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Mortal Kombat Wiki

The Shirai Ryu don't run from a fight. Right, Grandmaster?


—Takeda in Mortal Kombat X (Comic Series)

This article is about the son of Kenshi Takahashi. For other uses of the name Takeda, see the disambiguation page named Takeda.

Takeda Takahashi (Japanese: 高橋武田) is a character in the Mortal Kombat fighting game series. A student of Shirai Ryu leader Hanzo Hasashi and Kenshi's son, he is both a member of the Shirai Ryu and Special Forces. He made his first appearance in the MKX comic series. Takeda, alongside Cassie Cage, Kung Jin and Jacqui Briggs are known collectively as the Kombat Kids.

Takeda made his playable debut in Mortal Kombat X, serving as one of the protagonists in the game's Story Mode alongside Cassie, Kung Jin and Jacqui.

A new version of Takeda will return in Mortal Kombat 1 as the final character available through DLC as part of the Kombat Pack.

About Takeda

Takeda lived a normal life in Thailand with his mother, Suchin, despite his father not knowing of his existence until he was a child. After his mother was killed by the Red Dragon, he was entrusted to Hanzo when his father left to avenge her death. Although he is taught the ways of a warrior, Takeda originally had a timid nature and didn't take fighting seriously. However, after the newest iteration of the Shirai Ryu are eradicated, he becomes more serious and continues to help his master, both in missions and preventing him from giving in to his wraith persona.

After many years, Takeda completed his training with Scorpion and, at the urging of both his mentor and his father who returned for him, joined a new team formed by the Special Forces dedicated to protecting Earthrealm. Consisting of a new generation of heroes, Takeda developed a great friendship with all in his team and is often the one who stops arguments from erupting between them, such as with Cassie Cage and Kung Jin. Takeda is also in a romantic relationship with Jacqui Briggs. He ultimately proves his heroism and bravery when he confronts all the revenants (along with Jacqui) at the Sky Temple in order for the rest of his team to stop Shinnok, despite his injuries.

Takeda is shown to take his battles seriously, but does make wise cracks during so. He expresses great loyalty to the Shirai Ryu, as he continues to wear a yellow-orange headband to show his connection to the clan and will fight any who threatens his clan. He has even stated that the Shirai Ryu are his family. Despite not trusting Hanzo at first because he was a wraith, Takeda becomes immensely loyal to his master over the years and sees Hanzo as a father-figure. While Kenshi is his biological father, Takeda originally didn't trust him and preferred not to speak about him.

Whilst he doesn’t make a playable appearance in Mortal Kombat 11, Takeda cameos in various tower endings. Additionally, an interaction in the Arcade between Jacqui and Scorpion, it is revealed that Jacqui and Takeda are engaged.


Takeda originates from Thailand and is of Asian descent, having black hair and brown eyes. In his youth as depicted in the comic, Takeda wore typical clothing as a child. At the time of apprenticeship, Takeda has shaggy hair and wears ninja garb with a yellow headband. However, his uniform is different from the Shirai Ryu, as he wears a blue shirt instead, and has bandages wrapped around his forearms.

In the game, Takeda wears an armored body suit, primarily a metallic silver in color with streaks of yellow-orange along the legs and hands. He still keeps his headband to represent his connection to the Shirai Ryu, along with a neck warmer. On his arms, he bears modified gauntlets designed to fire his spear tipped, bladed whips in battle. Takeda's alternate costume depicts him in a Shirai Ryu style uniform, similar to Scorpion's own costume, and bearing the clan's yellow color.

Combat Characteristics

Powers and Abilities

Takeda is a trained warrior, the apprentice of Scorpion himself, and has shown great skill with using bladed whips and plasma empowered swords in combat, referencing both his teacher Scorpion and his father Kenshi. His serrated edged whips are concealed in his gauntlets, and are launched at high powered speed for maximum striking power. He has also shown the power to teleport in a similar manner to his master, Scorpion. Like his father, Kenshi, Takeda has shown some telekinetic abilities by being able to move his plasma swords with his mind, and possesses some telepathic power as well, able to read minds and overload senses with enough concentration. Unlike his mentor and father, Takeda has the unique ability to form an orange, plasma-like aura around parts of his body and weapons to inflict further damage against his opponents.

During the events of the Mortal Kombat X comic series, Takeda gains a set of equipment blessed by Fujin using the Jinsei's powerful life energy which was also infused to his soul, giving him a tremendous power boost that allowed to fight against and endure attacks from the likes of Sonya Blade, Johnny Cage, Kotal Kahn, Mileena, Raiden and Havik who were possessed and strengthened by Blood Magik. Even a continuous blast of power from the Amulet of Shinnok did not instantly disintegrate and kill him due to the Jinsei energy charged into his soul.

Signature Moves

  • Kunai: Takeda throws an explosive kunai between his opponent's feet, causing them to stumble backwards. The attack can be used at different ranged, called Close/Far Kunai, respectively. The far version of Kunai can reach full-screen distance. (MKX)
    • The enhanced version is called Tri Kunai and has Takeda throw three kunai that explode in a rising arc to deal increased damage. The attack can also be delayed, allowing for the kunai to explode when Takeda wishes. Additionally, the three explosions produced knock the opponent briefly in the air, allowing for combo extensions; otherwise, the opponent is knocked away full-screen distance.
  • Tornado Strike: Takeda jumps into the air in a rapid spin and delivers a dropkick to his opponent, knocking them down. The attack can be used at different ranges and in the air, called Close/Far Tornado Strike and Air Close/Far Tornado Strike, respectively. (MKX)
    • The enhanced version is called Tornado Kick and bounces the opponent off the ground for a juggle, however it deals no additional damage. Like the original, the attack can be used at different ranges and in the air, called Close/Far Tornado Kick and Air Close/Far Tornado Kick, respectively.
  • Fist Flurry: Takeda cocks his arm back then delivers a series of rapid punches to the opponent's upper body, knocking them off their feet with the final punch. (MKX)
    • The enhanced version is called Fist Whirlwind which has armor but no additional damage.
    • The attack can be enhanced a second time, which will cause Takeda to uppercut the opponent in the end, allowing for a juggle, however it deals no additional damage.
      • The player can enhance either version of Fist Furry to perform the juggle effect as long as the move connects.
  • Quick Phase: Takeda crouches and teleports, reappearing behind his enemy and punching them, similar to his master Scorpion. Takeda can delay or cancel the attack, however canceling the attack requires and spends half a bar of Stamina. The attack can be used in the air, called Air Quick Phase, respectively, and has Takeda punch when teleporting in the air, but not attack the opponent on the ground. (MKX - Shirai Ryu Variation)
    • The enhanced version is called Shirai Ryu Phase and has Takeda deliver a spin kick that launches the opponent in the air for a juggle and dealing increased damage. As with the original, Takeda can delay or cancel the attack, however canceling the attack requires and spends half a bar of Stamina. The attack can be used in the air, called Air Shirai Ryu Phase, respectively, and has Takeda perform an overhead kick to the opponent after pouncing them, dealing increased damage and bouncing them off the ground for a juggle.
  • Spear Ryu: Takeda launches one of his whip spears into his opponent, similar to his master Scorpion, then pulls them over with a spin tug and punches them straight in the face, knocking them down. (MKX - Shirai Ryu Variation)
    • The enhanced version is called Double Spear Ryu and has Takeda impale his opponent with both spears before whipping them over his head and across the arena and bouncing them off the ground for a juggle. This version of the attack however deals no additional damage when compared to the original.
  • Air Spear: Takeda launches one of his spears downwards at a diagonal angle at his opponent and follows up with a divekick, dealing damage and effectively swapping sides of the arena with the opponent in the process. (MKX - Shirai Ryu Variation)
    • The enhanced version is called Air Spike and has Takeda drop down with a reversed flip kick, knocking his opponent into the air for a juggle, however it deals no additional damage. Performing this version of the attack does not have Takeda swap sides of the arena with the opponent.
  • Whip Strike: Takeda swings his blade tipped whips down in an arch, which causes the opponent to stumble. This attack is capable of hitting airborne opponents. (MKX - Lasher Variation)
    • The enhanced version is called Whip Thrash which has armor, deals increased damage and knocks the opponent down.
  • Whip Assault: Takeda strikes his enemy with his bladed whips and follows up with a rapid flurry of whips strikes. This replaces Fist Flurry in the Lasher Variation. (MKX - Lasher Variation)
    • The enhanced version is called Whip Flurry which has armor but deals no additional damage.
    • The attack can be enhanced a second time, which will cause Takeda to slam his whips onto the opponent in the end, allowing for a juggle and dealing slightly increased damage.
      • The player can enhance either version of Whip Assault to perform the juggle effect as long as the move connects.
  • Whip Trip: Takeda lashes out with his whips at a low angle, snatching his opponent's ankles and tripping them. (MKX - Lasher Variation)
    • The enhanced version is called Whip Flip, which knocks the opponent in the air instead of tripping them but deals no additional damage.
  • Blade Drop: Takeda drops the hilt of his Plasma Swords on the ground, granting him additional special attacks to use. While the blade is on the ground, Takeda can not perform combos or special attacks that involve his Plasma Blades until the blades are recalled. The hilt remains on the fightline indefinitely until Takeda recalls it. The hilt can be dropped at different ranges, called Close/Far Blade Drop, respectively, all of which have the same properties as the original. This replaces Kunai in the Ronin Variation. (MKX - Ronin Variation)
    • Blade Kall: Takeda recalls the hilt. If the hilt is under the opponent, the opponent will take damage and be launched in the air. The juggle effect is greatly increased when used in the corner of an arena or when applied with other juggle effects.
      • Blade Summon: An enhanced version of Blade Kall. This version deals no additional damage, however the opponent is launched higher in the air and to the opposite side of Takeda, granting a far better juggle effect than Blade Kall.
    • Quick Call: Takeda recalls the hilt, however it does not deal damage whatsoever and simply returns to Takeda.
  • Piercing Spark: Takeda clashes his Plasma Swords together and releases a projectile blast at his opponent. (MKX - Ronin Variation)
    • The enhanced version is called Piercing Beam and turns the projectile into a long beam that deals increased damage and can hit ducking opponents.
  • Shirai Ryu Reflect: Takeda swings both of his Plasma Swords, reflecting an opponent's projectile. (MKX - Ronin Variation)
    • The enhanced version is called Shirai Ryu Absorb and has Takeda completely block any projectile.
  • Shirai Ryu Kan: Takeda swings both of his plasma swords in a rising arch, knocking his opponent into the air and away from Takeda. (MKX - Ronin Variation)
    • The enhanced version is called Double Shirai Ryu Kan and has Takeda start the attack with a double swing with both plasma swords before following up with the rising strike for increased damage.


  • X-Ray - Air Whiplash: Descending down from the air and stunning his enemy with a whip strike, Takeda launches one of his whips through his opponent's mouth, the tip breaking through the back of their skull, then reels himself over by retracting his whip, dashes behind them while wrapping his whip around their neck, before kicking their spine, shattering it and their rib cage, dropping them onto their back. He then delivers an axe kick to their face, caving in the majority of their skull. (MKX)

Other Moves

  • Throw: Takeda knees his opponent in their stomach twice, flips himself over and behind them while grabbing their one of their arms and breaking it, then kicks them away. (MKX)
  • Plasma Swords: While in the Ronin Variation, Takeda gains new combos utilizing his Plasma Swords. Additionally, some of his basic attack and combos will be altered to incorporate his Plasma Swords. When performing Blade Drop, similar to his special attacks in the variation, Takeda's basic attacks and combos utilizing his Plasma Swords will be disabled until he recalls his sword. (MKX - Ronin Variation)


  • Whip It Good: Takeda draws his whips, cracks them twice at his opponent, cutting off their arms, then impales them through the mouth with his whip. With a grin, he activates the serrated edges of his whips, hooking his opponent's spine and then drags it out through his opponent's mouth. The opponent's body then collapses on the ground, blood foaming from their mouth. (MKX)
  • Head Cage: Takeda impales his opponent with two spears. He then proceeds to extend the spear blades and draws them back, ripping the rib cage/spine out of the opponent and into Takeda's hands. He then proceeds by violently smashing the dismembered vertebrae into the opponent's mouth as they fall over into a bloody mess. (MKX)


  • Armless: Takeda performs his Throw, only this time instead of breaking the opponent's arm, he snaps their arm off completely before kicking them away, leaving them to bleed out. (MKX)
    • A button must be pressed repeatedly.
  • Kool Whip: Takeda performs either his Quick Learner or Low Swipe combo, cutting the opponent's legs off at the knees with either his whips or his Plasma Swords. (MKX)
  • Whip it Out: Takeda performs a Shirai Ryu Phase, punching a giant hole in the opponent's chest then destroying their shins with the spin kick to the legs after teleporting. (MKX - Shirai Ryu Variation)
  • Two-Sided: Takeda performs the juggling enhanced version of either Whip Assault or Whip Furry with the overhead swipe at the end cutting the opponent's arms off, causing them to bleed out. (MKX - Lasher Variation)
    • A button must be pressed repeatedly.
  • Force Slice: After performing a Blade Drop, Takeda performs either a Blade Kall or Blade Summon, recalling the blade and making it cut the opponent in half from the head down. (MKX - Ronin Variation)
    • Blade Drop must be performed until the final hit.
  • Shirai Ryu Reflection: Takeda performs a Shirai Ryu Reflect, reflecting the opponent's projectile back at them. If the projectile follows the properties of a Brutality, it will mimic the Brutality back at the opponent. (MKX - Ronin Variation - Secret)
    • The requirements of the reflected projectile Brutality must still be followed in order to perform.


Mortal Kombat X

  • "I'm glad the Shirai Ryu chose me to join. New places, new faces." (about joining Cassie Cage's team)
  • "At least you grew up with people expecting things from you." (to his teammates when speaking about their families)
  • "Now. He was a no show for a long time." (to Jacqui Briggs about his relationship with his father)
  • "I overloaded his senses. Only works at short range." (to Jacqui when he escapes his cell)
  • "You honor me, Master Hasashi. Now that I'm Chujin, how may I serve the clan?" (after Scorpion elevates him to Chujin)
  • "B-but the clan is my family." (when Scorpion informs him that his future is not with the Shirai Ryu)
  • "I don't have a father." (refusing to acknowledge his relation to Kenshi)
  • "You knew he was coming? You said nothing?!" (to Scorpion when his father returns)
  • "Ten years. No visits, nothing. You abandoned me... I was eight! My mother had just died! Now you come back; think you can jump right in as the proud dad?!" (to his father)
  • "To Hell with you! I am NOT your son!" (before fighting Kenshi)
  • "Now get up. I want to knock you down again." (after defeating Kenshi)
  • "Protection from what?!" (when Scorpion states his father left him for his protection)
  • "She... She died in an accident." (when Scorpion reveals his mother was murdered)
  • "Son of a bitch! It was your fault!" (blaming Kenshi for his mother's death)
  • "You shouldn't have hidden the truth." (to Kenshi)
  • "I can read minds?" (to his father about telepathy)
  • "That D'Vorah's full of surprises."
  • "Damn. He's made us." (when Reptile senses his team's location)
  • "One down, two to go." (after defeating Reptile)
  • "Deal. Go help with Ermac; I got this." (to Kung Jin after saving his life)
  • "Brave or foolish, I'm alive." (after defeating Erron Black)
  • "Let's see what's worth learning in there... Ahh! So many minds... trapped inside." (when he attempts to read Ermac's mind)
  • "The chaos... The voices..." (to Ermac about the souls within him)
  • "I think I've had enough of Outworld." (after defeating Ermac)
  • "We're all in one piece. No one seems to be tailing us." (to Kenshi)
  • "A moonlight walk in the woods. Another time it would be relaxing." (to Jacqui)
  • "Y-Yeah... it's fuzzy, but... Beautiful." (as he recovers his eyesight and see Jacqui face to face)
  • "Great bedside manner... I can fight." (when Cassie aids him with his injuries)
  • "That moonlight walk, can it wait?" (to Jacqui after Earthrealm is saved)



  • While the character's first name is Takeda, in reality, the Japanese name "Takeda" is commonly a surname and extremely unlikely to be a first name.
  • Interestingly enough, he shares his name with the first Shirai Ryu Clan founder, with Hanzo being the founder of the newest iteration of the clan.
  • Takeda is currently the youngest Earthrealm character to kill another individual, being a teenager (fifteen based on comic sketches) when he killed Fox.
  • Takeda is the second Shirai Ryu character to be playable in the franchise. Scorpion, who appeared twenty-three years prior, being the first.
    • Interesting enough with the release of Mortal Kombat XL, that game features two sets of characters from rival clans: Scorpion and Takeda of the Shirai Ryu and Sub-Zero and Triborg of the Lin Kuei.
  • One of Takeda's combos in MKX, "White Well", is an English translation of the Shirai Ryu's clan name.
  • Concept art and sketches reveal that Takeda was going to use eight different sword-like weapons and was code named Spider, similar to how Hanzo Hasashi is code named Scorpion. However, this changed when NetherRealm Studios decided to give Takeda whips instead and it's never mentioned if he obtained a code name.
  • Takeda's whips appear to be based on the Urumi (also known as the Curling Sword). The weapon originates from Sri Lanka, and is a sword with a flexible whip-like blade with a function similar to a steel whip. It is considered one of the most difficult weapons to master due to the risk of injuring oneself.

Mortal Kombat X

  • In one of Takeda's interactions with Kano, Takeda will say "Gonna stab you with my knife", to which Kano responds with "That's not a knife", with Takeda responding with "I got you to say it!" This exchange is a reference to the movie Crocodile Dundee.
  • In one of Takeda's interactions with Ermac, Takeda will call him "Error Macro", a reference to Ermac's origins as a rumored character in the original Mortal Kombat.
  • If Takeda interacts with Scorpion any outfit besides his human form, Takeda states the Shirai Ryu are his enemy.
  • Though probably unintentional, even without beating the Story Mode, one can learn that Jacqui and Takeda start a relationship through interactions between Jax and Takeda or Kenshi and Jacqui.
    • In Mortal Kombat 11, it is further revealed through various character interactions and Tower of Time endings that Takeda and Jacqui are engaged to eventually marry.

Mortal Kombat Mobile

  • Takeda's Ronin Card uses Takeda's default appearance from MKX, however the alternate color is used.

Mortal Kombat 11

  • While Takeda does not make a formal appearance in Mortal Kombat 11, he makes cameo appearances in some of the endings of the game, notably in Shao Kahn's ending, where he is seen sporting a beard, although he is killed shortly after.



Ashrah | Baraka | Blaze | Bo' Rai Cho | Cassie Cage | Cetrion | Chameleon | Cyrax | D'Vorah | Daegon | Dairou | Darrius | Drahmin | Ermac | Erron Black | Ferra/Torr | Frost | Fujin | General Shao | Geras | Goro | Hanzo Hasashi | Havik | Hotaru | Hsu Hao | Jacqui Briggs | Jade | Jarek | Jax Briggs | Johnny Cage | Kabal | Kai | Kano | Kenshi | Khameleon | Kintaro | Kira | Kitana | Kobra | Kollector | Kotal Kahn | Kronika | Kung Jin | Kung Lao | Li Mei | Liu Kang | Mavado | Meat | Mileena | Mokap | Moloch | Motaro | Nightwolf | Nitara | Onaga | Quan Chi | Raiden | Rain | Reiko | Reptile | Sareena | Scorpion | Sektor | Shang Tsung | Sheeva | Shinnok | Shujinko | Sindel | Skarlet | Smoke | Sonya Blade | Stryker | Sub-Zero | Takeda | Tanya | Taven | Tremor | Triborg

Freddy Krueger | Homelander | Jason Voorhees | The Joker | Kratos | Leatherface | Omni-Man | Peacemaker | The Predator | RoboCop | Rambo | Spawn | The Terminator | The Xenomorph
Batman | Captain Marvel | Catwoman | Dark Kahn | Darkseid | Deathstroke | The Flash | Green Lantern | The Joker | Lex Luthor | Superman | Wonder Woman