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"This is a dangerous situation, Your Highness. Our security volunteers will be no match against a battle-hardened Federation army."
―Quarsh Panaka, to Queen Amidala[1]

The Royal Naboo Security Forces[16] (RNSF),[17] also known as the Naboo Royal Guards, the Naboo Royal Security Forces,[18] the Royal Security Forces[19] or the Volunteer Security Forces[20] were the corps responsible for policing the planet of Naboo as well as protecting its monarch and people.[10]

The Security Forces, while mostly composed of volunteers, were trained in hand-to-hand combat and marksmanship, as well as responding to attacks such as assassination attempts against the Naboo monarch. However, the Security Forces were a policing organization, and not trained as a standing army. The Security Forces included three divisions: the Naboo Palace Guard, the Security Guard, and the Naboo Royal Space Fighter Corps.[10]

During the Invasion of Naboo the Security Forces, under the command of Captain Panaka, were overwhelmed by the Trade Federation's droid army. With the assistance of the Jedi they were able to evacuate Queen Padmé Amidala on her Naboo Royal Starship piloted by veteran Fighter Corps member, Ric Olié. Later, during the Battle of Naboo, the Security Forces retook their homeworld with the assistance of the Jedi and the native Gungans.[1] Overall, the Security Forces grew during Amidala's rule of Naboo; whilst Amidala was largely a pacifist, she understood the need for security, and Panaka was obsessed with keeping the planet and monarch safe, especially after the invasion.[4]

When Amidala became a Senator, she continued to receive protection from a Security Forces detail under the command of Captain Gregar Typho. During Amidala's return to Coruscant, Typho was able to disguise her using a decoy. His concerns were well founded, as the shuttle came under attack, killing several guards, though Amidala survived.[5]

Several members of the Forces gave their lives assisting Jedi Master Kelleran Beq in his rescue of Grogu during Operation: Knightfall.[13]


The security forces under Captain Quarsh Panaka served under Queen Sanandrassa until the election of Padmé Amidala.[21] During the Trade Federation's Blockade, the security forces were no match for the Trade Federation Droid Army. However, Panaka and his detachment were able to escape Naboo with Amidala and Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn to Tatooine and eventually Coruscant. The remaining security forces stayed behind and formed a resistance force. Upon Amidala's return to Naboo, the Security forces, with the Gungans distracting the main droid army, were able to help Amidala capture Viceroy Nute Gunray. The security forces later took part in a parade to celebrate both Naboo's and the Gungan's victory over the Trade Federation.[1]


Non-canon appearances[]


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