
As part of our commitment to transparency and open communication with the public, the Howard County Police Department publishes a list of our official policies, known as General Orders, for public view. These policies guide all administrative and operational work for the members of the agency.  While every real-life situation is unique, these policies help guide the actions of our highly-trained officers and civilian employees as they perform their duties.

Click here to view the department's organizational chart.




General Orders are regularly updated, changed, combined and sometimes rescinded to better serve the citizens and the police department in Howard County. By law, there are a few policies that have not been included on this list because their release could jeopardize operations or compromise officer or public safety.

Policies can be viewed here.


Union Contracts


Union contracts can be found under County Administration/Human Resources, click here to view.


Use of Cell Site Simulators


Cell Site Simulator: Information on HCPD's use of cell site simulators (2020), as required by Chapters 222 and 223 of the General Assembly (MSAR #12443).