Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The Monac shipyards were Cardassian-Dominion orbital shipyards located at Monac IV, within one hundred million kilometers of the Monac star. They were a crucial production facility for the Dominion effort to retake the Chin'toka system.

Among the vessels constructed there were primarily Galor-class warships, and Jem'Hadar battle cruisers.

In 2375, a Klingon fleet attacked the shipyards but failed to destroy the yards during the Dominion War, suffering losses of over thirty percent in the process.

Sometime thereafter, Weyoun 5 requested that Damar increase production at the shipyards by fifteen percent, as the Dominion required more assault ships to retake the Chin'toka system. He was reviewing a schematic of the yards as he made the request.

Meanwhile, a new plan was already devised and underway to destroy the ship yard, which succeeded when General Martok and Lieutenant Commander Worf successfully destroyed the shipyards in the name of Jadzia Dax using just the IKS Rotarran, when they triggered a solar plasma ejection from a magnetic instability on the Monac sun.

At least three Jem'Hadar fighters were stationed near the shipyards. (DS9: "Image in the Sand", "Shadows and Symbols")


Background information[]

The Monac shipyards were named after DS9's special effects supervisor Gary Monak. (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion, p. 598)

According to Star Trek: Star Charts (p. 46), the Monac shipyards were located in the Alpha Quadrant.

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