
This dashboard provides a snapshot of current Howard County opioid-related data. Overdoses and deaths due to substance misuse have been rising steadily over the past two decades and this tool is used to help identify trends and how prevention/treatment programs can be better used. Note: substances may include fentanyl, carfentanyl, prescription opioids, heroin, heroin/fentanyl mix, opioid analogues and other opioid substances.

Illustration of people examining a report

Howard County Overdose Risk Map

Screenshot of County from overdose risk map website


This map looks at various factors that may increase the risk of opioid use within each Howard County ZIP code. This data uses a weighted formula for Howard County ZIP codes to determine elevated risk. The areas of focus include non-fatal and fatal overdose occurrences. The red, orange and green areas of the map indicate where more overdoses have occurred, and additional risk factors are present. This is important because it helps direct County prevention/treatment programs.

Click HERE to see the interactive map.

For more information about the data used in the substance use dashboard and risk map, please contact orpresponse@howardcountymd.gov.