2021 Money Matters Sessions


Week 1: Budgeting


Making Cents of Your Money – Budgeting

April 5, 2021 7:00PM

Participants will learn the importance of tracking expenses; making spending adjustments; the difference between needs and wants; recognizing that a sound budget is important to overall financial wellbeing.

Presenters: Emily Hickox (Spokesperson, CCCSMD) and DurShawn Robinson (MakingChange, Inc.)

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Managing Finances in Uncertain Times

April 7, 2021 7:00PM

Participants of this workshop learn how to handle their finances in unstable times, the importance of counseling and the effects of financial hardships. We also discuss crisis budgeting, share relevant statistics and review debt relief options as well as their individual impacts.

Presenter: Emily Hickox (Spokesperson, CCCSMD)

Watch Recording | Slide Deck


Presupuesto Para Mejorar su Bienestar Financiero

April 8, 2021 7:00PM

Este taller analiza los impactos que tiene su presupuesto, así como lo que afecta a su presupuesto, la importancia de establecer metas financieras y comparte consejos sobre cómo alcanzarlas; la diferencia entre deseos y necesidades y revisa los diferentes tipos de gastos. Cubre también la importancia del seguimiento de gastos y revisa cómo un presupuesto sólido es clave para obtener y mantener la vivienda.

Presenter: Armand Goytia (Outreach Manager, CCCSMD)

Watch Recording | Slide Deck


Week 2: Housing


Nuts and Bolts of Affordable Housing

April 12, 2021 7:00PM

Participants in this workshop will learn about the various options for affordable rental housing in Howard County. The presenters will discuss qualification requirements and regulations that govern affordable housing. The new Small Area Fair Market Rents, which raises the amount of subsidy paid in certain areas of the County in order to promote economic mobility, will also be discussed.

Presenters: Peter Engel, Executive Director of the Howard County Housing Commission; Samuel Tucker, Director of Housing Choice Voucher Program and Donna Sturdivant, Director of Asset Management

Watch Recording | Slide Deck


Introduction to Homeownership

April 14, 2021 7:00PM

Preparation is the key to winning the bid on your perfect home. Tune in to learn the Ins and Outs of mortgage preparation from a licensed Loan Originator. Michael Basch will be educating future home owners on how to maximize their purchase power, while minimizing their monthly payment. Follow this guidance to stay ahead of your competition and avoid “mortgage sabotage”. April is also Open Enrollment for the County’s Moderate Income Housing Unit (MIHU) program. Learn more about MIHU following this presentation.

Presenters: Michael Basch (First Home Mortgage), Quanita Kareem (Howard County Department of Housing & Community Development)

Watch Recording


Introducción Para la Vivienda

April 15, 2021 7:00PM

Este taller revisa los beneficios e inconvenientes de la vivienda, la importancia de la preparación financiera al respecto a su presupuesto y crédito, los diferentes tipos de préstamos, y también las consideraciones de costos. Analiza las responsabilidades de su agente de bienes raíces y lo que los prestamistas consideran al revisar las aplicaciones de préstamos. También hablamos de la diferencia entre las evaluaciones y las inspecciones en el hogar y las formas de investigar los programas de asistencia del pago inicial.

Presenter: Armand Goytia (Outreach Manager, CCCSMD)

Watch Recording | Slide Deck


Week 3: Consumer Protection


Anatomy of a Scam

April 19, 2021 7:00PM

Participants of this workshop are introduced to the ways that scams work, and how scammers are able to be so successful. By recounting her own personal experience, Beth will share what red flags to look out for and how to keep yourself safe. Participants will also hear about current scams using our fears over Covid as a way to get people to give up their money or personal information.

Presenter: Beth Silverman (Howard County Office of Consumer Protection)

Watch Recording


Credit and Identity Theft

April 21, 2021 7:00PM

Participants of this workshop are introduced to the importance of credit and what impacts it has, a brief synopsis about each credit score range and how they are viewed by lenders. It also reviews how each portion of your credit report is weighed differently, how long certain derogatory actions remain on the credit report and how to dispute inaccuracies. Participants will also hear how to best protect their identity against scammers.

Presenters: David Woodruff (CEO/President, APL FCU) Emily Hickox (Spokesperson, CCCSMD) Lila Boor (Howard County Office of Consumer Protection)

Watch Recording


Evite Fraude Migratorio

April 22, 2021 7:00PM

Le invitamos a participar en una presentación con Pedro Reyes de FIRN Inc. sobre fraude de inmigración. Con la posibilidad de la reforma migratoria que se avecina, hay notarios y abogados sin escrúpulos que pueden tratar de aprovecharse de los inmigrantes vulnerables en nuestra comunidad. Pedro discutirá varios tipos de fraude migratorio y cómo esto afecta a nuestra comunidad. También hablará de las formas de evitar el fraude migratorio y cómo denunciarlo.

Presenters: Pedro Reyes (DOJ Accredited Representative, FIRN)

Watch Recording | English Slide Deck | Spanish Slide Deck


Week 4: Futures Planning


Wills, Trusts, and Estate Planning

April 26, 2021 6:30PM

Well-prepared estate plans can bring you peace of mind now and reduce your family’s stress later on. Participants of this workshop will learn about wills and estate planning including trusts, powers of attorney and the importance of preparing health care documents including living wills. Participants will get clear next steps for completing these documents and what to include in their plans.

Presenter: Mark Bobotek,(Golden Oak Elder Law)

Watch Recording


Financial Planning Across the Lifespan

April 26, 2021 7:30PM

Participants will learn the general principles of financial planning and important considerations to achieving financial goals throughout the lifespan. From the working years to retirement planning and beyond, important information will be shared regarding how to set aside emergency funds, control debt, and have proper insurance to cover risk.

Presenters: Michael Mooney (mmooney@pilotfinancial.com), CRPC and Jeremy S. Dvorak (Jeremy.Dvorak@RaymondJames.com), CFP, CASL

Watch Recording | Pilot Financial Slides | Potomac Financial Slides


Building Wealth Through Checking and Savings

April 28, 2021 7:00PM

Participants of this workshop are introduced to reverse budgeting, the importance of finding the right checking and savings account for you, how to determine which to choose when faced with the options of saving or paying down debt, and tips to help you get started today in working towards your savings goals.

Presenters: Eric Swann (Director of Retail Operations, APL FCU) Emily Hickox (Spokesperson, CCCSMD)

Watch Recording


Financial Aid 101

April 29, 2021 6:30PM

Participants of this workshop will be able to understand how to access higher education and be provided with an in-depth overview of the various types of financial assistance available to cover the costs of a post-secondary higher education.

Presenter: Tamika Bybee (Director of Financial Aid Services, Howard Community College)

Watch Recording


Asistencia Finaciera 101

April 29, 2021 7:30PM

Los participantes de este tallar podrán entender como conseguir acceso a estudios universitarios y serán provistos con una detallada descripción de varios tipos de ayuda financiera que están disponibles para pagar el costo de los estudios universitarios.

Presentadora: Sandy Cos (Directora Asistente de Ambiciones & Servicios de Completación, Howard Community College

Watch Recording