Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)

List of dedication plaques.

ISS Avenger[]

ISS Avenger dedication plaque

The Avenger dedication plaque

The following information was listed on the dedication plaque of ISS Avenger. (ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II" set artwork)

Imperial Starship Avenger
Registry Number NX-09
Dedicated to serve the Emperor
Antares Ship Yards

USS Brattain[]

USS Brattain dedication plaque

The Brattain dedication plaque

The following information was listed on the dedication plaque of USS Brattain. (TNG: "Night Terrors" set artwork)

USS Brattain
Miranda-class – Starfleet registry NCC-21166
40 Eridani A Starfleet Construction Yards, Yoyodyne Division
Commissioned Stardate 22519.5
United Federation of Planets
Starfleet Command, Sol sector
"... a three hour tour, a three hour tour."

Motto taken from the theme song of the TV series Gilligan's Island.

The mate was a mighty sailin' man
The skipper, brave and sure
Five passengers set sail that day

For a three hour tour, a three hour tour


Columbia plaque behind conduit

Columbia's obscured dedication plaque

The following information was listed on the dedication plaque of Columbia NX-02. (ENT: "Affliction" set artwork)

Spacecraft number NX-02
San Francisco, Earth
Starfleet Command: R. Berman, B. Braga, M. Coto, P. Lauritson, M. Howard, D. Velazquez, J.P. Farrell, B. Yacobian, S. Welke, D. Rossi, D. Mirabello, T. Matalas, D.
Rooney, S. Rissmiller – Vehicle Development: A. Kroeker, B. Yacobian, G. Harvey, E. Norman, N. Lee, T. Scott, R. Simonson, A. Levy, A. Fukai, M. DeMeritt, D.
Trotti, T. Tagamolila, J. Harris, P. Butler, J. Rudolph, J. Brown, S. Shimizu, L. Sena, A. Pooley – Mission Ops: M. Sussman, A. Bormanis, J. Reeves-Stevens, G. Reeves
Stevens, J. Fernandez – Spaceframe Engineering: H. Zimmerman, L. Dorton, J. Eaves, D. Drexler, B. Heidemann, M. Okuda, J. Van Over, A. Fredrickson, A. Kobayashi
F. Zimmerman, L. Cole, A. Packard – Propulsion Systems: M. Rush, D. Knapp, M. Reilly, M. Rush, S. Peck, R. Eyslee, F. Valdes, L. Christenberry, R. Meyers, D.
Pondella, P. Jacobson, J. Devlin, R. Dominguez, W. Mayer, R. Calvaruso, A. Dominguez – Orbital Ergonomics: J. Mees, M. Bozeman, A. Zerkel, E. Kelly, C. Russo, J.
Nesterowicz – Deep Space Operations: T. Arp, T. Purser, J. Pizston, J. Djanrelian, C. Clark, F. O'Hea, R. Ratliff, J. Peyser, D. Drozdowski, R. Hester, W. Thoms, V.
Deadrick, Jr. – Flight Test Crew: G. Agalsoff; J. Agalsoff, R. Cooper, D. Okuda, B. Betts, M. Moore, R. Goddard, L. Connolly, M. Westmore, V. Canamar, E. Ellis, S.
Westmore, J. Lewis, B. Look – Environmental Systems: B. Blackman, C. Kunz, T. Siegel, P. Corcoran-Woods, M. Hoffman, E. Regan, J. Thomas, L. White – Security: L.
Ward, S. D'Errico, G. Edelman, L. Dukes, S. Brill, J. Moore, J. Fisher – Flight Software: J. McMeikan, J.P. Farrell, B. Lederman, C. Petrus, D. Baskin, H. Jierjian, D. Koeppel
M. O'Halloran, A. Codron, D. Takemura, A. Simonson, A. Lambert – United Earth Space Probe Agency: G. Roddenberry, W.M. Jefferies
"Audentes fortuna juvat – Fortune favors the bold – Virgil"

Columbia dedication plaque

Columbia's plaque

Columbia's dedication plaque was hidden by plastic sheeting in "Home". For "Affliction", conduits were added to Columbia's bridge which obscured most of the plaque.

Two plaques were constructed for Columbia, one with a metallic version of the Columbia assignment patch and one with a color version, though it's unclear which was used on set. The color version was made from black poster board, depicted in Star Trek Encyclopedia, 4th ed., vol. 1, p. 192, and sold as part of It's A Wrap! sale and auction. [1] The metallic version used raised lettering on masonite, and was also sold through It's A Wrap. [2]


Cousteau dedication plaque

The Cousteau dedication plaque

The following information was listed on the dedication plaque of the Cousteau, the USS Enterprise-E's captain's yacht. (Star Trek: Insurrection set artwork)

USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-E
Jean-Luc Picard, Captain
"The future is in the hands of those who explore... and from all the beauty they discover while crossing perpetually receding frontiers, they develop for nature and for humankind an infinite love." – Capt. Jacques-Yves Cousteau

USS Dauntless[]

This article might be inaccurateThis page has been identified as needing attention. Please visit the article's talk page to see what needs fixing and feel free to edit this page to assist with this task.
USS Dauntless dedication plaque

The fake Dauntless dedication plaque

The following information was listed on the dedication plaque of the fake USS Dauntless. (VOY: "Hope and Fear" set artwork)

Ship Class Shipyard Sector Stardate Motto Misc Info
USS Dauntless
Dauntless-class San Francisco Sol 51472 "Hope is a waking dream."
   - Aristotle
First starship of her class

Defiant plaques[]

The following information was listed on the dedication plaques of starships named Defiant. (ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly", "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II"; Star Trek: Deep Space Nine set artwork)

USS Defiant (NCC-1764)[]

USS Defiant NCC-1764 plaque

USS Defiant (NCC-1764) dedication plaque

USS Defiant
Tranquility Base

USS Defiant (NX-74205)[]

USS Defiant (2370) dedication plaque

USS Defiant (NX-74205) dedication plaque

USS Defiant
Starfleet registry NX-74205 – First starship of her class
Launched stardate 47538.5 – Antares Ship Yards
Bajor sector – United Federation of Planets
Starfleet Command Fleet Ops Research & Dev. Science Ops Tactical Ops Yard Engineers

Chief of Staff

"All I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by." – John Masefield

ISS Defiant[]

ISS Defiant plaque cover

ISS Defiant dedication plaque

NX-74205 ISS Defiant

Discovery plaques[]

USS Discovery[]

The following information was listed on the dedication plaque of USS Discovery. (DIS: "Context Is for Kings")

San Francisco
Fleet Yards
United Federation
of Planets
USS Discovery
Starfleet Registry NCC-1031
Starfleet Command: A. Kurtzman, G. Berg, A. Harberts, A. Goldsman, H. Kadin, C. Sweeny, B. Fuller, J. Alexander, A. Coleite, J. Menosky, T. Sullivan, A. Baiers, N. Meyer, F. Siracusa, J. Weber, B. Kim, E. Lippoldt, K. Beyer, S. Cochran, K. Powers, Fleet Ops.: O. Osunsanmi, K. Lafferty, D. Till, K. Orfanidis, J. Gayford, M. Simkin, O. Sitowitz, G. Phillips, G. Hetrick, N. Page, M. Suskin, J. Zimmerman, Research and Development: A. Maranville, M. Goldstein, T. Dinucci, B. Schultz, C. Silvestri, J. Gross, R. Johnson, C. Danby, A. Trifunovic, C. Gebacz, K. Felton-Lui, C. Dowling, D. Biagi, K. Tchaikovsky, E. Sampson, K. Gross, T. Grove, Science Ops.: T. Cherniawsky, M. Steel, G. Chown, G. Navarro, C. Hoult, D. Tiernan, G. Hemwall, L. Hodgson, R. Colucci, T. Singh, K. McCord, R. Vivian, B. Fifield, M. Carella, S. Sealey, R. Fraser, T.I. Staley, F. Tata, R. Reed, D. Cummings, C. Penman, I. Allemang, J. Dudkowski, S. Gamzon, Tactical Ops: S. Stanley, W. Budge, N. Peschlow, A. Tsang, A. Haye, M. Morgan, D. Norton, E. Poulin, T. Peel, R. Dening, K. Brock, J. Eaves, T. Pringle, S. Schneider, B. Rendulic, R. Lai, B. Daprato, M. Moreira, J. Murray, M. Simonelli, J. Kirk, P. Nicolakakos, Yard Engineers: D. Stapf, K. Berg, J. McNamara, O. Neir, D. Feldheim, L. Miller, L. Metrose, K. Hall, J. Henry, Chief of Staff: R. Roddenberry, T. Roth, CNC: Gene Roddenberry
"All things can be understood once they are discovered; the point is to discover them."

The quote is from Galileo Galilei. [3]

ISS Discovery[]

The following information was listed on the dedication plaque of ISS Discovery. (DIS: "Despite Yourself")

Long Live
The Empire
ISS Discovery
Starfleet Registry NCC-1031
Starfleet Command: A. Kurtzman, G. Berg, A. Harberts, A. Goldsman, H. Kadin, C. Sweeny, B. Fuller, J. Alexander, A. Coleite, J. Menosky, T. Sullivan, A. Baiers, N. Meyer, F. Siracusa, J. Weber, B. Kim, E. Lippoldt, K. Beyer, S. Cochran, K. Powers, Fleet Ops.: O. Osunsanmi, K. Lafferty, D. Till, K. Orfanidis, J. Gayford, M. Simkin, O. Sitowitz, G. Phillips, G. Hetrick, N. Page, M. Suskin, J. Zimmerman, Research and Development: A. Maranville, M. Goldstein, T. Dinucci, B. Schultz, C. Silvestri, J. Gross, R. Johnson, C. Danby, A. Trifunovic, C. Gebacz, K. Felton-Lui, E. Sampson, K. Gross, T. Grove, Science Ops.: T. Deverell, M. Steel, M. Middleton, J. Clement, G. Keenan, C. Hoult, J. Frakes, G. Hemwall, W. Sidarous, B. Marrello, R. Vivian, B. Fifield, M. Carella, S. Sealey, R. Fraser, T.I. Staley, F. Tata, R. Reed, D. Cummings, C. Penman, I. Allemang, J. Dudkowski, S. Gamzon, Tactical Ops: W. Budge, A. Tsang, M. Morgan, D. Norton, E. Poulin, C. Bretecher, N. Augustyn, H. Isaacs, M. Edmund, J. Kim, G. Delic, R. McCallum, T. Peel, K. Brock, J. Eaves, S. Schneider, R. Lai, B. Daprato, M. Moreira, M. Simonelli, J. Kirk, P. Nicolakakos, Yard Engineers: D. Stapf, K. Berg, J. McNamara, O. Neir, D. Feldheim, L. Miller, L. Metrose, K. Hall, J. Henry, Chief of Staff: R. Roddenberry, T. Roth, CNC: Gene Roddenberry
"Facile intelligere semel invento sunt omnia quae vero sunt, sed quae sunt difficilis quoestio est deprehendere."

This is the same quote as on the main universe plaque, but in the original Latin.

USS Discovery (NCC-1031-A)[]

The following information was listed on the dedication plaque of USS Discovery-A. (DIS: "That Hope Is You, Part 2")

San Francisco
Fleet Yards
United Federation
of Planets
USS Discovery
Starfleet Registry NCC-1031-A

Enterprise plaques[]

The following information was listed on the dedication plaques of starships named Enterprise. (Star Trek: Enterprise; Star Trek: The Original Series; Star Trek: The Next Generation; Star Trek films set artwork)

Enterprise (NX-01)[]

Enterprise NX-01 plaque

Enterprise's dedication plaque

Enterprise's dedication plaque was located next to the bridge turbolift on the aft bulkhead. (Star Trek: Enterprise)

Spacecraft number NX-01
Jonathan Archer, Commander
Starfleet Command: R. Berman, B. Braga, M. Howard, P. Lauritson, M. Sussman, A. Bormanis, P. Strong, F. Decker, A. Stella, A. Jacque-
Metton, M. Jacque-Metton, J.P. Farrell, D. Velazquez, S. Welke Vehicle Development: J. Conway, B. Yacobian, J. Fleck, A. Fukai, M.
DeMeritt, D. Overdiek, J. Rudolph, S. Shimizu, D. Rossi – Spaceframe Engineering: H. Zimmerman, L. Dorton, J. Mees, C. Binkley, J.
Eaves, D. Drexler, J. Martin, F. Zimmerman, A. Packard, A. Kay, A. Bro, B. Heidemann – Propulsion Systems: D. Curry, R.B. Moore, A.
Codron, M. Suskin, L. Castro, M. Chambers – Mission Ops: T. Arp, T. Purser, A. Rockler, F. Leisure, G. Medina, B. Laughlin, T. Mertz, C.
Clark, F. O'Hea – Imaging and sensor technologies: M. Rush, D. Knapp, G. Tachell, S. Middleton, B. Peets, R. Eyslee, E. Cooper, R. Burgess, T.
Bookout, G. Agalsoff, J. Agalsoff, Jr. – Orbital Ergonomics: M. Westmore, S. Burman, R. Blackman, C. Kunz, M. Moore, M. Keating, F.
Sepulveda, L. Rich, C. Russo, J. Nesterowicz – Flight Test Crew: R. Ratliff, P. Albiez, W. Thoms, J. Djanrelian, S. Satterfield, G. Edelman, L.
White, L. Ward, S. D'Errico, K. Slechta – Flight Software: M. Okuda, J. Van Over, W. Drapanas, A. Fredrickson, G. Mandel, D. Okuda, B.
Betts – United Earth Space Probe Agency: G. Roddenberry, W.M. Jefferies
"... to boldly go where no man has gone before!"

USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)[]

The Constitution-class USS Enterprise's dedication plaque was located next to the bridge turbolift on the port bulkhead.

USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) dedication plaque, 2257

The Enterprise's dedication plaque in the 2250s

A black and silver plaque was used in the 2250s. (DIS: "Such Sweet Sorrow")

USS Enterprise
Starship class
San Francisco, Calif.
Starfleet Command: A. Kurtzman, J. Duff, H. Kadin, F. Siracusa, J. Weber, O. Osunsanmi, T. Sullivan, A. Colville, M. Paradise, J. Lumet, A. Baiers, A. McElroy, T. Pretak, D. Dworkin, J. Beattie, E. Lippoldt, B.Y. Kim, E. Sampson, R. Johnson, C. Audrey, Fleet Ops: K. Beyer, S. Cochran, A. Maranville, D. Hindmarch, V. Wilmott, C. Silvestri, B. Schultz, Research and Development: J. Frakes, L. Ross, D. Barrett, D. Aarniokoski, M. Cunningham, T.J. Scott, H. Culpepper, M. Vrvilo, Science Ops: T. Deverell, J. de Cartier, J. Clement, M. Middleton, W. Budge, A. Tsang, M. Stanek, S. Rashid, H. Isaacs, M. Morgan, E. Poulin, J. Kim, M. Navarrette, C. Penna, T. Petrovic, T. Peel, J. Jozwiak, M. Harris, S. Chris, A. Melvin, N. Augustyn, M. Edmund, E. Kao, R. McCallum, K. Herbst, T. Flook, J. Jarvis, D. Voshart, C. Watkins, G. Douglas, L. McDonald, K. Rook-Slawski, R. Lai, S. Schneider, R. Daning, J. Eaves, B. Turnbull, Tactical Ops: M. Kuitenbrouwer, T. Young, J. Kirk, M. Moreira, G. Phillips, P. Nicolakakos, D. Callaghan, R. Davis, C. McGuire, A. Loo, G. Hetrick, N. Page, A. Nocifora, M. Lewandowski, J. Russo, T. Owen, M. Warry-Smith, S. Sokolowski, S. Llewellyn, B. Daprato, F. Tata, C. Little, J. Zimmerman, A. Dekovic, A. Kochoska, C. Collyer, A. Wood, Yard Engineers: G. Keenan, P. Lanyon, T. Poulakakis, W. Sidarous, P. Tidy, F. Gray, Chief of Staff: R. Roddenberry, T. Roth, CNC: Gene Roddenberry
" boldly go where no one has gone before"

In 2259, a new plaque was introduced which replaced this earlier one on the bridge of the Enterprise. It was one of two plaques on the bridge; it was located to the starboard of the main turbolift. (SNW: "Strange New Worlds")

USS Enterprise
Starship Class: Constitution
San Francisco, Calif.
Starfleet Command: A. Kurtzman, H. Kadin, A. Goldsman, H. Alonso Meyers, F. Siracusa, J. Weber, A. Baiers, C. Fisher, A. Raffaghello, J. Haufler, R. Johnson, J. Swope Fleet Ops: K. Beyer, S. Tarkoff, A. Cooper, B. Wolkoff, R. Wasserman, D. Perez, B. DeMayo, O. Johnson, J. Lumet, T. Summers Research and Development: J. Frakes, M. Vrvilo, L. Hope, R. Leiterman, D. Liu, S. Freeland, A. Armaganian, C. Byrne Science Ops: J. Lee, J. Clement, T. Petrovic, H. Isaacs, A. Schnobb, W. Budge, B. Wrighte, S. Pearce, E. Kao, C. Gonsalves, A. Malee Van Koeverden, J. Kim, M. Edmund, M. St. Clair, M. Viger, C. Wan, L.M. McDonald, A. Ma, C. Quimel, T. Smale, F. Schorn, A. Singh, T. Nassif, D. Panet Francis, S. Eshraghi, N. Jadeja, D. Agawin, S. Guilbault, J. de Cartier, A. Tsang, D. Burns, R. Dening, T. Genereux, M. Rigby, R. Yorke, K. Herbst, R. Moran, J. Jarvis, C. Watkins, C. Lee, A. Li, N. German, T. Peel, S. Chris, A. Brock, M. Robertson, J.C. Cuthbert, A. Zahiri, R. Ballantyne Tactical Ops: D. Vaughan, J. Ordowich, A. MacKenzie, G. Kennan, M. Gorka, I. Anderson, Z. Vero, J. Kirk, J. Murray, J. Craig, L. Dragonescu, B. Croft, G. Phillips, H. Stroud, M. Holmes, M. Knezev, Y. Crosdale, M. Campbell, T. Gough, M. Lewandowski, A. Nocifora, S. Arseneault, P. Maurais, H. Barbet, J. Zimmerman, J. Barrington, Yard Engineers: W. Sidarous, G. Assimakopoulos, S. Vasey, B. Marrello, S. Thomas, J. Glass Chief of Staff: R. Roddenberry, T. Roth, CNC: Gene Roddenberry
" boldly go where no one has gone before"

This was one of two plaques on the bridge of the starship; it was located to the port of the main turbolift. (SNW: "Strange New Worlds")

USS Enterprise
Starship Class: Constitution
Starfleet Registry NCC-1701
Built at San Francisco Fleet Yards, Calif.
Named for the historical sailing ships, aircraft carriers and pioneering space vessels that bore the name
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) dedication plaque

The Enterprise's dedication plaque in the 2260s

In the mid-2260s, this dedication plaque was replaced with a much simpler gold version. This plaque was later on display in the kitchen of James T. Kirk's home in Idaho in the 2280s. (Star Trek: The Original Series; Star Trek Generations)

USS Enterprise
Starship class
San Francisco, Calif.

In 2269, a new dedication plaque was installed. It had four lines of black text against a yellow background. For the ship's 2270s refit, this plaque was removed. (Star Trek: The Animated Series)

USS Enterprise (NCC-1701), alternate reality[]

Enterprise dedication plaque (alt)

The USS Enterprise's dedication plaque in the alternate reality

The alternate reality Constitution-class USS Enterprise's dedication plaque located next to the port bridge turbolift on the fore bulkhead. (Star Trek; Star Trek Into Darkness; Star Trek Beyond)

San Francisco
Fleet Yards
, Earth
United Federation
of Planets
USS Enterprise
Starship class
Starfleet registry NCC-1701
"To boldly go where no man has gone before."

USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A)[]

USS Enterprise-A dedication plaque 1

Enterprise-A dedication plaque

The USS Enterprise-A's dedication plaque was located on a bridge support beam next to the starboard side turbolift. (Star Trek V: The Final Frontier)

First version
USS Enterprise
Starship class
San Francisco, Calif.
United Federation of Planets
"To boldly go where no man has gone before."
– from the Starfleet Charter
USS Enterprise-A dedication plaque 2

Enterprise-A dedication plaque

The USS Enterprise-A's dedication plaque was located above the viewscreen. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country)

Second version
USS Enterprise
Starfleet registry NCC-1701-A
San Francisco Fleet Yards, Earth
Commissioned: Stardate 8442.5
Second starship to bear the name
"To boldly go where no man has gone before."

USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-B)[]

USS Enterprise-B dedication plaque

Enterprise-B dedication plaque

The USS Enterprise-B's dedication plaque was located on the bridge next to the port side turbolift. (Star Trek Generations)

USS Enterprise
Excelsior-class – Starfleet registry NCC-1701-B
Commissioned: Stardate 9715.5
Third starship to bear the name
United Federation of Planets
Starfleet Command Fleet Operations Office of Science Ops Engineering Division Tactical Unit Advanced Technologies U.E.S.P.A.
"To boldly go where no one has gone before..."

USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-C)[]

USS Enterprise-C dedication plaque

The Enterprise-C plaque

The USS Enterprise-C's dedication plaque was located to the right of the starboard-side turbolift on the main bridge. (TNG: "Yesterday's Enterprise")

This plaque has not been seen since its brief appearance in "Yesterday's Enterprise". [4]

According to the Star Trek Encyclopedia, 4th ed., vol. 1, p. 192, the Enterprise-C was built at the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards on Mars.

USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)[]

USS Enterprise-D dedication plaque 1

Enterprise-D dedication plaque

The USS Enterprise-D's dedication plaque was located next to the emergency turbolift alcove on the forward starboard bulkhead of the main bridge. (Star Trek: The Next Generation; Star Trek Generations)

First version (TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint"):

USS Enterprise
Galaxy-class • Starfleet Registry NCC-1701-D
Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards, Mars
Fifth Starship to Bear the Name
Commissioned Stardate 41025.5
Chief of Staff Admiral Gene Roddenberry
Design Engineer: A.G. Probert
Built by Federation Space Systems Division
"To boldly go where no one has gone before."

This version was reported in several newspapers of the time, including the Chicago Tribune. [5]

USS Enterprise-D dedication plaque 2

Enterprise-D dedication plaque

Second version (TNG: "Silicon Avatar"):

USS Enterprise
Galaxy-class • Starfleet registry NCC-1701-D
Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards, Mars
Fifth starship to bear the name • Launched Stardate 40759.5
United Federation of Planets
Starfleet Command Engineering Group Warp Technologies
Development Group
Technologies Group
Yard Engineers
" boldly go where no one has gone before."

USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E)[]

USS Enterprise-E dedication plaque

The Enterprise-E's dedication plaque (2373)

The USS Enterprise-E's dedication plaque was located on the bridge, outside the port-aft turbolift. (Star Trek: First Contact; Star Trek: Insurrection; Star Trek Nemesis)

USS Enterprise
Sovereign-class – Sixth starship to bear the name
Registry number NCC-1701-E – Launched Stardate 49827.5
San Francisco Yards – United Federation of Planets
Starfleet Command Yard Engineers Spaceframe Devel Propulsion Sys Systems Mgmt Research & Dev

Chief of staff

"To boldly go where no one has gone before..."

Enterprise-E dedication plaque

The Enterprise-E's plaque

The dedication plaque of the USS Enterprise-E made for Star Trek: First Contact was sold at the Christie's 40 Years of Star Trek auction in New York City in October 2006. A second version of the Enterprise-E plaque from Star Trek: Insurrection was sold by Profiles in History and contains slight differences including the addition of the name Patrick Stewart under Starfleet Command (as he was an associate producer of this film). A third version for Star Trek Nemesis sold by Profiles in History shows other changes including film director Stuard Baird in place of Jonathan Frakes.

USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-G)[]

United Federation
of Planets
Constitution III Class
USS Enterprise
Starfleet Registry NCC-1701-G

Terry Matalas
Akiva Goldsman
Heather Kadin
Aaron Baiers
Sean Tretta
Dylan Massin
Doug Aarniokoski
Chris Monfette
Jane Maggs
Cindy Appel
Matt Okumura
Nicole Falsetti
Grace Gregory

Frank Tignini
Matt Sagona
Ellen Hornstein
Jon Joffin
Crescenzo Notarile
Maria Mantia
Alex Russ
Ian Calip
Gene Han
Michael Crow
Andy Weder
Len Levine
Maxwell Thorpe
Mike Visencio
Jeffrey Lombardi
Yihong Ding
Jiarui Bai

Dave Blass
Mark Zuelzke
Kit Stølen
Will Eliscu
James Addink
Kevin Cross
Rob Johnson
Geoffrey Mandel
Kyle Courter
Igor Knezevic
Sean Hargreaves
Fabian Lacey
James Chung
Dylan Bocanegra
Liz Kloczkowski
Virginia Berg
Michael Meyers

Tomas Sallvin
Jason Bartolone
Justin Nickels
Rachael Garcia
Scott Schneider
Shauna Aronson
Todd Marks
Neville Page
Vincent Van Dyke
James MacKinnon
Anna Keeper
Jeff Steck
Adam Boucher
Von Varga
Maxine Morris
Harald Belker
Jim Martin

Gene Roddenberry
Alex Kurtzman
Eugene Roddenberry
Trevor Roth

Walter M. Jefferies
Harold Michelson
Andrew Probert
Rick Sternbach
Herman Zimmerman
John Eaves
Doug Drexler
Michael Okuda
Bill Krause

"To boldly go where no one has gone before..."

The dedication plaque was illegible on screen in "The Last Generation ", but shared by Dave Blass on his Twitter feed. [6]

UEF Enterprise[]

UEF Enterprise plaque

One of the UEF Enterprise's dedication plaques

The UEF Enterprise's dedication plaque was located to the starboard of the main turbolift. (SNW: "Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow")

UEF Enterprise
Starship Class: Constitution
Built at Luna Shipyards, Luna
Named for the historical sailing ships, aircraft carriers and pioneering space vessels that bore the name

The dedication plaque was illegible on screen in "Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow", but shared by Jörg Hillebrand on his Twitter feed. [7]

USS Equinox[]

This article or section is incompleteThis page is marked as lacking essential detail, and needs attention. Information regarding expansion requirements may be found on the article's talk page. Feel free to edit this page to assist with this expansion.
USS Equinox dedication plaque

The Equinox dedication plaque

The following information was listed on the dedication plaque of USS Equinox. (VOY: "Equinox", "Equinox, Part II" set artwork)

Ship Class Shipyard Sector Stardate Motto
USS Equinox (NCC-72381) Nova Utopia Planitia Sol 47007.1 "The night of time far surpasseth the day."
   - Sir Thomas Browne, 1658

USS Excelsior[]

USS Excelsior NCC-2000 dedication plaque

The Excelsior's dedication plaque

The following information was listed on the dedication plaque of USS Excelsior. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country set artwork)

USS Excelsior
Starfleet registry NCC-2000
San Francisco Fleet Yards, Earth
Commissioned: Stardate 8205.5
First starship of her class
"No matter where you go, there you are."

USS Federation[]

USS Federation dedication plaque

USS Federation dedication plaque in 3189

The following information is listed on the dedication plaque of the Pax-class USS Federation. (DIS: "Die Trying")

United Federation of Planets
USS Federation
PAX CLASS Starfleet Registry NCC-325002
(illegible names)
"Though my soul may set in darkness, it will rise in perfect light;
I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night." – Sarah Williams

USS Federation dedication plaque (production)

Partially readable dedication plaque in the BTS special

The registry number is the same as that of the USS Noble.

Wilson Cruz revealed details on the dedication plaque in a behind-the-scenes video on Star Trek Day 2022, where it was partially readable. And while the ship's motto by Williams remained illegible, it was read out loud by Cruz. [8] The names however, remain indiscernible, but it is reasonable to assume that they concern Discovery production staff, thereby adhering to the tradition as established by Michael Okuda at the start of Star Trek: The Next Generation with the plaque for the USS Enterprise-D.

USS Franklin[]

The following information was listed on the dedication plaque of Freedom-class USS Franklin. (Star Trek Beyond)

USS Franklin dedication plaque

Franklin's plaque

San Francisco
Fleet Yards
United Federation
of Planets
USS Franklin
Starship class
Starfleet registry NX-326
"To boldly go where no man has gone before."

Justin Lin, the film's director, named the starship after his father, Frank Lin. The wider spacing between the 'k' and 'l' on the plaque's "USS Franklin" banner text was an Easter egg (or in-joke) which subtly underscored this. [9] Justin Lin kept a film-used plaque following the end of filming. [10]

USS Hathaway[]

USS Hathaway dedication plaque

The Hathaway dedication plaque

The following information was listed on the dedication plaque of USS Hathaway. (TNG: "Peak Performance" set artwork)

USS Hathaway
Constellation-class – Starfleet registry NCC-2593
Copernicus Ship Yards, Luna
Built by Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems
United Federation of Planets
"... no matter where you go, there you are."

USS Pasteur[]

USS Pasteur dedication plaque

The Pasteur dedication plaque

The following information was listed on the dedication plaque of the USS Pasteur. (TNG: "All Good Things..." set artwork)

USS Pasteur
Olympic-class – Starfleet registry NCC-58928
Marin County Starfleet Yards, Skywalker Division
United Federation of Planets
Starfleet Command Engineering Div. Tactical Sys. Fleet Ops Advanced Tech.
"I swear by Apollo the healer, by Aesculapius, by Health and all the powers of healing…"

An early version of the plaque had originally depicted the Pasteur as a "Hope-class".

The motto is inspired by the ancient version of the Hippocratic Oath: "I swear by Apollo the healer, by Aesculapius, by Health and all the powers of healing, and call to witness all the gods and goddesses that I may keep this Oath and Promise to the best of my ability and judgment…"

USS Phoenix[]

USS Phoenix dedication plaque

The Phoenix dedication plaque

The following information was listed on the dedication plaque of USS Phoenix, hung in the captain's ready room. (TNG: "The Wounded" set artwork)

Though illegible on screen, the plaque was depicted in Star Trek: The Next Generation - The Continuing Mission (p. 130). The Star Trek Encyclopedia, 4th ed., vol. 2, p. 139 mistakenly indicates the plaque instead carried the motto: "There will be an answer, let it be."

USS Phoenix
Nebula-class – Starfleet registry NCC-65420
40 Eridani A Starfleet Construction Yards, Yoyodyne Div.
Commissioned Stardate 40250.5
United Federation of Planets
Starfleet Command, Sol sector
"No matter where you go, there you are."

Prometheus plaques[]

The following information was listed on the dedication plaques of starships named Prometheus. (DS9: "Second Sight"; VOY: "Message in a Bottle" set artwork)

USS Prometheus (Nebula class)[]

This article or section is incompleteThis page is marked as lacking essential detail, and needs attention. Information regarding expansion requirements may be found on the article's talk page. Feel free to edit this page to assist with this expansion.
USS Prometheus dedication plaque, Nebula class

The plaque on the bridge of the Prometheus

The following information was listed on the dedication plaque of the USS Prometheus. (DS9: "Second Sight", set artwork)

USS Prometheus
Starfleet registry NCC-71201
40 Eridani A Starfleet Yards
Yoyodyne Division
United Federation of Planets
"Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't"

The plaque also included five columns of names illegible on screen. The motto was from an Almond Joy/Mounds commercial released in 1990. [11]

USS Prometheus (Prometheus class)[]

USS Prometheus dedication plaque

The dedication plaque of the Prometheus

The following information was listed on the dedication plaque of the USS Prometheus. (VOY: "Message in a Bottle", set artwork)

USS Prometheus
Starfleet registry NX-74913 – First starship of her class
Launched Stardate 50749.5 – Beta Antares Ship Yards
Antares sector – United Federation of Planets
Starfleet Command Fleet Ops Research & Dev. Science Ops Tactical Ops Yard Engineers

Chief of staff

"All the World's a stage and all the men and women merely players, they have their exits and entrances and one man in his life plays many parts, his act being seven stages…" – William Shakespeare

USS Raven[]

USS Raven dedication plaque

Seen on the bridge

The following information was listed on the dedication plaque of USS Raven. (VOY: "The Raven")


USS Relativity[]

USS Relativity plaque

Relativity dedication plaque

The following information was listed on the dedication plaque of USS Relativity. (VOY: "Relativity")

The names on the dedication plaque are a direct reference to some of the Star Trek: Voyager production crew as well as the cast members at the time of filming the episode

USS Relativity
Temporal Integrity Commission
"The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen all at once." – E.M. Rauch

USS Sao Paulo[]

USS Sao Paulo dedication plaque

Sao Paulo dedication plaque

The following information was listed on the dedication plaque of the USS Sao Paulo. (DS9: "The Dogs of War")

USS Sao Paulo
Starfleet registry NCC-75633
Named for the people of Brazil
Launched stardate 52889.3 – Utopia Planitia Ship Yards
Sol sector – United Federation of Planets
Starfleet Command Fleet Ops Research & Dev. Science Ops Tactical Ops Yard Engineers
Chief of Staff
"Give me Liberty or give me death..." – Patrick Henry

USS Saratoga[]

This article or section is incompleteThis page is marked as lacking essential detail, and needs attention. Information regarding expansion requirements may be found on the article's talk page. Feel free to edit this page to assist with this expansion.
Saratoga plaque

The Saratoga dedication plaque

The following information was listed on the dedication plaque of USS Saratoga. (DS9: "Emissary" set artwork)

USS Saratoga

USS Shenzhou[]

Shenzhou Plaque

USS Shenzhou's plaque

The following information was listed on the dedication plaque of USS Shenzhou. (DIS: "The Vulcan Hello")

San Francisco
Fleet Yards
United Federation
of Planets
USS Shenzhou
Starfleet Registry NCC-1227
Starfleet Command: A. Kurtzman, G. Berg, A. Harberts, A. Goldsman, H. Kadin, C. Sweeny, B. Fuller, J. Alexander, A. Coleite, J. Menosky, T. Sullivan, A. Baiers, N. Meyer, F. Siracusa, J. Weber, B. Kim, E. Lippoldt, K. Beyer, S. Cochran, K. Powers, Fleet Ops.: O. Osunsanmi, D. Semel, K. Lafferty, J. Danton, D. Till, K. Orfanidis, J. Gayford, L. Hodgson, R. Colucci, T. Singh, K. McCord, M. Simkin, O. Sitowitz, G. Phillips, G. Hetrick, N. Page, M. Suskin, J. Zimmerman, Research and Development: A. Maranville, M. Goldstein, T. Dinucci, B. Schultz, C. Silvestri, J. Gross, R. Johnson, C. Danby, A. Trifunovic, C. Gebacz, K. Felton-Lui, C. Dowling, T. Grove, D. Biagi, K. Tchaikovsky, E. Sampson, Science Ops.: T. Cherniawsky, M. Steel, G. Chown, G. Navarro, C. Hoult, D. Tiernan, G. Hemwall, L. Hodgson, R. Colucci, R. Vivian, B. Fifield, Yard Engineers: D. Stapf, K. Berg, J. McNamara, O. Neir, D. Feldheim, L. Miller, L. Metrose, K. Hall, J. Henry, Chief of Staff: R. Roddenberry, T. Roth CNC: Gene Roddenberry
"All existing things are really one."

Background information[]

Andy Tsang was credited as the designer of this plaque. (The Art of Star Trek: Discovery, p. 32)

The following information was listed on the dedication plaques of starships named Stargazer. (TNG: "The Battle"; PIC: "The Star Gazer" set artwork)

USS Stargazer (NCC-2893)[]

Stargazer dedication plaque
USS Stargazer
Constellation-class • Starfleet registry NCC-2893




"To bring Light into the Darkness."

The first draft script of "The Battle" included a line of dialogue in which the text from the Stargazer's dedication plaque was read aloud. The line stated, "U.S.S. Stargazer. Constitution Class. Starfleet Registry NCC 93 C… 'To boldly go where no one has qone before."

The Stargazer dedication plaque was illegible on screen, and according to Doug Drexler, the plaque art had been lost. However, the plaque was found and was used as set decoration in the observation lounge of the USS Stargazer (NCC-82893). A picture of this plaque can be seen in one of Star Trek: Picard production designer Dave Blass tweets tweets (X) . Michael Okuda commented, in 2009, on the class name:

"The Stargazer dedication plaque did say "Constitution class", but we had already decided to drop that designation, even during preproduction. I asked Ed Charnock, our on-set painter, to mist over the plaque with a little black spray paint, to make it a little harder to read 'Constitution'. There wasn't time (or money) to have the plaque re-made, but the type was so small that it would have been very difficult to read the text on camera, even without the smudge. Also, the set lighting was dark, so I wasn't worried." [12](X)

Okuda further commented on the plaque:

"The dedication plaque indicated that the ship was built by 'Federation Space Systems', and gave the ship's motto as 'To bring light into the darkness.' Herb Wright suggested that one." [13](X)

The motto was inspired by Flowers for Algernon, a science-fiction short story and subsequent novel written by Daniel Keyes. A section in the book states:

"They had pretended to be geniuses. But they were just ordinary men working blindly, pretending to be able to bring light into the darkness. Why is it that everyone lies? No one I know is what he appears to be."

The 1995 Star Trek - Reflections of the Future, Phase One trading card set contained a "Gold Registry Plaque" card for the Stargazer.

There was a drawing of the dedication plaque in the Star Trek Encyclopedia, 4th ed., vol. 1, p. 192. This version of the plaque had been modified, as it identified the Stargazer as a member of the Constellation-class. Furthermore, it was stated on the plaque that the Stargazer was built at the San Francisco Fleet Yards.

USS Stargazer (NCC-82893)[]

Stargazer 82893 dedication plaque

The following information was listed on the dedication plaque of USS Stargazer. (PIC: "The Star Gazer")

United Federation
of Planets
Sagan Class
USS Stargazer
Starfleet Registry NCC-82893

Alex Kurtzman
Akiva Goldsman
Terry Matalas
Heather Kadin
Aaron Baiers
Michael Chabon
Kirsten Beyer
Dylan Massin
Doug Aarniokoski
Chris Monfette
Jane Maggs
Cindy Appel
Matt Okumura
Nicole Falsetti
Grace Gregory

Frank Tignini
Matt Sagona
Ellen Hornstein
Jimmy Lindsey
Crescenzo Notarile
Maria Mantia
Alex Russ
Ian Calip
Gene Han
Christine Clark
Andy Weder
Len Levine
Maxwell Thorpe
Mike Visencio
Jeffrey Lombardi

Dave Blass
Mark Zuelzke
Joe Comeau
Will Eliscu
James Addink
Kevin Cross
Rob Johnson
Geoffrey Mandel
Kyle Courter
Igor Knezevic
Sean Hargreaves
Fabian Lacey
James Chung
Dylan Bocanegra
Liz Kloczkowski

Tomas Sallvin
Jason Bartolone
Justin Nickels
Penny Hall
Scott Schneider
Tim Stepeck
Todd Marks
Neville Page
Vincent Van Dyke
James MacKinnon
Anna Keeper
Jeff Steck
Adam Boucher
Von Varga
Maxine Morris

Gene Roddenberry
Eugene Roddenberry
Trevor Roth
David Stapf
Kevin Berg
Jason Zimmerman
Brian Tatosky

Walter M. Jefferies
Harold Michelson
Andrew Probert
Rick Sternbach
Herman Zimmerman
John Eaves
Doug Drexler
Michael Okuda

"To bring light into the darkness."

The dedication plaque was illegible on screen in "The Star Gazer", but Star Trek: Picard art director Liz Kloczkowski posted a photo of it on her Instagram page and production designer Dave Blass posted a photo of it on his twitter page twitter page (X) . The plaque was designed by Geoffrey Mandel. A clearly legible view of the plaque was afforded in the Star Trek: Picard - Season Two Blu-ray-special feature: "The USS Stargazer".

USS Sutherland[]

USS Sutherland dedication plaque

The Sutherland dedication plaque

The following information was listed on the dedication plaque of USS Sutherland. (TNG: "Redemption II" set artwork)

USS Sutherland
Nebula-class – Starfleet registry NCC-72015
San Francisco Fleet Yards, Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems
Commissioned Stardate 44820.5
United Federation of Planets
Starfleet Command, Sol sector
"There will be an answer, let it be..."

Motto inspired by The Beatles song "Let It Be":
"And when the broken hearted people
Living in the world agree,
There will be an answer, let it be.

USS Titan (NCC-80102-A)[]

USS Titan-A dedication plaque

The following information was listed on the dedication plaque of USS Titan-A.

United Federation
of Planets
Constitution III Class
USS Titan
Starfleet Registry NCC-80102-A

Terry Matalas
Akiva Goldsman
Heather Kadin
Aaron Baiers
Sean Tretta
Dylan Massin
Doug Aarniokoski
Chris Monfette
Jane Maggs
Cindy Appel
Matt Okumura
Nicole Falsetti
Grace Gregory

Frank Tignini
Matt Sagona
Ellen Hornstein
Jon Joffin
Crescenzo Notarile
Maria Mantia
Alex Russ
Ian Calip
Gene Han
Michael Crow
Andy Weder
Len Levine
Maxwell Thorpe
Mike Visencio
Jeffrey Lombardi
Yihong Ding
Jiarui Bai

Dave Blass
Mark Zuelzke
Kit Stølen
Will Eliscu
James Addink
Kevin Cross
Rob Johnson
Geoffrey Mandel
Kyle Courter
Igor Knezevic
Sean Hargreaves
Fabian Lacey
James Chung
Dylan Bocanegra
Liz Kloczkowski
Virginia Berg
Michael Meyers

Tomas Sallvin
Jason Bartolone
Justin Nickels
Rachael Garcia
Scott Schneider
Shauna Aronson
Todd Marks
Neville Page
Vincent Van Dyke
James MacKinnon
Anna Keeper
Jeff Steck
Adam Boucher
Von Varga
Maxine Morris
Harald Belker
Jim Martin

Gene Roddenberry
Alex Kurtzman
Eugene Roddenberry
Trevor Roth

Walter M. Jefferies
Harold Michelson
Andrew Probert
Rick Sternbach
Herman Zimmerman
John Eaves
Doug Drexler
Michael Okuda
Bill Krause

"Second star to the right and straight on 'til morning."

The dedication plaque was illegible on screen in "The Next Generation", but shared by Doug Drexler on Facebook. [14]

The quote, an allusion to Peter Pan, was also previously referenced in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.

SS Tsiolkovsky[]

Tsiolkovsky plaque

The Tsiolkovsky's dedication plaque

SS Tsiolkovsky NCC-53911 dedication plaque

The dedication plaque behind Riker

The following information was listed on the dedication plaque of SS Tsiolkovsky. (TNG: "The Naked Now")

Oberth-class – Starfleet registry NCC-53911
Baikonur Cosmodrome, USSR, Earth
Commissioned Stardate 40291.7
"The Earth is the cradle of the mind but one cannot remain in the cradle forever."

Motto inspired by: The Earth is the Cradle of the Mind : but one cannot remain in the cradle forever. – Konstantin E. Tsiolkovsky (Pioneer Of Space Flight)

The plaque reads "К. З. ЦИОПКОВСКИЙ", which transliterates to "K. Z. TSIOPKOVSKY" in the Cyrillic alphabet. The correct spelling would be "К. Э. ЦИОЛКОВСКИЙ".

A copy of the plaque was sent to the Tsiolkovsky State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics which is located in Tsiolkovsky's home town, Kaluga, Russia. (The Official Star Trek: The Next Generation Magazine issue 15, p. 34)

USS Valiant[]

USS Valiant dedication plaque

The Valiant dedication plaque

The following information was listed on the dedication plaque of USS Valiant. (DS9: "Valiant")

USS Valiant
Defiant-class – Starfleet registry NCC-74210
Launched stardate 49456.5 – Antares Ship Yards
Bajor sector – United Federation of Planets
Starfleet Command Fleet Ops Research & Dev Science Ops Tactical Ops Yard Engineers
Chief of Staff
"We set sail on this new sea because there is new knowledge to be gained and new fights to be won." – John F. Kennedy

USS Voyager[]

The following information was listed on the dedication plaque of USS Voyager. (Star Trek: Voyager)

USS Voyager
Starfleet registry NCC-74656 – Intrepid-class Starship
Launched Stardate 48038.5 – Earth Station McKinley
Sol sector – United Federation of Planets
Starfleet Command Fleet Ops Research & Dev. Science Ops Tactical Operations Yard Engineers

Chief of Staff

"For I dipt in to the future, far as Human eye could see; Saw the vision of the world, and all the wonder that would be…" – Alfred Tennyson

SS Xhosa[]

Xhosa bridge

Seen to the left of the door

The following information was listed on the dedication plaque of civilian freighter SS Xhosa. (DS9: "For the Cause" set artwork)

SS Xhosa
Antares-class Cruiser
Luna Shipyards

The Xhosa's dedication plaque was one of many props put of for Auction, and was described as being "...Made with plastic face and backed with PVC. Measures 14.25" × 7.5". From the collection of Doug Drexler." [15]
