County Executive Ball invested in infrastructure to add resources, improve communities and increase accessibility through a truly multi-modal transportation system that better connects Howard County to the Baltimore-Washington regions. He recognizes that alleviating traffic is important for our quality of life and is vital to protecting our environment by reducing the number of cars on our roads.

  • Created “Complete Streets” policy to make all travel safe and sustainable for residents of all ages and abilities, unanimously passed by County Council
  • $2.2 million for bicycle infrastructure in the 48-mile BikeHoward Express network, the largest single year investment ever dedicated solely for this purpose
  • Improved RTA bus service by implementing route changes and adding 6,000 more service hours.
  • Expanding RTA service with more Saturday and some Sunday service
  • Improving RTA connections based on passenger and community input
  • Announced $498,000 in grant funds from the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) to support improvements to bus, bike, and pedestrian transportation in Howard County
  • Received $4.5 million in tax credits from the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development for a cultural center and affordable housing
  • $4.9 million to complete improvements and renovation of the Florence Bain 50+ Center and continue design of an expanded East Columbia 50+ Center
  • $1.5 million for planned bid, permitting and site work for the North Laurel Community Pool
  • Proceeding with phase three of Blandair Park, which includes the much-awaited “Playground for All,” for children of various abilities and a maintenance building that will serve the entire 300-acre park
  • $1.7 million from a Program Open Space Development Grant to complete construction of the restroom, storage building and bleachers for Field #1 in Troy Park
  • Replacing red steel bridge at Centennial Park
  • Proposed legislation to assist in accelerating the critical work to widen Route 32 within this corridor and alleviate traffic congestion

Click here to view our infographic for how we addressed concerns from our listening sessions in the first year in office.