Transportation Townhalls and Forums


2020 Transportation Town Hall


On Wednesday, November 18, 2020, County Executive Calvin Ball hosted a virtual Transportation Town Hall for residents to hear from county staff from the Howard County Police Department, Department of Public Works and Office of Transportation. Issues discussed included transportation safety, complete streets, transit and regional planning.

The following subject matter experts spoke and took questions from the public:

Bruce Gartner, Administrator, Office of Transportation

Tom Meunier, PE, Director, Department of Public Works

Captain Justin Baker, Howard County Police Department

David Cookson, Planning Manager, Office of Transportation

Chris Eatough, Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator, Office of Transportation

Kris Jagarapu, PE, Chief, DPW Bureeau of Highways

Jason QuanTransit Manager, Office of Transportation

Cristin Tolen, General Manager, Regional Transportation Agency

2020 Event Video

Video of the event can be found here.

Questions & Answers

Questions and responses-Transportation Town Hall 2020

Supplementary Information

Status of Bike and Pedestrian Infrastructure Improvement Projects


2019 Transportation Forum


About the 2019 Event

County Executive Calvin Ball hosted a Transportation Forum in Elkridge on December 2, 2019, to allow residents to hear directly from the County's subject matter experts in the planning, design, operations, and maintenance of the County's transportation systems, as well as to ask specific questions of those experts and County Executive Ball.

The following subject matter experts spoke and responded to resident questions:

Bruce Gartner, Administrator of the Office of Transportation

James, M. Irvin, P.E., Director of the Department of Public Works

Captain Chris Neubauer, Howard County Police Department

Event Video

Event Presentation

  Comprehensive and Long Range Planning Transit Planning and Operations Complete Streets and Bicycle/Pedestrian Planning Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Transportation and Special Projects Engineering
Relevant Websites

Transportation Plans and Projects

Public Transportation Website

Regional Transit Agency

Complete Streets Policy Implementation

Bicycle Master Plan

Pedestrian Master Plan

Howard Commuter Solutions

Divison Website

Status of Active Capital Projects

  How We Plan: Data Transit Strategies 1 Countywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Plans TDM Summary Savage Complete Streets, Phase 1 Construction
  How We Plan: Process Transit Strategies 2 Current Bicycle and Pedestrian Projects   Stephens Road Improvements
  How We Plan: Example Projects RTA System Map     White Acre Road Complete Streets Improvements
  Complete Streets
  Strategic Road Safety Plan



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Feedback about the County's transportation system is always accepted. Comments and questions may be sent to different offices and agencies depending on the nature of the comment.