Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
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This page contains information regarding Star Trek: Discovery, and thus may contain spoilers.

The Pax class was a class of Federation starship that could also be configured as a space station operated by Starfleet during the 32nd century and into the 33rd century. It featured a central trunk, that could also blossom outward in a series of spiral arms.

The USS Federation, a ship of this class, served as the mobile headquarters for both the Federation and Starfleet. (DIS: "Die Trying")

Technical data[]

The Pax-class made heavy use of programmable matter, meaning rooms, sections, walkways, and even its overall external configuration could quickly be reconfigured and repurposed. (DIS: "Die Trying", "Kobayashi Maru")

Physical arrangement[]

Capable of functioning as both a starship and a space station, vessels of this type could switch between a smaller defensive configuration or expand outward through a series of spiral arms and detached supporting structures. (DIS: "Die Trying")

When the USS Discovery first encountered the USS Federation serving as Federation Headquarters in 3189, it was in a smaller defensive configuration, within a distortion field it projected with the support of other ships within the field. It had a main habitable section with twisting structures enclosing streamers of field generation energy at the station's center. Disconnected field generation panels in static positions were maintained around the upper habitable section. (DIS: "Die Trying")

Following the collapse of the Emerald Chain, the cloaking field was dismantled, and it blossomed into a larger spiral structure with an additional support ring. Detached scute-like structures housed offices and crew quarters. (DIS: "Kobayashi Maru", "Red Directive", "Jinaal")

By the 33rd century, the Federation (as Federation Headquarters) was permanently joined by two more Pax-class ships in expanded configuration. (DIS: "Life, Itself")

Warp and defensive capabilities[]

Federation Headquarters at warp

Federation Headquarters at warp

The station was also mobile and equipped with a warp drive, so that it could relocate as needed. Individual decks could detach as self-sustained lifeboats, also with warp capability. (DIS: "Coming Home")

Interior design[]

Main bridge[]

The topmost deck housed the bridge which served as the primary operations center, with a large central opening to the deck below. While tricom badges were used as portable transporters between decks, just off the work area was a turbolift-like alcove. The next deck down had the commanding officer's office, featuring holographic displays, programmable matter furniture and three wide windows. (DIS: "Die Trying")

Through programmable matter, the areas directly below the bridge could be reconfigured to serve as a multi-deck tall assembly space. (DIS: "...But to Connect")

Crew support[]

The station had at least seven briefing rooms and a multi-deck shuttlebay. (DIS: "Kobayashi Maru")

Other sections of the station contained a sickbay and interrogation rooms. The station had a primary and a secondary operations center. (DIS: "Die Trying")

Timothy Peel noted the holographic/programmable matter arches were inspired by the "medical 'arch'" used on Star Trek: Voyager. [1]

Ships commissioned[]

USS Federation dedication plaque (production)
Both class and registry were mentioned on the Federation's dedication plaque shown on the right, which was revealed as partially readable in a behind-the-scenes video on Star Trek Day 2022. [2]
