Mortal Kombat Wiki
Mortal Kombat Wiki

I'm the bitch with a blade.


—Suchin's last words, seen in the Mortal Kombat X comic series


Suchin is Kenshi's former lover and mother of his son, Takeda. Little is known of her past or how she met Kenshi, and even less is known of what drew them together.

What it is known is that she was a kind and devoted mother towards Takeda, whom she raised on her own since Kenshi did not know about the boy's existence. When Takeda was eight years old the Red Dragon came for them, and she gave her life to give him a chance to live.


Suchin was a young and attractive Asian woman with long, dark hair and dark eyes and seen wearing a simple gray shirt and long black dress skirt.


Mortal Kombat X Comic[]

When Suchin learned the Red Dragon Clan were coming for Takeda, her and Kenshi's son, Suchin comforted the boy before hiding him in the next town over. When three Red Dragon soldiers arrived, insultingly demanding to know if she was Takeda's mother, Suchin drew a hidden sword and killed all three of them with a single blow each, but was killed herself when the last fired a handgun at her right as she killed him, the bullet tearing through her chest and killing her instantly.

