who grant armor for a single hit, Jason's grants armor for multiple hits.
  • Jason is the only character that can reverse the opponent's controls.
  • Jason is the only character without an action after winning a round where he is forced to give his opponent space; he simply turns and walks away immediately upon winning a round.
  • Jason is one of the few characters whose fighting style is altered by the addition or removal of a weapon.
  • Jason is one of the few characters with a projectile that strikes Mid rather than High, meaning the attack is unavoidable when ducking. It can, however, miss females when they perform a low poke attack.

Mortal Kombat Mobile

  • Before the introduction of Sub-Classes, Jason's Nightmare Card was originally called Relentless, based on the same variation from Mortal Kombat X.
    • Additionally, the card was originally a Gold Card and obtained through Challenges.
  • Jason's Slasher Card is one of the few characters where all his special attacks are unblockable.
  • While his Unstoppable Variation allows him to resurrect in the MKX, in Mortal Kombat Mobile, his Slasher Variation can do this as well, but twice rather than once.
  • Jason is one of the few characters to receive an exclusive reskin in the mobile version of Mortal Kombat not featured in the game he originated from.
  • Jason is one of the few DLC characters across MKX and MK11 cards that received an exclusive reskin not featured in their respective games.
  • Jason is the only character that has music play when he tags in. Music also plays when his Nightmare Card's passive activates.
  • Jason's Nightmare Card is one of the few character cards whose Special 2 changes after certain conditions.
  • Jason's Nightmare Card and Jade's Assassin Card were originally the only characters that could completely avoid special attack damage with their passive, with the exception of X-Rays.
  • Jason, along with Freddy, Leatherface, The Terminator and The Joker are all Diamond cards, thus making all guests in the mobile game Diamond Cards.
    • The exception of this is Jason's Slasher and Unstoppable cards, which are Gold, however Jason's Nightmare card is Diamond.
  • Jason is the only guest character in Mortal Kombat Mobile to not only have three playable cards, but to have a Diamond and Gold card.
  • The chain around Jason's neck in his Unstoppable Variation in MKX is absent in the mobile game for his Unstoppable Card, however it is used for his Nightmare Card, which was originally his Relentless Card.
  • Jason's Unstoppable Card also uses Jason's alternate colors from MKX, thus making it one of the few cards that use the alternate color of the character's primary appearance.

Mortal Kombat 11

  • Kabal was given a Jason-themed Outfit and Gear Kosmetics as DLC for Halloween.


  • When viewing Jason's bio, the second to last line has an extra space and is missing a period at the end of the sentence.
  • When previewing Jason's Slasher Variation, the note for the variation does not include his altered combos, basic attacks and the new combos gained by the inclusion of his machete unlike other characters' variations that include the note.
  • After performing his X-Ray, one can see that the hand Jason wields his machete with will clip into his thigh when retracting his hand.
  • When Jason performs his X-Ray Brutality while in his Unstoppable variation, after he removes the machete to decapitate his enemy, the chain around his neck will disappear. This is likely an error in programming.
    • This is also the case when a Fatality or Faction Kill are used on him while in his Unstoppable variation as the chain will vanish.
  • During one of Jason's interactions, he removes a combat knife from his neck and throws it to the ground, leaving behind a wound in his neck. While his Unstoppable variation is selected, when he removes the knife, no wound will be visible on his neck but blood will still be visible. It is unknown how or why this happens.
  • If one looks closely during Jason's enhanced Choke Slam, he does not actually close his hand to snap the opponent's neck, giving it the illusion that it snaps on its own.
  • During certain Fatalities, Jason will audibly moan before falling dead. This is easily heard during Goro's Peek-A-Boo Fatality and Jax's Jax The Ribber Fatality. This is likely a gameplay mechanic as all male characters make the same moaning sound, including the Alien and the Predator.
    • However, he will not make any noise when the Kove Stage Fatality is performed on him.
  • When a Fatality is used on Jason that creates a hole around his mouth, one can notice that the wound is see-through on the ends. This is more noticeable when his mask is removed using a hack.
    • Additionally, when a large wound is made in Jason's chest, you can visibly see-through his jacket in the side. This is easily seen when his Kill For Mother Fatality is performed on himself or during the end of Takeda's Head Cage Fatality.
  • When Jason performs his Kill For Mother Fatality on characters that are taller then him, such as Goro or the Predator, he will incorrectly be taller than them when performing the finisher.
  • Jason's X-Ray has a tendency to incorrectly connect due to an odd hitbox;
    • The attack is registered as a Mid attack, but can miss if the opponent ducks on some occasions.
      • If the attack is used from afar and Jason is still approaching a blocking opponent, the attack will completely miss them.
    • Jason sometimes does not have to actually make contact with the opponent for the attack to initiate.
      • This is similar to the hitbox of the Alien's Chop Chop during its The Slicer Brutality.
      • This is also the case with the hitboxes of some characters' Uppercut attacks, striking the opponent without making any contact whatsoever. See Glitches and Errors.
    • Sometimes if the opponent successfully jumps over Jason to avoid the attack, even being completely behind him in the process while mid-air, they will teleport into his hand, and the attack will initiate.
    • On some occasions, if the opponent dodges his X-Ray entirely and Jason is still walking, running up to him and making contact from behind will teleport the opponent into his hand, initiating the attack.
  • Jason's X-Ray Brutality can trigger despite him not taking the required steps during to actually activate it.
  • When playing his Slasher Variation, his machete disappears then reappears in the opposite hand when performing his Kill For Mother Fatality, which makes no sense since the blade is already present. It also gives it the illusion that the blade teleports.
  • As stated above, blocking Jason's X-Ray attack while his armor bonus is active has a chance to remove the buff entirely. This is more than likely a glitch and the cause of it is currently unknown.
  • After Jason decapitates his enemy during his X-Ray Brutality, he and his opponent become darker in color saturation for an unknown reason. This also happens with a majority of the characters that have an X-Ray brutality. This is easiest to see with Tremor.
  • When Jason wins a round and turns and walks away from his opponent, his hands clip into his thighs as he walks away.
  • When Jason loses a round and stands back up to crack his neck, while in the Slasher Variation, his machete will completely clip through his thigh as he cracks his neck.
  • On rare occasions, if Jason cancels a Resurrection, the damage from whatever attack he was struck by will read 100% + the final hit. When done with combos or specials, it will do the same. This does not occur with X-Ray attacks.


Ashrah | Baraka | Blaze | Bo' Rai Cho | Cassie Cage | Cetrion | Chameleon | Cyrax | D'Vorah | Daegon | Dairou | Darrius | Drahmin | Ermac | Erron Black | Ferra/Torr | Frost | Fujin | General Shao | Geras | Goro | Hanzo Hasashi | Havik | Hotaru | Hsu Hao | Jacqui Briggs | Jade | Jarek | Jax Briggs | Johnny Cage | Kabal | Kai | Kano | Kenshi | Khameleon | Kintaro | Kira | Kitana | Kobra | Kollector | Kotal Kahn | Kronika | Kung Jin | Kung Lao | Li Mei | Liu Kang | Mavado | Meat | Mileena | Mokap | Moloch | Motaro | Nightwolf | Nitara | Onaga | Quan Chi | Raiden | Rain | Reiko | Reptile | Sareena | Scorpion | Sektor | Shang Tsung | Sheeva | Shinnok | Shujinko | Sindel | Skarlet | Smoke | Sonya Blade | Stryker | Sub-Zero | Takeda | Tanya | Taven | Tremor | Triborg

Freddy Krueger | Homelander | Jason Voorhees | The Joker | Kratos | Leatherface | Omni-Man | Peacemaker | The Predator | RoboCop | Rambo | Spawn | The Terminator | The Xenomorph
Batman | Captain Marvel | Catwoman | Dark Kahn | Darkseid | Deathstroke | The Flash | Green Lantern | The Joker | Lex Luthor | Superman | Wonder Woman