


Wookieepedia | Wikipedia | Star Wars Fanon | Futurepedia | Darthipedia | GB Wiki | Brickipedia | Terminator Wiki | James Cameron's Avatar Wiki | Heroes Wiki

"Darth Dorkus"
Biographical information
Birth date



Clarksville, Tennessee, Earth


Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Earth

Descriptive information



About as tall as a Shi'ido

Hair color

About the color of the rings of Geonosis

Eye color

About the color of Endor

General information

Geologist, Wookieepedian


Geeky stuff, social networking, photography, Star Wars things, conventions and costuming

Canon contributions

None so far

See below

Important stuff: Blocks - Defenses - User rights - Destructions - Uploads - Moves - Policies - Detailed stats

"It's a big galaxy, and someone has to organize it."
The New Essential Guide to Alien Species[src]

Pronunciation Guide = Riff . SEYE . Phon

CURRENT STATUS: Post-Masters, Post-TLJ, editing when I can, will begin looking into Project Kill Redlinks, continuing the never-finished Projects Trade Route Templation, Random Article Creation, Mid Rim Sector Imagation, Read Star Wars Books, and Project Stay the Kark on Wookieepedia

After twelve years, I still haven't produced a decent looking user page nor have I produced a single Featured Article. This page serves as both an archive and the byproduct of a hoarder.


  • Number of legitimate articles on Wookieepedia: 193,578
  • Currently running MediaWiki version: 1.39.7
  • Total number of pages (including templates, talk pages, and the like): 633,155
  • Total uploaded files: 127,902
  • Number of admins: 17
  • Number of registered users across all of Wikia: 35,040,896
  • Number of articles per user: 0.006
  • Number of pages per user: 0.018
  • Number of files per user: 0.004
  • Number of articles per admin: 11386.941
  • Number of pages per admin: 37244.412
  • Number of files per admin: 7523.647
  • Number of users per admin: 2061229.176
  • Number of articles for every File:1.513 articles
  • Number of non-article pages for every article: 2.271



Winner of The Pit Droid Award of Diligence by Adamwankenobi

"Do you even get paid to do this stuff?"
―Non wiki editors to Steven
  • I began editing the Star Wars Wiki, as it was then known, on March 10, 2005, the second to do so after co-founder WhiteBoy.
  • I became an administrator of the Star Wars Wiki on March 16, 2005.
  • I was enacted the second bureaucrat of Wookieepedia on February 14, 2006. EDIT (6/1/13): This should have been named "Baron Administrator" from the beginning.
  • I was demoted from adminship in 2015 due to inactivity, and that is fine. I'm still a contributor.


For the Darth Who Contest, I submitted Darth Lycinis as a name. It was a combination of the words "lie", "sin", and "lycan" referencing Jacen Solo's experiences with wyrwulves and personality traits of most other Sith Lords. Not really that great.


For information regarding the founding of the wiki, see Wookieepedia#The founding of Wookieepedia
(Removed from article due to containing delusions of grandeur.)

Introduction to Star Wars

I first remember Star Wars not from the big screen as many had before me, but rather the family VHS system, to which I repeatedly watched them until they were worn out. Over time I obtained toys here and there, namely those awesome Star Wars Micro Machines from 1995. It was not until 1997, when the Special Edition released in theaters that I was able to enjoy the saga the way it was meant to be viewed (that is via the theater, not the Special Edition). From here on out I was a dedicated fan. During the first movies of the prequel trilogy, I collected more items, but was interested more by my failed attempts to win prizes (other than free food) playing the Use the Force game at various restaurants. I admit that Yum Foods which owns KFC, Taco Bell, and Pizza Hut had quite the successful promotion.

By the time Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones released in 2002, I had a fondness for detailed information on the saga, so much as to purchase the Incredible Cross Sections and Inside the Worlds of reference books. I also researched CUSWE and attempted to catalog the many planets, systems, and sectors of the GFFA. This fed my craving for knowledge of the immense universe that George Lucas and many other Expanded Universe authors created. However, I felt I never had time to read novels, and was a visual person, stimulated by images.

Although I was a fan of the saga, I wasn't yet one of those uber-nerds that would wait outside movie theaters for openings of the prequels at midnight, nor did I collect everything imaginable, to prove to others that you can still be a fan without being a fanatic. This being said, I did quickly develop a fondness for collecting Star Wars action figures, especially after the multitude of product that was released for Revenge of the Sith.

When Wookieepedia became a thing, I invited many users from Wikipedia, TheForce.net and the social networking site Myspace, using my large Star Wars group at the latter for recruitment and spreading the word.[1] The group has since been destroyed and rebuilt with the help of a user named 'Neptune' (no relation to StarNeptune), but only to suffer the demise of being hosted on Myspace.[2]

Wookieepedia grows

To help with the many article creations and edits that the wiki received on a daily basis, I purchased more reference books, particularly the Essential Guides, and some issues of Star Wars Insider. For the time that I could contribute, I added many articles and fixed plenty of errors with spelling, grammar, tense, adding categories, stubs, images, and fixed code problems. In addition, my administrator powers helped me delete many pages, ban many vandals, and protect a few pages in hotly-contested disputes.

With Wikipedia behind me, I gave up trying to keep up with the constant changes and errors of Wikipedians and Star Wars material, where it was not strictly enforced as it is here. I intended to try to make Wookieepedia more than just another wiki by brainstorming new concepts up on my Thinktank page, including a premise for Wookieenews, which at the time I proposed would combine with TFN to inform users about various happenings around the Star Wars fanbase, in addition to related stories.[3]

Identifying with Star Wars

As the success of Wookieepedia grew, I felt more open about being a Star Wars fan. Typically, most fans would fall under the classic nerdy stereotype, which I was. I began to embrace it and announce it proudly. I went from a "casual non-hardcore fan" to a "rather large fan on the verge of obsession". I was Darth Vader for the first time on Halloween, and even considered joining the 501st Legion, however that costume was still WELL below standards for the organization. I found that some people into Star Wars had heard about Wookieepedia through word of mouth or had actually been there. This was shocking to me.

However, my fandom became problematic in real life, as for the first time, I fell below a 3.0 for his GPA and lost my college scholarship. That was a big blow to me. I temporarily left the sanctity of the wiki to work on passing my classes, although I kept an eye on it at all times.


Over the summer of 2006, I had more time to contribute. Interestingly enough, I returned to Wikipedia to work on more career-related articles, but of course slowed down once again due to classes in the fall.

On Aug 26 of that year, I experienced a dreaded BSoD on my computer. I was horrified that I had lost all my data. Thankfully I had not. I finally returned to the Wook on the day of the Mofference, November 10, 2006.[4] With the fall semester past, another opportunity to catch up became apparent, and the winter break of 2006-2007 brought increased contributions.

Around this time, I became serious about Celebration IV, which was to be hosted in Los Angeles, California in the Spring of 2007. I had support from across the nation to represent Wookieepedia as well as my then popular Myspace Star Wars group. There was even discussion to raise donations and send them to a Paypal account, however the idea was not favored by everyone. I had never done such a thing, and in terms of conventions this was pretty much first and by far the biggest thing I had ever attended. I footed the bill myself, purchasing the 4-day pass, 6 days at a hotel in Pasadena, and plane tickets. The best part was that our table was covered by the convention itself to allow new groups like ourselves a chance to interact with the masses.

Celebration IV


These covers just get better and better!

I made it to Los Angeles early on May 25, after the Fan Club day, due to a major delay in Dallas, Texas. As I was not a member of Hyperspace, I couldn't attend the associated events. But when I did attend on the 26th, I deemed that it was "absolutely amazing", with costumed fans everywhere.

During the convention, I met several Wookieepedians: Arthur Papadam, Tracy Duncan, John Hazlett, Andrew Beard, Kyle Jewhurst, Andrew Skinner, Mark Sandell, Simon Clough, Joe Weaver, Charlii Enström, Taylor Fenno, and Colby Butterfield. Bob Vitas helped us man the merged Wookieepedia/CUSWE table. I also met for the first time Abel G. Peña, Joe Corroney, Mary Franklin (whom had granted us our free table), Keeper of the Holocron Leland Chee, Dark Horse editor Randy Stradley[5], John Ostrander, Jan Duursema, Doug Wangler, Matt Busch, Tom Hodges, Tsuneo Sanda, Erik Varszegi, and a guy named C.C. Banana aka Bananakin Skywalker. Seth Green was seen inside the Vader helmet exhibit but I didn't have the gall to bother him (he was surrounded by very tall bodyguards, or was he just very short?). Indirectly, other people at the fabled continuity panel to whom I had the cojones to ask three questions to included Pablo Hidalgo (StarWars.com), Sue Rostoni (Lucas Licensing), Jonathan Rinzler (Lucas Licensing), Shelly Shapiro (Random House), Jacob Bronstein (Random House Audio). I may or may not have overstayed my welcome with that number of questions, but little did I know that wouldn't be the only time I would be interacting with them. After leaving the Imperials Panel later in the con, I somehow opened the door for Darth Vader in the form of David Prowse and inadvertently for Julian Glover (General Maximilian Veers) and Kenneth Colley (Admiral Firmus Piett). All three were headed from the panel apparently to get something to eat. I believed that that moment was when I decided to be an Imperial.

Later years of the wiki

In December 2008, I graduated from my home university Austin Peay (Go Govs!) with a B.S. in Geosciences-Geology and a minor in Astronomy. I'd say that is somewhat relevant with the types of articles I focused on here.

Throughout 2009 and 2010, the wiki continued to expand under the constant attention of its large number of administrators and new users arriving daily. Additional reference guides, Expanded Universe novels, video games, and Clone Wars material lent to the growth of material found across the wiki. In addition, greater creation of redlinks resulted in areas previously not expanded on to grow.

In the wake of social media advances, and a wise recommendation from Dan Wallace, I created a Facebook fan page for Wookieepedia, that was moderated by me for several years and then by other administrators (as of December 2014, the Facebook page has over 68,000 fans, and by December 2017 we are basically at the same number, thanks Facebook pay cap!). I also took an interest in Twitter and utilized it to communicate with various fans and celebrities in the Star Wars fan base, including those adamant about Wookieepedia. This has since gone both ways as I've had to apologize for an egregious wiki faux pau that garnered media attention. I made an attempt to fully return to the wiki in mid-2010, after a lull in professional activities. By August 2010, Celebration V had arrived, but I was not able to attend due to funds and ongoing conflicts. Instead I sent my best wishes to those that could represent the wiki on our behalf.

During the fall of 2010, I continued to balance my professional life with that of the wiki, editing articles, and working on appearance lists. This user page also underwent some house cleaning of unwanted and unneeded text and subpages. I was there to see Wookieepedia cross the 80,000 article threshold in September 2010, announcing news to followers on the Wookieepedia Facebook page. In April 2011, I participated in both April Fools' events and the following Mofference, the first in almost two years. For June 2011, I finally submitted a successful QOTD. In July 2011, I promoted his first ever article to Good Article status: Moogan, which I had actually created as a new stub in October 2010 during the release of the Clone Wars episode in which they were featured. For the Second Wookieepedia Barn-burner on Weapons in August 2011, I submitted the K26 explosive antivehicle rocket for Comprehensive Article Nomination.

Then big things happened. August 2011 was the month I relocated to Milwaukee, Wisconsin to attend the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee as a graduate student. Again I attempted to balance my school functions with that of staying active on the wiki. On Halloween 2011, I submitted my second GAN as part of Wookieepedia's first Shed-Scorcher. It passed on December 15, 2011. I then began to focus on bringing some small articles up to CAN status for the third Barn-Burner, the musical fish of Naboo.

By Spring 2012, I was once again hitting the convention circuit and attended C2E2 in Chicago, Illinois. There I got to meet Anthony Daniels at his booth and gifted him the article on C-3PO. Later, I attended his Q&A panel, and slowly made my way up to the front row. In a moment of 'I can't believe that actually happened', I responded to one of his questions about the last line that Threepio said at the end of Revenge of the Sith. Well of course I knew it, and I blurted out "OHHH NO". Mr. Daniels swiveled his head like a hawk and asked "who said that?". I raised my hand in almost a sense of shame, but he invited me up to the front stage. Funny thing is how I was wearing my Ghostbusters costume at the time. Daniels was confused and I said that could fix that. I revealed my Wookieepedia shirt underneath as Threepio himself and hundreds if not thousands of nerds watched in disbelief. Daniels, amused by this, called me an "expert" and allowed me to sit at the front of the theater for the remainder of the show. I was at a desk now tasked with answering the audience's questions as if I was Anthony Daniels. Oh how clever.

Celebration VI came. Again, I was unable to attend, however was able to donate funds for the necessary internet connection for the table, and advertised via the Facebook group. Also during this time, I was approached by the team at StarWars.com about contributing to the Blog, that would be publically accessible to thousands of people. I was in the process of writing the first entries, however in the end, graduate school won. I'm not sure if I made the right choice in turning it down, but at the time it was imperative that I not fail within my school program. The late spring of 2013 brought Steven back to California. This time it was to discuss matters with Wikia, including site layout, features, etc. We may or may not have done some cool things.

I completed his thesis in summer of 2014, a year behind at that, and made an attempt to return to Wookieepedia with renewed interest after the introduction of the Legends classification. Over the next year, I hoped to wrangle the confusing web that were now the new Legends and Canon articles. I attended my 2nd Celebration, Celebration Anaheim in April 2015 where members of Wookieepedia and Wikia celebrated the wiki's tenth anniversary. Even Leland Chee came out to the table for that. Pablo was behind JSarek and I at the Force Awakens panel. What a glorious weekend that was. Yet, while the convention was a highlight of the year, my ability to continue editing on the wiki waned greatly in respect to the real world, and this was further coerced by my avoidance of new material surrounding The Force Awakens. As a result, the community acted on a long-standing absence that was problematic to the role of administrator and bureaucrat. After 10 years of service, I lost my user rights, and rightly so. There was no need to abuse them given my standing in production (or lack thereof). I understand the policy and I respect it.

In the wake of the release of The Force Awakens, I temporarily found a new opportunity to edit freely. Once again, times were rough and I had to back away from editing. Not having access to the Internet because of financial instability was a large factor in being unable to contribute but there was just enough funding to make it to Celebration Orlando in April 2017. Another convention brought with it a rekindling of interest, and a time for old friends to reunite. It wasn't until after the release of The Last Jedi in December 2017 that I decided it had been too long, and I attempted to keep at it, eventually falling off again in 2019.

A pandemic happened. Administration was upturned. The world changed. New opportunities came to light. I joined a genealogy wiki named WikiTree. I have made several friends there and have contributed to furthering genealogical knowledge via the World Tree, which has overlapped with this fandom. I have since assisted with expanding the genealogies of Adrienne Wilkinson and Jimmy Wales, for example. As a result of being integrated with the fandom elsewhere and seeing the power that this wiki still brings, on 22 April 2023, I have made the decision to return to Wookieepedia in a greater standing of representation than I have been able to for years.

Even though I no longer hold an official position of power, I hope that my continued edits and attention to detail can assist in pushing the wiki ever further forward. Having started as just an idea and in a matter of 18 years having grown to over 180,000 articles (as of April 2023), I am proud of the project that has time and time again gained considerable note in popular culture and served the public with the most detailed entries on the Star Wars universe. I am honored to be a part of this.


  1. As of June 2007, the group had reached 40,000 members, however, only 10 percent of its members were regularly active.
  2. As of 2011, Myspace is no longer a force in the social networking community.
  3. The concept has not merged with TFN as proposed but has held its own as the primary news source for Wookieepedians, that is until 2016 where it has been replaced by Facebook and Twitter posts (the golden age of social media).
  4. This frame in time is considered the Dark Age.
  5. Randy grinned when Steven joked that Darth Krayt might actually have been Jacen Solo, but rather later became known to be someone else.

Things I find interesting on Wookieepedia[]


File:Baron Papanoida.jpg

Mr. Papanoida, I presume?

  • Anons who revert other anons.
  • Anons who underestimate the ban power of the wiki.
  • Our first bot, appropriately a familiar droid named Artoo.
  • That a few guys can grab the attention of an entire fanbase in only a year.
  • Users who insist on being Darths.
  • Users who go by character, location, or actor names.
  • An article titled "Hover Transport" that actually read "A transport that hovers."
  • That I never can finish what I start.
  • That I catch more mistakes after I saved for the first or second time.
  • That it's astounding how fast information is added from a released source only hours after made public.
  • That I can prevent myself from going crazy from spoilers by purchasing that source on that day.
  • That Wookieepedia on Wikipedia was nominated for deletion per WP:WEB as spam. Thankfully it was speedy kept.
  • That suspension of disbelief is fun to think about.
  • That we somehow don't have articles for the inevitably to be released.
  • That I am one that wants to keep everything on the wiki, a true hyperinclusionist to the core.
  • Mineral does not always equal material.
  • That people still can't spell "Wookieepedia".
  • Guestbooks. I don't really favor them, but whatever.
  • I have never seen or heard anything like the Wookiee-Cast but I'm hooked on the Dexter-like voice of 4dot. (If he only knew which one I was talking about.)
"Well um, hmm, Riff thinks I have a voice like Dexter."
―Wookiee-Cast III 5:18-5:24
  • Vandals that return a year later as redeemed users.
  • I created the 50,000th article, Solitaire. It's not much but it's canon and that's what counts.
  • The Other Wookieepedia [1]
  • jSarek was the published question to Leland Chee in Star Wars Insider 96's Q&A section regarding Conan Antonio Motti's canon status, revealing his original name to be "Zi Motti" before Lucas intervened. Shown as "Sarek", he asked "How have you decided to treat the "Conan Antonio Motti" name... for Holocron purposes? Is it just another joke, or are you taking it a bit more seriously than that?" It was originally questioned on the SW.com forums on May 16, 2007.
    • This being said, I have found an instance of "Zi Motti" in Death Star while he talks to Admiral Jaim Helaw.
  • Interestingly enough, I was the first to ask Leland (or anyone in a panel) at Celebration IV's continuity panel on May 26, 2007 about the canonicity of this name, to which he replied "it will be revealed eventually". The publication of Death Star's Dramatis Personae and the Insider issue was the "eventually" part.
  • Do some users have a tendency to automatically vote with the most important person and not necessarily via a valid reason of their own?
  • I was almost deleted. It was a fair choice to merge my article into the Wookieepedia article afterward.
  • Galen Marek and Guri won Mister and Miss Star Wars respectively for 2008. Glad to see this feature still survives today.
  • Beware the Great List Purge of 2008 and 2009!
  • April Fools Day 2009 Ideas
    • Main Page and FA in Shyriiwook (My idea)
    • Max as FA (4dot)
    • Howard the Duck wiki (4dot)
    • 1978 joke (4dot)
    • Wiki about Wookieepedia (4dot)
    • Star Wars Purist wiki (Ozzel) (winner for 2009)
    • The Complete Wookieepedia (Ozzel)
  • Only took nine years (3/4/05-3/4/14) to reach 109,600 articles, and ten to reach 117,350.
  • 12/24/2017: To see the end of Wookieenews to which now our social media updates on Facebook and Twitter are dominating that space on the Main Page.



That children in the GFFA play with clone trooper and battle droid action figures just like we do.


The coolest Sith isn't the black and red one, but the black and white one.

Gordian Reach

Borders.. Borders! We got borders here!



Mr. President?

  • I am enlightened to learn that I share a birthday with Aayla Secura.
  • Why didn't I attend Celebration III in Indianapolis, only 400 miles away, not 2000?
  • Fanboys!
  • Riffsyphon
  • That I am a Warsie.
  • There's a real person named Dirk Yohan Beer. Isn't that a karking awesome name?!
  • AurebeshSans-Serif h1pixelspaceAurebeshSans-Serif o1pixelspaceAurebeshSans-Serif l1pixelspaceAurebeshSans-Serif y AurebeshSans-Serif k1pixelspaceAurebeshSans-Serif a1pixelspaceAurebeshSans-Serif r1pixelspaceAurebeshSans-Serif k AurebeshSans-Serif t1pixelspaceAurebeshSans-Serif h1pixelspaceAurebeshSans-Serif i1pixelspaceAurebeshSans-Serif s AurebeshSans-Serif i1pixelspaceAurebeshSans-Serif s AurebeshSans-Serif c1pixelspaceAurebeshSans-Serif o1pixelspaceAurebeshSans-Serif o1pixelspaceAurebeshSans-Serif l!

Some calculations[]

Taking a bit from MarcK and Culator, I am curious as to how many new individuals we can expect from the Star Wars live-action TV series.

Assuming that there are 100 episodes at 45 minutes each (with commercials), that equivocates to 37.5 movies of equal time at 2 hours long each. If each movie at 2 hours is capable of producing roughly 500 new characters, both main and background, then it could be extrapolated that 37.5 movies worth of episodes times 500 characters = about 18,750 new characters! Whoa...

If the show were to go to 400 episodes as Rick McCallum had hoped, that number could have theoretically quadrupled to 75,000 characters.

UPDATE: 11/12/2011 A re-calculation on these types of estimates was performed.

To relate this to Star Wars: The Clone Wars, there was 88 episodes by the end of Season Four, each comprising 20 minutes of actual material in a 30 minute television block. Considering the number of re-occurring characters, we can only select those that are brand new to the TCW storylines. In this case, we may have upwards of 20 new characters per episode, assuming new continuities and not continuations of storylines from other episodes. That averages to about 440 characters. A most conservation estimate would shrink new characters down to 350 per season. For four seasons, that is still only 1400 characters. Had Clone Wars actually gone for 400 episodes, that number would result in about 7000 characters. Again, this is a conservative estimate for a show that is only 22 minutes long (with commercials). As TCW ended up with 5 seasons around 100 episodes, the conservative estimate of 350 characters per season would give us 1750-1800 new characters. We shall see what Rebels brings.

UPDATE: 12/24/2017 There will never be a live-action Star Wars series at this rate.

UPDATE: 22 APR 2023 You fool.

Wookiee-Google growth[]

  • As of September 9, 2007, "Wookieepedia" gets 339,000 total hits on Google, with 164,000 being external and non-Wookieepedia site hits. [2].
  • November 25, 2007, "Wookieepedia" gets 383,000 total hits, with 184,000 from the website itself.
  • In an odd reversal, as of February 3, 2008, "Wookieepedia" gets 197,000 total hits.
  • March 4: 201,000 total hits, 119,000 external
  • April 12: 201,000 total hits, no change
  • June 27: 354,000 total hits, with 177,000 external (exactly half)
  • July 31: 319,000 total hits, with 240,000 external
  • January 25, 2009: 299,000 total hits, 152,000 internal
  • June 17, 2009: 382,000 total hits, 310,000 internal
  • January 28, 2011: 942,000 total hits, 256,000 internal
  • November 12, 2011: 765,000 total hits, 246,000 internal
  • March 4, 2012: 893,000 total hits, 291,000 internal
  • December 1, 2014: 503,000 total hits, 292,000 internal


WPTL: 124,690 (current count: 109,253 as of February 2, 2014) (previous counts: WPTL of 105,250 while at 89,255 as of Jan 20, 2012; WPTL of 101,700 while at 85,400 as of Aug 1, 2011; WPTL of 92,000 while at 80,100 as of Oct 1, 2010)

This is an estimated number of articles which Wookieepedia could technically have created based on the level of released canon, by analysis of redlinks on source and media articles. This figure is always subject to change due to updates in canon or major releases of material, as well as more accurate pinnings of wanted articles. The current article count stands at 193,578.


"Yay! Table! ick. table."
  • Round trip plane tickets to Los Angeles for Celebration 4: $320
  • 6-night hotel stay somewhere safe and nearby: $400
  • Badge for 4 days at the event: $110
  • Knowing you sorta made an impact in fandom itself: priceless
  • There are some things in life that can't be purchased, for everything else there's the Jedi MasterCard.

To Do List[]

  • Do stuff, make stuff, clean up stuff, consolidate stuff

Personal VIP Interview Wish List (so far)[]

My Various Projects[]

Planets | Sectors | Systems (renamed Star systems for clarity) | Battles | Nebulae | Star clusters | Moffs | Districts on Coruscant | References to Star Wars | Measurement units
Holidays | Senators | Star Wars Insider
WookieeProject Locations | Award Proposals | Wookieepedians | Wookieenews | Wookieepedians by region | Design a shirt contest
Years | Years (real-world) | Locations | Natural formations | Dates | Elements | Wookieepedians by edits | Wookieepedians by time zone | Rocks | Minerals | Indexes

=Wikipedia Creations Moved Over (2005 era)[]

Sectors of Star Wars, Systems of Star Wars, Cities of Star Wars, Creatures of Star Wars, The Maw, and Repulsorlift

Other stances[]


My first successful QOTD came as the wiki passed 85,000 articles in June of 2011.

Comprehensive, Good, and Featured articles[]

I really have great luck with these.


  • Unidentified planet 24 (Dilonexa system) was deleted per Trash Compactor vote on February 9, 2014
Premium-GoodIcon This user helped promote the article Moogan/Legends to Good status.
Premium-GoodIcon This user helped promote the article Unidentified planet 24 (Dilonexa system) to Good status.
Premium-GoodIcon This user helped promote the article Doo/Legends to Good status.
Premium-GoodIcon This user helped promote the article Ray/Legends to Good status.
Premium-GoodIcon This user helped promote the article Mee/Legends to Good status.
Premium-GoodIcon This user helped promote the article Faa (creature) to Good status.

Inactive user

This user has been inactive for 12 months or more and has lost their user page privileges. If you are the user in question, simply undo the last edit to this page when you return to normal article editing activity.

Last article edit: April 6, 2017 (contribs)

Current nomination:

Future considerations: The remaining musical scalefish of Naboo (See, Laa and Tee), Hydian Way, Bith, Dilonexa system (in response to merging of Dilonexa planet information)


Temp | Temp2 | Creatures | Thinktank | Sectors | Quotes | HNN | Roundtable | Elements | Substances | Near-Humans | Maptest | Admins | Parts | Useful stuff | Humor | Aanooine

Planets from CUSWE[]

  • Bolded are completely bluelinked.
  • Italicized are one or two away from complete bluelinktion.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z




(Bold: read entirely through, but that is exceedingly rare.)


(b: arriving soon)

Some recent article creations[]

Feito Technology level Hematite Halite Chalcopyrite Malachite Calcite Alliance Commissary Primeday Taungsday Zhellday Rendor's Raiders Kwymar Six Warhounds Able Company Baker Company Red Smoke Safari One The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force (IU) 115 BBY Moogan (GA) Zak Zaz Moogan gunship Slabin Ardees Beverage tea Meson taloscope Oscillation overthemister Oxidizer intake Sonic welder Inference pulse stabilizer Telemetry transmitter Thrust stabilizer cone Control pod Air scoop Control linkage brace Overpressure alarm Pressure management mode indicator Hydraulic pressure charging system Rae (disambiguation) Essential Atlas Extra: The Knight Errant Gazetteer Ran-D housekeeper droid Iska sector ‎Gendius sector ‎Elbaran sector ‎Aldino sectorAlmak sectorSemagi sector ‎Narrant sector ‎Masla sectorOriolan sector ‎Halm sectorJidlor MarshesTashtor sector ‎Marzoon sector ‎Dononter sectorCorbett sectorGraador sector ‎Rago sectorOuter Jalor sector ‎Jalor sector ‎Abaar sector Manoe sector Lannik system Lannik Wilds Lannik SpaceInflux capacitor The Revels The Secrets of Jedi Power Xan sectorVensori sectorVenaarian sectorVadigult sectorTyan sectorTruum sector Trans-Gascon sector Tiala sector Thusa sector Talcene sector Sloo sector Sevastol sectorSarka sectorRomintine sector Primtara sector Pacor sector Noolian sectorNicandra sector Msst sectorMaerdocian sector Luuq sectorLondori sectorLikasha sectorKordu sectorIvidal sector Hertae sector Halori sector Fei Hu sector Dohlbani sector Daalang sector Corweillian sector Corthenia sector Chamma sector Bryx sector Bortele sector Belshar sector Barsa sectorAlderath sector Aida sector ‎Horns of Waryl ‎Blue SwirlHallucination Kardura ‎Kassido Kassido Bypass ‎Skirmish in the Sundari dock warehouse ‎Agarix Trade RouteHerdessa sector ‎Sundari dock warehouse Perlemia system Candoras sector Dilonexan Je'daii ‎Ko-shol gas ‎Ramordia system ‎Unidentified planet 24 (Dilonexa system) (GA)Koshol gasRepMed vita paste ‎Reifflex cellular padding Pserem Kouhunin Neuron Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia, Star Wars: The Ultimate Action Figure Collection: 35 Years of Characters, The Charge at Feather Nebula, Feather Nebula, Spires of Kalimahr, Level 1313, 107 BBY, Peace, Joy, Star Wars: Edge of the Empire, Logic display sensor, Tresfor, Day of Three Suns, Rim Mining Company (Merged into Rim Commercial Mining), Diana Williams, ‎Carrie Beck, ‎Star Wars Rebels: The Visual Guide


Riff's Moderatedly Sized Userbox Storage Facility
en-N This user is a native speaker of English.
en-3 This user is able to contribute with an advanced level of English.
M This user is male.
33 This user is 33 years old.
SWFanonlogo This user contributes to the Star Wars Fanon Wiki.
WP This user is a member of the WookieeProject Atlas.
MountSorrow This user listened to the Wookiee-Cast.

10 yr. This user has contributed to Wookieepedia for more than ten years.
edit This user has 45,610 total edits.
40k This user has over 40,000 edits on Wookieepedia.
Fandom Heart This user has been active on other Fandom wikis and is familiar with wiki-formatting and Fandom practices.
mbk This user used the Monobook skin.
+++ This user is a hyperinclusionist.
Chance cube This user makes frequent use of the random article link.

Bookslogo This user collects Star Wars books, novels, and reference works.
Kenner-logo This user collects Vintage Star Wars toys and action figures.
Hasbro logo This user collects Hasbro Star Wars toys and action figures.
sw-3 This user has an advanced understanding of the Star Wars galaxy.
Ord Mantell SWCCG This user has an interest in the natural sciences (biology, chemistry, physics, astronomy, and geology) of the galaxy.
CelebrationIV This user attended Celebration IV.
CA This user attended Celebration Anaheim.
CO This user attended Celebration Orlando.
CC This user attended Celebration Chicago.
SW This user's other Star Wars project is attending conventions to promote Wookieepedia.

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Other Places[]

  • Personal email: darth dot realgar at gmail dot com


  • Foundations of Stone (First appearance)
  • Pandemonium
  • Times of Change (Mentioned only)

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If you are currently browsing another site, that site is a Wookieepedia mirror and may be outdated. Please see the original from which this version of the user page was copied.
