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The Miranda-class starship was a type of Federation starship operated by Starfleet during the 23rd and the 24th century.


The Miranda-class had entered Starfleet service by the 2260s, which included the launch of the USS Reliant in 2264. (TOS: "Court Martial"; PIC: "The Star Gazer" dedication placard)

Several Miranda-class starships were in service during the mid-2280s. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home)

Construction of the Miranda-class continued well into the 24th century. One starship, the USS Brattain, was constructed by the Yoyodyne Division and launched on stardate 22519.5 at the 40 Eridani A Starfleet Construction Yards. (TNG: "Night Terrors" dedication plaque)

The Miranda-class was present in several major Federation engagements against the Borg, including the Battle of Wolf 359 and the Battle of Sector 001. (DS9: "Emissary"; Star Trek: First Contact)

Starships of the Miranda-class were also present in numerous Dominion War battles, where they often served as escorts. Many ships of the class saw action during Operation Return, the First and Second Battles of Chin'toka, and the Battle of Cardassia. (DS9: "Sacrifice of Angels", "Tears of the Prophets", "The Changing Face of Evil", "What You Leave Behind")

The Miranda-class was still in Starfleet service by 2378. (VOY: "Endgame")

In 2381, a Miranda-class ship, the USS MacDuff, featured in a holodeck program used by Ensign Beckett Mariner. (LD: "Strange Energies")

Technical data[]

The mission profile of the Miranda-class varied from performing various scientific roles to conducting patrol duties. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home; TNG: "Night Terrors") By the latter half of the 24th century, one modified ship of this class, the USS Lantree, was also designated as a Class 6 Federation supply ship. (TNG: "Unnatural Selection")

By the 24th century, Miranda-class starships operated with a crew complement of 26 to 35 personnel. (TNG: "Unnatural Selection", "Night Terrors")

Physical arrangement[]

USS Brattain MSD

The master systems display schematics

The configuration of the Miranda-class in the 2280s shared a similar design lineage and features with the overhauled Constitution II-class design implemented in the early 2270s. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture) The design also closely resembled the Soyuz-class starships that were also in service around the same time. (TNG: "Cause And Effect")

The Miranda-class was composed of a single primary hull, consisting of a saucer that was similar to that of the Constitution II-class; however, the bridge module, positioned on top in the center, was shaped differently than the Constitution II-class module.

Mounted on the underside of the primary hull were two nacelle pylons connected to the warp nacelles. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, etc.)

Although the nacelles were visually identical to the nacelles used on Constitution II-class, the tops of the nacelles were mounted to the pylons. On the Constitution II-class, the pylons were mounted to the bottom of the nacelles.

USS Trial

Forward docking port

Design features of the primary hull included a docking port located on the forward section of the ship; the aft section included two shuttlebays, separated by the vessel's impulse engines. These shuttlebays were visually numbered; "1" being on the rear-port side, and "2" on the rear-starboard side. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; DS9: "The Way of the Warrior", etc.)


There were five different known hull configurations utilized with the Miranda-class during its time in service.

The predominant Miranda-class design included a structure immediately above the aft primary hull, as a dorsal extension of the ventral nacelle pylons. This structure was equipped with a weapons pod, containing torpedo launchers and phaser banks, as well as a small deflector dish on top. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, et al.) Some configurations lacked this structure, and in other cases, included two large sensor pods affixed on the port and starboard sides of the primary hull. In other configurations, there was a single pod module. (TNG: "Unnatural Selection"; DS9: "Emissary", "Favor the Bold")

By late 2373, Miranda-class ships using the predominant design had undergone upgrades to their warp nacelles and in some cases to impulse engine systems. (DS9: "Sacrifice of Angels")

The new post-2373 Miranda-class ships came as a result of the transition from studio model to CGI models. The new design featured glowing nacelles in some cases as well as made the semi-circle at the front of the nacelle yellow. In addition, some of the CGI ships included an additional red impulse engine glow where the rear torpedo launcher had normally been located.

Tactical systems[]

Standard to all designs were six dual phaser banks located on the primary hull – three mounted to the top and three mounted on the bottom of the saucer. Also standard to all designs were two single phaser emitters mounted just beneath the impulse engines.

In those ships possessing the "roll bar," that superstructure contained two tubular phaser emitters on each side that could fire both forward and to the ship's flanks. There were also two forward and two aft photon torpedo launchers housed in a pod mounted in the center of the superstructure. On top of this launcher sat a small deflector dish. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Star Trek: First Contact)

While the two aft phasers were never seen used in any film or episode, they are visible on the model. [1] The configuration of the torpedo launcher cowling was somewhat similar in appearance to the cowling used for the torpedo launchers on Constitution II-class vessels.

By the 24th century, a number of modifications were made to the Miranda-class weapons systems. Some Miranda-class vessels, such as those of the "twin-pod" variant, included a phaser array mounted on the lower part of the ventral dome and photon torpedo launchers in the main part of the ship rather than in a pod on the "roll bar". (DS9: "Emissary")

In "Emissary", the captain of the Saratoga gave an order to "load torpedo bays" (which is also mentioned visually in the script), though the ship was never seen firing any torpedoes.

The class 6 variant of this class featured class 3 defensive armaments. (TNG: "Unnatural Selection")

A majority of 24th century Miranda-class vessels of the "roll bar" variant, particularly during the Dominion War, were equipped with phaser arrays and photon torpedoes equivalent to those used on other ships of the era, while keeping the same weapon array placements as the 23rd century Miranda. (DS9: "Sacrifice of Angels", "What You Leave Behind"; VOY: "Endgame"; etc.)

Interior design[]

Main bridge[]

The design of Miranda-class bridge during the 23rd century shared a similar layout to contemporary vessels of that era.

Located on Deck 1 of the saucer section, the main bridge housed the command center of the Miranda-class. The design lineage of the main bridge was a fairly standard floor plan for a Federation starship. The ship's viewscreen was placed against the forward bulkhead, with side-by-side navigation and helm consoles. The captain's chair was directly aft of the aforementioned stations. Several variations existed in the layout of the surrounding stations.

At the rear and center of the USS Reliant's bridge was a single turbolift entryway. Flanking the turbolift along the rear of the bridge were two stations unique to the Miranda-Class; they were the Master Situation Station on the starboard side, and the tactical station on the port side of the bridge. The starboard side of the bridge included the science station and the communications station. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan) The bridge similarly found on board the USS Saratoga (NCC-1887) also had primary stations located along the perimeter of the bridge; however, the Saratoga's science station was located on the port side of the bridge, nearly parallel to the navigation station. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home)

The bridge of the Reliant was a redress of the USS Enterprise bridge, with a different color scheme and console arrangement. Because of this, some of the displays mistakenly had diagrams of a Constitution II-class on them. The bridge of the Saratoga was a reuse of the design created for the bridge of the USS Grissom.

By the 24th century, further reconfigurations were made to the layout of the bridge, including the separation of the navigation and helm station, which was replaced by the conn station (on the starboard side) and ops station (on the port side).

The bridge of the USS Lantree was relatively simplistic in design, containing little more than a large LCARS interface and star charts on the back of the bridge. (TNG: "Unnatural Selection") The bridge of the USS Saratoga (NCC-31911) had a much more complex layout, including two additional standing consoles located behind the conn and ops, parallel and slightly behind the captain's chair. The standing console on the port side of the ship contained the tactical station. Also located on the port side, in the foremost section of the bridge, was a turbolift. Along the aft of the bridge were several various access stations. (DS9: "Emissary")

Relatively similar to the bridge of the Saratoga, the bridge of the USS Brattain had large support braces surrounding the captain's chair to the sides and rear. In place of the two standing consoles of the Saratoga was a single engineering station, placed directly behind the captain's chair and directly in front of an engineering MSD interface. (TNG: "Night Terrors")

The bridge of the Lantree was a redress of the USS Enterprise-D's battle bridge, which was additionally rotated 180 degrees. As a result, the battle bridge viewscreen appeared at the rear of the bridge. The viewscreen was then covered to make it appear as a panel instead.


The numerous corridors that connected the various sections of the Miranda-class resembled those of contemporary designs. The corridors on board the USS Reliant resembled those of the refit Constitution II-class. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan) The outer corridors on board the USS Saratoga (NCC-31911) were heavily fortified with a system of support braces. (DS9: "Emissary")

The brief shot of the Reliant's corridor was simply the use of the existing sets designed for the USS Enterprise.

Main engineering[]

USS Reliant main engineering

Main engineering, USS Reliant

Main engineering contained a vertical warp core, with multiple levels surrounding the core. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)

The brief shot of the Reliant's main engineering was simply the use of the existing sets designed for the USS Enterprise.

Transporter room[]

USS Reliant transporter

Transporter room, USS Reliant

The staging area of the transporter room on board the Miranda-class possessed six transporter pads. Transporter control could be accessed through a console located on the bridge. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)

The brief shot of the Reliant's transporter room was simply the use of the existing sets designed for the USS Enterprise.


USS Saratoga, shuttlebay

Miranda-class shuttle bay interior

The Miranda-class featured two shuttlebays, located port and starboard of the ship's center. On some Miranda-class ships, such as the USS Saratoga, both of the shuttlebays held escape pods capable of transporting several personnel. (DS9: "Emissary")

Crew quarters[]

USS Saratoga quarters

Crew quarters, USS Saratoga (NCC-31911)

The crew quarters located on the outer rim of the ship contained several large picture windows, littered with numerous large support braces. (DS9: "Emissary")

Ships commissioned[]




Background information[]


The name Miranda-class was not mentioned in dialogue on-screen but was devised by the art department of Star Trek: The Next Generation to refer to this design. The name was used on several pieces of on-screen signage referring to these vessels and was also used by dedicated references such as the Star Trek Encyclopedia, 1st ed., p. 32.

In the first draft script of Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, this class of ship was called Reliant-class. [2]

According to the Star Trek Encyclopedia, 4th ed., vol. 2, p. 45, the Miranda-class was "named for Prospero's daughter, a character in William Shakespeare's last play, The Tempest."

According to an early final draft of the script for "Unnatural Selection", the USS Lantree was identified as a "class R Starfleet supply ship" rather than a "class 6 Federation supply ship". [3]

The Miranda-class was in service for at least 111 years, with the registry of the Reliant appearing on a list of starships in "Court Martial" (set in 2267) and an unnamed ship appearing in a group of Starfleet vessels in "Endgame" (set in 2378).


While not established on screen, the art department established the initial length for the Miranda-class of 765 feet (233 meters) during the production of Star Trek II, that was later followed up by Andrew Probert during TNG Season 1.

The scale of the CGI mesh was scaled approximately twenty-five percent smaller than had been previously established. According to a 20 January 1998 post in the newsgroup by David Stipes, a length of approximately 500 to 560 feet (167 to 187 meters) was used when he blocked shots in DS9. [4]

The following specifications and defenses for the class were established in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Technical Manual:

  • Production Base: ASDB Integration Facility, Starbase 134 Integration Facility, Rigel VI.
  • Type: Medium Cruiser.
  • Accommodation: 220 officers and crew; 500 personal evacuation limit.
  • Power Plant: One 1,500 plus Cochrane warp core feeding two nacelles; one impulse system.
  • Dimensions: Length, 277.76 meters; beam, 173.98 meters; height, 65.23 meters.
  • Mass: 655,000 metric tons.
  • Performance: Warp 9.2 for 12 hours.
  • Armament: Six type-7 phaser emitters; two pulse phaser cannons; two photon torpedo launchers.

Studio model[]

See Miranda-class model.


In the comic book "Who Killed Captain Kirk?" and in the materials published by FASA for use with their Star Trek: The Role Playing Game and Star Trek: Starship Tactical Combat Simulator, this ship is referred to as the Reliant-class (β). FASA describes it as a refit of the Anton-class (β), which had a similar design that featured TOS-style warp nacelles. Another popular alternative class designation that had been circulating in fan circles prior to the TNG establishment of the definitive one, had been "Avenger-class", most prominently in the 1989 book Ships of the Star Fleet.

In Star Trek Online, the Miranda-class has a variant in the 2260s that looks a bit more similar to a Constitution-class, with a big deflector dish taking place of the torpedo launcher on the rollbar. The deflector dish was still on the rollbar when the class was refit in the 2270s, however the new dish was made smaller and placed atop the new torpedo launcher on the rollbar.

External link[]
