County Executive Ball remains committed to ensuring our children are career and college-ready and supporting educators in fostering the best teaching and learning environment. Furthermore, County Executive Ball has invested in top-tier educational facilities, libraries, and our community college.

  • Accepted a $4 million grant from the Maryland State Department of Education for early childhood education
  • Funded a new bus serving low-income students enrolled in early education at Howard County Head Start centers
  • Called on the Maryland State Department of Education for an independent performance audit of the Howard County Public School System (HCPSS)
  • Committed to building High Schools 13 and 14
  • Funded Strategies To Reach an Inclusive Vision and Equitable Solutions, (HoCo S.T.R.I.V.E.S.) an education initiative that supports children’s mental and behavioral health programs, academic, social and emotional learning supports and community capacity building
  • Funded design of a new mathematics building and athletics complex at Howard Community College
  • Led summer food access programs for children who normally rely on school meals and are especially vulnerable during the summer months
  • Received over $500,000 in state funding to ensure a strong continuum of services for families and children, including the Weekend Warrior Snack Pack Program, Choice Jobs Program, Summer Scholars, and Voices for Change
  • Pre-filed legislation to authorize cameras on school buses to catch drivers who pass the buses as they stop to pick up or drop off children, in order to keep students safe

Click here to view our infographic for how we addressed concerns from our listening sessions in the first year in office.

