
CARE Center provides behavior consultation using an evidenced based practice-based coaching model.  This model has been proven to be effective in supporting teachers to manage and reduce challenging behavior. This may include tantrums, aggression, non-compliance or socially withdrawn behaviors. Children birth to age five whose caregivers are concerned about their overall social and emotional development may be referred to the CARE Center to receive additional support.   For more information or to make a referral, please call 410-313-CARE or email children@howardcountymd.gov.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the Goal of the CARE Center Program?


CARE Center staff work with families and educators to identify their needs and help them find solutions that work. Our staff utilizes the Pyramid Model and a Practice Based Coaching approach to address challenging behaviors. Our goal is to ensure children remain in their early childhood programs. Research shows that staying in a quality early childhood program helps children become more likely to enter school academically, socially and emotionally ready to learn. Howard County CARE Center consultation services are free. The CARE Center is a grant-funded program through Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) and we are pleased to offer all behavior consultation to child care providers at no cost.


What services does the CARE Center provide?


The process includes the following services:

•            Developmental and Classroom Screenings

•            Onsite Behavior Observations

•            Onsite Practice Based Coaching

•            Consistent communication with teacher(s) and family

•            Referral and Information as needed


What is the duration of services?


Consultation is an individualized process reliant on successful partnerships with the teacher(s) and parent(s) which can range in duration on average from 3-6 months. 


Will children’s information be kept confidential?


Yes.  Information is only shared with others when a parent has given written informed consent.  With consent, information is shared for research and evaluation purposes. 


What is Practice Based Coaching and why is it beneficial?


Practice Based Coaching is:

•            Based on effective teaching practices

•            Relies on collaborative partnerships

•            Guided by goals and action steps

•            Assessed through focused observation

•            Supportive of teacher growth and development through reflection and feedback sessions


How does the program help the teacher(s)?


Behavior consultants coach teacher(s) to successfully manage behaviors classroom-wide through effective practices that lead to positive outcomes for all children. The new skills that are acquired through the coaching partnership should continue to support the teacher(s) and the classroom once the coaching process has concluded.

* The teacher(s) can earn one professional activity unit (PAU) towards their Maryland Credential for successfully completing the coaching process.


How will this program help each child?


The purpose of the program is to provide teachers with evidence-based strategies to address challenging behaviors. The behavior consultant supports the teacher(s) to promote positive social and emotional development classroom-wide.


What is the parent’s role during the consultation process?


As a parent, my role is to attend the Parent Support Meeting with the behavior consultant and childcare staff. The consultant will be coaching the teacher(s) and will share all relevant information with the parent(s). It will be the responsibility of the parent(s) to maintain consistent communication with both the consultant and teacher(s) throughout the process.


What if the child also displays challenging behaviors at home?


All strategies provided to the classroom teacher will also be provided to the parent(s). With the support of the behavior consultant, the parent(s) will be able to implement the strategies at home. Children may behave differently in a group setting verses the smaller setting of their home. Reinforcing and practicing these strategies will help improve challenging behaviors at home and school. Research shows that early intervention is critical to helping kids achieve the highest level of success in their future.  When applicable, participation in the Howard County Office of Children and Families, Family Institute workshops will be recommended.


What if I want to stop participating in the program?


You may choose to end consultation at any time. Call the CARE line number above or speak with your child’s teacher(s).


What are the qualifications of behavior consultants?


All behavior consultants employed by the CARE Center have extensive experience working in the early childhood field in many capacities which may include directors, owners, teachers, licensing staff and consumers. The educational background varies from degrees in Education, Psychology and related fields.