Mortal Kombat Wiki
Mortal Kombat Wiki

I am not finished. For burning me, you'll burn in the Netherrealm!

—Havik to Scorpion, after the latter burns his face.


  • Mortal Kombat 1: "A citizen of the realm of Seido, Havik is sworn to take down its oppressive regime and free his people. There, order is prized above all else. Lawbreaking is met with strict punishment. Its citizens live in strictly regulated castes. As a member of Seido's lowest caste, Havik had neither rights nor privileges. He seethed with anger at the injustice. When he is brutally punished for a minor crime, Havik finally decides to act. He sets out to destroy Seido's regime and replace it with an anarchist utopia. Once he breaks Seido's social order, Havik will free its citizens. Together, they will live in blessed anarchy."


Mortal Kombat 1

In Liu Kang's New Era, Chaosrealm no longer exists, and as such, the reincarnated Havik, whose true name is Dairou, is now a citizen of the fascist Orderrealm, also known as Seido. After a minor infraction resulted in a severe punishment, Havik comes to terms with the extreme terms Seido will go to to maintain order, and concludes that the only solution is the natural opposite - chaos. Seeking allies in his quest for anarchy, he finds a cohort in Darrius, and a potential benefactor in the traveling sorcerer Quan Chi. Seeking spells capable of rupturing Seido's government, Havik and Darrius began aiding Quan Chi's personal efforts in Outworld.

Havik is first seen alongside Darrius, watching with Quan Chi's other allies as the sorcerer prepares to power a soul stealer to deplete the Living Forest completely. Quan Chi requests that Nitara and Havik each hand him two crimson-colored crystals necessary for completing the soul stealer. While Nitara readily brings him her crystal, Havik is less eager, due to some impatience for his end of their bargain. Quan Chi warns him not to reconsider, and after some testimony from Sareena and Nitara, Havik relents and hands Quan Chi his crystal. However, they are interrupted by the arrival of a band of heroes led by Ashrah, a reforming Netherrealm demon that had previously broken free from Quan Chi's control. Quan Chi tells Havik and the others to keep Ashrah's group at bay while he continues to activate the soul stealer. Havik is tackled into the device by Baraka, but the Orderrealmer manages to recover and begins fighting on even ground with the Edenian-turned Tarkatan.

Quan Chi manages to activate the soul stealer uninterrupted, and Havik watches in awe as the soul stealer drains the Living Forest, leaving behind a necrotic husk of an environment. Quan Chi then begins coalescing the gathered souls into a singular individual called Ermac, whom Quan Chi sics on the heroes with great results. As Ashrah manages to recover from Ermac's assault, Havik and Darrius confront her, with Havik insistent on making sure Quan Chi succeeds so he can receive the necessary support to topple Orderrealm's government. Ashrah rebukes him, telling him that dooming Outworld to free Orderrealm is a dubious strategy, and that she won't allow him to see it fulfilled. With Syzoth's help, she defeats Havik and Darrius, telling Havik to take his chaos elsewhere as the anarchist falls unconscious. With Havik and the rest of his allies defeated and Kenshi having realized Sento's true power to help Ashrah best Ermac, Quan Chi's soul stealer is destroyed, and the sorcerer is knocked unconscious by a rampant soul who drains his energy and turns his skin a pale white.

Havik and Darrius recover and relocate to Ying Fortress, the base of operations for Quan Chi and his partner-in-crime, fellow sorcerer Shang Tsung. As they wait for Quan Chi to continue aiding their efforts, they discover an intruder, courtesy of Scorpion, attempting to escape after a botched capture mission due to his brother Bi-Han's betrayal via Shang Tsung's manipulation. Seeing that Scorpion had just wiped the floor with Rain and Quan Chi, Havik is furious and attempts to fight him with Darrius's help. The far more experienced Lin Kuei easily outmatches them both, kicking Darrius away while piercing Havik in the stomach with his chained spear. Only when Scorpion becomes preoccupied with giving Darrius a beatdown does Havik land a surprise shoulder tackle, nearly sending Scorpion careening into a smelting pot of gold.

Pressing their newfound advantage, Havik and Darrius grab Scorpion and attempt to test his might by forcing his face into the smelting pot, but Scorpion prevails, headbutting and elbowing Darrius backward while hitting Havik with a clean right hook and reversing the situation by shoving Havik's face in the smelting pot instead. Shrieking in anguish, Havik stumbles back before turning to face Scorpion with renewed determination, the lower half of his face now melted into a bloody mess. He declares Scorpion will burn in the Netherrealm for mutilating his face, but he and Darrius are knocked unconscious again, with Scorpion declaring that he cannot be smothered out that easily.

The current Havik is not seen again in the main story afterwards, but various versions and amalgamations of Havik are seen during the second Battle of Armageddon, including one allied with Titan Shang Tsung, as well a Titan Havik (accompanied by an alternate Kenshi and Sub-Zero/Quan Chi and Tanya/Kitana hybrid warriors) who kills an armless Jax Briggs and relishes in the chaos and bloodshed, promising that the next time such a fierce battle breaks out, he won't let it end so quickly. Additionally, a heroic version of Havik who seemingly managed to maintain a righteous anarchy in his timeline can be selected as the final warrior who aids Liu Kang in defeating the Titans Shang Tsung and Quan Chi, before being sent back to his respective timeline.

With Quan Chi's imprisonment, the current Havik was forced to find other means of bringing Seido down. Meeting Rain, now a wanted criminal for his role in General Shao's failed coup, Havik offered him asylum in exchange for his assistance in the destruction of Seido's government. Havik then witnessed Rain annihilate Seido's capital with a gargantuan storm. While Rain was less than enthused over his horrendous actions, Havik was delighted to finally bear witness to Seido, freed by chaos.


  • Mortal Kombat 1 (Canonical): "Quan Chi's defeat had cost me everything. For months I had furthered his plot, and now I had to start over. Seido's people were still in chains. That's when Rain approached me. On the run from Empress Mileena, he was desperate for help. And though I'd had my fill of sorcerers, this one was different. I agreed to provide him safe haven. He agreed to help topple Seido's government. And topple it we did. Rain summoned a wave so vast, so powerful, that it crushed the capital. Seido's fascist rulers were swept away. My people are finally free. They can chart their own course, needing only to follow their own desires. Their lives are now blessed by anarchy."