Mortal Kombat Wiki
Mortal Kombat Wiki

With Sento in my hands, I'll lead us out of the shadows.

—Kenshi to Johnny Cage in Mortal Kombat 1.


  • Mortal Kombat 1: "Once one of ancient Japan's most honored families, the Takahashis were decimated in battle. They lost everything, including the emblem of their power: the revered sword, Sento. Those who survived joined the Bakuto, a predecessor of the Yakuza, for its protection. Five centuries later, Kenshi is raised on the stories of his ancient family's exploits. Detesting his corrupt Yakuza life, he pines to free the Takahashis from the Yakuza's grasp and restore their name. But for his family to follow him, Kenshi must first fight to prove that he can lead. His first battle is to find and retrieve Sento."


In restarting the timeline, Liu Kang designed the fates of every inhabitant, including his old beloved friends & allies. Kenshi had been a proud swordsman for a long time in the past life, until Shang Tsung tricks him and leaves him blinded, gaining Sento the process. But now in the New Era, Liu Kang places Kenshi in the Yakuza on his path to his destiny & restores his sight, never again does he have to go blind again.

Mortal Kombat 1

Kenshi Takahashi is a descendant of the Taira clan, a foremost family in ancient Japanese times. During the Siege of Aomori, they were thought to be wiped out completely, having lost their cherished sword Sento in the process, but were truthfully hiding themselves from the world at large. At some point, the clan's survivors would use the "Takahashi" name to conceal their true lineage and join an earlier iteration of the Yakuza known as the Bakuto, becoming entrenched in their corruption. Kenshi sought to return his clan to their former glory, and began searching to reclaim Sento to prove his leadership.

Kenshi's search eventually brings him to Johnny Cage's mansion, where he discovers Johnny has Sento displayed above a fireplace. Johnny's wife Cris walks out on Johnny after an argument over the superstar's unhealthy devotion to his deteriorating fame, so Kenshi takes the opportunity to enter. Johnny is shocked at his intrusion, thinking it had been Cris returning and demanding Kenshi explain what happened to his wife, but Kenshi assures she is fine and that if Johnny cooperates with him, he will be too. Kenshi demands he hand over Sento, claiming it as a family right and himself as a Taira clan descendant, but Johnny refuses to believe him and declares he won't give Sento up without a fight. The two clash, but Johnny emerges victorious and knocks Kenshi out cold.

When Kenshi comes to, he finds himself tied to a chair by Johnny, who begins interrogating him on his endeavors. Kenshi introduces himself to Johnny and begins explaining how the Taira clan changed their name to Takahashi and their eventual integration into the Yakuza, as well as his desire to use Sento to redeem his clan. Despite this, Johnny writes Kenshi's claims off as little more than make-believe. Hearing a doorbell and believing it to be the police, arriving to arrest Kenshi, Johnny opens his door - only to be confronted by three even more bizarre figures: Liu Kang, Scorpion and Sub-Zero. Johnny believes the whole thing to be an elaborate prank set by Cris, and so invites them inside. Liu Kang expresses his disappointment with Kenshi's actions, though Kenshi is equally mystified by the three strangers and has no idea who they are. Another battle ensues when Johnny, attempting to stop Sub-Zero from untying Kenshi's bonds, is knocked into a wall, which causes his one-of-a-kind Hichuli to shatter on top of him. Kenshi watches as an enraged Johnny defeats both ninja and Liu Kang diffuses the situation. While Scorpion frees Kenshi, Liu Kang begins to properly introduce Johnny and Kenshi to the concept of realms, and promises them that if they join his champions, the arcs of their lives will be changed for the better. Both Kenshi and Johnny accept the offer and travel to the Wu Shi Academy to begin new training, meeting fellow champions Raiden and Kung Lao.

Several months pass by, with Kenshi becoming more acquainted with the world unknown to him thanks to the monks' lessons, though his desire to reclaim Sento from Johnny remains strong, which annoys the superstar to no end. Additionally, Johnny's childish antics and tendency to film everything get on Kenshi's nerves, sparking a rivalry between the two. Eventually, however, a gong is sounded to signify that the time has come to realize their training's purpose - an upcoming tournament against another realm known as Outworld. Unfortunately, since it is Outworld's turn to host the tournament, only one Earthrealm champion can participate, so Liu Kang sets up a mini-tournament to decide between Kenshi, Johnny, Raiden, and Kung Lao.

Kenshi makes a jab at Johnny as he prepares for his "close up" in the first round with Raiden before stepping to the side to spectate. After Raiden defeats Johnny, Kenshi prepares to fight the farmer next. Kenshi acknowledges Raiden's skill, but remarks that he lacks experience. Raiden retorts that his heart will more than make up for it, though Kenshi believes that having nerve is more important. Despite this, Raiden defeats the swordsman and wonders if he still questions his resolve. Kenshi replies that he no longer does and congratulates him on a hard-fought victory. Later that night, Kenshi and Johnny have another spat as they wait for Raiden and Kung Lao's match. Johnny bets $50 that Kung Lao wins, but Kenshi presses him to bet Sento instead to "make it interesting". Obviously, Johnny refuses.

Raiden is chosen as the representative champion of Earthrealm following his victory over Kung Lao. A week later, Kenshi joins the rest of the Earthrealm party in traveling to Outworld for the tournament. Kenshi takes a backseat role, spectating Raiden's fights and congratulating him at the end when Raiden defeats General Shao. Some time later, Liu Kang's steward Geras reveals that a man known as Shang Tsung has begun rebelling against the destiny set forth for him by the fire deity. Liu Kang, personally knowing Shang Tsung's deceptive and cruel nature, tasks Kenshi, Johnny and Kung Lao to infiltrate Outworld without Empress Sindel's knowledge in order to capture Shang Tsung. Liu Kang provides Kenshi with a tracker attuned to the sorcerer's chi to guide them through Outworld lands. Kenshi would rather Raiden accompany them than Johnny (much to the superstar's chagrin), but Liu Kang reminds them that due to Raiden's tournament run, he would be easy to recognize. Thus, Kenshi and the others embark to Outworld on their new mission.

Due to Johnny bringing Sento with him, he and Kenshi continue to quarrel as they travel, with Johnny boasting about his ownership and an angry Kenshi becoming fed up with his taunts and his own inability to save his clan. The trio stumble upon a Tarkatan Colony, where Shang Tsung and a band of Outworld soldiers attempt to corral rabid Tarkatans. One particular Tarkatan is held down so Shang Tsung can extract his bone marrow, but the Tarkatan and his people gain the upper hand. Stifling a yawn, Johnny is content with the beasts killing the sorcerer, but Kenshi reminds him that Liu Kang wants Shang Tsung alive, and so they defend Shang Tsung from the Tarkatans, though he escapes from their clutches with his shapeshifting. Surrounded by the Tarkatans, the group is saved by Kenshi's quick thinking and are introduced to Baraka, the leader of the colony and the one Shang Tsung extracted bone marrow from. Kenshi promises to figure out why Shang Tsung continues to harass Baraka for his bone marrow, and the groups become allies. Baraka offers to lead the Earthrealmers to Shang Tsung's laboratory since Liu Kang's talisman was broken in the prior skirmish.

Kenshi and the others approach the laboratory, though Baraka cannot guarantee what awaits them inside. Kenshi tells Baraka to wait outside instead while he, Johnny and Kung Lao infiltrate it directly. Sneaking up to the second floor, they discover Shang Tsung, Tanya, and High Mage Rain observing an unconscious Mileena, tied to a medical recliner. Misreading the situation due to Shang Tsung's prior actions and his mentioning of Baraka's marrow to the others, the Earthrealmers believe Shang Tsung to be infecting Mileena with Tarkat, and reveal themselves to stop him (Johnny making an Alien joke completely unknown to all others present).

The Earthrealmers' plan goes completely awry upon the truth being revealed - Shang Tsung was, in fact, devising a cure for a Mileena who had already contracted Tarkat, and who now loses control of the affliction upon awakening. Kenshi holds her off with Johnny's help while Shang Tsung makes more serum, but fighting "Monster Mileena" without lethal action proves a difficult task. Johnny is nearly killed by the rabid princess, but Kenshi saves him at the cost of his eyes, which Mileena strikes with her nearby sais, much to Johnny's horror. The altercation ends with the arrival of Kitana, General Shao, his guard, and the Shokan Goro, who quickly incapacitates Johnny and Kung Lao before they can prove their case to Kitana. Unconscious, the Earthrealmers (and Baraka, whom Shao's party captured outside) are taken underground to Shang Tsung's real laboratory to be killed as part of the sorcerer's true, vile experiments.

For the next few hours, Baraka angrily attempts to break the bars of their cell down, to no avail. Kenshi wonders why Baraka has been doing so at length, but Baraka replies that if he still had his sight, he would know why. Despairingly, Kenshi thinks it impossible for him to ever see again, and asks Baraka to talk about his life before Tarkat to get his mind off his new injuries. Johnny manages to rise and immediately rushes to Kenshi's side, aghast at what the swordsman now has to suffer through. Realizing the lengths Kenshi would go to in order to save him, Johnny promises to Kenshi that he will never forget his sacrifice, before Baraka alerts him to their horrendous surroundings. As Kung Lao also awakens, they meet their jailer, a shapeshifting Zaterran named Syzoth who was blackmailed into to working for Shang Tsung due to his family being at risk. Syzoth hands Johnny an eye balm that will dull Kenshi's pain. Ripping off the red cloth on his outfit, Johnny spreads the balm on it and wraps it around Kenshi's eyes as a blindfold, earning a sigh of relief from the swordsman.

After a cold-hearted visit from Shang Tsung, Syzoth is forced to sic a group of experimental Tarkatans on the warriors. Kenshi is hopelessly thrown in a chamber, and Johnny soon follows despite resisting, with both humans being electrocuted by a machine. Baraka and Kung Lao (the latter having reclaimed his hat) fight their way through a Super Tarkatan to free them, and also defeat Syzoth in the process, who desperately asks to be killed knowing what will happen to his family since he failed to stop the group's escape. Baraka, however, sympathizes with Syzoth, and spares him knowing he would have done the same, while Johnny retrives Sento. Shang Tsung arrives to trigger a poisonous gas that quickly fills the room, revealing he had already dispatched of Syzoth's family long ago, and disappears while also locking the laboratory door. Recruiting the angered Zaterran, the group manages to escape thanks to Baraka's brute strength breaking the door down. In his despair, Kenshi asks that he be left behind to avoid slowing them down, but Johnny refuses to give up on him, reminding him that the Taira need him. With Kung Lao's help, Johnny helps Kenshi out of the laboratory.

Once outside, Kenshi is able to manage walking by himself by holding onto Johnny's shoulder for support. The group makes plans to return to Earthrealm via the portal gate at Sun Do. Traversing through a colorful forest, Johnny is reminded of one of his movies, Wicked Planet, and is pleasantly surprised to hear Kenshi recount some of the movie's story himself. Baraka reveals their environment to be the Living Forest, a woodland full of good-natured souls, and notes the presence of some family members within. As they walk, they learn more about Syzoth's plight, and that Shang Tsung plots with General Shao and Rain for an unknown scheme. Their conversation is interrupted by demonic cries, which leads the group to Ashrah, a righteous demon of the Netherrealm. After a misunderstood battle, they join forces with her and learn about her history with Quan Chi, another vile sorcerer who plots with Shang Tsung. The group decides to change directives and hunt down Quan Chi, since he could lead them to Shang Tsung. Though Johnny is more concerned about getting Kenshi back to Earthrealm safely, Kenshi insists on the former plan, so Johnny relents. Guided by Ashrah's enchanted kriss, they continue traveling.

Eventually, they stumble upon Quan Chi and his cohorts, where Quan Chi begins powering a soul stealer that will drain the Living Forest entirely. Led by Ashrah, they prepare to attack, but Johnny stops Kenshi before he can join them, under the pretense that he will indeed trip them up in battle. Johnny confiscates Kenshi's sword, but in return, finally hands him his beloved Sento, reaffirming that he is forever grateful Kenshi saved his life. As Kenshi is left to sit on the sidelines, the battle escalates, with Quan Chi completing the soul stealer by draining the Living Forest's souls and combining them into a single being known as Ermac. Ermac quickly begins decimating the heroes, and Kenshi, realizing he can't idly sit by, charges the soul construct, but is blown back and has Sento knocked out of his hands.

Terrified at the prospect of losing his family blade, Kenshi begins frantically feeling the ground, but he is surprised to hear a mysterious voice in his head. Kenshi demands the voice name itself, and is further dumbfounded to hear that the voice is not one, but many - a host of Kenshi's Taira ancestors that speak from Sento itself. Guided by them, Kenshi crawls to Sento and retrieves it. His ancestors grant him a mystical sense of sight, promising that they will not fail him in his time of need. With his newfound abilities, Kenshi begins turning the tables on Ermac, managing to stab him and siphon some of the souls within. Angered, Ermac knocks Kenshi back and and attempts to barrage him with energy blasts, but Sento deflects them all on its own. Joined by Ashrah, Kenshi defeats Ermac, and both witness an unknown soul take priority in the construct's body, calling out for Sindel before Ermac falls unconscious. Ashrah breaks the soul stealer, releasing the souls (one of which knocks Quan Chi out by draining his energy). Johnny regroups with the others and comments on the reveal of Sento's abilities, jokingly reminding Kenshi not to forget who gave him the sword. Kenshi likewise promises he won't forget.

At Nightime, during the Sun Do Festival, Kenshi, Johnny, Kung Lao, Ashrah and Syzoth create a plan on getting back to Earthrealm with Quan Chi, while disguised. While Syzoth volunteers to be a diversion to give the group time, Kenshi warns him that he is wanted as well. Syzoth, unfazed, replied to the group that to catch him, they have to be able to see him. After Syzoth displays his invisibility, Johnny and Kenshi both look impressed, and as the group headed to the portal as fast as they could, Kenshi sees Syzoth in distress, after the ladder got confronted by Li Mei, Reiko, Kitana, Tanya and General Shao. Kenshi then goes to assist Syzoth in battle and fortunately, the heroes manage to return to Earthrealm back to Liu Kang. Liu Kang, while shocked at Kenshi's lost of sight, is glad that his champions returned safely.

Kenshi is later seen with his Earthrealm friends, along with Outworld's champions infiltrating Titan Shang Tsung's base of operations. When Shang Tsung and Quan Chi infiltrate the Titan Shang Tsung's base of operations, an alternative Kenshi with glasses on instead of a blindfold covering his eyes, along with an alternative Ermac went to fight Shang Tsung, but was defeated.

Various versions and amalgamations of Kenshi are seen during the second Battle of Armageddon. These include evil counterparts of Kenshi, such as an amalgamation with Rain called Sento Storm, a version who serves under a Titan iteration of Havik, and many more. A different version of Kenshi who resembles the current one can be selected as the final warrior who aids Liu Kang in defeating the Titans Shang Tsung and Quan Chi, before being sent back to his respective timeline.


  • Mortal Kombat 1 (Canonical): "I wasn't looking for allies against the Yakuza, but I found one in Special Agent Jackson Briggs. He'd heard gangsters plotting to kill me on a wiretap and came calling, hoping I'd be his informant. We planned to part ways when we got the job done. but then Shang Tsung showed up to steal Sento. (chuckles) Needless to say, Jackson had questions. It blew his mind to hear the stories in Johnny's movies were real. Once the shock wore off, Jackson quickly sized up the threats Earthrealm faced. To deal with them, he got his bosses at the FBI to form the Outworld Investigation Agency. When he asked me to sign on, I hesitated. After all, me? A government agent? But it's an important job. And, more importantly to me, an honest living."