Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)
MA DIS arrowhead
This page contains information regarding Star Trek: Discovery, and thus may contain spoilers.

San Francisco Fleet Yards, also known as San Francisco Navy Yards or simply San Francisco Yards, was a Starfleet shipyard located in Earth orbit, with its planet-side offices located in the city of San Francisco. There was also an orbital office complex near the drydocks of the yard. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)


The USS Franklin was launched from these yards sometime before 2151. (Star Trek Beyond, dedication plaque)

The USS Shenzhou was launched from these yards sometime before 2249. (DIS: "The Vulcan Hello", dedication plaque)

The USS Enterprise was launched from these yards in 2245. (TOS: "The Man Trap", dedication plaque, DIS: "Brother") Robert April was stationed there when its unit components were being built. He recalled this while visiting with James T. Kirk on the bridge in 2270. (TAS: "The Counter-Clock Incident")

Burnham and Rayner jump to San Francisco

View of the Golden Gate Bridge from ground-based facilities

The USS Discovery was launched from these yards, having entered service not long before November 2256. (DIS: "Context Is for Kings")

While jumping through time under the effects of a Krenim time bug, Captain Michael Burnham and Commander Rayner from 3191 briefly encountered Q.A. Melton, a construction worker at the Fleet Yards working on Discovery (though their interactions did not leave lasting changes to the timeline.) (DIS: "Face the Strange")

The fictional starship USS Stamets, a creation of Paul Stamets during his time in the mycelial network, was launched from these yards. (DIS: "Vaulting Ambition")

In 2258 of the alternate reality, the USS Enterprise was launched from these yards. (Star Trek, dedication plaque)

In 2285, the USS Excelsior was launched from these yards. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, dedication plaque)

In 2286, the USS Enterprise-A was launched from these yards. (Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, dedication plaque)

Sometime prior to 2333, USS Stargazer was launched from these yards. (TNG: "The Battle", dedication plaque)

In 2367, the USS Sutherland was launched from these yards. (TNG: "Redemption II", dedication plaque)

In 2372, the USS Enterprise-E was launched from these yards. (Star Trek: First Contact, dedication plaque)

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