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"You might need this."
Han Solo, as he hands Rey an NN-14 blaster pistol[3]

The blaster pistol was a common weapon used by both military personnel and civilians. It came in a variety of shapes, sizes, and capabilities.

The Rebel Alliance soldiers commonly used DH-17 blaster pistol.[2] The Smuggler Han Solo made frequent use of his DL-44 heavy blaster pistol.[4] The bounty hunter Jango Fett was proficient at wielding twin WESTAR-34 blaster pistols, at the same time.[5][6] During the Clone Wars, the Duros bounty hunter Cad Bane wielded a pair of LL-30 blaster pistols.[7] The Mandalorian and rebel, Sabine Wren, used twin WESTAR-35 blaster pistols.[8] Clone Captain Rex also typically fought with two DC-17 hand blasters,[9] which were standard issue weapons in the Grand Army of the Republic.[10] Lando Calrissian made uses of an X-8 Night Sniper.[11] The Vilmarh's Revenge was a popular type of blaster pistol during the time of the Galactic Empire, and the gangster Cikatro Vizago was an individual who carried such a pistol.[12] Many Resistance members used the Glie-44 blaster pistol as their standard-issue sidearm.[13]


Some were augmented for other functions, such as ascension guns that fired grappling hooks and ascension cables. Many blaster pistols contained stun settings which were used to incapacitate a target instead of dealing lethal damage.[1] Like all blaster technology, the blaster pistol fired cohesive bursts of plasma or particle-based energy called "bolts." Blaster bolts could be repelled by magnetic seals and deflector shields.[1] They could also be deflected by a lightsaber and even redirected back to the shooter or some other target.[14] A lightsaber-blaster hybrid is a lightsaber with a blaster pistol built in the hilt. So far it only fires stun bolts.[15] Types of blaster pistols included Heavy blaster pistols,[16] Hold-out blasters,[17] Snub-blasters,[18] Bryar pistols,[19] Defender sporting blaster pistols, and BH-4 Double Blasters.[20]

Two-barreled blaster pistol designs included the Blurrg-1120 holdout blaster,[21] RSKF-44 heavy blaster,[22] S-195 blaster pistol,[22] and the "Snubble special" pistol.[22] The A-180 and A280-CFE were blaster pistols that could be reconfigured into an assault blaster rifle and a sniper rifle.[23] Blaster pistols could also have unique loading mechanisms as the S-195 had as hinged assembly that allowed for faster loading of reactant gas capsules or power plugs, the DG-29 heavy blaster pistol could be loaded from the side,[24] and the MW-20 Bryar pistol featured a double ammo cartridge that rotated when the current cartridge overheated, readying a fresh one for firing.[25]

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