Mortal Kombat Wiki
Mortal Kombat Wiki
Subzero fatalblow

Sub-Zero's Fatal Blow: Chill Out.

A Fatal Blow is special move introduced in Mortal Kombat 11, replacing X-Rays featured in Mortal Kombat (2011) and Mortal Kombat X. A modified version of Fatal Blows returns in Mortal Kombat 1.


Similar to X-Rays, Fatal Blows are powerful moves that cause a large amount of damage, comparable to "Super Moves" found in various other fighting games. These moves consist of a short sequence of attacks that zoom in on specific strikes that deal the most damage in the sequence.

Unlike X-Ray attacks, however, the attack can only be performed once the player is reduced to 30% or less health and only performed once after successfully striking the opponent. If the attack misses or is blocked, the attack goes on a cooldown in which the player must wait for it to become ready again.

Mortal Kombat 11[]

The startup and cinematic performed when using the attack is similar to X-Rays in that the startup is armored and deals about a third of the opponent's health. Breaking armor when using the attack amplifies the damage dealt, similar to Krushing Blows with armor breaking properties. Fatal Blows also receive a significant punishment when Flawless Blocked by an opponent, in which they become even more negative on block and no longer cause pushback when blocked.

Mortal Kombat 1[]

Instead of activating like a normal special attack, the character performing the Fatal Blow will now have a miniature cinematic before initiating the attack, similar to Super Moves in other fighting games. Additionally, instead of attacks during the Fatal Blow causing blood to splatter when striking the opponent, X-Ray effects are now applied to the opponent identical to the former X-Ray attacks. Also, Kameo Fighters selected to the fighter will also participate in the Fatal Blow, performing their own version before the selected character performs their part.
