Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)

In Greek mythology, Apollo was one of the most important Olympian deities and demigods. The son of the god Zeus and the Human Leto, he was the god of light and purity. He was often associated with prophecy, medicine, music and poetry, archery, and the care of flocks and herds. In 2267, an alien encountered on Pollux IV claimed to be the god Apollo.


In 2267, the USS Enterprise encountered an alien claiming to be the Greek god Apollo on Pollux IV. Upon making contact, Apollo gave two, somewhat contradictory stories of his origins. Originally, Apollo stated that Pollux IV was his native planet and that he and all the Greek gods were in fact a band of explorers who had visited Earth five thousand years earlier, first arriving around 2700 BC. According to Apollo, these aliens established themselves as gods to the ancient shepherd people of that era who lived in the Mediterranean basin.

In Apollo's first narrative, he spoke of the other Greek gods as his equals and friends, claiming they were all "fellow travelers" from Pollux IV. However, in a later conversation with Carolyn Palamas, Apollo stated that he had actually been born on Earth when the god Zeus had mated with his mother, a Human of the time named Leto. Apollo did not, however, state he was half Human, but rather that he was a full Greek god. According to McCoy's medical tricorder, Apollo was a "simple humanoid" but did have a strange organ in his chest whose purpose and function McCoy was unable to decipher.

When later hearing elements of both stories, James T. Kirk doubted both and said that Apollo's true nature was unknown. Kirk speculated that the trappings of Greek mythology, the name Apollo, and even the entire appearance of Apollo's temple had been created for the landing party's benefit in order to make relating to Apollo easier. (TOS: "Who Mourns for Adonais?")

Apollo on Earth[]

During their time on Earth, ancient Humans had begun worshiping Apollo and the other aliens as gods. Through this adoration, Apollo explained that himself and his companions may actually have, in some sense, considered themselves to be real gods. The Greek gods thrived on the worship and love of its people, but also could command great power and strength.

At the height of their power on Earth, the Greek gods maintained their headquarters and residence at Mount Olympus. According to Apollo, the gods had every ability to "strike out from Olympus and destroy" but did not wish to do so. Even so, Apollo himself had confrontations with such ancient figures as Hercules and Agamemnon.

According to Greek mythology, Hercules was actually Apollo's half brother, through a union between Zeus and the mortal woman Alcmene.

Apollo himself was also frequently associated with the higher developments of civilization, such as law, philosophy, and the arts. Finally, in Greek mythology, Apollo driving his chariot through the sky was associated with the movement of the Sun. He was twin brother to Artemis, goddess of hunting, though Athena was also a sister of his as well. (TOS: "Who Mourns for Adonais?")

On Earth, the image of Apollo was preserved for thousands of years in artistic works. One of these artistic works, the design for the mission insignia of Apollo 17, included a profile of Apollo facing to his left. Additionally, the mission insignia for Apollo 13 depicted the steeds of Apollo riding over Luna. (ENT: "First Flight")

The design of Apollo in Apollo 17 was based upon the Apollo of Belvedere. This statue from antiquity was housed in the Vatican.

Further references to Apollo were the Apollo-class starship, the USS Apollo, and Apollodorus. (TNG: "The Measure Of A Man", DIS: "The War Without, The War Within")

Return to Pollux IV[]

After a time of being worshiped on Earth, mankind turned away from the Greek gods, forcing Apollo and the other gods to return home to Pollux IV. Once back on Pollux, the Greek gods found their world empty without the worship and adoration they had experienced on Earth.

It is never revealed how long Apollo and the other Greek gods remained on Earth, with Apollo stating only that "it has been five thousand years" which would place Apollo on Earth circa 2000 BC, around the time of the Minoan civilization and the Tiryns culture of Ancient Greece. However, the earliest references to Greek mythology historically date from around 900BC, which would seem to have been well after when Apollo states the Greek gods had left Earth. Dialogue from Captain Kirk speculates that Apollo and his companions were the "basis" for Greek mythology, implying that there was a difference between the time the Greek gods actually lived on Earth and the eventual myths and legends which developed about them over a thousand years later.

With Pollux an empty world, the Greek god aliens began to give up hope, and they left their physical existence. Only Apollo was confident that mankind would one day leave Earth, and find the gods again. And when it happened, he planned to "restore the proper order" – to restore man to a worshipful species, provided for and loved by a new race of gods, fathered by him. (TOS: "Who Mourns for Adonais?")

Apollo's hand grips the Enterprise, remastered

Apollo's ghostly hand

Later encounter[]

In the 23rd century, Apollo would have his chance to rebuild the legacy of the Greek gods. When the USS Enterprise approached Pollux IV in 2267, the ship encountered what appeared, visually, to be an enormous, translucent, green humanoid hand. In fact, it was a force field, conventional in composition but on unusual wavelengths, generated by Apollo. This field was powerful enough to stop the ship, and impulse engines could not break the ship free.

Attempts to push it away with the tractor beam, and to reverse its polarity were equally unsuccessful in disrupting it. In addition to merely holding the ship, Apollo could exert pressure beyond the ship's tolerance, and in this fashion, threaten the ship. Spock was eventually able to pierce the field with powerful bursts of M-rays on carefully calculated wavelengths. Although this did not destroy the field, it enabled the Enterprise to fire her phasers. (TOS: "Who Mourns for Adonais?")

Ephraim, the Enterprise, and the green hand

The Enterprise fleeing a green hand

The tardigrade Ephraim observed the Enterprise encounter Apollo's green hand as part of her attempts to catch up to the vessel after laying her eggs aboard. (ST: "Ephraim and Dot")

Prior to 2263 in the alternate reality, it had been speculated that the USS Franklin's disappearance was possibly the result of an encounter with "a giant, green space hand" possibly being that of Apollo. (Star Trek Beyond)

This, unfortunately for Apollo, was a state of affairs unacceptable to men. James T. Kirk and his landing party schemed continuously; between them, and members of the crew still in orbit.

Enterprise crew ignoring Apollo

Apollo attempting to gain the worship of the Enterprise crew

During their visit, Apollo came across as arrogant and accustomed to obedience from his "children" – really, his slaves. While claiming to be in love with Carolyn Palamas, after she rejected him he showed signs that he wanted to control her like the slave-master her captain said he truly was – forbidding her to leave his presence and ordering her to stay there with him, for instance. When he seduced her, his words implied that he was offering her joint rule of Pollux IV, to sit by his side as his queen. During Carolyn's rejection of him, Apollo stated to her that he has "chosen her" for that duty, and earlier he noted her fearlessness, commenting that she is "fit indeed" to be his consort. To prove this further, Carolyn quickly steps in and intercedes on behalf of the Captain and the others, pleading with Apollo to not hurt them. He relents and proclaims his further leniency with them but states that he will no longer be as patient as he was with them.

Despite this he did show some signs of a softer side. It is implied that the loss of his family and worshippers had left him terribly lonely. He did indicate that he would have truly cared for the Humans under his rule, and for the woman that would have had become his queen, despite Kirk's notions of him being a slave-master initially. He showed extreme despondency at being rejected by Humanity, and Carolyn especially, and knowing that he had waited in vain.

Apollo was eventually overcome by the Enterprise and her crew, who subsequently destroyed the source of his power.

After the temple was destroyed, Apollo demonstrated that he still retained some abilities, however, from his reaction to the temple's destruction, it seems likely that when he expended the last of his stored energy, he would be powerless, or nearly so.

With his temple gone and his power broken, Apollo spread himself upon the wind, imploring his fellow gods to take him, and vanished. (TOS: "Who Mourns for Adonais?")

Apollo, photograph

Photograph of Apollo

In 2381, a framed photograph of Apollo was among several others displayed on the walls of a bar on Starbase 25. (LD: "An Embarrassment Of Dooplers")


Background information[]

The depiction of Apollo in "Who Mourns for Adonais" was considerably changed during the episode's rewrite process. Writer and story editor D.C. Fontana offered, "He was [originally] something of an empty character and we needed to give him more character, more interaction with our regular leads." ("Writer's Notebook: D.C. Fontana", TOS Season 2 DVD & Blu-ray special features)

Apollo was played by actor Michael Forest. This portrayal varied from how Apollo has usually been depicted in mythological and artistic tradition, since the character is normally golden haired. The original casting choice for the role, Jon Voight, is indeed blonde-haired.

Roman gods (which were based on Greek counterparts) also appear on planet 892-IV, yet it is unknown if Apollo and his compatriots visited this world as well or if the similarity is due to some other reason. Captain Kirk also shows little reaction to the Roman Gods when he learns of them, even though he had already met Apollo by that point. (TOS: "Bread and Circuses", "Who Mourns for Adonais?")

Green hand - STB end credits

The "giant green hand" shown in the credits of Beyond

In the credits for Star Trek Beyond, what appears to be Apollo's "giant green hand" can been seen floating in space – a callback to Montgomery Scott's line regarding the mysterious disappearance of the USS Franklin earlier in that film.

According to the Star Trek Encyclopedia, 4th ed., vol. 1, p. 125, Apollo visited Earth around the year 3000 BC.


Michael Forest reprises his role as Apollo in the first episode of the TOS fan series Star Trek Continues(X) , "Pilgrim of Eternity".

In the comic book story "A Rude Awakening!", Apollo was mentioned as harassing space travelers.

According to the novel Being Human, Carolyn Palamas became pregnant with Apollo's child and gave birth to a daughter named Athena Palamas (β). Star Trek: New Frontier regular character Mark McHenry is revealed to be her descendant.

The photo comic Of Woman Born also depicts Carolyn Palamas becoming pregnant with Apollo's child, but in this version, the child is male.

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