

For other uses, see Crimson.

The Crimson Days was a period of unrest that occurred in 553 BBY in the isolated Senex-Juvex region. It began when the warlord Osted Picutorion, an outsider to the region, married Princess Farasa Anturi of one of the Senex-Juvex Ancient Houses. Picutorion then went on to defeat the forces of the Houses Vandron and Petro, freed the Hutlarian species from servitude to the Houses, and occupied the Vandron homeworld Karfeddion. As a result of the Crimson Days, House Anturi transformed itself into House Picutorion, and the Ancient Houses in general experienced changes that culminated with the eventual incorporation of the Senex-Juvex into the Galactic Republic.


During the final centuries of the existence of the Galactic Republic, merchants established new trading routes leading to the Senex-Juvex, an isolated region of the Mid Rim settled after 1000 BBY by the noble families known as the Ancient Houses. The latter had also enslaved the region's native alien species.[1]

The Crimson Days[]

In 553 BBY, Osted Picutorion, a warlord and merchant-prince from the Kwymar sector[1] of the Outer Rim Territories,[2] initiated in the Senex-Juvex a period of unrest known as the Crimson Days. The warlord married Princess Farasa of House Anturi, the weakest of the Ancient Houses. Picutorion subsequently defeated the combined forces of Houses Vandron and Petro, liberated the Hutlarian species of the world Hutlar from servitude to the Ancient Houses, and occupied Karfeddion, the homeworld of House Vandron.[1]



The Crimson Days brought about the independence of Hutlar (depicted on map) from the Ancient Houses of the Senex-Juvex.

The Crimson Days ended with the Third Nantama Synod, which was held on the world Nantama. The meeting accepted Picutorion and Anturi's marriage as well as the independence of Hutlar. The latter was specifically a part of the terms for ending the ongoing unrest, however their homeworld's freedom meant little for the Hutlarians themselves, who mostly remained in the employ of the Ancient Houses. Within a generation of the end of the Crimson Days, House Anturi had transformed into House Picutorion, although the other Ancient Houses kept using the former name in private. In addition, House Picutorion was still referred to as the Outsider House hundreds of years later.[1]

The Crimson Days also highlighted the fact that, during their isolation from the rest of the galaxy, the Ancient Houses had fallen behind technologically, which was a humiliating realization for them. House Mekuun had rebelled against the other Houses, and less than a hundred years after the Crimson Days' resolution, the Mekuuns had dissolved their House and had independently sought to reconstitute their holdings as a sector of the Galactic Republic. Within a century of the Third Nantama Synod, the Republic had annexed the Ninth Quadrant, a bordering region of the Senex-Juvex that had been under the Houses' control, and eventually, the Senex-Juvex itself became a part of the Republic in the form of the Senex and Juvex sectors.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

"The tale of the Crimson Days ties together the planet Picutorion in Kwymar Sector with the Senex house introduced in Children of the Jedi."
―Jason Fry[3]

The Crimson Days were introduced in the 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas by Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry.[1] It was created in order to connect[3] the planet Picutorion,[4] which had been first mentioned in the 1989 West End Games' Imperial Sourcebook,[5] with House Picutorion that had been introduced[3] in the 1995 novel Children of the Jedi.[6]


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