Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)

A list of unnamed fixed installations.

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15 Cardassian outposts[]

In 2371, these outposts were involved in the search for the Maquis-hijacked USS Defiant. During the search, they checked in with Cardassian Central Command and reported that they had not seen the Federation starship. (DS9: "Defiant")

These outposts were only mentioned in dialogue.

Cuellar system supply port[]

Kelvas facility[]

Monac shipyard[]

Nearest Cardassian base to McAllister C-5 Nebula[]

In 2369, this base was the closest one to the McAllister C-5 Nebula.

For the Cardassian fleet hidden in this nebula, Captain Edward Jellico set the terms by which the fleet could leave the nebula. If they did not accept the terms, which they did by the way, they would be destroyed by antimatter mines. Each ship was to leave the nebula one by one and, as they did so, they were to eject their primary phaser coil. Then, they were to proceed to this base. (TNG: "Chain Of Command, Part II")

This base was only mentioned in writing.

Orbital drydocks around Bajor[]


Closest outpost to Bopak system[]

This outpost was the closest one to the Bopak system. The travel time between the two locations was six weeks at an unspecified speed. (DS9: "Hippocratic Oath")

Dark-matter nebula ketracel-white facility[]

(DS9: "A Time to Stand")

Nearest outpost to Torga IV[]

This outpost was the nearest one to the uninhabited planet Torga IV. It was three weeks away at an unspecified warp speed. (DS9: "The Ship")

This outpost was only mentioned in dialogue.

Pelosa system ketracel-white facility[]

(DS9: "Treachery, Faith and the Great River")

Son'a Devos II ketracel-white facility[]

(DS9: "Penumbra")


Daystrom Institute floating cities[]

In 2381, at least one floating city was present near the Daystrom Institute in Okinawa on Earth. (LD: "Where Pleasant Fountains Lie", "A Few Badgeys More") By 2399, another floating city had been added next to the original. (PIC: "Remembrance", "The End is the Beginning", "Nepenthe")

Earth spacedocks[]

Federation outpost[]

In 2371, this outpost intercepted a message that Enabran Tain, former head of the Obsidian Order, sent to Cardassian Central Command prior to the Battle of the Omarion Nebula. The outpost forward the message to Starfleet Intelligence. (DS9: "The Die is Cast")

This outpost was only mentioned in dialogue.

Gamma 7 outpost[]

In 2365, this outpost in the Gamma 7 sector was the destination of the USS Lantree after her crew began dying from a mysterious illness. It was the nearest outpost to their position. (TNG: "Unnatural Selection")

This outpost was only mentioned in dialogue.

Guernica system outpost[]

This outpost was located in the Guernica system.

In 2367, the USS Enterprise-D was transporting a shipment of scientific equipment from Starbase 313 to this outpost. (TNG: "Galaxy's Child")

This outpost was only mentioned in dialogue.

Lantaru sector research station[]

Mimas evac station[]

In 2368, Cadets from Nova Squadron used their emergency transporters inside the training shuttles to beam to the emergency evac station on Mimas. (TNG: "The First Duty")

Mining facility[]

Dilithium processing facility

Dilithium processing facility

This mining facility was located on a dilithium-rich asteroid in the 2370s. In 2378, it employed holograms based on the Mark I version of Starfleet's Emergency Medical Holographic program for its end-of-life. It necessarily contained hololabs for their maintenance. (VOY: "Author, Author")

Neutral Zone outpost[]

In 2364, this outpost, near the border of the Romulan Neutral Zone, reported the presence of seven Romulan battle cruisers, which were within sensor range, to Starfleet. The border outpost would subsequently send a distress call, which was answered by both the USS Berlin and the USS Enterprise-D. (TNG: "Angel One")

This outpost was only mentioned in dialogue.

Portelo system station[]

Portelo system station

Station in the Portelo system

This space station was located over a planet in the Portelo system. After the USS Voyager returned to the Alpha Quadrant in 2378, it was taken to this facility to be converted into a museum ship under the auspices of Beljo Tweekle. In 2381, the USS Cerritos was tasked with bringing Voyager from the station to Earth. (LD: "Twovix")

Qualor II surplus depot []

These two space stations were in orbit of Qualor II, and were among the various hulks that made up the Surplus Depot Z-15. (TNG: "Unification I")

These two studio models were presumably early concepts for the Spacedock One.

Scientific outpost raided by Gatherers[]

Science station in The Vengeance Factor

An outpost looted by Gatherers

A planet-based scientific outpost was the target of a raid by the Gatherers in 2366. The USS Enterprise-D had hailed the two-person outpost for two days with no response. By the time Commander William T. Riker, Dr. Beverly Crusher, Data and Worf beamed down to investigate, they had found the outpost's two scientists having suffered repeated phaser injuries, and the outposts equipment completely stripped, including their reactor.

Captain Jean-Luc Picard considered the planet far enough away from the Acamar system that he was surprised the Gatherers would raid that deep into Federation territory, though Data confirmed the Gatherers had raided outposts in neighboring sectors. (TNG: "The Vengeance Factor")

Sector 30 outposts[]

In 2364, Starfleet assumed these seven outposts in Sector 30 were destroyed by an unknown assailant. As they were located near the Neutral Zone border, it was initially thought that the Romulans were responsible. However, the Romulans had also lost outposts, and the Borg were later found to operate in a manner that explained how these and other Neutral Zone outposts were destroyed. (TNG: "The Neutral Zone", "Q Who")

These outposts were only mentioned in dialogue.

Toddman's outpost[]


Toddman's outpost

This outpost was where, in 2371, Vice Admiral Toddman of Starfleet Security was located when he had a subspace conference with the senior staff of Deep Space 9 about the invasion of Dominion space by a joint Tal Shiar-Obsidian Order armada. (DS9: "The Die is Cast")

Triona outpost[]

This outpost in the Triona system was the last assignment of Lieutenant Keith Rocha. While stationed at the outpost in 2369, he was killed by a coalescent organism. (TNG: "Aquiel")

This outpost was only mentioned in dialogue.


Burnham's station[]

Command base near the Romulan Neutral Zone[]

During the Neutral Zone Incursion of 2266, this command base, which was closest to the Romulan Neutral Zone, was fed tactical reports by the USS Enterprise as she hunted the Praetor's flagship. The command base signaled its support of Captain James T. Kirk's actions. (TOS: "Balance of Terror")

This starship base was only mentioned in dialogue.

Corinth IV starship base[]

The Corinth IV starship base was a Federation base located at Corinth IV.

In 2266, the base's commanding officer was Space Commander José Dominguez. That year, the USS Enterprise delivered Mexican red chili peppers to the base. (TOS: "The Man Trap")

This starbase was only mentioned in dialogue.

Cornwell's starbase[]

Cusak's starbase[]

Lisa Cusak and one of her sisters served on this starbase at the same time sometime prior to 2371, an experience Cusak described as a "nightmare" in a 2371 (her)/2374 (him) conversation with Benjamin Sisko. (DS9: "The Sound of Her Voice")

This starbase was only mentioned in dialogue.

Eddington's prison starbase[]

Gaila's prison starbase[]

Kallisko starbase[]

In 2368, this starbase received a message from the USS Enterprise-D about the transport ship Kallisko. This ship had been attacked by the Crystalline Entity, killing the crew and powering down the warp and impulse engines. In the message from the Enterprise-D, a request was made of this starbase, which was the nearest to the transport's position, that it send a crew to recover the Kallisko. (TNG: "Silicon Avatar")

This starbase was only mentioned in dialogue.

Picard's painting starbase[]

Painting in Picards quarters

A starbase on a painting

A painting of a space station was on display in Jean-Luc Picard's quarters aboard the USS Enterprise-D. (TNG: "The Battle", "Angel One", "Pen Pals", "Allegiance", "Captain's Holiday", "Sarek", "Suddenly Human", "Legacy", "Qpid", "The Game", "I Borg", "Rascals", "A Fistful of Datas", "Chain Of Command, Part I", "Lessons", "The Chase", "Suspicions", "Attached", "The Pegasus", "Journey's End"; Star Trek Generations)

This station was painted by Rick Sternbach, with the idea that Picard might have served on it earlier in his career. Sternbach called it a Starbase. He also speculated that it might or might not have been an earlier version of Jupiter Station, due to the similar structure. [1]

Riker's starbase[]

In 2353, this starbase was attacked by the Tholians.

At the time, the civilian strategist Kyle Riker was using the base as his 'office' as he consulted Starfleet on its conflict with the Tholians. Riker was the only survivor of the attack. (TNG: "The Icarus Factor")

This starbase was only mentioned in dialogue.

This base was named "Starbase 311 (β)" in the novel "Deny Thy Father".

Sector 31 starbases[]

On stardate 41903.2, in 2364, the Federation lost contact with the starbases in Sector 31. (TNG: "The Neutral Zone")

These starbases were only mentioned in dialogue.

The incident coincided with the destruction of a number of other outposts later implied to be destroyed by the Borg, but it was never specified if these starbases were among the stations lost.

Starbase (2278)[]

In 2278, the USS Bozeman departed from this starbase. Three weeks later, the Bozeman became trapped in a temporal causality loop. (TNG: "Cause And Effect")

This starbase was only mentioned in dialogue.

Starbase near Braslota system[]

In 2365, after an aborted war game exercise, the USS Enterprise-D towed the USS Hathaway to this starbase, which was the base closest to the Braslota system. (TNG: "Peak Performance")

This starbase was only mentioned in dialogue.

Starbase near the Delta Triangle[]

This starbase, which was the closest one to the Delta Triangle, received a recorded exchange between the USS Enterprise and a Klingon battle cruiser three weeks after the event had occurred. (TAS: "The Time Trap")

This starbase was only mentioned in dialogue.

Starbase near Devidia II[]

This starbase was the closest one to the planet Devidia II. After completing its mission at this planet, the USS Enterprise-D headed to this base at warp 6. (TNG: "Time's Arrow, Part II")

This starbase was only mentioned in dialogue.

Starbase near the Gamelan system[]

In 2367, the USS Enterprise-D contacted the nearest starbase after it received a message informing them that the mining shuttle Nenebek was delayed. The Nenebek was ferrying Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Ensign Wesley Crusher to a mediation on Pentarus V. At the time, the Enterprise was occupied with the destruction of a garbage scow which threatened the inhabited planet Gamelan V. The Enterprise requested a search vessel to find the Nenebek and recover their crewmembers, to which the starbase responded back that the closest starship was almost a week away. (TNG: "Final Mission")

This starbase was only mentioned in dialogue.

Starbase near Neural[]

The USS Enterprise reported to this base during its mission to the planet Neural in 2268. (TOS: "A Private Little War")

This starbase was only mentioned in dialogue.

Starbase near the Pleiades Cluster[]

This starbase was located near the Pleiades Cluster.

After Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise-D declared an indefinite quarantine on Velara III in 2364, his ship transported the three surviving terraformers to this base. (TNG: "Home Soil")

An unused image of Talos IV's surface prepared for "The Cage" implied it to be in or near the Pleiades Star Trek Encyclopedia, 4th ed., vol. 2, p. 171, while "If Memory Serves" claimed that Starbase 11 was just half a light year from Talos.

Starbase near the Romulan Neutral Zone[]

This starbase was located on a planet near the Romulan Neutral Zone.

In 2269, Doctor Sevrin and his followers stole the space cruiser Aurora from this facility. After the USS Enterprise had apprehended Dr. Sevrin's group, the starship sent a message to this base informing it that they had the individuals responsible for the theft, but the Aurora itself was destroyed during the chase. Later, after rescuing this group from the planet Eden, they were transported to this base. (TOS: "The Way to Eden")

Tarses' outposts[]

After graduating from the training program for enlisted personnel, and prior to his being posted to the Enterprise-D, medical technician Simon Tarses served at these outposts. (TNG: "The Drumhead")

These outposts were only mentioned in dialogue.

Ventax II research station[]

The Federation had a research station on Ventax II. Some of the station's personnel were taken hostage as the facility was overrun during a riot in a period of civil unrest on the planet in 2367. This station was located in an inhabited area. (TNG: "Devil's Due")

Klingon Empire[]

Outpost []

This outpost was located in the same quadrant as Deep Space Station K-7, and was close to Donatu V. Before the USS Enterprise changed course, the distance between the starship and the outpost would have been one parsec. (TOS: "The Trouble with Tribbles")

This outpost was only mentioned in dialogue.

Outpost (24th century)[]

This outpost was attacked by a Romulan force led by Toreth in the 24th century. In her own words, she described what happened at this outpost. "We'd been told that the Klingon outpost was undefended. So when their warships decloaked, they took us completely by surprise. The Klingons managed to destroyed half my squadron before we even opened fire. But when we did, ha! they were no match for us. I destroyed their Klingon flagship myself. I received the Sotarek Citation for my actions that day." (TNG: "Face Of The Enemy")

This outpost was only mentioned in dialogue.


Maquis base[]

In 2372, before turning herself in to the Federation, Kasidy Yates dropped her crew from the SS Xhosa off at this base. (DS9: "For the Cause")

This base was only mentioned in dialogue.



This outpost was located on an asteroid near the planet Morikin VII in the mid-2320s. It was here that Jean-Luc Picard first met the species. Decades later, in 2369, Picard would tell the story of this encounter to William Riker. (TNG: "Tapestry")

This outpost was only mentioned in dialogue.


The Qomar homeworld had at least four orbital stations during the USS Voyager's visit in 2376. (VOY: "Virtuoso")


Quarra had at least three large orbital stations located near the approach vector that USS Voyager took as it arrived at the planet in 2377. (VOY: "Workforce")


Neutral Zone Outposts[]

In 2364, a number of Romulan outposts bordering the Neutral Zone were attacked. Federation outposts in the area had also been attacked in exact same manner. Given the level of destruction, the Romulans realized the culprit could not be the Federation, and the the two major powers agreed to share information in solving the mystery. (TNG: "The Neutral Zone") Later, identical attacks were found to be committed by the Borg. (TNG: "Q Who")

These outposts were only mentioned in dialogue.

Romulan outposts attacked by Klingons[]

These outposts were located on the Klingon-Romulan border.

In 2372, during a meeting, Jadzia Dax reported to the senior staff of Deep Space 9 that the Klingons had attacked three more of these outposts. This was part of a larger agenda of the Klingon Empire to reassert themselves in the quadrant. (DS9: "Hippocratic Oath")

These outposts were only mentioned in dialogue.

Trilithium outpost[]

In 2371, this outpost was attacked by a Klingon bird-of-prey belonging to the House of Duras. The attack resulted in the death of all personnel assigned to the outpost and the theft of trilithium. (Star Trek Generations)

This outpost was only mentioned in dialogue.


Station near the Klingon border[]


Asteroid dock[]


Vostigye space station []

Vostigye station debris


The USS Voyager was due to rendezvous with the Vostigye at one of their space stations in 2373, but found it destroyed. All that remained was a debris field encompassing nearly eighty cubic kilometers, composed of materials such as Boronite, sarium, and carbon-60 composites.

There were sixty Vostigye scientists at the station, but no survivors were found. (VOY: "Real Life")


Lore's rogue Borg faction base[]

The base's exterior

In 2369, Lore and his rogue Borg faction utilized a base on the surface of Loresworld. (TNG: "Descent", "Descent, Part II")
