Mortal Kombat Wiki
Mortal Kombat Wiki

To catch me - they must see me.

—Reptile to Kenshi Takahashi in Mortal Kombat 1.


  • Mortal Kombat 1: "Reptile is Zaterran, one of the reptiloid race which lives on Outworld’s fringes. Like other reptiles, Zaterrans can camouflage themselves. But Reptile possesses a unique mutation: one which allows him to shift shape to appear human. Bullied mercilessly by Zaterrans for this ability, Reptile left home to make his future elsewhere."


In restarting the timeline, Liu Kang designed the fates of every inhabitant, including his old beloved friends & allies. As well as his enemies. In doing so, he spares Reptile from his insufferable servitude to Shang Tsung & Shao Kahn, by saving him, his race & his home realm Zaterra. Allowing him to have a second chance at life, giving him a happy family & regaining full human form, but also allowing him to shift between that & his Zaterran form.

Mortal Kombat 1

Syzoth is unique among his Zaterrans in that he possesses a shapeshifting ability that allows him to take human form. This only served to make him an outcast to his people, so Syzoth departed the underground Zikandur province in search of a more acceptable life. Unfortunately, the warm-blooded Outworlders on the surface were no less welcoming, and Syzoth became destitute. Joining a traveling carnival to desperately alleviate his poverty, Syzoth was able to make somewhat of a living for himself, even finding a wife, and having a son. At some point, he would cross paths with Shang Tsung, then a simple trader. But when Shang began to learn legitimate sorcery, he asked to study Syzoth, and took his family hostage when the Zaterran refused. Becoming the sorcerer's laboratory slave quickly proved to be an even worse job, and Syzoth was forced to aid in countless, terrifying experiments. It was suggested that Shang Tsung derived his trademark shapeshifting from Syzoth's own mutation.

Syzoth is formally introduced during the Story Mode when Johnny Cage, Baraka, Kenshi and Kung Lao are all captured in a botched attempt to rescue Princess Mileena from Shang Tsung's clutches. The four are sent to Shang Tsung's real laboratory, where Syzoth is revealed to be their jailer. Offering Kenshi a special balm to dull the pain from the loss of his eyes, he reveals to the group both his Zaterran ethnicity and his reluctant participation in Shang Tsung's scheme. Despite their pleas, Syzoth tells them the choice is between them and his family, and orders a group of cloned, subservient Tarkatans to put them in separate chambers. While Baraka and Kung Lao are preoccupied fighting them, Syzoth activates a device that strikes the captured Johnny Cage and Kenshi with electricity. After defeating a Super Tarkatan, Baraka is able to free both Earthrealmers and subsequently defeat Syzoth. Syzoth begs to be killed, but Baraka spares him, noting that had he been put in the same predicament, he would have done the same to protect his family.

Shang Tsung appears and scolds Syzoth for allowing Liu Kang's champions to break free, blasting Baraka and Johnny back with a cloud of toxic gas that quickly fills the laboratory. Bidding them all farewell, he reveals to Syzoth that he had already disposed of his family "many moons ago", striking the Zaterran with the knowledge that he had been pointlessly slaving away to save loved ones that had long since been murdered. Furious, Syzoth attempts to grab Shang Tsung, but the sorcerer teleports away on the spot before he can reach him. The group attempts to leave, but Syzoth realizes Shang Tsung sealed the exits upon releasing the gas. With his superhuman strength, Baraka is able to break the door down, allowing them to escape the wretched laboratory.

Once outside, the Earthrealmers are intent on reaching Sun Do to bring Kenshi back to Earthrealm. While Baraka cannot enter the city, Syzoth, while still reeling from the revelation, offers to make amends by taking them rest of the way. The group travels through the Living Forest, where Baraka reveals its nature as chock-full of souls. Syzoth mentions there are no Zaterran spirits since his people's mistreatment by Outworld's surface dwellers had them live underground in Zikandur. Kung Lao questions how he encountered Shang Tsung, so Syzoth elaborates on his previous life, explaining how his shapeshifting made him an outcast and how Shang Tsung blackmailed him into allowing him to be studied. Additionally, he confirms Shang Tsung's plotting with General Shao and Rain, though he mentions he has only heard fragments of their schemes.

The group encounters Ashrah, a heroic demon of the Netherrealm, and after a misunderstood battle, join forces with her and change directives to finding an Outworlder named Quan Chi, as his association with Shang Tsung could possibly lead them to the sorcerer. Along the way, Syzoth eats a flying insect with earnest, much to Johnny's disgust. Meanwhile, Ashrah explains how she was set on her path to purification, and reveals both Quan Chi and Shang Tsung have an unknown common benefactor who taught them how to wield the powerful magic they are capable of.

Eventually, Syzoth and the others stumble upon Quan Chi and his cohorts and attempt to prevent the former from using one of his soul stealers. While Nitara, Darrius, Sareena and Havik hold the heroes off, Quan Chi succeeds in draining the Living Forest of its souls and amalgamating them into a single body - Ermac, who quickly begins dominating the heroes in kombat. Using his natural form, Syzoth is the only one who manages to land an attack, but is subsequently overpowered by a telekinetic blast like the others. He is able to recover and joins Ashrah in battle against Havik and Darrius, then Quan Chi, but Ermac continues to prove problematic, launching a tree trunk with telekinesis to smack Syzoth and Baraka into the dirt. Fortunately, Kenshi steps up to save them, having discovered Sento's true nature, and uses Sento to overpower Ermac with Ashrah's help. Ashrah is able to destroy the soul stealer, releasing the captured spirits, one of which grabs Quan Chi and drains him of energy, causing his skin to turn white and knocking him out. With the battle won, the group settles on returning to Earthrealm with the captured Quan Chi so Liu Kang can question him.

The group arrives in Sun Do during the nighttime festival. While the others disguise themselves (and the unconscious Quan Chi) as partygoers, Syzoth surveys the grounds from the rooftops, taking note of the large security numbers. He tells the others to go to the stage, then through the portal gate to Earthrealm to the right, while he creates a diversion. Kenshi warns him that Syzoth will also be looked out for, but Syzoth tells him that to catch him, they must see him, and reveals his invisibility on the spot, earning a "Damn!" from an impressed Johnny, who likens his technique to "going full Predator", along with Kenshi giving out a smile to show him impressed.

While the disguised group traverses the festival grounds, Syzoth activates several of the rockets, sending the public into a panic. General Shao spots him atop one of the buildings, deducing that his presence means the Earthrealmers are also nearby, and so Reiko and Li Mei chase after the Zaterran. Reiko tags him with a shuriken, causing Syzoth to fall to the floor, though he recovers and turns invisible again, leaving trails of green blood in his path. Eventually, Li Mei and Reiko catch up to Syzoth, but he resists arrests, knowing he will be executed by General Shao despite Li Mei offering to hear him out. With support from Kenshi, Syzoth regretfully defeats the pair before being attacked by Kitana, Tanya and Khameleon. Knowing he has no time to explain himself, Syzoth defeats them as well. As Johnny's group is surrounded by Generao Shao and his guards (Quan Chi escaping in the confrontation), Syzoth and Kenshi heroically swing down from a rooftop to aid them. Syzoth personally confronts Shao, threatening to reveal his conspiracy to all of Outworld, but Shao disagrees, claiming that dead men tell no tales. Despite this, Syzoth proves victorious, and he and the others make a break for the portal as Motaro and more guards close in (Johnny sucker punching Goro on the way).

Upon entering Earthrealm, they are greeted by Liu Kang, who reveals he already knows Ashrah and Syzoth's names. Ashrah then asks if Liu Kang knows Quan Chi, who has partnered with Shang Tsung. Expressing striking concern at the prospect of a new Deadly Alliance, Liu Kang urged them to come with him and recount their experiences.

Various versions and amalgamations of Syzoth/Reptile also appear in the second Battle of Armageddon at the climax of the story, including a Titan one who joins forces with Titan Shang Tsung, a female version of Reptile, a Sindel with Zaterran physiology called Lizard Queen, a combination with Geras called Klockodile, and many more. Additionally, another version of Syzoth can be selected as the final warrior who aids Liu Kang in defeating the Titans Shang Tsung and Quan Chi, before being sent back to his respective timeline.


  • Mortal Kombat 1 (Canonical): "After fleeing Outworld, I hadn't expected to return. But, then, I also hadn't expected the new Empress to make me an offer I couldn't refuse. To thank me for stopping General Shao's rebellion, she asked me to be her emissary to the Zaterrans. Going home, bearing the seat of the royal house, I would show, once and for all, that my mutation wasn't to be feared. That it wasn't a source of shame. To my surprise, I was welcome. But those warm smiles hid a dark secret. I stumbled upon a trove of official records which showed that my shapeshifting ability isn't unique. Many Zaterrans are born with it but are killed by their government to keep it from spreading. Who started this barbaric policy, who is now enforcing it, is unknown. But I will find out. And I will put an end to this madness."