

Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Canon version of this subject.  This article covers the Legends version of this subject. 

This is a list of known battles, wars, disputes, and other deadly conflicts, in chronological order.

Early history[]

The Great Schism (24,500 BBY)[]

The Devouring (24,500 BBY)[]

Tionese War (24,000 BBY23,900 BBY)[]

Alsakan Conflicts (17,018 BBY3017 BBY)[]

Duinuogwuin Contention (15,500 BBY)[]

Hutt Cataclysms (15,000 BBY)[]

Aqualish Civil War (15,000 BBY)[]

Aqualish–Republic War (15,000 BBY)[]

Cremlevian War (c.15,000 BBY)[]

Pius Dea Crusades (11,987 BBY10,966 BBY)[]

Battle between the Kumauri Empire and the Republic (c.10,000 BBY)[]

Second Herglic Feud (9757 BBY)[]

Waymancy Storm (7811 BBY)[]

Unification War (7348 BBY7328 BBY)[]

Second Great Schism (7003 BBY7000 BBY)[]

Hundred-Year Darkness (7000 BBY6900 BBY)[]

Mandalorian Crusades (7000 BBY3996 BBY)[]

Medriaas revolution (5107 BBY5100 BBY)[]

The Unification Wars (Koros)[]

Great Hyperspace War (5000 BBY)[]

Pre-Great Sith War conflicts[]

Old Sith Wars[]

Freedon Nadd Uprising (3998 BBY):[]

Krath Holy Crusade (3997 BBY3996 BBY):[]

Great Sith War (3996 BBY)[]

Great Hunt (3995 BBY3993 BBY)[]

Post-Great Sith War[]

Kanz Disorders (3970 BBY3670 BBY)[]

Mandalorian Wars (3976 BBY3960 BBY)[]

Post-Mandalorian Wars[]

Jedi Civil War (3959 BBY3956 BBY)[]

Post-Jedi Civil War conflicts[]

Post-Old Sith Wars[]

Great Galactic War (3681 BBY3653 BBY)[]

Cold War (3653 BBY3642 BBY)[]

Galactic War (3642 BBY3636 BBY)[]

War against Zakuul (3631 BBY3630 BBY)[]

Order of Zildrog campaign (3630 BBY)[]

Third Galactic War (3628 BBY–?)[]

War of the Gungan tribes (3000 BBY)[]

The Doomed–Lost Tribe of the Sith conflict (3000 BBY2974 BBY)[]

The New Sith Wars (2000 BBY1000 BBY)[]

Post-Ruusan Reformation[]

Separatist Crisis[]

Clone Wars (22 BBY19 BBY)[]

Year 1[]

Year 2[]

Year 3[]

Year 4[]

Imperial Period[]

Great Jedi Purge

Galactic Civil War[]

Early Campaigns[]

1 BBY[]

0 BBY[]


Stalemate – The Blockade of Yavin[]

0 ABY[]

Alliance on the Run – After the Evacuation of Yavin IV[]

1 ABY[]

3 ABY[]

Battle of Hoth[]

Regrouping – Post-Battle of Hoth[]

4 ABY[]

Fragmentation of the Empire[]

Purge of the Imperials – Post-Battle of Endor[]

5 ABY[]

6 ABY[]

7 ABY[]

8 ABY[]

9 ABY[]

Reborn Empire[]

10 ABY[]

11 ABY[]

Post-Reborn Empire[]

Pre-Yuuzhan Vong War conflicts[]

Yuuzhan Vong War (25 ABY29 ABY)[]

Post-Yuuzhan Vong War[]

Dark Nest Crisis (35 ABY36 ABY)[]

Legacy era[]

Second Galactic Civil War (40 ABY41 ABY)[]

Post-Second Galactic Civil War[]

Sith–Imperial War (127 ABY130 ABY)[]

Second Imperial Civil War (130 ABY138 ABY)[]

Darth Wredd's insurgency (138 ABY139 ABY)[]

Battles of unknown time period[]

Pre-Republic Battles of Unknown Placement[]

Pre-Great Sith War Battles of Unknown Placement[]

Old Sith Wars Battles of Unknown Placement[]

Mandalorian Wars Battles of Unknown Placement[]

Jedi Civil War Battles of Unknown Placement[]

Post-Old Sith Wars Battles of Unknown Placement[]

Great Galactic War Battles of Unknown Placement[]

Cold War Battles of Unknown Placement[]

Galactic War Battles of Unknown Placement[]

Inter-Sith Wars Battles of Unknown Placement[]

New Sith Wars Battles of Unknown Placement[]

Galactic Republic Battles of Unknown Placement[]

Pre-Clone Wars Battles of Unknown Placement[]

Clone Wars Battles of Unknown Placement[]

Imperial Conquest era Battles of Unknown Placement[]

Galactic Civil War Battles of Unknown Placement[]

Pre-Yuuzhan Vong War Battles of Unknown Placement[]

Yuuzhan Vong War Battles of Unknown Placement[]

Pre-Second Galactic Civil War Battles of Unknown Placement[]

Sith-Imperial War Battles of Unknown Placement[]

Second Imperial Civil War Battles of Unknown Placement[]

Notes and references[]
