Mortal Kombat Wiki
Mortal Kombat Wiki

Now isn't this better than working in the fields?

—Kung Lao to Raiden in Mortal Kombat 1


  • Mortal Kombat 1: "Born and raised in the village of Fengjian, Kung Lao has spent his life toiling in the fields. It has been an honorable life, if not a glorious one. Kung Lao's greatest fear is that his life will amount to nothing. He prays fervently that he will be called to do something bigger. His prayers are answered when he is asked to join the champions of Earthrealm. As a warrior fighting for its honor, Kung Lao knows that his victories will be long remembered."


Mortal Kombat 1

In Liu Kang's New Era, his best friend Kung Lao remains a descendant of their ancestor, the Great Kung Lao. Now a humble farmer in Fengjian Village, he grew up with his longtime friend, the now-mortal Raiden. The duo learned martial arts from Madam Bo, a restaurant owner and former Lin Kuei ninja. However, Kung Lao always longed for excitement and adventure beyond the fields and lamented the mundane nature of their daily routine.

One fateful day, as Kung Lao bemoans their repetitive farm work, Raiden decides to indulge his friend by challenging him to a bet: whoever fills their cart last pays for dinner at Madam Bo's teahouse. The competitive Kung Lao quickly agrees, and both soon fill their carts with crops and bolt through the village. As they arrive at the teahouse, they briefly intake the smell of great food before being greeted by Madam Bo, who sits them down and promises them whatever meal they desire. She asks if the two have been practicing martial arts consistently, and while Kung Lao says that the harvest leaves them little time to do so, she smacks him on the head for making excuses, reminding him that if he fails to prepare, his preparations will fail him (Kung Lao finishing the last bit himself).

Raiden is grateful that Kung Lao will be paying, but Kung Lao reminds Raiden that he finished work last. However, Raiden protests that he delivered his cart first. Their disagreement escalates before Kung Lao decides they should settle it with a friendly spar, best two out of three. Raiden is worried they might break something in the process, but the confident Kung Lao, having never lost to Raiden in previous matches, declares their fight won't last long enough for that to happen. As a hooded Liu Kang observes from a distant table, Kung Lao and Raiden fight it out, with Kung Lao proving victorious and bowing to the spectating diners amidst their applause. Raiden tells Kung Lao that the day will come when his winning streak ends, but Kung Lao just laughs at him before they return to their table.

Their dining lasts until the evening, and the food is delicious, as expected. Kung Lao lets out a burp of contentment while Raiden disappointingly stares at their bill, before thanking Madam Bo for their meal. As he hands the cash out, however, one bill is caught by a breeze and lands into the hands of a mysterious ninja with gray hair, accompanied by a gang of similarly-dressed men. He begins to confront Madam Bo, threatening her and her establishment under the pretense of extorting her for protection. Kung Lao and Raiden immediately realize Madam Bo is in danger, but do not make any moves until they are sure. When Madam Bo clearly refuses the ninja, identifying him as Smoke, he signals for the other Lin Kuei to begin causing havoc. Madam Bo begins a string of attacks, but Smoke quickly turns the tables and sends Madam Bo over the second floor railing and crashing down onto a table below.

Witnessing these events, Kung Lao and Raiden spring into action, taking down Smoke's cohorts before facing the ninja himself, warning him not to menace Madam Bo. Kung Lao manages to defeat Smoke before turning to Raiden, where both are surprised to see that he had taken down several Lin Kuei on his own, with Raiden surprised that his martial arts training has paid off. Before they can help Madam Bo, however, they are accosted by two more Lin Kuei - Sub-Zero and Scorpion. While Sub-Zero focuses his attention on Raiden, Kung Lao fights Scorpion one-on-one, emerging as the victor. He then stops Sub-Zero from harming Raiden further by throwing his straw hat and whacking Sub-Zero in the back of the head, much to his annoyance. Kung Lao shrugs comically, to which Sub-Zero calls him incompetent, but Kung Lao quickly grabs a chakram off the wall and flings it at him, grazing his arm. Sub-Zero says that he has had enough of Kung Lao's antics, and that as the Lin Kuei's Grandmaster, the farmer has no chance. However, Kung Lao manages to defeat Sub-Zero, and - retrieving his hat and staring at the chakram embedded in the wall - begins to form an idea.

His thoughts are interrupted by Raiden's calls, who informs him that Madam Bo is out cold. Kung Lao wonders if she is dead, but Madam Bo suddenly opens her eyes in comical fashion and stands up, quickly smoking a joint. Before Kung Lao can ask how she managed to survive Smoke's assault, Raiden points up to the second floor, where the hooded Liu Kang descends the stairs to meet them below. Noticing his glowing eyes, Kung Lao and Raiden quickly realize the night's events are far more monumental than they initially thought, especially as Liu Kang introduces himself as a God of Fire and a Protector of Earthrealm, not Earth. He explains that Madam Bo has been training them from childhood for a purpose - to join his champions and participate in the steadfast defense of Earthrealm. Additionally, he reveals that the Lin Kuei's attack on the teahouse was simply a test of Kung Lao and Raiden's abilities and character, as all the Lin Kuei rise to their feet and Sub-Zero and Scorpion go downstairs to meet them.

Liu Kang introduces the concepts of Earthrealm and Outworld to the farmers and urges them to join him at the Wu Shi Academy for training with the monks there. Kung Lao wonders if such training is even necessary, as they've just proved themselves capable warriors, but Madam Bo reveals the Lin Kuei were holding back against them, and Sub-Zero coldly adds that had they used their full strength, the circumstances would have been fatal. Regardless, Kung Lao seizes the opportunity to quickly agree to Liu Kang's offer, excited by his desire for adventure finally being fulfilled. Though Raiden is less than eager, Madam Bo assures him that defending Earthrealm still serves the village. Thus, both farmers are inducted as the first of Liu Kang's new group of champions, and travel to the Wu Shi to train. As they progress, they are joined by two more candidates in Johnny Cage, a media superstar whose fame has begun fading, and Kenshi Takahashi, a Taira descendant who seeks to remove his clan's connections to the Yakuza and redeem them.

With the help of the Shaolin monks, Kung Lao makes good on his idea from the teahouse fight and has a special weapon constructed - a lightweight metal hat featuring numerous curved blades along its edges, perfect for unorthodox offense. Though Raiden thinks it is far from a good idea, Kung Lao calls it genius, saying he will have to thank Sub-Zero for inspiring it the next time they see him. He accidentally nicks his finger when running his hand across the hat's edge, so Raiden thinks it won't be very effective to use. However, Kung Lao then throws it at a nearby statue, cleanly decapitating it as the hat then returns to him like a boomerang, allowing him to catch it on his finger. Seeing the damage, Raiden changes his mind, remarking that it might be too effective.

After some mingling with Johnny and Kenshi, a gong is sounded, signaling that the last few preparations before the inter-realm tournament have begun. As Outworld is the tournament host this time, Earthrealm is only allowed to have one champion participate, so Liu Kang hosts a smaller gauntlet between the four champions to decide the candidate among them. Raiden, having far exceeded his former ability, is able to defeat both Johnny and Kenshi, but must once again face Kung Lao for the title of Earthrealm's champion.

That night, both Kung Lao and Raiden meditate before their battle. Liu Kang warns them that the duty of being Earthrealm's champion is not one to be taken lightly and offers them both a chance to concede without dishonor, though both Kung Lao and Raiden are eager to prove themselves, so the final match begins. Kung Lao reminds Raiden of the latter's losing streak against him, promising it won't change tonight. However, Raiden reminds him that if the monks have taught them anything, that change is the universe's only constant. True to Raiden's words, he bests Kung Lao in kombat for the first time. While Liu Kang is not surprised by the outcome, Kung Lao certainly is, but he congratulates Raiden and bows respectfully regardless. With Earthrealm's candidate now decided, Liu Kang grants Raiden a special amulet containing power over lightning and thunder, as it will be necessary for him to match the magic of his Outworld opponents. Realizing the intensity of the tournament ahead, Kung Lao expresses his concerns, not wanting Raiden to be killed during a match, though Liu Kang assures them all that he would never send a champion unwittingly into Mortal Kombat. He then announces their trip to the Outworld capital of Sun Do in seven days' time.

After some days have passed, Kung Lao joins the rest of the Earthrealm party in traveling to Outworld for the tournament. Kung Lao takes a backseat role, spectating Raiden's fights and congratulating him at the end when Raiden defeats General Shao. Sometime later, Liu Kang's steward Geras reveals that a man known as Shang Tsung has begun rebelling against the destiny set forth for him by the fire deity. In an attempt to preemptively trounce Shang Tsung's plot before it gains headway, Liu Kang sends Kung Lao, Johnny Cage and Kenshi to Outworld in secret to try and capture the sorcerer, since Raiden's golden tournament run will have undoubtedly made his face more recognizable.

Kung Lao, Johnny Cage, and Kenshi make their way through the wastelands and is listening to Johnny and Kenshi's argument. Arriving at the Tarkatan Colony, he and his allies found Shang Tsung who is extracting Tarkatan marrow from Baraka. After Baraka almost kills Shang Tsung, they intervene and face off against the Tarkatans until Kenshi explains why they stopped him from killing the sorcerer. Baraka escorts them to Shang Tsung's Lab where Mileena is strapped to the chair and Rain and Tanya are safeguarding her while Shang Tsung explains the treatment. After they mistakenly believed that Shang Tsung is infecting Mileena with Tarkat, a fight breaks out between them. Johnny Cage and Kung Lao faced off against Tanya while Kenshi defeated Rain. Tanya defeated both of them until Kenshi kept her from finishing them by defeating her. Once they confront Shang Tsung, they accused him of infecting Mileena with Tarkat, but in reality, he was actually trying to cure her Tarkat disease. Mileena's disease manifests and she breaks out of the chair. Kung Lao, Johnny Cage, and Kenshi held off against Mileena, until Shang Tsung finally injects her with a serum. Kenshi loses his sight in the process. After Kitana and General Shao rushed in to find Mileena injured, Shang Tsung tells her that Kung Lao, Johnny Cage, and Kenshi were sent to disturb Mileena's treatment and then reveal it to all of Outworld. Johnny Cage tries to explain why they were really here but were knocked out by an angered Goro. They were then captured an imprisoned along with Baraka in Shang Tsung's real laboratory, the Flesh Pits.


  • Mortal Kombat 1 (Canonical): "It was inevitable that the Shaolin masters had me join them. They knew just how much future initiates could learn from me. Shujinko was one of my earliest. His ability to absorb anyone's powers and skills was amazing. With the right training, he could become our greatest champion. I knew that I alone could give it to him. But as his proficiency grew, so did his ego. In love with himself and his power, Shujinko became a threat to the realms. He hadn't learned humility, because I wasn't the one who could teach it. I should have listened to Raiden's warning and not tried to train Shujinko alone. After he was subdued, Shujinko's accumulated abilities and memories were taken from him. He is once again a new initiate, ready to begin his training. This time, Raiden and I train Shujinko together. He will become the champion he is destined to be. And I will fulfill my duties humbly and cooperatively."