Mortal Kombat Wiki
Mortal Kombat Wiki

Shirai Ryu is a minor character of Scorpion's clan that briefly appears in Mortal Kombat X and is a playable character in Mortal Kombat Mobile.


The Shirai Ryu wears a black ninja outfit with a cowl and a black face mask, as well as silver and yellow robes over it. There appears to be a pair of Kunai attached to each of his forearm guards. Additionally, he wields a sword that is sheathed on his back.

In Update 2.0 of Mortal Kombat Mobile, the cowl and face mask that the Shirai Ryu wears is updated with more detail along with his silver robes.

Mobile Game Moves[]

  • Deadly Arts: Martial Artist teammates receive +5% Attack. (MK Mobile - Shirai Ryu Card - Passive)
  • Kunai: Cocking his arms back, the Shirai Ryu throws two Kunais at the opponent to deal damage. (MK Mobile - Shirai Ryu Card)
  • Clan Edge: Drawing his sword, the Shirai Ryu advances forward while slicing the opponent three times with his sword to deal damage. (MK Mobile - Shirai Ryu Card)



  • The Shirai Ryu, or rather many Shirai Ryu, appear with Scorpion during his Chapter in the Mortal Kombat X Story Mode when Scorpion raids the Refugee Kamp to kill Quan Chi.

Mortal Kombat Mobile[]

  • The Shirai Ryu uses Scorpion's combos and fighting stance from MKX when fighting, however his special moves are entirely original and exclusive to his character.
  • In Update 2.0, the Shirai Ryu and Saurian are the only Bronze character cards to receive an updated appearance.