Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
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Information was a collection of data and facts. Information provided answers to questions and helped in decision-making. Aboard spacecraft, information was stored in the computer's memory banks, where it could be accessed by crewmembers. In individuals, information was stored in their memories.

In 2065, before the SS Valiant was destroyed, the ship's captain made urgent repeated requests from the ship's computer records for information about ESP in Humans. (TOS: "Where No Man Has Gone Before")

In 2254, Captain Christopher Pike, with little information on hand for Talos IV, decided to place Lieutenant Commander Una Chin-Riley, his most experienced officer, in command of the USS Enterprise while he led a landing party to the planet's surface. (TOS: "The Cage")

In 2268, Triacus was an uninhabited planet according to the best of information presently available to James T. Kirk and Spock. Later, Spock's tricorder detected a non-humanoid lifeform inside a cave, though it was impossible to make any specific identification as the readings did not correlate with any known information. (TOS: "And the Children Shall Lead")

In 2368, Captain Jean-Luc Picard asked to see the time traveler Berlinghoff Rasmussen because his presence gave him a potential access to a kind of information that he'd never had available to him before. (TNG: "A Matter Of Time")

The deep space probe Friendship 1 was full of information which contained translation matrices, scientific and cultural databases, computer chip designs, instructions for building transceivers. It was practically a how-to manual. The recording from Friendship 1 contained the phrase "We offer this information freely with the hope that one day we will stand on your soil and extend our hands in friendship." (VOY: "Friendship One")

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