Mortal Kombat Wiki
Mortal Kombat Wiki

I will achieve my mission objective.


—The Terminator to Kollector.

The Terminator, also known by its model name of Cyberdyne Systems Series 800 Model 101, or simply as the T-800, is a cybernetic organism known for its appearances in the science-fiction action film series of the same name. A machine designed for assassination missions by being sent back in time, the Terminator helped culminate a franchise with a legacy of being one of the greatest action film series in cinema history along with becoming an icon in pop culture.

The Terminator made his debut as a playable guest character in Mortal Kombat 11 as the third character available through DLC as part of the Kombat Pack. The Terminator later reappears as a playable character in Mortal Kombat Mobile.

About The Terminator

The Terminator, or the T-800 model in particular, is a recurring, central character in its origin franchise. While a majority of the films feature a T-800, they are never the same version of the character despite exhibiting the same mannerisms and being portrayed by Arnold Schwarzenegger. In the original film, designed to be a science-fiction action horror film, the Terminator serves as the main antagonist, sent from the future to terminate Sarah Connor, whose son, John Connor, would lead the human Resistance in the future during a war with the machines controlled by the artificial intelligence known as Skynet. After the first film, the T-800 became a central protagonist to the series with the exception of a cameo appearance in Terminator Salvation, usually if not always serving as a protector to the film's protagonists after the first film. A different, slightly upgraded variant of the T-800 appears in Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, this model being a T-850, which, despite appearing and acting like a T-800, has upgraded features that make it a superior model to its T-800 counterpart. This model again appears as a central protagonist protecting an older John Conner and his future wife Kate Brewster. In two separate films, Terminator Genisys and Terminator: Dark Fate, respectively, two separate aging T-800s serve as central and supporting characters, both appearing in altered timelines, one protecting Sarah Connor instead of John, and one that had completed its mission in killing John but later helps the protagonists in the film.

Being a cybernetic organism, the Terminator is designed for infiltration and assassination missions and stops at nothing until its mission is complete. A complexed machine, it has detailed files on weapons, vehicles, people and human anatomy, making it a deadly killing machine. Its body is made up entirely of an endoskeleton that is resistant to small arms fire. The tissue over its endoskeleton, however, functions like real human tissue. The Terminator can live for 120 years and the hair and tissue follicles over its endoskeleton can age and die off as well. This tissue and hair can grow back if damaged, however it does take time for it to do so. The Terminator is also capable of learning from humans to allow it to act more human than machine, as demonstrated in Terminator 2: Judgment Day. This concept is further expanded upon with Carl in Terminator: Dark Fate, in which after succeeding in his mission to kill John Connor, the Terminator, calling itself Carl, learned to adapt and live with humans due to no longer having a mission, eventually moving to Texas and starting a family before joining the film's protagonists in stopping the Rev-9.

Despite the T-800 being the most common and well-known Terminator, there are other Terminators in the series that are far superior to the Model 101 based on their design and enhanced abilities. The T-800 itself is usually, if not always played by Arnold Schwarzenegger. In later films, stand-ins using Arnold's likeness through CGI have portrayed the character while Arnold usually played an aging or older version of an already active T-800 due to the longevity of his appearances in the franchise.


The Terminator's appearance varies depending on what Kosmetic Outfit is selected, with his appearances taking inspiration from his origin franchise.

The Terminator's primary appearance is that of Carl from Terminator: Dark Fate. The color of his outfits varies on the outfit choice.

A secondary appearance is a younger appearance from The Terminator, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, and Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines. This version features his biker outfit featured in the three films in addition to other younger skins wearing only t-shirts which reference the Mortal Kombat franchise, the character's portrayer, Arnold Schwarzenegger, shirts referencing his origin franchise and a plain white shirt.

A third appearance is based off Carl's final appearance in the climax in Terminator: Dark Fate in the final battle with the Rev-9, however his endoskeleton hand remains in tact.


  • Mortal Kombat 11: "The Terminator T-800 from “Terminator: Dark Fate” is a cyborg assassin, sent back in time from a post-apocalyptic future. He is nearly indestructible and possesses superior technology, fighting skills and artificial intelligence making him the ultimate killing machine."

Combat Characteristics

Powers and Abilities

Being a cybernetic killing machine whose only purpose is to terminate its targets, the Terminator utilizes inhumane strength and extensive knowledge of weapons and firearms to complete its objectives. Because of his strength, coupled with being a cyborg capable of shrugging off minor wounds, small arms fire and "cosmetic damage," The Terminator is capable of throwing his opponents and striking them with minimal effort.

While all Terminators are capable of utilizing a wide range of weaponry, the T-800, being an infiltration unit, has additional knowledge covering firearms of the past alongside his pre-existing information regarding weapons from the future. In MK11 and many of his other appearances, the Terminator's main weapon of choice is a sawed-off lever-action shotgun, a weapon that he is able to control extremely effectively due to the gun's lighter frame, which offers increased handling over heavier firearms, and its faster fire rate combined with his already keen-eyed accuracy. He also carries multiple ion grenades and a secondary submachine gun.

The Terminator is also equipped with a portable Time Displacement Equipment that he uses to teleport through time and space. For reasons unknown, he has the ability to summon flames around him as shown in his Endoskeleton special move, Victory Pose and Tower Ending.

Signature Moves

  • Sawed Off: The Terminator pulls out his shotgun and fires it at the opponent. The closer the Terminator is to the opponent, the higher the damage this attack will do. The Terminator is vulnerable when pulling out his shotgun to fire it. (MK11)
    • Amplifying the attack has the Terminator fire a second shot for increased damage. However, this second shot does not have an increased hitbox and can miss ducking opponents. The Terminator recovers much faster than the opponent if this is successful.
    • The attack can be amplified a second time, where the Terminator fires a third shot for even more damage. Additionally, the third shot knocks the opponent down. Like with the second shot, the third shot does not have an increased hitbox and can miss ducking opponents.
      • The Terminator is also given the option to retreat or advance with each amplified attack if a directional input is used. Doing this gives him various options:
        • The Terminator retreats with every shot
        • The Terminator advances with every shot
        • The Terminator retreats with the second shot but advances with the third shot
        • The Terminator advances with the second shot but retreats with the third shot
    • If this attack misses twice in a row, the next time the attack connects at close range after, the attack turns into a Krushing Blow, with the shot to the stomach damaging the opponent's organs and knocking the opponent back a significant distance from the Terminator while dealing over three times the original damage.
  • Gorilla Press Slam: The Terminator grabs the opponent by the throat with both hands, lifts the opponent over his head and throws them to the ground on the opposite direction, face first. This attack has armor breaking properties, ignoring the armor granted by specific abilities and Fatal Blows. When breaking the armor of a Break Away, the damage dealt is slightly increased. This attack is capable of striking an opponent during a Getup Roll, similar to a standard Throw. (MK11)
    • Amplifying the attack has the Terminator grab the opponent by the throat and throw them to the ground in front of him for increased damage.
    • The Terminator is given a second amplify option if a directional input is used, where he grabs the opponent by the throat with both hands but then puts them down to deliver a double axe-handle slam, causing the opponent to stumble backwards. Unlike both versions of the attack, this amplified version does not knock the opponent down and deals slightly less damage.
  • Killing Machine: The Terminator turns his back to his opponent and parries all projectiles and their properties that hit him, with the exception of Fatal Blow based projection start-ups. The attack can be delayed to increase its duration. (MK11)
  • Rolling Ion Grenade: The Terminator tosses an Ion Grenade on the ground that detonates shortly after. If this successfully hits, the explosion will launch the opponent high into the air for a juggle. The attack can be used at different ranges, called Close/Far Rolling Ion Grenade, respectively. The Terminator is extremely safe if this attack is blocked by the opponent. Should the Terminator use consecutive attacks involving his Ion Grenades, like this one, this attack will be disabled until his grenades replenish. If the Terminator is attacked before the grenade detonates, the grenade will not detonate nor will it deal damage to the opponent. This ability conflicts with Cyber Rift when equipped, disabling the option to select Cyber Rift and requires two ability slots when equipped. (MK11 - Equip Ability)
    • Amplifying any version causes the grenade to detonate on impact, retaining the original juggle properties. Unlike the original, the Terminator is much less safe when the attack is blocked by the opponent. If the opponent blocks the close version of this attack, the Terminator is vulnerable to attacks after, however if the opponent blocks the original version, the Terminator is slightly less safe if blocked by the opponent. The Terminator remains safe if the opponent blocks the far version of the attack.
  • Death Grip: The Terminator grabs the opponent out of the air, bearhugging the opponent and snapping their spine before tossing them away. The Terminator is given the option to toss the opponent in the opposite direction. (MK11 - Equip Ability)
    • Amplifying the attack has the Terminator immediately re-stand the opponent after the attack is amplified, briefly stunning them and setting them up for a free hit, however this window is small. Amplifying the attack deals less damage than the original at the expense of stunning the opponent. If the Terminator connects a jumping attack in addition to this version of the attack, any attack following that juggles the opponent after stunning the opponent will have a significantly reduced juggle effect.
  • Infiltrator Toss: The Terminator grabs the opponent out of the air and tosses them to the ground in the opposite direction. (MK11 - Equip Ability)
    • Amplifying the attack has the Terminator slam the opponent onto the ground rather than tossing them away, bouncing them off the ground for a juggle. Amplifying the attack deals less damage than the original at the expense of the juggle effect. The Terminator can amplify the attack as many times as possible.
  • Endo Lunge: The Terminator jumps and lunges at the opponent, delivering a double axe-handle slam that knocks the opponent down. The attack can be used at different ranges, called Far/Close Endo Lunge, respectively. The Terminator is vulnerable when leaping into the air at the opponent. This ability conflicts with Running Man when equipped, disabling the option to select Running Man. (MK11 - Equip Ability)
    • Amplifying any version of the attack has the Terminator pull out a submachine gun and unload on the downed opponent for increased damage.
  • Cyber Rift: The Terminator takes his Ion Grenade and slams it into the ground, instantly causing a shockwave in front of himself, knocking the opponent off their feet if they are within range. Should the Terminator use consecutive attacks involving his Ion Grenades, like this one, this attack will be disabled until his grenades replenish. This attack is considered a projectile. This ability conflicts with Rolling Ion Grenade when equipped, disabling the option to select Rolling Ion Grenade. (MK11 - Equip Ability)
    • Amplifying the attack sends the shockwave forward on the ground towards the opponent for increased damage. Like the original, this version of the attack is still considered a projectile.
  • Running Man: The Terminator begins to sprint at the opponent. The Terminator can perform different attacks while he sprints. This ability conflicts with Endo Lunge when equipped, disabling the option to select Endo Lunge. (MK11 - Equip Ability)
    • Tackle: The Terminator tackles the opponent to the ground. This attack acts as a Mid Throw, which is unblockable and can strike ducking opponents. If the Terminator misses tackling the opponent, he will pick himself up off the ground shortly after, leaving the Terminator completely vulnerable. This attack is capable of striking an opponent during a Getup Roll, similar to a standard Throw.
      • Amplifying the attack has the Terminator get up and look away, only for him to turn back around and stomp on the opponent's groin for increased damage before he steps away, causing a delayed knockdown effect where the opponent clutches their groin in agony. Despite the Terminator recovering much faster than the opponent, the opponent cannot be attacked while they recover from the groin stomp.
      • If the Terminator sprints a far distance at the opponent, connecting and amplifying Tackle will turn it into a Krushing Blow, with the stomp to the groin causing male fighters' testicles to explode but causing damage to a female fighters' groin, dealing over double the original damage. Like with the original amplified version, the Terminator recovering much faster than the opponent, the opponent cannot be attacked while they recover from the groin stomp.
    • Punch: The Terminator uppercuts the opponent, knocking them away. When used in the corner of an arena, the Terminator is offered combo extensions. This attack can miss ducking opponents.
    • Kick: The Terminator kicks the opponent, sending them across the arena if the attack connects.
    • Stop: The Terminator simply stops sprinting. Doing this requires and spends a bar of Defensive Meter.
  • Endoskeleton: When the Terminator's heath reaches 10% or less on what would be the final round of a match, a knockback effect occurs, separating him and his opponent and knocking him to the ground. He begins to stand up, where his flesh, weapons and clothes burn away and only his Endoskeleton is left. During this time, both he and his opponent will be affected by various effects. This effect can only activate on the third and final round of the match. This ability requires two ability slots when equipped. (MK11 - Equip Ability)
    • Terminator;
      • Terminator is granted armor for the remainder of the match until his health depletes to 0.
      • Block, dash and jump abilities are disabled.
      • All Throws, special attacks and Fatal Blow are disabled.
      • Attacks are restricted to basic attacks that gain knockback effects or increased knockback.
        • The Terminator no longer grabs the opponent out of the air with Hammer Slammer, simply knocking them away.
        • Double Barrel no longer juggles the opponent, but knocks them away.
        • Terminator cannot perform his uppercut Krushing Blow.
      • Combos are disabled with the exception of Security Threat which knocks the opponent away on second hit.
      • Fatalities and Brutalities cannot be performed with the exception of a alternate version of the Terminator's The Klassic.
      • This ability is disabled in the Towers of Time under certain conditions;
        • Tag Battle - Both Online and single player unless the Terminator is the last of the two fighters remaining
        • Multi-fighter Towers - Towers consisting of two or more fighters in a single match, however if the Terminator is fighting the final opponent, Endoskeleton will activate
    • Opponent;
      • Interactable cinematics do not work/cannot be perform on the Terminator, simply knocking him away and defeating him if the damage is higher than his remaining health.
      • Throw interactables do not work.
      • Cannot perform juggle combos on the Terminator.
      • Cannot perform Krushing Blows on the Terminator.
        • Krushing Blows that trigger from breaking armor do not activate.
      • Armor breaking effects and parries are ignored despite the Terminator being armored.
      • Fatalities, Brutalities, Mercies, and Friendships cannot be performed, as the Terminator is immediately knocked down and the opponent is declared the winner. The Dizzy Sequence does not occur.
  • Ion Grenade: The Terminator tosses an arcing Ion Grenade that detonates shortly after. If this successfully hits, the explosion will launch the opponent high into the air for a juggle. The attack can be used at different ranges, called Close/Far Ion Grenade, respectively. Should the Terminator use consecutive attacks involving his Ion Grenades, like this one, this attack will be disabled until his grenades replenish. This ability conflicts with Incapacitator when equipped, disabling the option to select Incapacitator. This ability replaces Sawed Off when equipped. (MK11 - Equip Ability)
    • Amplifying any version causes the grenade to detonate on impact, retaining the original juggle properties.
  • Albi Back Breaker: The Terminator grabs the opponent, lifts them up and slams their back on his shoulder before tossing them away in the opposite direction. The Terminator is given the option to toss the opponent forward. This attack is capable of striking an opponent during a Getup Roll, similar to a standard Throw. This ability replaces Gorilla Press Slam when equipped. (MK11 - Equip Ability)
    • Amplifying the attack has the Terminator lift the opponent up on his shoulders before dropping them on the ground, head-first. The Terminator is also given the option drop the opponent forward.
    • If the Terminator performs all versions of this attack during the match, the attack turns into a Krushing Blow the next time it is amplified, where when the opponent is dropped, the impact is greater and the opponent breaks their neck on impact despite there being no X-Ray visual, dealing increased damage and bouncing the opponent off the ground for a juggle. This Krushing Blow can only trigger on the regular amplified version of the attack and not if the opponent is thrown forward.
  • Terminate: The Terminator clutches his fists, where a red aura surrounds his arms and his eyes glow red, granting him armor for a short duration at the cost of both a bar of Offensive and Defensive Meter. A bar of Offensive and Defensive Meter is required to activate this ability. While active, the Terminator is unaffected by any attack, combo, special attack, and interactable, with the exception of Fatal Blows, parries and attacks that grant armor breaking properties. During this time, the Terminator's ability to block, dash and jump are disabled. When the effect wears off on its own time limit, an electrical surge surrounds the Terminator, disabling the use of the ability for some time while also disabling his abilities to use of special attacks, interactables and the ability to amplify any attack. This ability conflicts with T.D.E. when equipped, disabling the option to select T.D.E.. This ability replaces Killing Machine when equipped. (MK11 - Equip Ability)
  • T.D.E.: The Terminator teleports through time using his Time Sphere and reappears behind the opponent. The attack can also be delayed, delaying when the Terminator reappears. This ability conflicts with Terminate when equipped, disabling the option to select Terminate. This ability replaces Killing Machine when equipped. (MK11 - Equip Ability)
    • Amplifying the attack requires and spends a bar of Defensive Meter and allows the Terminator to recover from the attack significantly faster, allowing the Terminator to attack almost immediately upon reappearing. The Terminator is still vulnerable when reappearing, however this window is very small.
  • Incapacitator: The Terminator tosses an Ion Grenade at the opponent that sticks to them. After sticking, the opponent receives a gold aura around them and during this time, they can no longer amplify attacks, use interactables, perform Flawless Blocks attacks or Getup Attacks. Additionally, the opponent cannot use their Fatal Blow if it is active. This attack is unblockable, but can miss ducking opponents. The Terminator can only inflict one Incapacitator at a time. Should the Terminator use consecutive attacks involving his Ion Grenades, like this one, this attack will be disabled until his grenades replenish. This also includes if this attack misses. This ability also modifies the amplified properties of Vice Grip provides for the Terminator's Say Goodbye combo (See Below). This ability replaces Sawed Off when equipped and conflicts with Ion Grenade when equipped, disabling the option to select Ion Grenade. (MK11 - Equip Ability)

Fatal Blow

  • Chill Out: The Terminator stuns the opponent by striking them with his shotgun, then strikes them again in the chin with the butt of his shotgun. The Terminator then points the barrel of the gun directly in their face and gives a thumbs up and smile, before firing the shotgun and knocking them away. Before the opponent has the chance to gain any more distance, the Terminator grabs them by the leg and pulls them back, saying "Get over here", then holds them by the neck and slams them headfirst onto the ground, which causes them to bounce back up into his chokehold. He then punches the opponent in the face one final time, followed by a headbutt that knocks them away. (MK11)

Other Moves

  • Throw (Backward): The Terminator hits the opponent over the head with a hammer fist, then holds them up by the throat. He then proceeds to attach an ion grenade to their face, then hurls the opponent to the opposite side. As they land, the grenade goes off, sending the opponent further away. (MK11)
  • Throw (Forward): The Terminator punches the opponent in the stomach, then proceeds to jab a submachine gun in their gut, blasting them away with a volley of bullets. (MK11)
  • Vice Grip: The Terminator can now amplify his Hammer Slammer basic attack and Say Goodbye combo (See Below). (MK11 - Equip Ability)
  • Terraformer: The Terminator can now amplify Alloy Hammer, smashing the ground after the axe-handle slam, causing a shockwave that knocks the opponent off their feet and deals nearly double the original damage. (MK11 - Equip Ability)
  • Hammer Slammer: The Terminator backhands the opponent with so much force it sends them into the air, only for him to grab them by the leg and slam them down in the opposite direction. The Terminator can cancel grabbing the opponent by using a special attack or interacable. Additionally, with the use of juggle effects, the Terminator can continue combos with this attack if launched high enough where only the backhand lands on the opponent but not the grab. (MK11)
    • Equipping Vice Grip allows this attack to be amplified: (MK11 - Equip Ability)
      • Amplifying the attack has the Terminator stomp on the downed opponent's back, dealing increased damage.
        • If only the anti-air grab of Hammer Slammer connects on its own, amplifying the attack turns it into a Krushing Blow, with the stomp to the back shattering the opponent's spine and ribcage while dealing over three times the original damage of the anti-air grab.
  • Say Goodbye: The Terminator delivers an overhead slam then grabs the opponent by the throat and knocks them away with a headbutt. The second half of this combo acts as a High Throw and is unblockable, however it can miss ducking opponents. This final grab is capable of striking an opponent during a Getup Roll, similar to a standard Throw. (MK11)
    • Equipping Vice Grip allows this combo to be amplified: (MK11 - Equip Ability)
      • Amplifying the attack now has the Terminator re-stand the opponent by dropping them in front of him instead of headbutting them. Doing this will also reduce the damage of the combo itself.
        • If Incapacitrator is equipped alongside Vice Grip, amplifying Say Goodbye now has the Terminator stick an Ion Grenade to the opponent's face rather than dropping them, where the grenade explodes shortly after, dealing increased damage and launching the opponent into the air for a juggle, however this window is extremely small. When used in the corner of an arena, this juggle effect is greatly increased. Unlike other Ion Grenade attacks, the Terminator does not need to wait for his Ion Grenades to replenish to amplify this combo. Additionally, the Terminator can amplify this combo as many times as possible.
  • Unstoppable Machine: The Terminator stomps on the opponent's foot and does a lunging knee strike, knocking the opponent away. The final knee strike is capable of being Flawless Blocked by the opponent, leaving the Terminator vulnerable to Flawless Block Attacks. (MK11)
    • If only the second strike of this combo connects, the combo turns into a Krushing Blow, with the knee strike damaging the opponent's intestines and launching them into the air for a juggle while dealing double the second strikes original damage. This Krushing Blow can be triggered on opponents left open for a free hit by interactables. Additionally, this Krushing Blow cannot trigger if the first hit is blocked but the knee strike is not.
  • Alloy Hammer: The Terminator performs a double axe-handle slam that knocks the opponent to the ground. This can only be performed during a hop and the attack type is shared with every character. (MK11)
    • If the attack is used as a Kounter or Punish to a Low or Ducking attack, the attack turns into a Krushing Blow, with the slam shattering the top of the opponent's head and bouncing them off the ground for a juggle while dealing increased damage.
    • Equipping Terraforming allows for the attacks to be amplified (See Above).


  • I'm Back: The Terminator kicks the opponent forwards and walks away. The opponent then looks up in a shocked manner at the Terminator now riding his motorcycle towards them, where he drives and spins the motorcycle into them, sending them flying into the air. The Terminator spins, cocks his shotgun and shoots the opponent, blasting them to pieces. (MK11)
  • Target Terminated: The Terminator blows out both the opponent's knees with his shotgun, then uses the Time Sphere to send the opponent to the future, leaving behind the lower parts of their legs. They reappear in 2029 on a battlefield as the war between Skynet and humanity goes on. They try to crawl away, only for one of the invading T-800 units to spot them and blast them with its laser rifle, blowing a hole through their chest as they scream in agony. (MK11)


  • The Klassic: The Terminator performs his uppercut, destroying the opponent's head with a diagonal shot from his shotgun. (MK11)
  • Marked for Termination: The Terminator performs an Albi Back Breaker, slamming them head first into the ground, completely destroying their head instead of slamming them on his shoulder. (MK11)
  • No Bargaining: The Terminator performs his Say Goodbye combo, punching a hole through the side of opponent's head after grabbing them instead of headbutting them. (MK11)
  • Target Acquired: The Terminator performs an amplified Gorilla Press Slam and rips the upper half of the opponent's face off. (MK11)
  • Hunter Killer: The Terminator performs a Death Grip, breaking the opponent's spine during the bearhug, then decapitating them with a palm strike. (MK11)
  • You're Terminated: The Terminator performs his Throw (Forward), reducing the opponent's head to a bloodied, destroyed skull from the gun fire. (MK11)
  • Efficient Execution: The Terminator performs his Throw (Backward), squeezing the opponent's throat until their head pops off. He then destroys their falling head with a shotgun blast. (MK11)
  • Final War: The Terminator performs a Running Man then performs a Kick with the impact of the kick severing the opponent's legs at the knees as they are kicked backwards. The opponent crawls forwards before bleeding to death. (MK11)
  • Future Assassin: The Terminator performs any version of Sawed Off, where one of the shots obliterates the opponent's upper body, leaving only their legs. (MK11)
  • Alternate The Klassic Brutality: The Terminator performs his uppercut while in his Endoskeleton form, decapitating the opponent with a rising uppercut with their spine still attached. (MK11 - Secret)

Other Finishers

  • Friendship - Stuntman: The Terminator turns and walks away, only to return on his motorcycle. He stands on top smiling and giving a thumbs up as it drives by and performs various stunts every time he drives off-screen and returns. (MK11)


Mortal Kombat 11 Gameplay

  • "Get over here." (Quote used during Fatal Blow)
  • "Terminated." (Round Win quote)
  • "Accept termination." (Round Win quote)
  • "Resistance is futile." (Round Win quote)
  • "Weak effort." (Round Win quote)
  • "Defective strategy." (Round Win quote)
  • "Ineffective defense." (Round Win quote)
  • "You are irrelevant." (Round Win quote)
  • "Death is inevitable." (Round Win quote)
  • "You won’t live." (Round Win quote)
  • "You will live." (Round Win quote)
  • "Chill out." (Round Win quote)
  • "Big mistake." (Round Win quote)
  • "Erased." (Round Win quote)
  • "Get up." (Round Win quote)
  • "You're weak." (Round Win quote)
  • "You're wounded." (Round Win quote)
  • "I am a machine." (Round Win quote)
  • "You're out of time." (Round Win quote)
  • "You're obsolete." (Round Win quote)
  • "You can't win." (Round Win quote)
  • "Fuck you." (Round Win quote)
  • "Casualty estimate: high." (Round Win quote)
  • "I see now why you cry." (Round Win quote)
  • "Relax." (Round Win quote)
  • "You're finished." (Round Win quote)
  • "Targeted for termination." (Round Win quote)
  • "Stay down." (Round Win quote)
  • "It's over." (Round Win quote)
  • "It's official. You suck." (Round Win quote to Shao Kahn)
  • "You won’t be back." (Brutality quote)
  • "You are terminated." (Brutality quote)
  • "You're done." (Brutality quote)
  • "Your life ends here." (Brutality quote)
  • "Mission complete." (Brutality quote)
  • "Die."
  • "Surrender."
  • "I'm back."
  • "Too slow."


  • Mortal Kombat 11: (In the words of Cassie Cage) "It was an epic accident that brought the Terminator here, rather than to his own Earth's past. But it didn't take long for him to adapt. He figured that terminating Kronika, and taking her Hourglass gave him the best chance at achieving his mission objective. Destroying humanity so that the machines prevail. Turns out the Hourglass wasn't the ultimate weapon. No matter how many times the Terminator re-booted history, the war between the humans and the machines always ended the same. With their mutual destruction. He realized this war was a losing game. The only way to win, was not to play. So the Terminator used the Hourglass to build a future where humans and machines don't fight, they cooperate. The Terminator knew that to preserve this future, no one else could learn about the Hourglass. The information stored in his machine mind was dangerous. It had to be eliminated. That's why the Terminator threw himself into the infinite depths of the Sea of Blood. No one would ever find him, or unlock the Hourglass' secrets. If you could ask him about it, he'd tell you the made the only logical choice. But in my book, that machine's a hero."



  • Mortal Kombat 11 was the first of two games to feature The Terminator as a playable character as promotional material for the release of the film Terminator: Dark Fate, the second game being Gears 5, which features the T-800 as a bare Endoskeleton only, but also an alternate skin for the Rev-9 for the Swarm, as well as Sarah Connor and newcomer Grace Harper for the COG.
    • Despite this promotion being apparent in his Character Biography and his appearance being nearly identical to Carl from Dark Fate, the T-800 is not presented as being Carl, with Arcade interactions presenting his as a variation of different Terminators across the original and Dark Fate timelines, with none of them actually being Carl.
      • He is never actually referred to as Carl in any Arcade interaction.
  • The Terminator is the third science-fiction character to appear as a playable character, the first being the Predator and then followed by the Alien in Mortal Kombat X with the fourth being RoboCop.
    • It is also the first science fiction character to appear whose series is not primarily horror. While the original film was intended to be sci-fi horror, its sequels dropped this element in favor of being more action oriented. The second is Robocop.
    • With the Predator being the first, it is the second guest character in Mortal Kombat that comes from Arnold Schwarzenegger's films.
  • The Terminator is the second pure cyborg character to be a playable character, with the first being Triborg.
    • Coincidentally, both are DLC characters, with the Terminator being a non-canon guest character.
  • The Terminator's metal and glowing red optic receptor inspired Kano's Bionic Eye.
  • The Terminator uses the likeness of Arnold Schwarzenegger who previously played the Terminator in multiple games and movies.
    • Despite using Arnold's likeness, Schwarzenegger does not provide the voice for the character due to scheduling conflicts, and Terminator’s new voice, preformed by actor Chris Cox, was handpicked by Schwarzenegger himself.
  • The Terminator is the only character in MK11 to not make any grunts or sounds when taking damage. This makes him the second character in the franchise after Jason Voorhees to not make noises when attacked.
    • He still, however, reacts to attacks, unlike in his origin franchise (See Errors).
  • Out of all the Mortal Kombat characters, including guest characters, the Terminator is the only one with an endoskeleton, cybernetic brain and artificial heart. This is different as all cyborgs in the series have been presented with regular organs and skeletons despite being cyborgs, with the Terminator being the first exception in the series.
    • RoboCop would later join this category, however his brain is not cybernetic but actually his own.

Mortal Kombat 11

  • Due to his endoskeleton, the Terminator is the first character in Mortal Kombat 11 with a unique visual when a Krushing Blow is performed on him. The second is RoboCop.
    • While the Terminator still suffers damage from Krushing Blows, his endoskeleton does not break, instead gets severely damaged and dents. He will however lose his teeth during uppercut related Krushing Blows or other Krushing Blows that share the same animations as uppercut Krushing Blows.
  • The Terminator's intros are references to his origin franchise;
    • Time Bubble is a reference to how each Terminator arrives in the past in each movie, however they are never clothed.
    • Action Figure is a reference to a scene in Terminator 2: Judgment Day, where the T-800 pulls out a sawed off Model 1887 from a box of roses when he first encounters John Connor.
      • The box of roses was changed in MK11 to a Johnny Cage action figure box.
    • Killer Ride is a reference to the T-800's motorcycle from Terminator 2: Judgment Day, the Harley Davidson FLSTF Fatboy.
      • Rather than the Harley-Davidson logo, Johnny Cage's signature is depicted on the motorcycle's gas tank.
  • The Terminator is currently the only character whose ending is narrated by a different character rather than himself, with Cassie Cage narrating the cyborg's ending.
    • The way the Terminator sinks into the Sea of Blood is a reference to the way he sinks into molten metal in Terminator 2: Judgment Day. His reasoning is similar in both cases – in Judgment Day, he does so that he cannot be reverse-engineered, while in MK11, he does so in order to prevent others from learning of the Hourglass.
    • This is also derived from the fact that Terminator films conclude with narrations from other characters.
  • When interacting during a mirror match, one Terminator will call itself Model NRS-419, named after NetherRealm Studios and Mortal Kombat 11's release date of April 2019.
  • Due to being modeled after Arnold Schwarzenegger, the Terminator has a few references to Schwarzenegger's previous movie roles outside Terminator, such as Predator, Jingle All the Way, Total Recall, Kindergarten Cop, True Lies and Conan the Barbarian.
    • The Terminator commonly mistakes Sonya Blade for one of his primary targets, Sarah Connor, during interactions.
      • During his Across Time Intro, a picture of Sonya is on fire, where the Terminator destroys it by stepping on it. The picture is very similar to the one Sarah Connor is given at the end of The Terminator, and is seen throughout the franchise on separate occasions. This can further support the idea that the Terminator mistakes Sonya for Sarah Connor.
        • Sonya was also given a DLC skin where she dressed up as Sarah Connor from Terminator 2: Judgment Day.
    • During an interaction with Erron Black, the latter says "Hasta la vista, baby", which is a quote originally said by the John Connor who then taught it to the Terminator from the second film, Terminator 2: Judgment Day.
    • During an interaction with Geras, the latter references the Riddle of Steel from Conan the Barbarian. Similarly, during an interaction with Shao Kahn when the former asks what is the latter's mission, Shao Kahn responds with "To crush my enemies and see them driven before me.", which was a quote spoken by Conan in Conan the Barbarian.[2]
    • During an interaction with Jacqui Briggs, she asks "Is it true Sub-Zero's now 'plain zero'?", referencing a quote said by Ben Richards after killing the stalker Sub-Zero in The Running Man.
    • During an interaction with Johnny Cage, he says "To be or not to be? Not to be.", quoting a sequence of Last Action Hero imagining Schwarzenegger as Hamlet.
    • During an interaction with Liu Kang, the latter asks "Your Mars has blue skies?" and the Terminator responds "I can recall those files totally.", referencing the ending of Total Recall.
    • During an interaction with Kabal, the latter prepare to start a fight and says "It's Turbo Time!", which is a catchphrase originally said by Turbo Man, and Howard Langston, as an accidental Turbo Man actor, in Jingle All the Way.
    • During an interaction with Baraka, it is shown that Johnny Cage taught the Terminator to call Baraka "an ugly mother fucker", a reference to the 1987 film Predator and to the guest character itself, Predator.
  • The Terminator is currently the only character with two separate versions of the The Klassic Brutality.
    • Additionally, he is the only character that does not actually uppercut the opponent's head off, rather, he blows their head up with a diagonal shotgun blast.
    • While in his Endoskeleton, he regains the traits of how other characters perform the finisher, uppercutting the opponent's head off with a literal uppercut.
  • During his Terminated Victory Pose, if you look closely to the top right of the screen, images will cycle in the corner. These images are from every characters' Arcade Tower Endings in the Arcade.
  • During an interaction with Cassie Cage, when she asks "What? No roses?", the Terminator says "Just guns." and Cassie sighs and says "Welcome to the jungle". This is a reference to famous rock band Guns'N Roses and their song "Welcome to the Jungle".
  • During an interaction with Kano, the mercenary asks if the Terminator has "electro nets and homing rockets" to which the Terminator simply says "No". Kano will then say the Terminator is "not much of a cyber". This a reference to the cyborg ninjas Cyrax and Sektor and the Cyber Lin Kuei.
  • The Terminator is the only character that has no reaction during the Terminator's own I'm Back Fatality.
  • The Terminator is the first of two characters in the series to not have a traditional "dizzy" animation prior to a Fatality being performed on him, rather remaining still as he looks at the ground, as if powered down. The second is RoboCop.
  • Like other guest characters, his moveset contains many references to movies that Arnold Schwarzenegger appears in.
    • Killing Machine is a reference to the scene in Terminator 2: Judgement Day where the T-800 protects a young John Connor from the T-1000's gunfire by facing his back towards the T-1000, blocking the bullets.
    • Albi Back Breaker is a pun on the famous quote from The Terminator, where the cyborg assassin says "I'll be back" before killing majority of the people inside the police station that Sarah Connor was hiding in.
    • The Terminator performs his signature shotgun flip reload from Terminator 2: Judgement Day for the animation of his enhanced Sawed Off move.
    • The special move Running Man is a reference to a film of the same name that Arnold also appears in.
    • His Endoskeleton move is a reference to the Terminator's final battle against Sarah and Kyle Reese in the first film where he rises from the flames of an explosion, reduced to its endoskeleton.
    • His T.D.E. special move is a highly modified version of the time travelling equipment shown in the Terminator series. Besides being able to travel through different points in time, the Terminator can use the equipment in battle through short distance teleportation as well as temporal banishment by sending the opponent to a future where the Skynet has successfully won the war against humanity.
  • MK11 marked as the second game where The Terminator and RoboCop cross-over, the first one being Sega and Nintendo game RoboCop Versus The Terminator, which was also based off the comic of the same name.
  • When hovering over the Terminator's icon in the character selection screen before a match, he looks around as apposed to constantly looking forward like the rest of the roster, as if he is surveying the area. This makes him the first of two characters to not look forward when being selected for a fight. The second is RoboCop.
  • If one looks closely, the Terminator’s SMG has an engraving that reads: “Zirconium Excellence, Inc. Model: PCC-9. Cal: 9MM”.
  • The Terminator's Grenade Gear item makes several references to the Mortal Kombat series and other media based on the items' names;

Mortal Kombat Mobile

  • The Terminator is the only character that cannot be struck by Krushing Blows, X-Ray or Fatal Blow attacks.
  • The Terminator is the only guest character to be affiliated with SpecOps.
  • The Terminator is the second of two guest characters with more than one playable card, the first being Jason Voorhees.
    • He is the only guest character with two Diamond character cards.
  • The Terminator is one of the few characters to receive an exclusive reskin in the mobile version of Mortal Kombat not featured in the game he is playable in.
  • The Terminator's T-800 Endoskeleton is the only Equipment Card that increases the user's Health and reduces the Power cost of the user's Special 2 at the same time.
  • The Terminator is one of the few characters that can override the Snare debuff without cleansing the debuff with Dispel, due to his Guardian Card's Passive.


  • The Terminator does not show emotion when taking damage or being struck by bullets or attacks in Terminator movies. However, he reacts to Krushing Blows and Fatal Blows during gameplay. This is likely just gameplay mechanics as all characters have the same reactions to them.
    • This is also true with Fatalities, however he does not react during his own Fatality, I'm Back. Additionally, he does not react the same as other characters when being hit in the face some Fatal Blows that involve striking the opponent in the face.
  • The Terminator's Ion Grenades incorrectly swap sides when he switches stances.
  • When connecting the Krushing Blow version of his Albi Back Breaker, the Terminator loses his shadow and the lighting of the arena becomes incorrect for him. This is easiest to see in the Special Forces Desert Command arena.
    • Additionally during this, only the shadow of his accessories and weapons will be visible on the ground.
    • The only way to correct this is to successfully connect his Fatal Blow, however this does not work all the time.
    • In Practice Mode, connecting his Fatal Blow then resetting will correct this error.
  • When fighting Kronika in the game's Story Mode as Fire God Liu Kang or Shang Tsung, it is possible she will call upon the Terminator to fight for her when using her Duplicate Fighter Ability despite him being a non-canon downloadable guest character. This can occur with every guest character.
  • When the Terminator performs a Brutality, much like the rest of the roster, he will speak a quote after. However, sometimes, he speaks nothing and is immediately announced the winner even before performing one of his poses. It is unknown why this occurs.
    • On rare occasions, this also happens with winning a round, as he will perform his round winning taunt pose, however no dialogue is heard despite the animation.
  • During the Terminator's Outro, Reborn, he will have his sunglasses on should a pair be selected when performing the Outro after a match, however previewing the Outro in the Kustomization, his sunglasses will be absent, regardless of the pair selected.
  • In the Kustomization option for his moves, there is no information or indication regarding how Vice Grip and Incapacitator are compatible with each other for gameplay despite Incapaciator improving the effects of Vice Grip. Why this information is not listed is currently unknown.
  • Despite the attack being registered as a High, amplifying the Terminator's Sawed Off attack allows the additional shots to hit the opponent if they are ducking despite the attack being a High. This can occur even if the first shot of Sawed Off misses a ducking opponent.
  • When the Terminator performs his alternate Brutality Victory Pose where he cuts off the flesh of his right arm to reveal his Endoskeleton, there is a chance that when doing this, no arm will appear and his arm will simply vanish. This rarely seems to happen with his default appearance, however with his biker outfits, this has a slightly higher chance of occurring but happens most of the time with his damaged outfit that already reveals his Endoskeleton arm.
    • It should be noted that this error has a higher chance of occurring if the Terminator performs his No Bargaining Brutality with his damaged outfit.
  • Despite the Terminator being able to perform his Double Barrel basic attack in his Endoskeleton, the basic attack is completely absent from his movelist.
  • When performing his Future Assassin Brutality, the Terminator can amplify the attack, resulting him firing the additional shots at the already destroyed opponent. This error is shared with many other characters with similar Brutalities.
  • When performing one of his Brutality Victory Poses in his Endoskeleton form, the Terminator, as just his bare endoskeleton, hovers slightly above the ground.
  • When the Terminator wins a match as just his bare Endoskeleton and has the outro of the same name equipped, burnt off fragments of his clothes will still burn off as he walks away in the fire, despite his Endoskeleton not having any clothing on.
  • If the Terminator is hit with a Krushing Blow that breaks his leg or arm, his limbs will not match his Endoskeleton model, rather being a grey reskin of human bones. This does not occur with RoboCop despite him also having a form of an Endoskeleton.



Ashrah | Baraka | Blaze | Bo' Rai Cho | Cassie Cage | Cetrion | Chameleon | Cyrax | D'Vorah | Daegon | Dairou | Darrius | Drahmin | Ermac | Erron Black | Ferra/Torr | Frost | Fujin | General Shao | Geras | Goro | Hanzo Hasashi | Havik | Hotaru | Hsu Hao | Jacqui Briggs | Jade | Jarek | Jax Briggs | Johnny Cage | Kabal | Kai | Kano | Kenshi | Khameleon | Kintaro | Kira | Kitana | Kobra | Kollector | Kotal Kahn | Kronika | Kung Jin | Kung Lao | Li Mei | Liu Kang | Mavado | Meat | Mileena | Mokap | Moloch | Motaro | Nightwolf | Nitara | Onaga | Quan Chi | Raiden | Rain | Reiko | Reptile | Sareena | Scorpion | Sektor | Shang Tsung | Sheeva | Shinnok | Shujinko | Sindel | Skarlet | Smoke | Sonya Blade | Stryker | Sub-Zero | Takeda | Tanya | Taven | Tremor | Triborg

Freddy Krueger | Homelander | Jason Voorhees | The Joker | Kratos | Leatherface | Omni-Man | Peacemaker | The Predator | RoboCop | Rambo | Spawn | The Terminator | The Xenomorph
Batman | Captain Marvel | Catwoman | Dark Kahn | Darkseid | Deathstroke | The Flash | Green Lantern | The Joker | Lex Luthor | Superman | Wonder Woman