Mortal Kombat Wiki
Mortal Kombat Wiki

Mortal Kombat Mobile is a mobile game featuring characters in the Mortal Kombat series. Originally a tie-in mobile game for Mortal Kombat X, it was released on April 7, 2015 on iOS devices and later released for Android devices on May 5, 2015, later expanding to include characters from Mortal Kombat X, Mortal Kombat (2011), Mortal Kombat 11, and Mortal Kombat 1, as well as versions of Mortal Kombat characters featured in the Injustice series.

The name was changed to Mortal Kombat on February 27, 2019 in iOS devices, but it still officially referred to as Mortal Kombat Mobile.


The game is based off a card-style playstyle, where characters, equipment and other aspects of the game are displayed as cards. Players always assign teams of 3 character cards, with additional cards equipped to increase the characters' stats. Character cards range from four different rankings; Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Diamond. Additional cards range from equipment and character support cards. Players can equip every card with 3 cards of equipment, while Diamond characters gain a 4th equipment card of any slot.

The overall strength and performance of each card is based on their value, with Bronze characters having the lowest stats while Diamond cards have the highest stats. Few Gold cards have stats that allow them to surpass Diamond ranked cards. Cards can be leveled up to level 50, at which their stats will no longer increase. Players can upgrade their cards, both character, equipment and support, by fusing them with another, identical card, increasing their stats and unlocking additional effects for equipment. Every card can be fused to Tier X at which their stats will be maximized to their full potential. For character cards, this will also unlock the ability to level them up to level 60, further increasing stats and performance. Character cards can only reach level 60 once they reach Tier X.

Cards have specific attacks based on their card value, with Bronze Cards being restricted to just two special attacks, while Silver, Gold and Diamond Cards are granted three. Gold and Diamond Cards are able to use X-Ray attacks or Fatal Blows, with MKX related cards using their X-Rays while MK11 related cards use Fatal Blows. MK11 related cards are also able to use Krushing Blows, which will deal additional damage and apply additional effects or apply effects to attacks that don't already have any. Unlike in MK11, Krushing Blows in this game can be used at an unlimited amount.

Character card attributes can be augmented with the addition of Talent Tree skills, which will boost or grant new effects for offensive, defensive, or self and team supporting effects. Completing Feats of Strength will also apply a permanent bonus to the specific character once unlocked or completed, granting a permanent upgrade to the character's stats.


Special Attack and Passive Upgrades

Unlocking and Upgrading Special Attacks

Special attacks are performed by building up an energy bar through attacking or receiving damage. For all card tiers, Special 1 is unlocked by default. Special 2 can be unlocked and upgraded only when your character reaches lvl 5. Special 3 for silver and X-Ray for gold/diamond tier cards can be unlocked and upgraded only when your character reaches lvl 20 and also require Special 2 to be unlocked.

Bronze tier Koin cost
Level Special 1 Special 2
1 Already available 1,000
2 500 1,000
3 750 1,250
4 750 1,250
5 1,000 1,500
6 1,000 1,500
7 1,250 1,750
8 1,250 1,750
9 1,500 2,000
10 1,500 2,000
Total 9,500 15,000
Silver tier Koin cost
Level Special 1 Special 2 Special 3
1 Already available 1,000 1,000
2 1,000 1,250 1,250
3 1,250 1,500 1,500
4 1,250 1,750 1,750
5 1,500 2,000 2,000
6 1,500 2,250 2,250
7 1,750 2,500 2,500
8 1,750 2,750 3,000
9 2,000 3,000 3,500
10 2,000 3,250 4,000
Total 14,000 21,250 22,750
Gold tier Koin cost
Level Special 1 Special 2 X-Ray Attack
1 Already available 1,000 1,000
2 1,500 1,500 1,500
3 2,000 2,000 2,000
4 2,500 2,500 3,000
5 3,000 3,000 4,000
6 3,500 3,500 5,000
7 4,000 4,000 6,000
8 4,500 5,000 7,000
9 5,000 6,000 8,000
10 5,500 7,000 9,000
Total 31,500 35,500 46,500
Diamond tier Koin cost
Level Special 1 Special 2 X-Ray Attack
1 Already available 10,000 11,000
2 10,000 11,000 12,000
3 11,000 12,000 13,000
4 12,000 13,000 14,000
5 13,000 14,000 15,000
6 14,000 15,000 16,000
7 15,000 16,000 17,000
8 16,000 17,000 18,000
9 17,000 18,000 19,000
10 18,000 19,000 20,000
Total 126,000 145,000 165,000

Passive Upgrade

Every character card in the game has a passive which automatically triggers during battle or apply depending on the teammates used. With diamond tier cards, the %age of effects triggered in the passive ability can be increased to the maximum by upgrading the passive by 2 levels. This is done by spending souls.

Level Passive
1 Already available
2 10
3 30
Total 40


Factions return with competitive weekly challenges that give players rewards, including costumes that can be carried over to the console version of the game if you have your WBPlay linked to your account. The online competitive mode Faction Wars returns from the consoles and allows players to challenge others in a fight with their teams.

Game Modes

Battle Mode

Battle Mode is a single player mode in which the player fights a series of Towers with any assigned team, progressing through to level up their characters, their profile and acquire Coins and Souls. Additionally, there are chances for Equipment awards, however these items are the lowest graded items in the game.

Each Tower will increase in difficulty with opponents increasing in Level and Tier. Additionally, modifiers may be enabled for the current fight of the Tower, affecting the player based on the effect. Occasionally, a Fighter will join the player's team. This Fighter is set at a certain Level and Tier, cannot be modified nor can they be changed out. Certain conditions require the Card to be alive during the progression of the Tower, and players will automatically lose the fight should this specific fighter be defeated.

Once a Tower is complete, the player can choose to complete it again. If the entirety of Battle Mode is complete, the player can choose any Tower to start up.

Faction Wars

Faction Wars is the base PvP game mode in the game, allowing players to assign teams to play against other opposing teams. Players do not actually play against real players when matched up, rather playing their teams that are controlled by AIs.

Every player is required to set up a team of 3 Cards. Opposing teams are determined by the Card Class, Fusion Level and Stats of the player's team. Fusion Boost, a new feature, allows players to boost the Fusion and Stats of a single card on their team, the card chosen being the lowest Fusion Card on the team. The boosted card will automatically match the maximum Fusion of the other cards. In the event that all cards have differing Fusions. the lowest Tiered card will be boosted to the second highest card.

  • Example: A Tier VIII Card, a Tier IV Card and a Tier X card - the Tier IV will become Tier VIII

Survivor Mode

Survivor is a Faction Wars game mode that is different from the standard PvP in the game. Players must assign designated teams for corresponding Towers and go through a series of fights to progress. Unlike standard Faction Wars, the results of the previous fight carry over to the next fight, where Character stats and whether or not a teammate has died will carry over. If a character is defeated, they, along with their Equipment will be destroyed and be unusable. Should a character survive a Tower, they will also be unusable for another Tower. Players can spend Blood Rubies to buy additional cards that will restore destroyed Equipment and heal their team in an ongoing Tower.

  • Category 1 - 5 Battles, Requires Bronze and/or Silver Characters only
  • Category 2 - 7 Battles, Requires Silver and/or Gold Characters only
  • Category 3 - 9 Battles, Requires Gold and/or Diamond Characters of Fusion I or higher only
  • Category 4 - 12 Battles, Requires Gold and/or Diamond Characters of Fusion V or higher only
  • Category 5 - 15 Battles, Requires Diamond Characters only

Towers increase in difficulty and will generate a specific modifier for fights. a standard, consistent modifier is the player's team receiving reduced healing from all sources, except from Cards spent with Blood Rubies.

Quest Mode

Quest Mode is a game mode introduced in Update 1.16. Players will select available Towers that have a non-playable quest to complete. Depending on the time, a random character selected by the character will be sent out and complete the quest. Some quests will also require certain characters to complete in addition to restricting certain characters based on the storyline of the current quest. Quest Mode features two maps: the Outworld and the Netherrealm Maps. The Netherealm Map features much harder quests but offer greater rewards for completing.

Completing any quest rewards Renown, which is a percentage that increases each time a quest is finished successfully, and resets to zero every time it reaches 100%. Failing a quest reverts the percentage of Renown back to 0% and requires the player to acquire more to obtain the Renown again. Upon completing the Quest, in addition to the Renown, Coins, Souls and the chance for an Item or Character Card will be rewarded after the quest is completed. Players can repeat Quest to earn the same rewards. The Quest is affected by the character, character type, and Equipment Cards placed on the character, which can allow for better rewards at the end of the Quest and even finish the quest faster. Certain character will also offer better results should they be selected for it, allowing for better succession when the Quest is over.

Klassic Reptile Event

Once a month, a Moon will appear on the map as the initiation of the Reptile Event. After completing Quests, players will be rewarded Reptile's Eye, depending on the Quest completed. Once the player reaches a certain amount of Eyes, a green Tower with a question mark "?" will appear, allowing for players to fight Klassic Reptile. Defeating him for the first time grants the player his Diamond Card. After each fight with Reptile, the number of Eyes to summon him increases with each summon. Defeating him again will reward more cards, increasing his Fusion and Tier levels.

Challenge Mode

Challenge Mode is a weekly rotating challenge that rewards a character card based on the challenge. Players can acquire Gold Characters by completing a series of Tower challenges then fighting a final boss. Defeating the boss on each of the final Towers rewards the respective Character Card. Each Tower grants different rewards, but completing will always give the designated challenge character.

Shao Kahn's Tower

Shao Kahn's Tower is a single player mode designed to acquire tokens to improve the player's Talent Tree, allowing them to obtain 100 Tokens to use to improve their characters in any game mode. Additionally, Relic Fragments can be collected and used to unlock Konqueror Shao Kahn, a Diamond Card only unlockable in this mode.

Event Towers

During certain intervals, players can participate in Towers consisting of 200 fights designed specifically for certain characters in addition to gaining exclusive rewards catering to these Towers. The Equipment Cards gained offer minor to heavy bonuses when they reach max level. Additionally, these Equipment Cards grant massive Health and Damage bonuses to the Character Card they are equipped to, however these two bonuses are only exclusive to the Tower, that Tower specifically and no other game mode. Players are also rewarded in-game currency as well as the chance for Diamond Cards, with the rewards increasing the higher the player proceeds up the Tower.

The Krypt

Similar to previous iterations of The Krypt, players can travel through a series of tunnels and open chests for rewards. Rewards, such as Hearts, are built up during the weekly Season in exchange for Diamond or Gold characters available in the Store, as well as up to three different Equipment Cards from standard character equipment to exclusive equipment found in special Event Towers.

Cross-Platform Unlocks

As mentioned above, Mortal Kombat X features cross-platform unlocks. By playing the mobile game and completing certain challenges, you can unlock content for the console version of the game. You can also unlock content for the mobile version by completing challenges on the console version. Some of the rewards include character skins, koins, Kombat Kard items, and more. These unlocks can only be obtained through cross-platform unlocking. Below is a complete list of all cross-platform unlockables. On October 4th, 2016, all players were given these rewards, regardless of their progress in the game.

Mobile to Console Unlocks:

  • Log in to WBPlay: Character Skin - Ninja Mime Johnny Cage
  • Complete a 2x Currency Ladder: Profile Module Background
  • Win Your First Fight: 2,500 Koins
  • Complete a Ladder: 2,500 Koins
  • Complete an MP Ladder: 2,500 Koins
  • Reach your Daily War Point Contribution cap: Player Module Border
  • Finish a Challenge Ladder: Character Skin - Klassic Mileena
  • Level a character to level 5: 2,500 Koins
  • Level a character to level 20: Player Module Icon
  • Level a character to level 40: Character Skin - Klassic Kitana
  • Complete the first bracket in Battle Mode: Player Module Background
  • Complete the second bracket in Battle Mode: Player Module Icon
  • Complete the third bracket in Battle Mode: Character Skin - Farmer Jax
  • Complete the fourth bracket in Battle Mode: Player Module Icon
  • Complete the fifth bracket in Battle Mode: Player Module Border
  • Complete the sixth bracket in Battle Mode: Player Module Background
  • Break 5 Test Your Might Objects: Player Module Background
  • Complete 5 Multiplayer Ladders: Player Module Border
  • Complete 10 Multiplayer Ladders: Player Module Icon
  • Complete 25 Multiplayer Ladders: Player Module Border
  • Complete 50 Multiplayer Ladders: 5,000 Koins
  • Complete 100 Multiplayer Ladders: Character Skin - Injustice Scorpion
  • Complete 3 Multiplayer Ladders with Cassie Cage: Character Skin - Undercover Cassie Cage
  • Complete 3 Multiplayer Ladders with Jacqui Briggs: Character Skin - Cybernetic Jacqui Briggs

Console to Mobile Unlocks:

  • Log In To WBPlay: Character - Ninja Mime Johnny Cage
  • Complete 3 Living Towers: 5,000 Koins
  • Send a Tower Challenge: 5,000 Koins
  • Play 10 Online Matches: 5,000 Koins
  • Complete Story Mode: 20,000 Koins
  • Win a Faction Team Battle: 10,000 Koins
  • Perform 5 Fatalities: 10,000 Koins
  • Break 5 Test Your Might Objects: Kove Support Kard
  • Win 7 online Test Your Luck matches: 15,000 Koins
  • Survive 30 seconds in a Boss Battle: Character - Farmer Jax
  • Reach your daily War Point contribution cap: Lin Kuei Temple Support Kard
  • Take first place in a Tower Battle: Character - Klassic Kitana
  • Perform 5 Brutalities: 20,000 Koins
  • Complete 10 Dragon (Tower) Challenges: 20,000 Koins
  • Complete 10 Faction Challenges: 20,000 Koins
  • Reach Level 50 in a Faction: Character - Injustice Scorpion
  • Earn 1,000 Respect Points: 25,000 Koins
  • Perform 5 Faction Kills: 25,000 Koins
  • Perform 3 Stage Fatalities with Cassie: Character - Undercover Cassie Cage
  • Perform 3 Stage Fatalities against Jacqui: Character - Cybernetic Jacqui Briggs

Test Your Luck

Every day when a player logs in, they have a chose between 8 different cards to select for a free daily bonus. This bonus increases in rarity for each consecutive log in. The rewards obtained are as followed;

  • Character Cards including;
    • Any Bronze Card with the exception of Ninja Mime Johnny Cage
    • Any Silver Card
    • Injustice Scorpion
    • Undercover Cassie Cage
    • Cybernetic Jacqui Briggs
  • Support Cards
  • Equipment: Common and Uncommon
  • A certain amount of Koins
  • A certain amount of Souls
  • Bronze, Silver and Gold Upgrade Cards
  • The Kove and Lin Kuei Temple Support Cards

Test Your Might

Test Your Might returns as bonus rounds within the Battle Mode in which the player destroys items similar to past iteration of the game mode. Test Your Might is also featured in the Relic Hunt and will reward Spirit Fragments towards unlocking Konqueror Shao Kahn.

  1. Pine
  2. Walnut Log
  3. Teak Ram
  4. Tarkatan Skull
  5. Birch Fish
  6. Bamboo
  7. Pig Head
  8. Mohogany Totem
  9. Bricks
  10. Coal
  11. Tin Lion
  12. Osh-Tekk Beast
  13. Flying Oni
  14. Concrete Demon Cat
  15. Dragon
  16. Silver Shield
  17. Fossilized Bug
  18. Flaming Pearl
  19. Obsidian
  20. Opal Serpent
  21. Steel Anvil
  22. Shao Kahn Bust
  23. Titanium

Feats of Strength

Feats of Strength are customization options for player's profiles and characters, allowing players to have their character cards perform post-fight actions and quips. Additionally, unlocking these customizations provides additional stat bonuses and improved performances for characters during fights.

Talent Tree

Talent Tree is a upgrade system that affects all cards of any team made. These include increasing offensive, defensive and supportive capabilities for your team. Players can amass a total of 100 Talent Points to unlock and advance through the Talent Tree. When divided up, players can complete either an entire Tree or split it to fill two Trees for even more effects. It is impossible to use points to fill all three Trees.

XP Levels

Each card when newly obtained starts at XP level 1. XP is earned by playing Battle Mode or Faction Wars and this is used to level up a card to make it stronger in battle. The higher the XP level, the better the character's stats and the highest XP level a card can reach is XP level 60 (if fusion lvl X, 50 or not). The below table shows the XP needed to level up a card for each level for each tier. You can also use level up cards to move up a level but its advisable to use them only at later levels due to the larger amounts of XP needed to level up your character cards.

Current Level Diamond / Gold Silver / Bronze
Total accumulated XP at the start of current level XP needed to reach next level Progress %age to level 60 Total accumulated XP at the start of current level XP needed to reach next level Progress %age to level 60
1 0 2,000 0 0 500 0
2 2,000 3,000 0.009 500 2,000 0.003
3 5,000 5,000 0.024 2,500 3,000 0.018
4 10,000 8,000 0.048 5,500 5,000 0.040
5 18,000 9,000 0.088 10,500 6,000 0.076
6 27,000 11,000 0.132 16,500 7,000 0.120
7 38,000 14,000 0.185 23,500 9,000 0.171
8 52,000 17,000 0.254 32,500 11,000 0.237
9 69,000 20,000 0.337 43,500 13,000 0.317
10 89,000 23,000 0.435 56,500 15,000 0.412
11 112,000 28,000 0.547 71,500 19,000 0.521
12 140,000 34,000 0.684 90,500 23,000 0.660
13 174,000 41,000 0.850 113,500 27,000 0.828
14 215,000 48,000 1.051 140,500 32,000 1.025
15 263,000 55,000 1.285 172,500 37,000 1.258
16 318,000 63,000 1.554 209,500 42,000 1.528
17 381,000 72,000 1.862 251,500 48,000 1.835
18 453,000 81,000 2.214 299,500 54,000 2.185
19 534,000 90,000 2.610 353,500 60,000 2.579
20 624,000 100,000 3.051 413,500 67,000 3.017
21 724,000 113,000 3.539 480,500 76,000 3.506
22 837,000 126,000 4.092 556,500 84,000 4.061
23 963,000 140,000 4.708 640,500 94,000 4.674
24 1,103,000 154,000 5.393 734,500 103,000 5.360
25 1,257,000 169,000 6.146 837,500 113,000 6.112
26 1,426,000 185,000 6.972 950,500 124,000 6.936
27 1,611,000 201,000 7.876 1,074,500 134,000 7.841
28 1,812,000 218,000 8.859 1,208,500 146,000 8.819
29 2,030,000 235,000 9.925 1,354,500 157,000 9.885
30 2,265,000 253,000 11.074 1,511,500 169,000 11.030
31 2,518,000 272,000 12.311 1,680,500 182,000 12.264
32 2,790,000 291,000 13.641 1,862,500 194,000 13.592
33 3,081,000 311,000 15.064 2,056,500 208,000 15.008
34 3,392,000 331,000 16.585 2,264,500 221,000 16.526
35 3,723,000 352,000 18.203 2,485,500 235,000 18.139
36 4,075,000 374,000 19.924 2,720,500 250,000 19.854
37 4,449,000 396,000 21.753 2,970,500 264,000 21.678
38 4,845,000 419,000 23.689 3,234,500 280,000 23.605
39 5,264,000 442,000 25.738 3,514,500 295,000 25.648
40 5,706,000 466,000 27.899 3,809,500 311,000 27.801
41 6,172,000 491,000 30.177 4,120,500 328,000 30.071
42 6,663,000 516,000 32.578 4,448,500 344,000 32.464
43 7,179,000 542,000 35.101 4,792,500 362,000 34.975
44 7,721,000 568,000 37.751 5,154,500 379,000 37.617
45 8,289,000 595,000 40.529 5,533,500 397,000 40.383
46 8,884,000 623,000 43.438 5,930,500 416,000 43.280
47 9,507,000 651,000 46.484 6,346,500 434,000 46.316
48 10,158,000 680,000 49.667 6,780,500 454,000 49.483
49 10,838,000 709,000 52.992 7,234,500 473,000 52.796
50 11,547,000 739,000 56.459 7,707,500 493,000 56.248
51 12,286,000 770,000 60.072 8,200,500 514,000 59.846
52 13,056,000 802,000 63.837 8,714,500 536,000 63.597
53 13,858,000 835,000 67.758 9,250,500 559,000 67.509
54 14,693,000 869,000 71.841 9,809,500 583,000 71.589
55 15,562,000 904,000 76.090 10,392,500 608,000 75.843
56 16,466,000 940,000 80.510 11,000,500 634,000 80.280
57 17,406,000 977,000 85.106 11,634,500 661,000 84.907
58 18,383,000 1,015,000 89.883 12,295,500 689,000 89.731
59 19,398,000 1,054,000 94.846 12,984,500 718,000 94.760
60 20,452,000 0 100 13,702,500 0 100

Event History

The details of all events that have happened to MKX Mobile since launch are available in the thread below..

Guides and Useful Resources

Below are links to guides and useful resources for MKX Mobile

Core Guides

Starter Guide -

Equipment Guide -

Achievement Guide -


Equipment Gallery -

Character Stats Calculations -


Challenge Database -

Spending and Sellback Chart -

Shao Kahn's Tower and Talent Tree Chart -

Character Abbreviations List -

Character Statistics Calculator -

XP Calculator - (this sheet has to be downloaded offline and opened with MS Excel)

Relic Hunt Chart -



Principal Games
Mortal Kombat | Mortal Kombat II | Mortal Kombat 3 | Mortal Kombat 4 | Deadly Alliance | Deception | Armageddon | MK vs. DCU | Mortal Kombat (2011) | Mortal Kombat X | Mortal Kombat 11 | Mortal Kombat 1
Updates and Ports
Advance | Gold | Mobile | Tournament Edition | Trilogy | Ultimate | Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 | Unchained
Konquest | Mythologies: Sub-Zero | Onslaught | Shaolin Monks | Special Forces
Army of Darkness | Black Dragon | Dragon King's Army | Edenian Resistance | Elder Gods | Forces of Darkness | Forces of Light | Kahn Guard | Lin Kuei | Order of Light | Outer World Investigation Agency | Red Dragon | Seidan Guard | Seidan Resistance | Shirai Ryu | Shaolin Monks | Special Forces | Tekunin | The Brotherhood of Shadow | The Deadly Alliance | Titans | Umgadi | White Lotus Society | Wu Shi Academy
Main Characters
Ashrah | Baraka | Blaze | Bo' Rai Cho | Cassie Cage | Cetrion | Chameleon | Cyrax | Daegon | Dairou | Darrius | Drahmin | D'Vorah | Ermac | Erron Black | Ferra & Torr | Frost | Fujin | Geras | Goro | Havik | Hotaru | Hsu Hao | Jade | Jarek | Jax Briggs | Jacqui Briggs | Johnny Cage | Kabal | Kai | Kano | Kenshi | Khameleon | Kintaro | Kira | Kitana | Kobra | Kollector | Kotal Kahn | Kronika | Kung Jin | Kung Lao | Li Mei | Liu Kang | Mavado | Meat | Mileena | Mokap | Moloch | Motaro | Noob Saibot | Nightwolf | Nitara | Onaga | Quan Chi | Raiden | Rain | Reiko | Reptile | Sareena | Scorpion | Sektor | Shang Tsung | Shao Kahn | Sheeva | Shinnok | Shujinko | Sindel | Skarlet | Smoke | Sonya Blade | Stryker | Sub-Zero | Takeda | Tanya | Taven | Tremor | Triborg
Guest Characters
Alien | Batman | Captain Marvel | Catwoman | Dark Kahn | Darkseid | Deathstroke | The Flash | Freddy Krueger | Green Lantern | Homelander | Jason Voorhees | John Rambo | The Joker | Kratos | Leatherface | Lex Luthor | Omni-Man | Peacemaker | Predator | RoboCop | Spawn | Superman | The Terminator | Wonder Woman
Arenas | Artifacts | DC Storyline | Fatalities | Glossary | Main Storyline | Minor Characters | Realms | Secret Characters | Species | Unplayable Characters | Weapons
Films and Television
Annihilation | Conquest | Defenders of the Realm | Legacy | Legends: Battle of the Realms | Legends: Cage Match | Legends: Scorpion's Revenge | Legends: Snow Blind | Mortal Kombat (1995) | Mortal Kombat (2021) | Mortal Kombat 2 | Rebirth | The Journey Begins
Actors | Card Game | Comics | Tour