2018 Local Bills Legislative Summary

The following Howard County local bills were passed by the Maryland General Assembly during the 2018 legislative session and enacted: 

  • HB1053, CH139 (Ho. Co. 06-18) Howard County - Class 7 Micro–Brewery License and Multiple Class B and Class BLX Beer, Wine, and Liquor Licenses 
  • HB1115, CH837 (Ho. Co. 07-18) Howard County - Orphans' Court Judges - Compensation
  • HB0809, CH829 (Ho. Co. 08-18) Howard County - Sheriff's Salary
  • HB1186, CH141 (Ho. Co. 09-18) Howard County - Property Tax Credit - Natural Disaster
  • HB0223, CH138 (Ho. Co. 13-18) Howard County - Transfer Tax Exemption and Rate Reduction - Teachers
  • HB1180, CH140 (Ho. Co. 14-18) Howard County - Student Loan Assistance Repayment Program for Teachers 
  • HB0340, CH811 (Ho. Co. 17-18) Howard County - Board of Education - Salaries
  • HB1325, CH142 (Ho. Co. 20-18) Howard County - Alcoholic Beverages - Class C License and Class C and Class D Per Diem Entertainment Venue Licenses

In addition, bond bill requests for local projects were funded as follows (SB186, CH9):

  • PHILLIPS School Commercial Kitchen, Ho. Co. 1-18, $150,000
  • Ellicott City Public Arts Project,  Ho. Co. 2–18, $175,000
  • Harriet Tubman Community Center and Museum, Ho. Co. 4-18, $500,000
  • Lisbon Volunteer Fire Department, Ho. Co. 5-18, $125,000
  • Howard County Youth Program, $100,000

Proposed Local Bills for the 2018 Regular Session of the Maryland General Assembly

Short descriptions of the local bills are included below. (Click the title of the bill to view the full text of the original draft bill. Click the HBXXXX or SBXXXX number to see bills passed by the Delegation or CHXXXX for enacted legislation. To see the list and status of 2018 Delegation bills on the Maryland General Assembly website click here.)

Creation of a State Debt – Howard County – PHILLIPS School Commercial Kitchen, Ho. Co. 1–18, PASSED BY THE DELEGATION, HB0337SB0640SB186, MGA AUTHORIZED $150,000, SIGNED BY THE GOVERNOR 4/5/18

By: Howard County Delegation

FOR the purpose of authorizing the creation of a State Debt not to exceed $175,000, the proceeds to be used as a grant to the Board of Trustees of PHILLIPS Programs Incorporated for certain development or improvement purposes; providing for disbursement of the loan proceeds, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund; establishing a deadline for the encumbrance or expenditure of the loan proceeds; and providing generally for the issuance and sale of bonds evidencing the loan.

Creation of a State Debt – Howard County – Ellicott City Public Arts Project, Ho. Co. 2–18, PASSED BY THE DELEGATION, HB0338SB0641SB186, MGA AUTHORIZED $175,000, SIGNED BY THE GOVERNOR 4/5/18

By: Howard County Delegation

FOR the purpose of authorizing the creation of a State Debt in the amount of $175,000, the proceeds to be used as a grant to the Board of Directors of the Ellicott City Historic District Partnership, Incorporated for certain development or improvement purposes; providing for disbursement of the loan proceeds, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund; establishing a deadline for the encumbrance or expenditure of the loan proceeds; and providing generally for the issuance and sale of bonds evidencing the loan.

Creation of a State Debt – Howard County – Gateway Innovation Center, Ho. Co. 3–18, PASSED BY THE DELEGATION, HB0341SB0642

By: Howard County Delegation

FOR the purpose of authorizing the creation of a State Debt not to exceed $350,000, the proceeds to be used as a grant to the Board of Directors of the Howard County Economic Development Authority for certain development or improvement purposes; providing for disbursement of the loan proceeds, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund; establishing a deadline for the encumbrance or expenditure of the loan proceeds; and providing generally for the issuance and sale of bonds evidencing the loan.

Creation of a State Debt – Howard County – Harriet Tubman Community Center and Museum, Ho. Co. 4–18, PASSED BY THE DELEGATION, HB0061,  SB0534SB186, MGA AUTHORIZED $500,000, SIGNED BY THE GOVERNOR 4/5/18

By: Delegate Turner

FOR the purpose of authorizing the creation of a State Debt not to exceed $500,000, the proceeds to be used as a grant to the County Executive and County Council of Howard County for certain development or improvement purposes; providing for disbursement of the loan proceeds, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund; establishing a deadline for the encumbrance or expenditure of the loan proceeds; and providing generally for the issuance and sale of bonds evidencing the loan.

Creation of a State Debt - Howard County - Lisbon Volunteer Fire Department, Ho. Co. 5–18, PASSED BY THE DELEGATION, HB0339SB0535SB186, MGA AUTHORIZED $125,000, SIGNED BY THE GOVERNOR 4/5/18

By: Howard County Delegation

FOR the purpose of authorizing the creation of a State Debt not to exceed $250,000, the proceeds to be used as a grant to the Board of Directors of the Lisbon Volunteer Fire Company, Inc. for certain development or improvement purposes; providing for disbursement of the loan proceeds, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund; establishing a deadline for the encumbrance or expenditure of the loan proceeds; and providing generally for the issuance and sale of bonds evidencing the loan.

Howard County – Multiple Class B and BLX Beer, Wine, and Liquor Licenses, Ho. Co. 6–18, PASSED BY THE DELEGATION AS AMENDEDHB1053, PASSED BY THE MGA, SIGNED BY THE GOVERNOR 4/10/18

By: Delegate W. Miller

FOR the purpose of authorizing the Comptroller to issue in Howard County a Class 5 brewery license to certain holders of Class B and Class BLX beer, wine, and liquor licenses; altering in Howard County the maximum numbers of Class B and Class BLX beer, wine, and liquor licenses that may be held under a certain multiple alcoholic beverages licensing plan to be eligible for a Class 8 farm brewery license; altering the number of Class B (on–sale) beer, wine, and liquor licenses the Board of License Commissioners for Howard County may issue for separate premises to an individual or for the use of a person under a certain multiple alcoholic beverages licensing plan; and generally relating to alcoholic beverages licenses in Howard County.

Howard County – Orphans’ Court Judges – Compensation, Ho. Co. 7–18, PASSED BY THE DELEGATION AS AMENDEDHB1115, PASSED BY THE MGA, ENACTED 5/26/18  

By: Howard County Delegation                                                                      

FOR the purpose of altering the annual compensation of the judges of the Orphans’ Court for Howard County for a certain fiscal year; requiring the annual compensation and monthly expense allowance of the judges of the Orphans’ Court for Howard County for certain fiscal years to be recommended by a certain compensation commission and approved by the County Executive and County Council of Howard County; providing for the application of this Act; and generally relating to the compensation of the judges of the Orphans’ Court for Howard County.

Howard County – Sheriff’s Salary, Ho. Co. 8–18, PASSED BY THE DELEGATION AS AMENDEDHB0809, PASSED BY THE MGA, ENACTED 5/26/18  

By: Howard County Delegation

FOR the purpose of altering the salary of the Sheriff of Howard County; providing for the application of this Act; and generally relating to the Sheriff of Howard County.

Howard County – Property Tax Credit – Natural Disaster, Ho. Co. 9–18, PASSED BY THE DELEGATION, HB1186, PASSED BY THE MGA, SIGNED BY THE GOVERNOR 4/10/18

By: Chair, Howard County Delegation 

FOR the purpose of authorizing the governing body of Howard County to grant a property tax credit against the county property tax imposed on residential or commercial real property that has suffered damage caused by a natural disaster; making certain alterations to the county’s existing authority to provide a property tax credit for commercial property that has suffered damage caused by flood conditions; providing for the application of this Act; and generally relating to a property tax credit for real property in Howard County that has suffered damage caused by a natural disaster.

Property Tax Credit – Elderly Individuals – Eligibility, Ho. Co. 10–18

By: Chair, Howard County Delegation 

FOR the purpose of altering the definition of “eligible individual” by requiring that an elderly individual must live in the same county, rather than the same dwelling, for a certain number of years to be eligible for a certain statewide optional property tax credit  against the county or municipal corporation property tax; providing for the application of this Act; and generally relating to the eligibility of certain elderly individuals for a certain property tax credit.

Howard County Board of Education – Superintendent of Schools – Term Length, Ho. Co. 11–18, PASSED BY THE DELEGATION AS AMENDEDHB1324

By: Chair, Howard County Delegation 

FOR the purpose of providing that, in Howard County, the Howard County Board of Education shall determine the length of the term of the county superintendent of schools; and generally relating to the term of the Howard County Superintendent of Schools.

Howard County – School Facilities Surcharge – Rate Alteration, Ho. Co. 12–18

By: Chair, Howard County Delegation 

FOR the purpose of authorizing the County Council of Howard County, for certain fiscal years, by ordinance, to increase by a certain percentage a certain school facilities surcharge on residential new construction where the capacity utilization of a school or school region is a certain percentage at the time a building permit is issued; defining certain terms; and generally relating to the school facilities surcharge in Howard County.

Howard County – Transfer Tax Exemption and Rate Reduction – Teachers, Ho. Co. 13–18, PASSED BY THE DELEGATION, HB0223, PASSED BY THE MGA, SIGNED BY THE GOVERNOR 4/10/18

By: Howard County Delegation

FOR the purpose of exempting from the Howard County transfer tax the sale of residential real property to certain teachers under certain circumstances; establishing the maximum Howard County transfer tax rate applied to the sale of residential real property to certain teachers under certain circumstances; establishing certain qualifications for the transfer tax exemption or rate reduction; providing for the recapture of the transfer tax exempted or reduced under this Act under certain circumstances; defining a certain term; and generally relating to the transfer tax in Howard County.

Howard County Student Loan Assistance Repayment Program for Teachers, Ho. Co. 14–18, PASSED BY THE DELEGATION, HB1180, PASSED BY THE MGA, SIGNED BY THE GOVERNOR 4/10/18

By: Delegate Atterbeary 

FOR the purpose of establishing the Howard County Student Loan Assistance Repayment Program for Teachers; authorizing the governing body of Howard County to establish the Program for teachers employed by the Howard County Public School System; providing for the purpose of the Program; requiring Howard County to assist in the repayment of certain student loans owed by certain teachers who meet certain eligibility requirements; requiring certain loan assistance repayment applicants to demonstrate a certain use of certain loans; requiring the county to establish the amount and terms and conditions of the Program; requiring the county to administer the Program; providing for funding for the Program; defining certain terms; and generally relating to the establishment of the Howard County Student Loan Assistance Repayment Program for Teachers.

Howard County – Transfer Tax – School Site Acquisition and Construction Fund, Ho. Co. 15–18, FAILED DELEGATION VOTE

By: Delegate Flanagan 

FOR the purpose of authorizing the Howard County Council to increase the percentage of transfer tax revenue that is allocated to the School Site Acquisition and Construction Fund up to a certain amount; authorizing the county council to determine how the remaining transfer tax revenue is allocated to certain special funds and purposes; prohibiting the county council from reducing funding for the Howard County Agricultural Land Preservation Fund in a certain manner; and generally relating to the allocation of transfer tax revenue in Howard County.

Howard County - Deer Hunting, Ho. Co. 16–18, BILL AS AMENDED FAILED DELEGATION VOTE

By: Delegate Flanagan

FOR the purpose of authorizing the Department of Natural Resources to allow a person to hunt deer on certain property during a certain time period on Sundays in Howard County, subject to certain provisions of law; establishing for archery hunters in Howard County a safety zone of a certain size within which archery hunting may not take place except under certain circumstances; establishing that archery hunters in the county may hunt in certain areas only under certain circumstances; and generally relating to deer hunting in Howard County.

Howard County - Board of Education - Salaries, Ho. Co. 17–18, PASSED BY THE DELEGATION, HB0340, PASSED BY THE MGA, ENACTED 5/26/18 

By: Howard County Delegation

FOR the purpose of altering the compensation received by the chair and other elected members of the Howard County Board of Education; providing that this Act does not apply to the salary of the chair and other elected members of the county board during a certain term of office; making stylistic changes; and generally relating to the Howard County Board of Education.

Howard County – Board of Education – Collection and Sharing of De-Identified Student Data for Public Health Programs, Ho. Co. 18–18, WITHDRAWN

By: Delegate Hill

FOR the purpose of requiring the Howard County Board of Education, in conjunction with the local health department, to develop and implement a policy and procedures for the collection and sharing of certain student data for a certain purpose; requiring a certain policy and procedures to comply with the requirements of a certain federal law; and generally relating to the collection and sharing of de–identified student data and the Howard County Board of Education.

Howard County – Alcoholic Beverages – Marketplace License, Ho. Co. 19–18, WITHDRAWN

By: Delegate Hill

FOR the purpose of establishing a marketplace license in Howard County; authorizing the Board of License Commissioners to issue the license to certain individuals; specifying the scope, hours of sale, and fees for the license; authorizing a license holder to obtain a refillable container permit and a nonrefillable container permit under certain conditions;  specifying certain standards to be met by the marketplace; defining a certain term; and generally relating to alcoholic beverages in Howard County.

Howard County – Alcoholic Beverages – Class C License, Ho. Co. 20–18, PASSED BY THE DELEGATION AS AMENDEDHB1325, PASSED BY THE MGA, SIGNED BY THE GOVERNOR 4/10/18

By: Delegate Hill

FOR the purpose of establishing a Class C beer, wine, and liquor license in Howard County; specifying that the license authorizes the license holder to sell beer, wine, and liquor at retail for on–premises consumption at the place described in the license and for off–premises consumption under certain circumstances; authorizing beer, wine, or liquor purchased on an adjacent licensed premises to be consumed on the premises for which the Class C beer, wine, and liquor license is issued; providing for the hours of sale; requiring the Board of License Commissioners to determine the annual license fee; and generally relating to alcoholic beverages in Howard County.

Howard County - Alcoholic Beverages - Class C BWL License, Ho.Co. 21-18, PASSED BY THE DELEGATION, HB0342, WITHDRAWN

By: Howard County Delegation

FOR the purpose of establishing a Class C beer, wine, and liquor 7–day license in Howard County; specifying that the license authorizes the license holder to sell beer, wine, and liquor at retail at the place described in the license for on–premises consumption; providing for an annual license fee; and generally relating to alcoholic beverages licenses in Howard County.

Creation of a State Debt – Howard County – Ellicott City Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Station Museum, Ho.Co. 22-18, PASSED BY THE DELEGATION, HB0343,  SB0537

By: Howard County Delegation

FOR the purpose of authorizing the creation of a State Debt not to exceed $150,000, the proceeds to be used as a grant to the County Executive and County Council of Howard County for certain development or improvement purposes; providing for disbursement of the loan proceeds, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund; establishing a deadline for the encumbrance or expenditure of the loan proceeds; and providing generally for the issuance and sale of bonds evidencing the loan.

Creation of a State Debt – Howard County – Barnard Fort House, Ho.Co. 23-18, PASSED BY THE DELEGATION, HB0397SB0536

By: Howard County Delegation

FOR the purpose of authorizing the creation of a State Debt not to exceed $150,000, the proceeds to be used as a grant to the County Executive and County Council of Howard County for certain development or improvement purposes; providing for disbursement of the loan proceeds, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund; establishing a deadline for the encumbrance or expenditure of the loan proceeds; and providing generally for the issuance and sale of bonds evidencing the loan.

Howard County – State’s Attorney – Salary Increase, Ho.Co. 24–18 

By: Chair, Howard County Delegation

FOR the purpose of increasing the salary of the State’s Attorney in Howard County; providing for the application of this Act; and generally relating to the State’s Attorney in Howard County.

For further information, contact the Howard County Delegation Office at 410-841-3360 or send an email to hoc1@mlis.state.md.us.