
Once each decade, Howard County updates its General Plan, a long-range, visionary document that guides land use, growth, and development decisions.

On October 11, 2023, the Howard County Council passed the HoCo By Design plan. The approved Plan provides an equitable, predictable, sustainable, and achievable roadmap for Howard County’s future land use and environmental protection.

Following that, County Executive Calvin Ball signed HoCo By Design, approving the growth and development framework for the next two decades in the County. Click here or scroll down to view the final plan. 

HoCo By Design plan cover

National Association of Counties (NACo) 2024 Planning Award

Howard County's General Plan, HoCo By Design, received the 2024 Best in Category for Planning Award from the National Association of Counties (NACo)!

Recognized as a model for mature suburban communities grappling with issues of housing affordability, public school capacity, equity, and limited land supply, HoCo By Design presents an innovative approach to missing middle housing, public school facilities, equity through land use, the redevelopment of mixed-use activity centers.



Howard County Team Accepts NACo Award for HoCo By Design General Plan

HoCo By Design


The Plan


HoCo By Design is an update of the 2012 general plan, PlanHoward 2030. Initiated in 2020, the Plan reflects over three and a half years of community engagement, including nearly 100 public meetings and approximately 12,000 public comments. HoCo By Design advances a long-term vision for how the County will develop and grow alongside evolving land use, conservation, economic, environmental, and social conditions over the next 20 years. Below, download the full plan or individual chapters. To view the Route 1 Corridor Plan for Washington Boulevard that was adopted concurrently with HoCo By Design, click here.

Full HoCo By Design Plan with Appendices
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Growth and Conservation Framework
Chapter 3: Ecological Health
Chapter 4: County in Motion
Chapter 5: Economic Prosperity
Chapter 6: Dynamic Neighborhoods
Chapter 7: Quality By Design
Chapter 8: Public School Facilities
Chapter 9: Supporting Infrastructure
Chapter 10: Managing Growth
Chapter 11: Implementation
Technical Appendix A: Environment
Technical Appendix B: Character Areas
Technical Appendix C: Focus Areas

PlanHoward 2030


The Plan


PlanHoward 2030 is an update of the 2000 Howard County General Plan. The County's General Plan has historically been revised approximately every ten years (1960, 1971, 1982, 1990, 2000). Regular updates are necessary for guiding decisions related to development, land preservation, changing demographic and employment trends, neighborhood sustainability, capital projects, County services and other key issues.




The Downtown Columbia Plan Amended is an amendment to PlanHoward 2030 and creates a 30-year master plan for the revitalization and redevelopment of Downtown Columbia. Specific land use, transportation, environmental, community conversation and housing policies are presented.

The Amendments Matrix documents amendments to PlanHoward 2030.


Monitoring Reports


Monitoring reports provide agency progress updates on PlanHoward 2030 implementation actions.

2019 Mid-Term Monitoring Report

2016 Short-Term Monitoring Report

2014 Initial Review

General Plan 2000


The Plan


General Plan 2000 served as Howard County's comprehensive plan prior to PlanHoward 2030. The General Plan 2000 Policies Map supplements the written plan.




The Downtown Columbia Plan is an amendment to the Howard County General Plan and creates a 30-year master plan for the revitalization and redevelopment of Downtown Columbia. Specific land use, transportation, environmental, community conversation and housing policies are presented.

The Howard County Water Resources Element (WRE) serves as an amendment to General Plan 2000 that adds Policies and Actions intended to ensure that the County has adequate water resource capacities to meet future growth needs through 2030.

The General Plan 2000 Amendments Matrix documents amendments to General Plan 2000.



    Monitoring Reports


    Monitoring reports describe the County's achievements on various indicators outlined in the 2000 General Plan:

    1990 General Plan


    The Plan


    The 1990 General Plan served as Howard County's comprehensive plan prior to the 2000 update.