
Launched on May 24, 2021, Transform Howard aims to make Howard County into a shining example of innovation and digital inclusion on a national scale. Our ultimate objective is to ensure that every individual, regardless of their background or circumstances, has equal access to the internet and the countless opportunities it presents.

Transform Howard Logo.


Transform Howard includes bold and forward-thinking initiatives that aim to transform Howard County into a national model for innovation and digital inclusion. By expanding broadband infrastructure, promoting digital literacy, addressing affordability, and fostering entrepreneurship, Transform Howard seeks to create a community where everyone can access the digital world and thrive in the opportunities it presents. Through these efforts, Howard County can pave the way for a more inclusive and prosperous future for all its residents.

This initiative builds on the progress we've already made to expand broadband during the pandemic, and will take us into the future where Howard County is a national model for digital inclusion.

Calvin Ball
County Executive

Resources & Programs


Office of Aging & Independence


The Office of Aging offers specialized training and courses in collaboration with Senior Planet. These programs are designed to cater to the needs and interests of senior citizens, ensuring they can stay connected and engaged in the digital world.

For more information on digital inclusion, visit the link below.


Howard County Public Library


Whether for education, work, or staying in touch, The Howard County Library is here to support you. The library offers classes and trainings for all ages, as well as device lending programs for Chromebooks and Mobile Hotspots. To learn more, click the links below.


Workforce Development


Workforce Development provides a unique program called "Work on Wheels," which offers job training and preparation for individuals seeking employment. They also offer additional job training opportunities to enhance skills and increase employability.