


"Tales from Wild Space: Alone in the Dark" is a comic story featuring Tallissan Lintra that was published as the secondary story of Star Wars Adventures (2017) 26 on September 25, 2019.

Plot summary[]

On the Star Herald in Wild Space, the Cartographer Emil Graf was asking for his droid, CR-8R "Crater" if he was in need of any help as he was performing a operation for his Photoreceptor crystal in the bathroom. Crater was in the dark room and told Graf that he did not need help. This reminded Graf of a story about a pilot in the dark.

Some time earlier,[3] Tallissan Lintra and her fellow Resistance pilots were travelling through a gas cloud. They had to end their training due to the conditions when they received a distress signal. Although Blue Leader would not have any communications if she went back in the gas cloud, Lintra did anyways to answer the distress signal. She found the location of the distress signal came from a starship nearby.

Onboard the space station, Lintra investigated and called out to anyone who was onboard. All of the sudden the lights turned on and Staaysha Dekkr appeared. Dekkr told Lintra to not move, assume she was a pirate. Lintra told Dekkr that she was there to help them but this caused the Duros to break down and explain to Lintra why they were in trouble. They had wanted to impress their boss by getting a early docking slot at Klytus V Station but got lost in a shortcut through the gas cloud.

They moved over to the bridge of the ship. The gas cloud was overriding the ship's sensors and unless they fixed the problem they could be stuck in the cloud for a millennium. Coming up with a plan, the two decided to reboot the navigation computer so they can follow exhaust signature left by Lintra's A-wing out of the cloud. They rebooted the navicomputer but before they could follow the signature, Resistance X-wing starfighters came to their rescue.

Back on the Star Herald, Crater was feeling better and Graf told him that it was ok to feel afraid and that maybe a nice oil bath would make him feel better.


By type
Characters Organisms Droid models Events Locations
Organizations and titles Sentient species Vehicles and vessels Weapons and technology Miscellanea


Droid models



Organizations and titles

Sentient species

Vehicles and vessels

Weapons and technology


Notes and references[]

  1. Comixology Logo Star Wars Adventures #26 on the official comiXology website (content obsolete and backup link not available)
  2. As shown in "The Lost Stories, Part 3," the events of all the Star Wars Adventures: Tales from Wild Space comics are set a relatively short time apart. "Tales from Wild Space: The Best Pet" depicts CR-8R being aware of the events following those of Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi, and "The Lost Stories, Part 1" features the First Order. The Star Wars Book places The Last Jedi thirty-four years after the events of Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope and the fall of the First Order thirty-five years after A New Hope, which, according to Star Wars: Galactic Atlas, corresponds to 34 ABY and 35 ABY, respectively. Therefore, the Star Wars Adventures: Tales from Wild Space comics must take place at some point between those years.
  3. 3.0 3.1 "Tales from Wild Space: Alone in the Dark" features the Resistance, which was founded in 28 ABY according to Star Wars: On the Front Lines. However, as this comic also features Tallissan Lintra, it must take place prior to Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi, which Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates to 34 ABY.
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