T7108 Clarksville Streetscape Map Image
T7108-Clarksville Streetscape Project

The Howard County Office of Transportation and Department of Public Works are advancing the Clarksville-River Hill Streetscape Improvements by developing plans for a system of shared use pathways, sidewalks, crosswalks, and bike lanes within Clarksville. The Clarksville-River Hill Streetscape Improvements projects, coupled with proposed and existing streetscape projects to be built by private sector development projects, will connect and link the commercial and residential uses along the Clarksville Pike (MD 108) corridor.

The interactive map depicts the different public and private sector project sections, which are in various stages of design, construction and completion. These sections closely match the sections articulated in the Clarksville-River Hill Streetscape Improvements, however, as the projects have evolved and changed, the extents section have changed and evolved as well. 

Howard County is leveraging capital and grant funds to advance the design of the Clarksville-River Hill Streetscape Improvements: the Clarksville Streetscape; project and the MD 32 Alternate Bike Route Pinch Point 6 project. The MDOT Bikeways Network Grant was awarded in 2022 for the final design of shared use paths on Ten Oaks Road and Clarksville Pike (MD 108). The Maryland Kim Lamphier Bikeways Network Program provides grant assistance to local jurisdictions and other key agencies to help expedite the development of bicycle infrastructure where transportation efficiencies, multimodal travel, economic development, and safety benefits are expected.


MD 32 Alternate Bike Route Pinch Point 6 Open House Event

Howard County held an open house event on Thursday, November 2nd from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. in the Media Room at River Hill High School in Clarksville, to present two ideas for multimodal travel improvements along Ten Oaks Road from Brighton Dam Road to MD 108.

Those who have questions or comments should contact Caitlin Kovel, PE of the Transportation & Special Projects Division at 410-313-6142 or email

The following materials were on display at the meeting:

Capital Project T7108 MD 32 Alternate Bike Route Pinch Point 6 Design Process


The MD 32 dualization project permanently removed bicycle access from MD 108 to I-70 by establishing through-highway access controls along the corridor between MD 108 and Burntwoods Road. To mitigate these impacts, MDOT SHA completed the MD 32 Bicycle Alternate Route Study to identify a viable and safe alternative bicycle route and associated infrastructure improvements that provide additional roadway space for cyclists and eliminate conflicts with automobile traffic.
MDOT SHA identified Ten Oaks Road as a potential replacement bicycle route for the MD 32 corridor. The following six pinch points (roadway segments that present challenges to a cyclist sharing the roadway with vehicles) were identified along Ten Oaks Road between MD 108 and Burntwoods Road:

  • Pinch Point 1 - West Side Between Rye River Drive & Oakwood Overlook Court

  • Pinch Point 2 - West Side Between Oakwood Overlook Court & Rutherford Way

  • Pinch Point 3 - Both Sides Between Dayton Oaks School and Green Bridge Road

  • Pinch Point 4 - Both Sides Between Green Bridge Road & Aerie Court

  • Pinch Point 5 - West Side Between Talon Court & Smallwood Court

  • Pinch Point 6 – Between Brighton Dam Road and MD 108

Pinch Points 1-5 are being implemented by MDOT SHA, whereas Howard County is undertaking the design and construction of Pinch Point 6. The southern section of Ten Oaks Road, between Brighton Dam Road and MD 108, has surrounding residential and commercial land uses that become more dense as you progress toward the MD 108 intersection. The roadway also widens as you approach MD 108, congestion is greater, and speeds increase compared to the northern section of the MD 32 alternate bike route corridor. As a result, the Pinch Point 6 project includes bike lanes and a shared use path to separate bicycle and vehicular traffic. 

MD 32 Bike Alternate Study

Concept Design (15%)

Concept-level design is underway to assess two alignments that were identified in the MD 32 Alternate Bike Route Study. Both Alternatives C-1 and C-2 propose bike lanes and a shared use path along the suburban section of Ten Oaks Road, and tie-in directly to the Clarksville Streetscape project.

One preferred alternative will be selected to progress to final design following a public meeting in Fall of 2023.


Preliminary Design (50%)

Preliminary design is anticipated to be complete in Spring 2024.

Final Design (100%)

Final design is anticipated to be completed 2024.

Capital Project T7108 Clarksville-River Hill Streetscape Improvements Design Process and Public Outreach


Howard County is advancing recommendations from the Clarksville-River Hill Streetscape Improvements by developing plans for a system of shared-use pathways, sidewalks, and crosswalks on Clarksville Pike (MD 108) from Guilford Road to Great Star Drive. 

Preliminary Design (30%)

Preliminary Design (30%)

The preliminary (30%) design for the Clarksville Streetscape project was completed in March 2020. The original extent of the 30% design extended to Linden Linthicum Lane, however, this segment is now being delivered by Erickson Senior Living.

30% Design Plans

Semi Final Design (60%)

Semi-Final Design is underway.

Final Design (100%)

Final design is anticipated to be completed 2024.

Past Public Outreach Events

2023 Howard County Bike Month Events

The Department of Public Works presented the preliminary plans for the Clarksville Streetscape project at BikeAround Columbia on May 2, 2023 and the Bike to Work Day Columbia Pit-Stop on May 12, 2023. 

2021 Walk-through for Property Owners and Tenants 

The Office of Transportation hosted a walk-through of the corridor on September 21, 2021. County staff and the consulting team discussed the proposed improvements with property owners and tenants. 

2021 Virtual Open House for Property Owners and Tenants 

The Office of Transportation hosted a virtual open house for property owners and tenants on September 15, 2021. The event was held from 11am-1pm and 4-6pm for those most impacted by the project. 

2019 Public Meeting #1

The Office of Transportation held a public meeting on January 31, 2019 to present the preliminary plans. The meeting included an informal presentation and open discussion. 

2018 River Hill Community Outreach 

The Office of Transportation presented the Clarksville Streetscape project to the River Hill Traffic & Safety Committee on February 13, 2018, and the River Hill Board on October 1, 2018. The meetings provided an opportunity to share ideas and feedback on the improvements.

Completed Projects and Studies


Multimodal Traffic Study & Preliminary Engineering 

As part of the County’s goal to enhance pedestrian and bicycle access through the Clarksville Pike (MD 108) corridor, a multimodal traffic study was completed in 2015 to evaluate short-term complete street preliminary engineering concepts and develop refined long-term land use and traffic forecasts, roadway design elements and non-motorized network improvements. The study extended along Clarksville Pike (MD 108) from Guilford Road to Trotter Road.

Parking Study-Graphic

The traffic study helped the County in its work with the MDOT State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) to anticipate needed roadway improvements and was used to guide the development of the Clarksville/River Hill Streetscape Design Guidelines.

Clarksville Pike Multi-Modal Traffic Study and Preliminary Engineering

Clarksville Pike Multi-Modal Traffic Study-Appendix A Intersection Lanes and Photos

Clarksville Pike Multi-Modal Traffic Study-Appendix B Traffic Count Data

Clarksville Pike Multi-Modal Traffic Study-Appendix C Existing Cross Sections

Clarksville Pike Multi-Modal Traffic Study-Appendix D Final Alt 1 and Alt 2 MD 108 Short Term Improvement Preliminary Engineering Plans

Clarksville Pike Multi-Modal Traffic Study-Appendix E Clarksville Pike Year 2035 Ultimate Roadway Design Concept

Clarksville Pike Multi-Modal Traffic Study-Appendix F - Cost Estimate

Clarksville Pike Multi-Modal Traffic Study-Appendix G - Traffic Analysis Worksheets


Clarksville Parking Study 

Howard County conducted a study of the parking lot located on the southeast corner of the MD 108 (Clarksville Pike) at Auto Drive/Signal Bell Lane intersection to identify existing and latent parking demand and evaluate options to provide additional parking. The study recommended maintaining the existing Park and Ride, and constructing a parking structure to provide additional parking spaces on the property.


Clarksville Pike Streetscape Plan and Design Guidelines

Howard County identified the Clarksville Pike (MD 108) corridor for a more comprehensive streetscape and complete streets design


approach. The Clarksville Pike Streetscape Plan and Design Guidelines were developed to establish standards that reflect the unique nature of this portion of the County, and that will lead to sustainable, pedestrian-friendly, and attractive development and redevelopment for years to come. Since being adopted in 2016, the guidelines help guide public and private development, addressing the streetscape within the public right-of-way, informing the architectural character of the buildings fronting along it, and implementing a common vision for Clarksville.

Sheppard Lane Intersection

River Hill Square  

The River Hill Square project, constructed in 2019, features a mix-use commercial and retail development. The project included modifications to the Sheppard Lane intersection and shared use path along Clarksville Pike (MD 108) along the property frontage. Lighting is provided along the path consistent with the Clarksville Streetscape Plan and Design Guidelines. 
Link to River Hill Square Development Plan.

River Hill Sqaure Design Plans

River Hill Pathway

Sheppard Lane at Clarksville Pike (MD 108) Realignment  

A project to improve access to River Hill Square was completed in 2021. The project included realignment of Sheppard Lane with MD 108 and the installation of a new traffic signal at the MD 108/Sheppard Lane intersection.

Sheppard Lane Design Plans

To provide a comment, or for more information, call (410) 313-3842.

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